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Paul University Dumaguete

College of Nursing
S.Y. 2022-2023

Assessing The Impact of Sex Education Program on Sexual Behavior Based on

Health Belief Model Among Level II Students in St. Paul University

In partial fulfilment in


Submitted by:
Tiffany Joy G. Quiliope

Submitted to:
Dr. Clifford Kilat, RN, MAN

The topmost alarming issue that Filipino youth are facing today is teenage pregnancy. The

Philippines has one of the highest teenage pregnancy rates among ASEAN member states (UNFPA,

2020) . There are more than 53 million people under the age of 25, including 10.3 million teenage girls (10-

19 years old). The risk of having a child during adolescence increases with the adolescent's age, with

negative health effects on both the mother and the child becoming more likely. An increased risk of health

issues like anemia, STIs, postpartum hemorrhage, and poor mental health outcomes like depression and

even suicide is linked to pregnancy during youth (UNFPA, 2020). Early pregnancy in adolescence is

connected with risk factors including higher age gaps with partners, which may increase their vulnerability to

domestic abuse, as well as higher rates of contracting HIV and other STIs.

As they advance from childhood to adulthood, too many young people receive confusing and

inconsistent information about relationships and sex. This has caused young people to want more trustworthy

information that will help them live secure, fruitful, and meaningful lives. A study conducted by

( Fiñones, Malaluan, Garrido, & Camato) entitled Sexual Behavior of Senior High School

Students in a Faith-Based School shows there are still few students who are sexually active in which some

of the respondents claimed to have paid someone in exchange for sexual favor which is alarming. According

to the information supplied, some young students have already exposed to the purported allure of sex within

the marriage tie that was originally intended by our Creator. In today’s curriculum a comprehensive sex

education has been taught in St. Paul University students in their subject PaulN which helps strengthens

the knowledge and their decision making.

This study aims to know the impact of sex education on the sexual behavior of level II nursing college

students in St. Paul University using the Health Belief Model. HBM is a theoretical framework developed by
social psychologists Hochbaum, Rosenstock and his colleagues which can be utilized to direct initiatives for

disease prevention and health promotion. It is employed to forecast and explain personal changes in health-

related behaviors. Upon conducting this study, the paper requires approval from the dean of the college

of nursing, Mr. Clifford Kilat, RN, MAN and once it gets approve the researcher will orient the

respondents and explains the confidentiality of the study. Using a cross-sectional survey in which the

researchers will provide and disseminate structured questionnaires among the level II students which

includes the demographic profile of the respondents, age and gender, and the questions related about the

impact of sex education based on Health Belief Model. The purpose of this study is to know the factors that

influence sexual and health behaviors of the students perceived threat to sickness or disease (perceived

susceptibility), belief of consequence (perceived severity), potential positive benefits of action (perceived

benefits), perceived barriers to action, exposure to factors that prompt action (cues to action), and confidence

in ability to succeed (self-efficacy).


 How sex education affects the behavior and decision making of level II nursing students in St. Paul


 To know the factors that influence sexual and health behaviors of the students perceived threat to
sickness or disease (perceived susceptibility), belief of consequence (perceived severity), potential
positive benefits of action (perceived benefits), perceived barriers to action, exposure to factors that
prompt action (cues to action), and confidence in ability to succeed (self-efficacy).


 Is there a positive impact of sex education that influences students’ behavior and decision making?

1. How do students behave when they perceive a threat to their reproductive health from illness or
2. What are the students’ belief of consequence when they do against the moral acts?

3. What are the benefits of implementing sex education to level II nursing students?

4. What obstacles prevent students from adhering to the curriculum?

5. What are the students' level of confidence in their capacity to succeed after receiving sex education?


Ha: There is a positive impact in teaching sex education to level II nursing students at St. Paul University.
H0: There is no positive impact in teaching sex education to level II nursing students at St. Paul University.

Fiñones, C. D., Malaluan, A. A., Garrido, D. C., & Camato, J. B. (n.d.). Sexual Behavior of
Senior High School Students in a Faith-Based School. Family Planning
Perspectives, 10-17.
Health Belief Model. (2018, April 30). Retrieved from Rural Health Information Hub:
UNFPA. (2020). Eliminating Teenage Pregnancy in the Philippines. . UNFPA Philippines.

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