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Irregular Plurals

The general rule for forming plurals of countable nouns is to add -s or -es (eg, pianopianos,
lenslenses, boxboxes, tomatotomatoes), or changing -y to -ies (eg, studystudies). However,
there are many exceptions, some of which are shown below (the first version of an alternative is the
preferred one in formal or technical usage). Please consult a good dictionary for more examples or
to check particular words. If you have any questions or require language or publishing support,
please email

Guideline Singular Plural

Some words can end in -s banjo, cargo, flamingo, fresco, -s or -es
or -es ghetto, halo, mango,
memento, motto, tornado,
tuxedo, volcano
Same form for both sheep, deer, shrimp, squid, sheep, deer, shrimp, squid, species,
(collective nouns may be species, series , corps, aircraft series, corps, aircraft
plural in UK usage)
faeces (UK)/feces (US) faeces/feces
offspring offspring/offsprings
phlox phlox/phloxes
pox pox/poxes

group, class, band, faculty, UK: treated as plural words if

staff, committee, couple, individual members are being
family, government, audience talked/written about
Some words double the quiz quizzes
final consonant plus pluses/plusses
bus buses/busses (especially in
Change in the final knife, life, leaf, loaf, wolf, shelf, knives, lives, leaves, loaves, wolves,
consonant half shelves, halves

elf elves/elfs
hoof hooves/hoofs
Special endings ox oxen
child children
Change in vowel man, woman men, women
foot, tooth, goose feet, teeth, geese
Large change in word mouse mice
louse lice
brother brethren/brothers
person people/persons
die (or dice, informal) dice
penny pence/pennies
Some Latin words ending fundus, bacillus, stimulus, fundi, bacilli, stimuli, humeri, nuclei
in -us humerus, nucleus
focus foci/focuses
fungus fungi/funguses
syllabus syllabi/syllabuses
cactus cacti/cactuses © Edanz Group. CC BY-NC-ND Page 1 of 3

opus (opera for musical drama) opera/opuses (operas)
genus genera/genuses
radius radii/radiuses
terminus termini/terminuses
stylus styli/styluses
thesaurus thesauri/thesauruses
alumnus alumni (or alumnae if all female)
corpus corpora
viscus viscera
Some Latin words ending stratum, erratum, ilium, ileum, strata, errata, ilia, ilea, ova, bacteria,
in -um ovum, bacterium, mycelium mycelia

memorandum memoranda/memorandums
curriculum curricula/curriculums
minimum minima/minimums
maximum maxima/maximums
optimum optima/optimums
referendum referenda/referendums
forum fora/forums
stadium stadia/stadiums
aquarium aquaria/aquariums
millennium millennia/millenniums
moratorium moratoria/moratoriums
gymnasium gymnasia/gymnasiums
cranium crania/craniums
equilibrium equilibria/equilibriums
rostrum rostra/rostrums
rectum rectums/recta
podium podiums/podia
Some Latin words ending alga, larva, sequela, bulla algae, larvae, sequelae, bullae
in -a
melisma melismata
vertebra vertebrae/vertebras
antenna antennae/antennas
formula formulae/formulas
tibia tibiae/tibias
fibula fibulae/fibulas
ulna ulnae/ulnas
patella patellae/patellas
pleura pleurae/pleuras
serum sera/serums
amoeba (US: ameba) amoebae/amoebas
lymphoma lymphomas/lymphomata
adenoma adenomas/adenomata
myeloma myelomas/myelomata
myoma myomas/myomata
Some Latin words medium media/mediums (things in the
depending on sense middle)
media (especially mass media) media/medias (specialized usage:
types/members of mass media,
types of new/social media)
media (in anatomy) mediae © Edanz Group. CC BY-NC-ND Page 2 of 3

datum (or data, singular mass data
noun; depends on style)
agendum (or agenda) agenda/aggendums (or aggendas)
Some words ending in -is thesis, hypothesis, axis, crisis, theses, hypotheses, axes, crises,
testis, parenthesis, analysis, testes, parentheses, analyses, oases,
oasis, diagnosis, ellipsis, diagnoses, ellipses, synopses,
synopsis, neurosis, synthesis neuroses, syntheses

iris irides (medical)/irises (“iris” is

sometimes used as the plural for the
Some Greek-origin words criterion, mitochondrion criteria, mitochondria

stroma stromata
meninx meninges
phenomenon phenomena (phenomenons,
non-scientific sense, special
stigma stigmata/stigmas
stoma stomata/stomas
schema schemata/schemas
lemma lemmata/lemmas
dogma dogmata/dogmas
phalanx phalanges (medical)/phalanxes
coccyx coccyges/coccyxes
Some words ending in -ix index indices (especially mathematical
and -ex-ices sense)/indexes
appendix appendices/appendixes
matrix matrices/matrixes
vortex vortices/vortexes
vertex vertices (especially geometric
codex codices/codexes
apex apices/apexes
Some European words chateau chateaux/chateaus
virtuoso virtuosi/virtuosos
plateau plateaux/plateaus
bureau bureaux/bureaus
cello celli/cellos
concerto concerti/concertos
paparazzo (also: paparazzi) paparazzi

 Some countable words exist only in the plural and are treated as plural terms (scissors, shears, tweezers, pliers,
glasses and spectacles [to improve eyesight], scales [for weighing], stairs, trousers, jeans, thanks, congratulations,
manners [being polite], riches, savings [eg, in bank], proceeds [money received], goods [valuable items,
merchandise], arms [weaponry])
 Some plural forms are used as singular terms only (news, sports such as athletics, darts, gymnastics, billiards;
subjects such as Physics, Linguistics, Mathematics; diseases such as measles; countries such as the United States)
 Some singular words are used as plural terms only (people, the police)
 Some words change meaning in the plural, going from noncountable mass nouns to countable nouns
(clothclothes, coffeecoffees)
 Plural quantities and plural titles of books and other works are treated as singular (5 mm of rainfall was recorded,
$10 was given, “Star Wars” was interesting) © Edanz Group. CC BY-NC-ND Page 3 of 3

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