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16 November 1995


ELSEVIER Physics Letters B 363 (1995) 46-50

Total cross section measurement for the three double pion

photoproduction channels on the proton
A. Braghieriavb, L.Y. Murphy b*c,l, J. Ahrense, G. Audit b, N. d’Hose b, V. Isbert b,
S. Kerhoas b, M. Mac Cormick b, P. Pedroni a,2, T. Pinelli avd,G. Tamas b, A. Zabrodin b,f
a INFN-S&one di Pavia, via Bassi 6, 27100 Pavia. Italy
b CEA DAPNIA-SPhN, C.E. Saclay, 91191 Gif sur Yvette, France
’ Physics Department, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Troy, NY 12180, USA
* Dipartimento di Fisica Nucleare e Teorica, Universitci degli Studi di Pavia, via Bassi 6, 27100 Pavia, Italy
’ Institutftir Kerphysik, Universitiit Mainz, 55099 Mainz, Germany
f INR, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Received 3 October 1994; revised manuscript received 14 September 1995

Editor: J.P. Schiffer

The total cross sections for the three yp + Nrr reactions have been measured for photon energies from 400 to 800 MeV.
The YP + p&‘# and yp -+ nr+n-O cross sections have never been measured before while the yp + p&p- results are
much improved compared to earlier data. These measurements were performed with the large acceptance hadronic detector
DAPHNE, at the tagged photon beam facility of the MAMI microtron in Mainz.

Keywords: Nuclear reaction yp -+ Nrr?r; E, from 400 to 800 MeV; Measured rtOt

1. Introduction final state, were thus not measurable using such tech-
Of the three possible double pion photoproduction Today, however, the use of large acceptance mul-
channels on hydrogen, only one, yp + p&r-, has, tiparticle detectors, in conjunction with the availabil-
to date, been measured with any accuracy [ 1,2]. Ear- ity of high intensity tagged photon beams produced at
lier experiments were for the most part performed with high duty factor ( 100%) accelerators, allows a precise
untagged bremsstrahlung photons incident on bubble study of these previously “unmeasurable” channels.
chambers. In these instances, the PIT+~~- channel was In this paper, we present measurements of
identified by the detection of at least two charged par- ptOt(prr+71.- 1, ctot ( n&g ) and ctot ( pd?ro >, from
ticles in coincidence. The two other possible reaction 400 up to 800 MeV. In this energy range, the cross
channels, each involving two neutral particles in the sections are sensitive not only to the A, but also to
higher baryon resonances. In particular, the p?r”?ro
channel is most interesting since the Born terms are
’ In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of PhD suppressed due to the fact that photons do not couple
in Physics. with neutral pions. As a result, the contribution from
* Corresponding author.
these resonances should be more clearly seen.
E-mail address: PEDRONI@PAVIA.INFN.IT.

Elsevier Science B.V.

SSDI 0370-2693(95)0 I 189-7
A. Braghieri et al. /Physics Letters B 363 (1995) 46-50 41

2. Experimental set-up momentum cannot be directly measured. Kinematical

constraints, consequently, may not be applied.
The experiment was performed with the large accep-
tance detector DAPHNE [3] installed on the tagged 3.1. The yp-p?To$, yp+n+?r0, and yp+pzO
photon beam line [ 41 operated by Glasgow University channels
at the continuous wave accelerator MAMI in Mainz
151. These channels, each with at least one ?ro in the fi-
nal state, are unambiguously signed by a triple coin-
2.1. The photon beam cidence between a charged particle and the two pho-
tons resulting from the decay of the 9. The ?ro de-
The photon energy ranged from 350 up to 800 MeV tection efficiency as a function of photon energy, E,+I,
with an average resolution of 2 MeV. The total tagged was evaluated using the GEANT code. All three reac-
photon flux was on the order of lo6 y/s. The flux tions channels were simulated with the complete set
was continuously monitored throughout the experi- of geometrical and electronic thresholds taken into ac-
ment, such that the accuracy of the photon normaliza- count. When relevant, neutron detection efficiencies
tion has been evaluated to better than 9~2%. were also included, as neutrons are sometimes capable
of simulating the signature associated with photons.
2.2. The DAPHNE detector This effect increases the apparent m” detection effi-
ciency by a factor of 1.15 for reaction (c) . To achieve
We used the detector DAPHNE as described in these results, we have used the pd angular distribu-
Kef. [ 31. Its relevant characteristics are: (i) high pre- tion found in Ref. [ 71 and have assumed a three-body
cision measurements of the angles of emission of the phase space distribution for the channels pr’?ro and
charged particles, (ii) good p/lr particle discrimina- nn-+r’. The results from these calculations yield a
tion, (iii) good proton momentum resolution ( Ap/p = global efficiency of E,+ ( Ey ) ~20% for channels (a)
?.5%- 10% for p = 300-900 MeVlc), (iv) modest ?ro and (c), and ~,,o(E,) -38% for (e).
detection efficiency ( I 20%), (v) large solid angle In the second stage of the analysis, n&?r0 events
acceptance (polar acceptance: 22.5” < 0 2 158.5” are selected by p/r discrimination using the method
and full azimuthal acceptance 0’ < 4 5 3600), and described in Ref. [6]. Of the remaining events, dis-
( vi) a large momentum acceptance (proton detection tinction between p$ and pd&-’ events is based on
threshold: pp = 280 MeV/c, and charged pion detec- the analysis of the missing mass spectrum yp-+p X.
tion threshold: pr = 78 MeVlc). The good proton energy resolution allows final states
Three weaknesses are, unfortunately, inherent to the containing one and two @ to be distinguished.
system. These are: (i) no ~+/n-- discrimination, (ii) As an example, we show, in Fig. la, the missing
no momentum measurement for those charged pions mass spectrum at E, = 747 MeV. The sharp peak, cor-
which do not stop in the detector, and (iii) no mea- responding to the squared mass of the 9, is due to
surement of the angle of emission for neutral pions. the two body reaction (a). The curve is the result of a
simulation which takes into account the experimental
resolutions as well as the known angular distribution
3. Data analysis associated with this reaction. The distribution found
at higher squared masses, corresponds clearly to the
There are five active channels in our energy range: three body process (e) . It has also been fitted with a
( a) yp--pro; (b) m+nr+; (c) yp+n& ?ro; (d) three-body phase space angular distribution. The con-
yp--+p.n+ C; (e) y p --pro 7r”. Given the charac- tributions from processes (a) and (e) are thus clearly
teristics of our detector, only channel (b) cannot be separated.
uniquely identified, as the detection of a single charged Protons from the reaction yp+p~ can also be de-
7 is not a sufficient condition to distinguish it from ei- tected for EY 1 780 MeV, and for 8, < 24.5”. The
ther (c) or (d). In the majority of events, as discussed missing mass distribution, subject to these constraints,
in Ref. [ 61, this 7~escapes from the detector so that its is shown on Fig. lb where we see a well defined peak
A. Braghieri et al. /Physics Letters B 363 (1995) 46-50

3 175 -
l H(xP~~)
$= 150 -
~ REF. (7)



20 25 -

0 0 L,“ll,“,l,“‘ll/‘lll,’
-0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 400 500 600 700 800

Missing Mass (GeV/c2)2

Fig. 1. Missing mass distribution for protons in coincidence with
a ?y”. The curves are the results of simulations for the processes Fig. 2. Measured yield for the reaction rp--pro. The curve was
yp+pr” and yp-+p?~O@ (see text for details). (a) Top: for obtained by integrating the differential cross section in Ref. [7]
E, = 747 MeV. (b) Bottom: for 15, > 780 MeV and forward over the detector acceptance.
proton angles. The peak at the highest masses comes from the
reaction yp+pv. titles events. A simulation of these processes, using
GEANT, predicts a contamination level of 4% of the
associated with v production. These v’s are princi- total p?ro counting rate. This is in agreement with the
pally detected via their neutral decay modes and show measured counting rate of two or three particles events
up initially in the pro coincidence spectrum. This con- at 350 MeV. Knowing the p?ro. p&rn and n&?r0
tamination, on the order of 1 ,ub at 785 MeV, is easily cross sections this contamination is easily subtracted.
eliminated by applying a cut at Mi = 0.28 (GeV/c*)*. We also infer that the additional contamination to the
Fig. 2 shows the measured yield for the rp--+prr’ yp+p?~+r- cross section from pq photoproduction
compared with data from Ref. [ 71 integrated over the is of the order of 2 ,ub at 800 MeV.
acceptance of the detector. The excellent agreement Finally, the kinematics of events where three
between these results inspires confidence in our E,,Q charged particles are detected in coincidence are
values as well as in our p/r discrimination. overdetermined. Yet, it was found that on the order
of 1% of such true events were still rejected by kine-
3.2. The yp--+p~+~- channel matical constraints. We surmise from this that, in
the present energy domain, the contamination due to
The measurement of this channel was the most three pions events, which accidentally satisfy these
straightforward. It is separated from the others by requirements, is, at most, on the order of l%, which
selecting events which contain two or three charged is negligible.
particles in coincidence.
The only sizeable contamination comes from chan-
nels with ?r”‘s in the final state, if a r” disintegrates 4. Evaluation of the total cross-section
into ye+e- or if a photon from its decay converts
into an e+e- pair prior to entering the wire cham- The cross-sections measured in DAPHNE are
bers. In such cases, the leptons can be mistaken for shown by the open circles in Figs. 3a, 3b, and 3c.
charged r’s, giving rise to two or three charged par- The results from the model developed by Murphy and
A. Braghieri et af. / Physics Letters B 363 (1995146-50 49

100 3 350
a) y p + prt+7c-
t l o&p 4adrons) Armstrong et al
0 Olin)

.E 300 . o(m) DAPHNE

; 250
2 200


60 0 J

500 600 700 600

‘1 u400 500 600 700

E, WV)
Fig. 4. The total double pion photoproduction cross section mea-
sured in the present experiment is compated with the total cross
section on the proton [ 91. The open circles also include the two
single-pion channels [ 71. No errors were taken for the latter.

section due to this extrapolation. It is on the order of

Fig. 3. Total cross sections for the three double pion photopro- 2% for the p~+m- and n&&’ channels, and 5% for
duction channels. In all panels, the cross sections measured in
p7pn-O.The resulting extrapolated total cross sections
DAPHNE are shown by open circles and the extrapolated ones
by full circles (only statistical errors are shown). The continuous are shown in these figures by the full circles. The
lines are the predictions of the Murphy and Laget model IS], in- other contributions to the overall systematic experi-
tegrated in the acceptance of the detector. In (a). the dashed one mental error come from p/?r discrimination (2%),
is the prediction of the model in Ref. [ IO], over all phase-space. photon flux evaluation (2%), d’ efficiency (4%))
In (b), the contribution of the PII decay into a pu, integrated
MWPC’s efficiency ( 1%) and target density (0.5%).
over DAPHNE (dotted line) acceptance, is shown.
Finally, we show in Fig. 4 the two pion photopro-
Laget [8], integrated over the acceptance of the de- duction cross section as well as the total cross sec-
tector are also plotted as dashed lines. The measured tion obtained by adding to it single pion photopro-
cross sections are well reproduced for the p&r- duction data. The cross sections taken for processes
and the pa”7ro channels. The contribution from that w-+n& and rp-_~~ are obtained by integrating the
part of the cross-section unmeasurable with our de- differential cross sections of Ref. [ 7 1. The sum of all
tector is estimated with this model. For the p&lr- these channels is in good agreement with the the total
and the n7rf7ro channels, this extrapolation is on the hadronic cross section on the proton obtained by Arm-
order of 20%. For the p7r”?ro channel, however, it is strong et al. [9] except at high energies, where the
about 50%, in accord with the fact that the proton contribution of the ‘yp+pq channel must be taken into
distribution is forward peaked. A difference in the account. This gives us confidence that the systematic
extrapolation of at most 10% is found, even for the errors are not underestimated.
nr+rrO channel where the model fails to reproduce
the data, when a three-body phase space distribution
is assumed in lieu of the model. This difference gives
an estimate of the systematic error on the total cross
so A. Braghieri et al. /Physics Letters B 363 (1995) 46-50

Table 1 Table 2
Total cross section for ~p+prr+.rr- Total cross section for yp+nrr+rru and rp-+-pArO

E,(MeV) o-(pn+r-) (pb) &0kv) ~(p~“~o) (/lb)

395 i 6 2.9 * 0.4 * 0.3 464 I I5 2.2 i 0.1 i 0.1 2.9 f

0.3 i 0.3
407 f 6 3.2 f 0.3 T!z 0.3 497 i 18 5.7 * 0.2 f 0.3 4.7 f
0.3 f 0.4
419 zt 6 3.9 i 0.3 f 0.3 533 * 18 11.9 zt 0.4 f 0.7 5.8 f
0.4 f 0.5
431 ~t6 4.6 f 0.3 f 0.3 566 f IS 17.8 f 0.5 f I.0 7.7 f
0.4 f 0.6
443 zt 6 6.2 & 0.3 & 0.4 596 f 15 22.8 f 0.6 f 1.2 7.2 f
0.4 f 0.5
454 f 5 7.0 It 0.3 zt 0.4 626 & 15 27.1 f 0.7 f 1.4 8.6 f
0.4 f 0.6
464 zt 5 9.0 It 0.3 f 0.5 653 & 12 33.6 zt 0.8 f 1.7 9.5 f
0.4 f 0.7
474 Yt 5 Il.8 & 0.4 IIZ 0.6 680 f 15 42.9 f 0.9 f 2.1 10.5 f
0.5 f 0.7
485 i 6 15.0 f 0.4 f 0.7 707 f 12 50.3 f 1.0 f 2.5 11.8 f
0.5 f 0.8
491 1 6 20.4 i 0.5 i I.0 731 i 12 52.9 i 1.0 I 2.6 Ii.8 i 0.5 zk 0.8
509 f 6 25.9 IIC0.6 f 1.2 75s f 12 54.1 f 1.0 f 2.6 10.2 f 0.5 f 0.7
521 z?z 6 30.0 & 0.6 do 1.3 779 f 12 46.5 f 1.0 zt 2.3 9.8 f 0.6 f 0.7
533 zt 6 3.5.3 zt 0.7 f I.5
545 zt 6 41.0% 0.7 It 1.7
556 It 5 45.4 zt 0.8 zt 1.8 gtot (r&d) and atot(p?ro?ro) which tend to rise
566 + 5 51.4 + 0.8 f 2.0 smoothly up to about 720 MeV.
576 f 5 56.2 f 0.9 zt 2.2
In these figures, our experimental results are also
S86 * 5 59,s * 0.9 * 23
596 f 5 59.4 i 0.9 i 2.2 compared with the Murphy and Laget model (con-
606 zt 5 64.8 f I.0 + 2.4 tinuous lines), as well as, where applicable, with the
616 It 5 68.4 zt I.0 rt 2.6 Gomez Tejedor and Oset model [ IO] (Fig. 3a, dashed
626 f 5 69.2 f I.0 zt 2.5 line). Though a detailed discussion of the first model
636 It 5 69.2 I+ I.0 zt 2.4
is given elsewhere [ 81, we nevertheless show here, in
645 & 4 72.0 & 1.1 f 2.6
653 zt 4 73.2 zt 1.2 IIZ 2.6 Fig. 3b by the dotted curve, that the main contribution
661 f 4 74.8 zt I.1 zk 2.7 to the p7r”?ro cross-section is due to the decay of the
670 f 5 75.4 f 1.1 f 2.7 Pi 1 resonance into a q system. The CTis the parame-
f-m + 5 75.3 It 1.2 f 2.7 terization of two pions in a relative isospin 0 state. In
690 f 5 74.3 dz I.1 zk 2.6
this model there is clear evidence that the Prr can be
699 & 4 76.7 & 1.2 I+I2.8
707 * 4 75.4 It 1.2 f 2.7 excited by real photons; however a partial wave anal-
715 f 4 75.0 f 1.2 zk 2.6 ysis is needed to unambiguously confirm this effect.
723 f 4 7.5.7 zt 1.3 rt 2.7
731 * 4 75.1 It 1.2 z!z 2.7
739 + 4 75.4 & I.2 IIZ 2.6 References
747 f 4 74.3 zt 1.2 It 2.6
755 + 4 13.5 zt 1.2 + 2.6 [i] ABBHHM Collaboration, Phys. Rev. 175 ( 1968) 1669.
763 f 4 72.9 f 1.2 & 2.6
[ 21 G. Gialanella et al., Nuovo Cimento A 63 (1969) 892.
771 *4 72.8 zt 1.2 f 2.6 [ 31 G. Audit et al., Nucl. Instrum. Methods A 301 (1991) 473.
779 f 4 70.5 f 1.3 * 2.5
[ 41 I. Anthony et al., Nucl. Instrum. Methods A 301 ( 1991) 230.
787 & 4 73.8 zt 1.6 zt 2.6 [5] H. Herminghaus et al., Nucl. Instrum. Methods A 138
(1976) I;
H. Herminghaus et al., Proc. 1990 Linear Accelerator Conf.
5. Results and comments (Albuquerque, NM, 1990), preprint LA-12004-C.
[6] A. Braghieri et al., Nucl. Instrum. Methods A 343
(1994) 623.
The total cross section for the three double pion [ 71 Landolt-Bornstein, Photoproduction of Elementary Particles,
photoproduction channels, along with their statistical Group 1, Vol. 8, ed. H. Schopper (Springer, Berlin, 1973).
and systematic errors, are listed in Tables 1 and 2. [ 81 L.Y. Murphy and J.M. Laget, Preprint CEA/DAPNIA/SPhN
In complete agreement with previously pub- 95-42 and submitted to Phys. Lett.
191 T.A. Armstrong et al., Phys. Rev. D 5 (1972) 1640.
lished data, but with greatly improved precision,
[lo] J.A. Gomez Tejedor and E. Oset, Nucl. Phys. A 571 ( 1994)
otot(prr’rr-) exhibits a rapid rise from 400 to 667.
600 MeV, and then saturates. This is in contrast to

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