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The Philippines Seismic Risk Reduction and Resilience Project Development Objectives are to
enhance first, the safety and seismic resilience of selected public buildings in Metro Manila, and the
capacity of the DPWH to prepare for and respond to emergencies. This project I would classify as an
agile project management since it doesn’t need to follow a certain step-by-step approach. But, the
phases of the project are completed in parallel to each other by various target date to accomplish for
indicators. This type also is focused on the continuous monitoring and improvement of deliverables
wherein it can be seen in this project development of enabling the DPWH to withstand in fortuitous
events that its organization is responsible with.

2. This project is already done in the initiation and planning stage for the goals and scopes are already
defined. The World Bank already approved the project cost need to be borrowed by the implementing
agency, the DPWH. It’s now undergoing project execution which is working out for all listed plans and
activities to be achieved simultaneously with project monitoring and controlling to ensure that
objectives and project deliverables are met.

3. a. It means a lot for this project to be executed well since lives are at risk here. The capability of the
DPWH in general to give its constituents the best in constructions and improvements of public
buildings, roads and railways is necessary for we don’t know when unforeseen events like
earthquakes would exactly occur. Awareness of what to do isn’t enough. Readiness should always be
kept in mind to face such natural disasters for it is better to prepare than to repair.

b. The DPWH has its closing date of the project set on June 30, 2026.

C. The funding for the project cost would come from World Bank and non-bank sources with a
commitment amount of US$ 300.00 million. Proposed (pipeline) and dropped projects show the
forecast amount. The commitment amount for projects in the pipeline is indicative and may be
modified during the project preparation.

4. I think that the environmental forces that could contribute to the success of this projects are how
advanced and technologically-inclined the machines and equipments that will be used in the project
development. Also, having a better communications and relationships with other countries for faster
transactions in connection to the said project as well as the active response of the recent regime to
the the betterment of the project, and the skills and productivity of the labor force to accomplished
all in its best quality. Lastly, is the unity as a whole of the implementing agency and all persons
involved in the project to uphold their duties and responsibilities. While the failure of the project
would cause by corrupting the fund for the project, misunderstanding of the parties involved, inclining
to traditional instead of the advanced technologies,

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