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Title of the project : Material Recovery Facility
Project Locale : Bulasa, Argao , Cebu
No. of Training Hours : 4 hours (5 days)
No of Beneficiaries :
Total Project Cost :
Implementing Curricular Program/s :
Implementing Partner/s:

Waste is an avoidable outcome of any household or community activities. It is regarded as
useless and is destined to go disposal sites. However, studies have shown that these useless
and worthless waste could be potentially valuable resources when manage properly. Solid
waste management for example, waste is segregated according to its type. Biodegradable
ones can be used as compost and fertilizers to farms. Non – biodegradable items like plastic
bottles and the likes can be used to create new item of purpose. Good waste management will
not only aim to dispose the waste but also improve the people’s knowledge on how to recover
valuable items for other uses.
Although the recovery of valuable items from the community has numerous advantages to
the people and the environment. The waste collected are disposed to landfills.
A. Statement of Need
With increasing number of population in Bulasa, Argao, Cebu, it is anticipated the number of
waste in the barangay will also double or triple the number. This project aims to determine
the level of knowledge of the people of Bulasa, Argao in Solid waste management.
1. Enumerate the issues in segregating the wastes.
2. Identify the common waste each household has.
3. Propose seminars on the Solid Waste Management and integration on the
Material Recovery Facility.
B. Goals/ Objectives
 The project mainly seeks to recover valuable items from the solid waste stream
produced by the people of Bulasa.
 Characterized solid waste on Bulasa.
 Assess feasibility of source separation of solid waste.
 Recover and utilize valuable materials from solid waste
C. Intended Outcomes
Eventually the project is expected to produce the following results:
 Profit generation
 Reduce the amount of solid wastes for disposal
 Promote environmental cleanliness in the barangay
 Promote research development and dissemination on material recovery

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