CABLINDA - Assignment 1

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Ronel Kian S.

Cablinda Expository Sermon Design and Delivery RGF TTh 1:30-3:00 PM

Read two articles on Preaching from the website of ministry magazine and answer the following

“Pseudo-Sermons.” Osborn, John. Accessed January 25, 2023.”

1. Who wrote the article?

The late John Osborn is the author of this article. He was the Ministerial director of the
Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and was active in conducting
seminars on expository preaching.

2. What things have you learned about the article?

I have learned to prefer expository sermons over topical sermons. While topical sermons
are the more popular method of preaching, it is the expository kind that enriches the church.
Expository preaching centers on the Word of God and makes the passages relevant to the
present hearers. A topical preacher will soon run out of topics to preach on, but an
expository preacher can stay in one pulpit for a lifetime and never repeat the same sermon

3. What questions came to your mind as you read the article?

How do we reveal the present relevance of a given text without making the mistake of over-

4. How do you plan to apply the things you have read in your own preaching ministry?
I have been making topical sermons since my freshman year in Theology. I find that I’ve
outgrown the desire to make more sermons of this kind. As a resolution, I have decided not
to make any more topical sermons – for this semester at least – and focus on expository

“Expository Preaching.” Bresee, Floyd. Accessed January 25, 2023.

1. Who wrote the article?

Floyd Bresee, Ph.D. wrote this article. He is a former secretary of the General Conference
Ministerial Association and continues to pastor and preach in Oregon, where he and his
wife, Ellen, live in retirement.

2. What things have you learned about the article?

I have just learned how much hard work is required to craft a sermon. It requires far more
work than what I am doing as of now. Much planning and scribbled notes go into the
preparation for expository preaching. It takes a whole week at least. The article also
Ronel Kian S. Cablinda Expository Sermon Design and Delivery RGF TTh 1:30-3:00 PM

encourages preachers to live out their sermons for one week before presenting them to the
congregation. Insights spring out from this experience which would serve to powerfully
reinforce the main thrust of the message.

3. What questions came to your mind as you read the article?

What do you do if you experience a sudden “writer’s block” or reach a dead end in the
pursuit to craft an expository sermon?

4. How do you plan to apply the things you have read in your own preaching ministry?
As I make the resolve to craft expository sermons instead of the topical kind, I would also
make sure to give ample time and preparation to the sermon-creating process. I will ever
keep in mind the passage “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that
needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15, KJV.

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