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Senior High School

Philippine Politics and
Quarter 1 – Module 4
States, Nations and Globalizations

Sandra Mae Dulay Calpito

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer Pre Test before moving on to the other activities included in
this module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
7. If you encounter difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to
consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not alone.

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and gain
deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

You have learned in module 1 that political science is the study of the state
and the government. In this section, you will further learn about the state and will be
acquainted with the basic differences among state, government, and nation. States,
nations and globalization are the trending issues in the 21st century. You may
wonder what could be the importance of states as a political entity and as an actor in
the global order, given the increasing interconnectedness of the world at present. In
this trying times where COVID 19 significantly affected every state and nation in a
massive scale. Thus, the relationship between the state and globalization will also be
addressed in this part.

After reading this module, you will be able to analyze the relationship among
nations and states in the context of globalization.

Specifically, this module will help you to:

 define nation and state;
 explain meanings of globalization;
 identify several forms of globalization


MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer
on the space provided.

_____1. It believes that the state must have been founded to take charge of
man’s various needs.
a. Necessity Theory c. Patriarchal Theory
b. Economic Theory d. Divine Right Theory
_____2. It is the agency through which the state operationalizes its functions.
a. State c. Government
b. Nation d. Society
_____3. It is a community of persons, occupying a definite portion of territory,
possessing a government, and enjoying independence from external control.
a. nation                       c. citizenry 
b. state                                       d. people
_____4. It refers to the rational inhabitants of a State bind by law, living
together for the purpose of mobilizing a polity.
a. power               c. people                     
b. alien                    d. nation
_____5. The geographical profile of a State that includes the land, waters, and
the space above.
a. sovereignty               c. people
b. territory                               d. government
_____6. It believes that the State founded by man’s covenant.
a. Instinctive Theory c. Social Contract Theory
b. Historical Theory d. Divine Right Theory
_____7. It is the supreme power of the State to extract obedience to its laws
upon the citizens.
a. sovereignty               c. people
b. territory                                      d. government
_____8. The four territorial domains, except one.
a. aerial c. insular shelves
b. fluvial d. terrestrial
_____9. A large aggregate of people united by common descent, history,
culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.
a. States c. Territory
b. Nation d. Government
_____10. It holds that the State is a divine creation and God has chosen his vice-
regents on earth to rule it.
a. Instinctive Theory c. Social Contract Theory
b. Historical Theory d. Divine Right Theory

Activity 1: Power Quotes!

Direction: Read each of the quotes. Then give each quote a truth rating. Provide a
short explanation of why you rated each quote the way you did.

1. “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's
character, give him power.” – Abraham Lincoln

The quote above is…

1 2 3 4 5
Never True Seldom True Sometimes Often True Always true


2. “If someone puts their hands on you make sure they never put their hands
on anybody else again.” – Malcom X

The quote above is…

1 2 3 4 5
Never True Seldom True Sometimes Often True Always true


3. “Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you
aren't.” ― Margaret Thatcher

The quote above is…

1 2 3 4 5
Never True Seldom True Sometimes Often True Always true


4. “The measure of a man is what he does with power.”

― Plato

The quote above is…

1 2 3 4 5
Never True Seldom True Sometimes Often True Always true


5. “A leader must be terror to few who are evil in order to protect the lives and
wellbeing of the many who are good – Rodrigo Duterte

The quote above is…

1 2 3 4 5
Never True Seldom True Sometimes Often True Always true


LESSON States, Nations and

4 Globalizations


State – any politically organized community living under a single system of

government. States may or may not be sovereign.
• An organization, composed of numerous agencies led and coordinated by the
state’s leadership (executive authority), with the ability or authority to create
and implement the binding rules for all the people as well as the parameters
of rule making for other social organizations in a given territory, using force if
necessary to have its way.
• A group of persons, more or less numerous, permanently occupying a definite
portion of territory, independent of external control, and possessing a
government to which a great body of inhabitants render habitual obedience.

Nations – a large aggregate of people united by common descent, history, culture,
or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.
• a group of people who share the same culture, language, institutions, religion,
and history— usually a group of people larger than a tribe or community.
• A complex phenomenon shaped by a collection of cultural, political, and
psychological factors.

The difference between the Nation and the State

• When a nation of people has an independent State of their own it is often
called a nation-state. The Kurds are a nation without a State, but France,
Germany, and Japan are examples of nation-states.
• A nation can be referred to as the holder of sovereignty that has a big role in
developing the fundamental norms of a state. A nation will have a constitution,
whereas a state will not have a separate constitution.

Globalization – the process by which businesses or other organizations develop

international influence or start operating on an international scale.

• Refers to processes whereby many social relations become relatively

delinked from territorial geography, so that human lives are increasingly
played out in the world as a single place.
• This term describes the process through which economies, societies and
cultures become further integrated through a global network of political ideas
through communication, transportation and trade.
• Whether the term is an ideology or not is debatable, but it is an idea that more
and more comes to influence the way we see the world.

What is the difference between Nation and State?

• State is a legal or juristic concept, while Nation is an ethnic or racial concept.
• Nasci = to be born indicates a relation of birth or origin and implies a common race.
Thus, a nation may comprise several states Example: Egypt, Iraq, Saudi, Lebanon,
Jordan, etc. belong to Arab nation.
• It is also possible for a single state to be made up of more than one nation, e.g. US
which was the “melting pot” of many nations that were eventually combined into the
“American nation”

States distinguished from nation.

Nation should not also be confused with state as they are not the same.
(1) The state is a political concept, while nation is an ethnic concept. A nation is a
group of people bound together by certain characteristics such as common social
origin, language, customs, and traditions, and who believe that they are one and
distinct from others. The term is more strictly synonymous with “people”;

(2) A state is not subject to external control while nation may or may not be
independent of external control;

(3) A single state may consist of one or more nations or peoples and conversely,
a single nation may be made up of several states. The United States is a melting pot
of several nationalities. On the other hand, the Arab nation is divided politically into
several sovereign states. Among them are: Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria,
Lebanon, and others. The Philippines is a state composed of one nation.

(4) In common usage, however, the two terms are often used synonymously. The
Constitution uses them interchangeably.

State distinguished from government.

 In common speech, they are usually regarded as identical. As ordinarily, the
acts of the government (within the limits of the delegation of powers) are the
acts of the state, the former is meant when the latter is mentioned, and vice

 The government is only the agency through which the states articulate its will.
The former is the agent, the latter is the principal. A state cannot exist without
a government, but it is possible to have a government without a state. Thus,
we had various governments at different periods of our history, from pre-
Spanish times to the present. There was no Philippine state during those
periods when we were under foreign domination.

 A government may change, its form may change, but the state, as long as its
elements are present, remains the same

Forms of Globalization

Forms Features/Characteristics Manifestations/Examples

Economic Globalization All economies have been • Internationalized

integrated in a global production
economy. • Financial capital flowing
freely between countries

Cultural Globalization Information, commodities, • McDonaldization or what

and images from one part George Ritzer (1993)
of the world make cultural called as rationalization
differences between that Max Weber found in
nations and individuals bureaucracies extended to
less significant. fast-food chains. This then
leads to standardization of
processes such as
• Information revolution
• Global brands
penetrating the local scene

Political Globalization The importance of • Influence on domestic

international issues of organizations
organizations, such as the United
transnational Nations, World Trade
organizations, and Organization, World Bank,
nongovernmental Asian Development Bank,
organizations is being International Red Cross,
recognized. and World Wide Fund for

Theories of the Origin of the State
1. Divine-Right Theory – It holds that the State is a divine creation and God
has chosen his vice-regents on earth to rule it.
2. Social Contract Theory – It believes that the State founded by man’s
covenant or contract
3. Patriarchal Theory – It believes that the State is a mere expansion of family;
family grew into clan, clan into tribe, tribe into nation and nation into state
4. Necessity and Force Theory – it maintains that the State is founded
because the weak seeks protection and the strong ones protect and rule them
in return.
5. Instinctive Theory – It holds that the State is founded out of man’s instinct for
6. Economic Theory – it believes that the state must have been founded to take
charge of man’s various needs.
7. Historical Theory – it asserts that State is product of human development.
Elements of a State
1. People – People are defined as the mass of population living within a state
constituting the body politic or they are simply referred as the inhabitants of
the state.

2. Territory – Territory is the fixed portion of the surface of the earth inhabited by
the people of the State. 
Integration of a group of islands to the sea and their oneness so that together
they can constitute one unit, one country, and one state.

3. Government – The agency or instrumentality through which the will of the

State is formulated, expressed and realized.

4. Sovereignty – The supreme and uncontrollable power innate in a State by

which that State is governed
It has, therefore, two manifestations:
(a) Internal or the power of the state to rule within its territory; and
(b) External or the freedom of the state to carry out its activities without
subjection to or control by other states. External sovereignty is often
referred to as independence.

The Rights and Obligation of the State

1. The right to exist as a sovereign political entity – This is the right of a
given country (colloquial form of nation) to exist and administer the affairs,
there should be o intervention or control from any foreign country.
2. The right to independence – This is the right of state to manage its internal
and external affairs without the dictates or the interference of other states as
long as it does not violate the rights of other states.
3. The right of equality – The right of equality pertains to legal equality only.
States that are members of the United Nations are considered equal
regardless of size, population, wealth, among others.
4. The right to property and domain – it is the right of the state to enjoy
absolute ownership to the territorial and non-territorial possessions of the
state. It includes the right to use and exploit these possessions up to its
utmost benefits.
5. The right jurisdiction – The right of jurisdiction is the power of the state to
exercise full authority to its subjects and to the material possessions of the

state. Subjects include citizens and aliens. Material possessions include land,
including the fluvial and aerial domains.


Activity 2. League of Nations

Direction: Association of Southeast Asian Nations is composed of eleven countries

of impressive diversity in religion, culture and history. Identify the eleven (11)
countries which are members of Southeast Asian Nations using the picture below.

Activity 3. News Analysis

Direction: Read the news article below. After reading the article answer the
guide questions.

Palace: PH not giving up on West Philippine Sea

By: Julie M. Aurelio - Reporter / @JMAurelioINQ
Philippine Daily Inquirer / 10:14 PM September 05, 2019

MANILA, Philippines–Even though President Duterte is dissatisfied over China’s refusal

to adhere to Manila’s 2016 arbitration victory in their South China Sea disputes, the Chief
Executive won’t be giving up on asserting the country’s claims in the contested territory.
Malacañang on Thursday reassured that the Philippines is not surrendering on the issue,
stressing that the country’s claim is “final, binding and unappealable.”
“Our claim, as the President said, is final, binding and unappealable. It is a question of
enforcing the same. Again, the question will arise, who will enforce it; how do you enforce
it. We will have to look for a mechanism how to enforce it,” presidential spokesperson
Salvador Panelo said.
Pressed if this means the Philippines is not giving up on the ruling, Panelo replied:
“Definitely, we’re not. I think that’s very clear from the President’s declaration.”
He made the remarks a day after the President said he was not satisfied with Chinese
President Xi Jinping’s refusal to heed the arbitral ruling that favored Manila’s claims in the
South China Sea.
Mr. Duterte raised the ruling in his recent bilateral meeting with Xi in Beijing, during
which Xi refused to budge from China’s position that the expansive waters — which
overlaps with the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone — is a Chinese territory.
Duterte has long been criticized by nationalists and left-wing groups for not immediately
demanding Chinese compliance with  the ruling by an arbitration tribunal in The Hague
that declared China’s claims to virtually the entire South China Sea invalid under the 1982
U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea.
The ruling also upheld the Philippines’ sovereign rights over a wide stretch of waters called
the exclusive economic zone, where Chinese territorial claims have delayed for years
Manila’s plan to explore and extract potential undersea deposits of oil and gas.
Panelo noted that it was good that even with the maritime dispute at an impasse, the two
countries are still cooperating in some areas.
“Meanwhile, let’s talk on how this can be resolved. But to my mind, even if there is an
impasse, there appears to be joint cooperation by both parties with respect to the joint
exploration of oil, and that is a good sign,” he said.
The Palace said the President prefers to tackle other areas of concern where the Philippines
has no conflict with China.
“What he’s saying is, the two parties agreed to peacefully negotiate for the solution of the
conflict. But meanwhile, let’s go to the other areas of concern that we don’t have problems
in,” Panelo said.
As to the proposed joint oil exploration between China and the Philippines, Panelo said the
steering committees from both nations will still have to discuss the terms and conditions of
the proposed deal.
“That has to be discussed, we don’t know yet what will the terms of reference will be,” he
said when asked on the proposed 60-40 sharing deal in favor of Manila.
Told that energy secretary Alfonso Cusi is of the opinion that the 60-40 sharing deal is only
applicable to contested areas and not to areas falling within the Philippines’ territorial
waters, Panelo said: “If that is the position of Cusi being the alter ego of the President,
unless overruled by the President, that is the policy.”

“If that is the policy of Mr. Cusi as Energy czar to limit the exploitation of certain areas,
then that is the policy of the government. Unless, overruled, altered or amended by the
President without prior notice. Everything is subject to change without prior notice with
this President,” he added. 

Guide Questions

1. What is the news all about?

2. How the Philippine government does addressed the issue on territorial
3. Why does the Chinese government care so much about the West
Philippine Sea?









5 4 3 2 1
Quality of The situation The situation The situation The situation The situation
Writing and opinion and opinion and opinion and opinion and opinion
given was were were vague given was given was
excellent. informative and general. somehow poorly
and not related to organized
organized. the and not
concepts. related to the

Grammar No Few spelling Almost half Every Many

Usage grammatical or of the paragraph spelling or
errors grammatical answer contains grammatical
errors contains spelling or
spelling or grammatical
grammatical errors.

Activity 4. Name that Slogan!

Direction: Identify the slogans of the different international products and services.

Slogan Brand Name
“Just Do It!”

“Melts in your mouth, not in your hands”

“Obey your thirst”

“We find ways.”

“Hindi umaatras and may tunay na


“Bida ang sarap.”, “Langhap Sarap”

“Tatak barko. Tatak sariwa!”

“We fuel success.”

“Sarap ng filling mo.”

“Simply Amazing”, “The power to lead.”

“Ito and tama.”

“Balanced news, fearless news.”

“Finger lickin' good”

“The happiest place on earth”

“Open Happiness”

Activity 5: PERS time

Direction: Illustrate or identify scenarios how globalization works in Philippine context

in terms of:

1. Political

2. Economic


3. Religious; and

4. Socio-cultural interconnections

Activity 6. Are you Positive or Negative?

Direction: In this activity, write down the at least five (5) positive and negative effects
of globalization in the Philippines.


In ordinary language, the terms nation, state, and government are

used interchangeably. In this module, you have seen how different these terms are
from each other. The Philippines is both a state and a nation. As a state, it is
composed of elements such as people, territory, government, and sovereignty. As a
nation, the Philippines is comprised of individuals who share certain commonalities
as to language, identity, tradition, or history and who share a feeling of unity and
belongingness with that imagined community

Globalization refers to the process of the intensification of economic, political,

social and cultural relations across international boundaries. There is no doubt that
globalization is one of the most challenging developments in the world history.
Globalization has been dominating the political arena of different states.


I. WORD POOL. Choose the correct answer from the pool box.

Nation Government Internal State Archipelagic


Sovereignty Territory Globalization External People

_______________1. The mass of population living within a state constituting

the body politic or they are simply referred as the inhabitants of the state.
_______________2. The supreme and uncontrollable power innate in a State
by which that State is governed.
_______________3. The process by which businesses or other organizations
develop international influence or start operating on an international scale.
_______________4. Any politically organized community living under a single
system of government.
_______________5. A group of people bound together by certain
characteristics such as common social origin, language, customs, and
traditions, and who believe that they are one and distinct from others.
_______________6. Integration of a group of islands to the sea and their
oneness so that together they can constitute one unit, one country, and
one state.
_______________7. The power of the state to rule within its territory
_______________8. The agency through which the states articulate its will.
_______________9. The fixed portion of the surface of the earth inhabited by
the people of the State.
_______________10. A kind of sovereignty where the state has the freedom to
carry out its activities without subjection to or control by other states.

II. Enumerate the rights and Obligations of the State

1. _______________________________________
2. _______________________________________
3. _______________________________________
4. _______________________________________
5. _______________________________________


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