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Life science companies Leiden University Medical Center Leiden University Other knowledge institutions Other companies





Companies and institutions on the Leiden Bio Science Park

- Faculty of Science - Institute of Chemistry (LIC) - Membrane Protein Laboratory - Netherlands Metabolomics Centre - PRISNA - ZoBio Nalco Van Steenis building - Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) - Nationaal Herbarium Hal Allergy BioPartner Center, Wassenaarseweg - Amarna Therapeutics - BAC - Biok - ChiralVision - Cryocath - Culgi - CuraRata - Derphartox - Enzyscreen - FlexGen - Life Science & Health - Prosensa - Rahu Catalytics - STI Management - Stuurgroep weesgeneesmiddelen - Top Institute Pharma - Mymetics - Viruvation - VOIBSP - Voltea - Zon MW Sylvius Laboratory (under reconstruction) - Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL) Ova building - BaseClear - Mycobics - Servier - Verilabs Apotex Europe Nijsen Koeling 17 18 19 20 21 Hoogheemraadschap van Rijnland (Waterboard) Crucell OctoPlus Genencor Gaubius building - DeltaCell - Fytagoras - Lactrys Bio Pharmaceuticals - Profibrix - TNO Quality of life - SU Biomedicine - Centre for Human Drug Research (CHDR) - Promasys Crown BioLab - Centocor Crucell - Proxy Laboratories - Protein Labelling Innovation - Xendo Vacant Sirius building - Dutch Space Dutch Space Kenniscentrum Leiden - LAP&P CAM Bioceramics - Hogeschool Leiden (Higher Professional Education Leiden) - ROC Leiden, laboratory studies Mentor Medical Systems SL Plaza - BioFocus DPI - DNage - Galapagos genomics - MicroSafe services from Millipore - Pharming Millford Brand-id Naturalis De stal (The stable) Stichting Valk Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) Research building 39 40 41 Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) Education building Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) Pelikaan building - Cell Signaling Technology Europe / BIOK - Sanquin Bloodbank - ServiceXS Pathology building Anatomy building Clusius building Gorter building - Add2X Biosciences - TNO Quality of life Willem Einthoven building - CWTS Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences GGZ Leiden en omstreken Poortbuilding - BioTop Medical - Giotto Management Consultants - ISA Pharmaceuticals - Leiden Bio Science Park foundation - Leiden University Research and Innovation Services (LURIS) - Link - LSJ Medisch Projectbureau - Medipark - Stichting Interplast Holland Corpus Experience Astellas (Leiderdorp) BioClinica Syntiro Pharma Support International OCS Biometric Support Promega Medis Medical Imaging Systems Alphabetical order: Add2X Biosciences 45 Aeon Astron 2 Amarna Therapeutics 12 Anatomy building 43 Annafonds 2 Apotex Europe 15 Astellas (Leiderdorp) 51 BAC 12 BabyBloom 2 BaseClear 14 BioClinica 52 Biocult 2 BioFocus DPI 33 BioPartner, Center Wassenaarseweg, 12 BioPartner, Center Niels Bohrweg, 2 BioTop Medical 49 CAM Bioceramics 30 Cell observatory 8 Cell Signaling Technology Europe / BIOK 41 Centocor 3, 4, 23 Centre for Human Drug Research (CHDR) 22 ChiralVision 12 Clusius building 44 Competence Center for Innovative Manufacturing 2 Corpus Experience 50 Cosine 2 Crown BioLab 23 Crucell 18, 24 Cryocath 12 Culgi 12 CuraRata 12 CWTS 46 De stal (The stable) 36 DeltaCell 21 Derphartox 12 DNage 33 Dutch Space 27, 28 EJR-Quartz 2 Enzyscreen 12 ExPlant Technologies 8 Faculty of Science 8 Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences 47 FlexGen 12 Fytagoras 21 Galapagos genomics 33 Gaubius building 21 Genencor 20 GGZ Leiden en omstreken 48 GiMaRIS 2 Giotto Management Consultants 49 Gorlaeus laboratory 8 Gorter building 45 HAL Allergy 11 Hogeschool Leiden (Higher Professional Education Leiden) 31 Hoogheemraadschap van Rijnland (Waterboard) 17 Huijgens laboratory 6 Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL) 13 Institute of Chemistry (LIC) 8 Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) 10 ISA Pharmaceuticals 49 Kenniscentrum Leiden 29 Lactrys Bio Pharmaceuticals 21 LAP&P 29 Leiden/Amsterdam Center for Drug Research (LACDR) 8 Leiden Bio Science Park foundation 49 Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Studies (LIACS) 1 Leiden Institute of Physics (LION) 5 Leiden Instrument Makers School 7 Leiden Probe Microscopy 5 Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) 40 Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) Research building 38 Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) Education building 39 Leiden University Research and Innovation Services (LURIS) 49 Life Science & Health 12 Link 49 Lorentz Center 5 LSJ Medisch Projectbureau 49 Mathematical Institute 1 Medipark 49 Medis Medical Imaging Systems 56 Membrane Protein Laboratory 8 Mentor Medical Systems 32 MEVS 2 MicroSafe services from Millipore 33 Millford Brand-id 34 Milton 2 Mycobics 14 Mymetics 12 Nalco 9 Nationaal Herbarium 10 Naturalis 35 Netherlands Metabolomics Centre 8 Nijsen Koeling 16 Observatory 5 OCS Biometric Support 54 OctoPlus 19 Oort building 5 Ova building 14 Pathology building 42 Pelikaan building 41 Pharming 33 Poortbuilding 49 PRISNA 8 Profibrix 21 Promasys 22 Promega 55 Prosensa 12 Protein Labelling Innovation 25 ProteoNic 2 Proxy Laboratories 25 Questions, Answers and More 2 Rahu Catalytics 12 ROC Leiden, laboratory studies 31 Sanquin Bloodbank 41 S&T Courses 2 Science based business 1 ServiceXS 41 Servier 14 Sirius building 27 SL Plaza 33 Snellius building 1 SPMC Group 2 STI Management 12 Stichting Contacten Bedrijfsleven 2 Stichting Interplast Holland 49 Stichting Valk 37 Stuurgroep weesgeneesmiddelen 12 SU Biomedicine 21 Sylvius building 13 Syntiro Pharma Support International 53 TNO Quality of life 21, 45 to-BBB Technologies 2 Top Institute Pharma 12 TopLab Hogeschool Leiden 2 Vacant 26 Van Steenis building 10 Verilabs 14 Verpakapotheek 2 Viruvation 12 VOIBSP 12 Voltea 12 Willem Einthoven building 46 Xendo 2, 25 ZF-screens 2 ZoBio 8 Zon MW 12

Order by number: 1 Snellius building - Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Studies (LIACS) - Mathematical Institute - Science based business BioPartner Center, Niels Bohrweg - Aeon Astron - Annafonds - BabyBloom - Biocult - Competence Center for Innovative Manufacturing - Cosine - EJR-Quartz - GiMaRIS - MEVS - Millton - ProteoNic - Questions, Answers and More - S&T Courses - SPMC Group - Stichting Contacten Bedrijfsleven - to-BBB Technologies - TopLab Hogeschool Leiden - Verpakapotheek - Xendo - ZF-screens Centocor Centocor Oort building - Leiden Institute of Physics (LION) - Leiden Probe Microscopy - Lorentz Center - Observatory Huijgens laboratory Leiden Instrument Makers School Gorlaeus laboratory - Cell observatory - ExPlant Technologies - Leiden/Amsterdam Center for Drug Research (LACDR)

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Leiden Bio Science Park

Leiden is the best choice to set up your business for its talent, technology and connectivity
Your gateway to Europe Leiden Bio Science Park is the leading life science cluster in the Netherlands and ranks among the top five most successful science parks in Europe. It is fully dedicated to biomedical life science and offers opportunities for both start-ups and established companies. The Leiden Bio Science Park features over 60 dedicated medical life science companies, the largest number of bioscience start-ups in the Netherlands, several multinationals and internationally acclaimed knowledge institutions. This is an excellent environment for your science and business to flourish. Talent Due to its outstanding research, excellent facilities and healthy business climate, Leiden is home to a number of leading innovative companies, such as Centocor, Crucell, Galapagos, OctoPlus and Pharming. Several renowned research institutions such as the Faculty of Science at Leiden University, the Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC), TNO Quality of Life, the Centre for Human Drug Research (CHDR) and Top Institute Pharma are based at the Leiden Bio Science Park. Technology A key benefit of Leiden Bio Science Park is its ability to commercialize biomedical knowledge. The park has a strategy for identifying the most promising research findings at its knowledge institutions and strongly encourages commercial development, by seeking suitable business partners, arranging financial and legal support. Made in Leiden Life sciences research in Leiden, academic and industrial, has already yielded a number of new technologies and products. These discoveries have often sprung from cooperation with other groups based outside of Leiden. The following examples of products Made in Leiden illustrate the parks commercial potential: actor-V Leiden, the most prevalent genetic risk F factor for venous thrombosis, was discovered at the LUMC; Connectivity Since 1984, Leiden Bio Science Park has been developed using a so-called Triple-helix model, where companies and knowledge institutions work closely together with the government. This model has facilitated the development of a dynamic and effective knowledge cluster, profitable business and continuous growth. Establish your company in Leiden The ambitious expansion of the park with another 36 hectare available for development, will create more opportunities for companies working in the life sciences and R&D institutes to establish themselves in an attractive location. There are numerous facilities on offer, catering for the needs of companies at different stages of growth. Ranging from incubator buildings for new start-ups, to multi-tenant buildings and individual building plots. Now available At this moment plots for new development are available at the Sylvius area and the Oegstgeest area. n the Sylvius area 40.000 m2 floor space is availI able for life science companies with production, distribution and for laboratories and supporting offices. n the Oegstgeest area over 130.000 m2 floor space I is available for laboratories with offices related to the life sciences. A further 55.000 m2 floor space is available for offices related to the life sciences. emicade, produced by Centocor, is a new type of R monoclonal antibody used in the treatment of autoimmune diseases; uinvaxem, produced by Crucell, is a vaccine used Q for protection against five important childhood diseases: diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), hepatitis B and Haemophilus influenzae type b; Prosensa and the LUMC are currently working on the development of a treatment for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy; octeron, indicated for chronic hepatitis C, a novel L interferon alpha combined with proprietary drug delivery technology, is being developed by OctoPlus; DNage, develops novel therapeutics and biomarkers for ageing related disorders. Their current research focus is on a therapy for Cockayne Syndrome.

Facts and figures Leiden Bio Science Park (since 1984) with a clear focus on biomedical and biomolecular life sciences Largest life science cluster in the Netherlands with: 60 life science companies with 3100 employees the largest number of start-up companies in life sciences two incubator buildings, the BioPartner Center Leiden, with 34 biotech companies 7 world class academic/education centers with 4.000 employees in life science related jobs LUMC with 7000 employees of whom 1000 in research 2 musea: Naturalis, the national natural history museum with over 250,000 visitors per year and Corpus Experience, a museum on the human body Size is 120 ha ( 275 acres); 36 ha is available for new companies and other functions

For more information call Ellen Smit +31 (0)71 524 75 55

Leiden Bio Science Park

Poortbuilding North

Rijnsburgerweg 10

2333 AA Leiden

The Netherlands

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Leiden is the best choice to set up your business for its talent, technology and connectivity



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