A Tocopherol

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Food Anal.

DOI 10.1007/s12161-017-0943-x

Simultaneous Determination of Alpha-Tocopherol

and Alpha-Tocopheryl Acetate in Dairy Products, Plant Milks
and Health Supplements by Using SPE and HPLC Method
Slavica Sunarić 1 & Jelena Lalić 2 & Ana Spasić 2

Received: 15 November 2016 / Accepted: 21 May 2017

# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017

Abstract A solid phase extraction technique for sample method is suitable for fast screening of the synthetic form of
cleanup and extraction of α-tocopherol and α-tocopheryl ac- vitamin E in dairy products, plant-based milks, infant formu-
etate is described and applied to their simultaneous HPLC las, and pharmaceutical colostrum.
analysis in dairy products, plant-based milks, infant formulas,
and pharmaceutical colostrum. The proposed method includes Keywords Synthetic vitamin E . Solid-phase extraction .
sample pretreatment by using ethanol, followed by solid- Liquid chromatography . Food
phase extraction of the organic supernatant on C18 cartridges.
The identification and quantification were done by reversed-
phase HPLC with fluorescence detection (ex 295 nm, em 330 Introduction
nm) for tocopherol and with UV detector set at 220 nm for
tocopheryl acetate. The mobile phase consisted of 100% ace- Vitamin E is the major lipid-soluble antioxidant in mammalian
tonitrile. The linear ranges were from 0.02–0.40 μg/mL (dairy and plant cells located in the cell membranes. It protects poly-
products) and 0.50–5.00 μg/mL (plant milks, infant formulas, unsaturated lipids from oxidation and also has some functions
powdered products) for α-tocopherol and those of α- in cell signaling and gene expression (Eitenmiller and Lee
tocopheryl acetate were from 0.20–2.00 μg/mL (dairy prod- 2004). Humans and animals cannot synthesize vitamin E;
ucts) and 1.00–10.0 μg/mL (plant milks, infant formulas, therefore, fat products of vegetal origin as well as dairy prod-
powdered products). The LOD and LOQ of α-tocopherol ucts are the main sources of this vitamin in the human diet.
were 0.1 and 0.4 μg/mL, while those of the α-tocopheryl The term vitamin E is used for α-, β-, γ- and δ-tocopherols
acetate were 2.0 μg/mL for LOD and 6.0 μg/mL for LOQ. and α-, β-, γ- and δ-tocotrienols, a family of eight molecules
The method gave extraction recoveries from 73–94% with of a related structure named tocols. Tocols are a natural con-
RSDs values being 5–10%. This method is simple, SPE pro- stituent of many foods. All the tocols possess biological activ-
cedure is fast and HPLC analysis time is less than 10 min. The ity; however, α-tocopherol is the most bioactive form. Initial
total time of performing analysis per sample is less than 1 h. estimations of the biological activity of the tocopherols and
The important advantage of the proposed method is the capa- some of the tocotrienols were established by the rat fetal re-
bility of determining and reporting α-tocopherol and α- sorption assay. Compared to the natural RRR-α-tocopherol
tocopheryl acetate separately. Moreover, the developed form, β-, γ- and δ-tocopherols, α- and β-tocotrienols were
found to be 50%, 10%, 1–3%, 30–50% and 5% of the α-
tocopherol activity, respectively. Bioactivity data of γ- and
* Slavica Sunarić δ-tocotrienols are still unknown (Eitenmiller and Lee 2004).
ssunaric@medfak.ni.ac.rs There are natural and synthetic forms of α-tocopherol. The
natural α-tocopherol is the most potent form of vitamin E and
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Niš, it is found in vegetal and dairy foods of natural origin, with no
Niš, Serbia extra vitamin E addition. Synthetic α-tocopherol is a racemic
Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Niš, mixture known as all-rac-α-tocopherol (or dl-α-tocopherol)
Niš, Serbia showing lower biological activity (≈74% of the RRR-α-
Food Anal. Methods

tocopherol) based on resorption–gestation test in rats (IOM bioactivity, approximately 67% of the natural RRR α-tocoph-
2000; Ruperez et al. 2001). erol (Weiser et al. 1996; Kiyose et al. 1997). According to
Nowadays, it is a common practice to add different forms of Food and Drug Administration, tocopherols and α-
synthetic vitamin E to food products. The main reasons for that tocopherol acetate are generally recognized as safe (GRAS)
are particular nutritional purposes and prevention of lipid oxida- substances (U.S. Food & Drug Administration 2015). The
tion, rancidity and deterioration and thus, maintaining food qual- tocopherols used in foods as antioxidants are readily absorbed
ity for the extended shelf life. Exogenous vitamin E in milk and metabolized. Although they are relatively non-toxic, with
powders supplemented with this nutrient appears to be stable LD50 values of 2000 mg per kg (U.S. Food & Drug
for long storage periods. It is considered that the addition is Administration 2015), high vitamin E intakes could impact
necessary to ensure that vitamin is present in sufficient amounts, absorption of the other fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin
as it tends to be destroyed by light, air and food processing (Fox A, D and K. Moreover, high intakes of vitamin E could have a
and Mc Sweeney 1998). For this purpose not only synthetic α- pro-oxidant effect (Loughrill et al. 2016).
tocopherol but also the ester forms of α-tocopherol are used. The To determine α-tocopherol in foods, different analytical pro-
synthetic compounds are widely used owing to their cost, avail- cedures were proposed. Nowadays, the most frequently
ability and stability. Addition of all-rac-α-tocopherol, tocopheryl employed analytical tools are HPLC techniques with UV or
acetate and tocopheryl succinate is allowed by the EC Regulation fluorescence detection. Both reversed-phase and normal-phase
(Regulation (EC) No 1925/2006 of the European Parliament and high-performance liquid chromatography were used in the vi-
of the Council 2006). In processed food, dietary supplements, tamin E analysis. The HPLC methods differ with respect to the
pharmaceutical and health products tocopheryl acetate is the sample preparation procedures, the polarity of the stationary
most commonly used, because the ester form of α-tocopherol phase and mobile phase composition (Albalá-Hurtado et al.
is more stable to oxidation compared to the corresponding alco- 1997; Ruperez et al. 2001; Escriva et al. 2002; DeVries and
hol form. Silvera 2002; Korchazhkina et al. 2006). Ruperez et al.
Contents of different forms of vitamin E in foods have been (2001) and Luque-García and Luque de Castro (2001) reviewed
presented in mg, μmol, α-tocopherol equivalents (α-TEs) or most common sample pretreatment procedures for
in international units (IU). For dietary purposes, vitamin E α-tocopherol chromatographic analysis in various matrices.
activity is expressed as α-tocopherol equivalents (α-TEs), The traditional methods of α-tocopherol assay in milk and dairy
which were defined as 1.0 mg α-tocopherol, 0.5 mg products usually include a complex and time consuming sam-
β-tocopherol, 0.1 mg γ-tocopherol, 0.03 mg δ-tocopherol, ple preparation procedure. The samples are prepared by alkaline
0.3 mg α-tocotrienol, 0.05 mg β-tocotrienol, while the activ- saponification of lipid residues followed by liquid extraction
ities of γ- and δ-tocotrienols were considered to be below the with organic solvents (diethyl ether or n-hexane). The alkaline
limit of detection (IOM 2000; WHO/FAO 2004). On the other hydrolysis is recommended to remove lipids when analyzing by
hand, one IU was defined as equivalent to 1 mg of all-rac-α- RP-HPLC and to release α-tocopherol from the complex sample
tocopheryl acetate and 0.91 mg of all-rac-α-tocopherol. α-TE matrix. Many authors have concluded that alkaline saponification
unit has been the accepted way of reporting vitamin E con- is a destructive method resulting in α-tocopherol degradation, as
centration in foods, while the recommended daily allowance most procedures use high concentrations of potassium hydroxide
(RDA) for vitamin E is expressed both in IU and α-TE. (Blanco et al. 2000; Czauderna and Kowalczyk 2007). Also,
There is some controversy regarding the use of these syn- under such conditions, tocopherol esters are completely hydro-
thetic forms of vitamin E, especially tocopheryl acetate, as a lyzed. In our previous paper, we confirmed that treating spiked
supplement or food additive. Animal and human studies have milk with 30–50% KOH resulted in the hydrolysis of the ester
shown that biological activity of tocopherols is dependent on form. This leads to transformation of the tocopheryl acetate into
their chemical form and particular stereochemistry (Brigelius- tocopherol and determination only the total α-tocopherol in milk.
Flohe and Traber 1999; Stone et al. 2003; Yang et al. 2009; On the other hand, when 10% KOH was used, unsufficiently
Han et al. 2010; Vagni et al. 2011; Kuchan et al. 2016). The purified sample was obtained and a large interfering peak of milk
esterified form possesses less bioactivity than natural vitamin lipids was observed (Sunarić et al. 2012).
E. Also, the biochemical behavior of this ester is still not Many authors have suggested different, less destructive,
suficiently clear. Natural and synthetic forms of the tocoph- sample preparation methods for individual or simultaneous
erols are equally absorbed from the intestinal lumen in the tocopherol and tocopheryl acetate determination in various
form of mixed micelles, but the esters need to be further hy- matrices. The chromatographic systems applied were either
drolyzed by pancreatic esterases in the gut to the free alcohol reversed-phase or normal-phase. The procedures for individual
form, which possesses activity in vivo (Mathias et al. 1981; determination are based on a solid-liquid or liquid-liquid ex-
Schneider 2005; El Hassan et al. 2006). Thus, all-rac α- traction using a large number of organic solvents, or by using
tocopheryl acetate is hydrolyzed in the gut to all eight α-to- an ultrasonic bath, a supercritical fluid extraction, a small-scale
copherol stereoisomers and consequently has lower extraction and a matrix solid-phase dispersion technique (Indyk
Food Anal. Methods

1988; Chase and Long 1998; Turner and Mathiasson 2000; In this work, we developed a non-destructive method for
Salo-Vaananen et al. 2000; Blake 2007; Brabcová et al. 2013; the simultaneous isolation of both α-tocopherol and α-
Tsochatzis et al. 2012; Irakli et al. 2016). Woollard et al. (2016) tocopheryl acetate by using solid-phase extraction, followed
described vitamin E ester extraction from the infant formulas by their simultaneous HPLC determination. The method was
by using the protease. The determination of the ester included a applied to dairy products, dairy substitutes, plant milks and
normal-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. The health products. In addition to this, simultaneous α-tocopherol
authors used α-tocopheryl propionate as the internal standard; and α-tocopheryl acetate determination in commercial al-
therefore, the fluorescence was measured by a selective dual- mond, hazelnut and soy milks was described for the first time.
channel detector. In most of the procedures of simultaneous
RP-HPLC determination, organic solvent extraction was per-
formed (Balz et al. 1993; Huo et al. 1999; Ruperez et al. 1999; Materials and Methods
Rodas Mendoza et al. 2003; Castan et al. 2005). Also, liquid
extraction with iso-octane followed by simultaneous NP- Materials and Reagents
HPLC determination of the total vitamin E (dl-α-tocopherol
and dl-α-tocopheryl acetate), vitamin A palmitate and vitamin The dl-α-tocopherol (1.1 units/mg) and dl-α-tocopheryl ace-
A acetate in infant formula was proposed by McMahon et al. tate (1.00 units/mg) of analytical grade were purchased from
(2013). Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA). HPLC grade methanol
Solid-phase extraction (SPE) has also been employed for and acetonitrile used in this work were supplied by J.T.Baker
the extraction of different forms of vitamin E in food matrices. (Deventer, Netherlands). Ethanol, (95–96%, Ph.Eur.V) was
SPE is a non-destructive technique which enables selective purchased from Zorka-Pharma (Šabac, Serbia). L-(+)-ascorbic
extraction avoiding any chemical changes of the sample and acid (99%) was from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA).
analytes. Several SPE stationary phases (silica cartridges,
coarse-grained kieselguhr, C18, C8, C4, C6H11, HLB) as well Apparatus and Chromatographic Conditions
as different extraction protocols have been used depending on
the sample matrix (Braunstein 2006). Among them, C18 car- Chromatographic analysis was performed on the Agilent
tridges provide the highest efficiency being the most popular Technologies 1200 Series apparatus with PDA-UV and FL
sorbent for fat-soluble vitamin analysis. detection. For the monitoring of chromatographic system
Although the methods for individual solid-phase extraction and data acquisition, the Agilent ChemStation program was
of tocopherol and tocopheryl acetate prevail (Iwase, 2000; used. HPLC determination was performed at 40 °C using
Fedder and Plöger 2005; Braunstein 2006; Blake 2007; Restek Ultra IBD column (150 × 3 mm, 3 μm) (Restek,
Grigoriadou et al. 2007), several methods for their simulta- Bellefonte, PA) with the mobile phase consisted of 100% ace-
neous extraction and HPLC determination in human foods tonitrile. Fluorescence detection for α-tocopherol (λex
and animal feeds have also been developed (Papadoyannis 295 nm, λem 330 nm) and UV detection at 220 nm for α-
et al. 1997; Blanco et al. 2000; Terada and Tamura 2004; tocopheryl acetate were employed. The flow rate was kept at
Braunstein 2006). 0.45 mL/min.
While numerous food products claim to contain Bvitamin
E^, these products may actually contain very different con- Food and Pharmaceutical Products
centrations and forms including the most active vitamin E, its
several esters and other derivatives (Eitenmiller and Lee The food and health products of representative producers were
2004). The levels of tocopheryl acetate in foods with addition purchased in local markets. Milk and dairy products were
are usually high (5–500 μg/g) (Eitenmiller and Lee 2004). On from the Serbian manufacturers. Starter infant formulas (for
the other hand, in most of the food products, the content of T 0 to 6 months old) were infant food products with prebiotics.
and TA was not separately labeled or it is unclear which form Commercial pharmaceutical colostrum was Ekolostrum®
of vitamin E a producer declared. In many cases, the amount capsule. The producer has claimed that this product contains
of α-tocopherol is labeled and declared by the manufacturer, 480 mg of 100% natural bovine colostrum and was made from
while the presence and the content of α-tocopheryl acetate is the fresh bovine colostrum obtained in the first 16 h after
not. Also, producers often declare only the Bvitamin E^. calving. Colostrum is natural food that has been used in tradi-
Therefore, the consumers have no information about dietary tional medicine for hundreds of years. Commercial pharma-
intake of the synthetic vitamin E form. For that reason, it is ceutical colostrum is a health supplement and its regular intake
important to measure vitamin E acetate added to different food is recommended for slowing the aging process and healing the
products. Moreover, there is an increasing interest in the anal- body.
ysis of both α-tocopherol and α-tocopheryl acetate in com- Almond milk (1.1% fat) and hazelnut milk (1.6% fat) were
mercial food and health products. sterilized beverages from the same manufacturer. Both
Food Anal. Methods

products have similar composition, except that almond milk After the cartridge selection and SPE method optimization
contains 2% almonds, and hazelnut milk contains 2.5% and validation, the procedure adopted for extraction was as
hazelnuts. Soy milk (1.9% fat) with and without calcium were follows: 3 mL of the obtained ethanolic supernatant was
claimed to be organic products containing 8% soya, sugar passed through the SPE column at a flow rate lower than
cane and 0.4% red seaweed. Two different commercial coco- 1 ml/min. After the sample aspiration, elution with 2 × 1 mL
nut water brands were also included in this study. All plant of methanol was performed at a flow rate about 1 ml/min.
milks were imported products. Depending on the examined product and target analyte con-
Whey powder and a substitute for powdered milk were centrations, the aliquots of 10 to 50 μL of the eluate were
from Serbian producer. According to the manufacturer’s dec- injected into HPLC column.
laration, a substitute for powdered milk (Palmlat 26/10 EF)
contains whey, milk proteins, as well as vegetable fats. Method Validation

Analytical Procedures Validation of the developed method included evaluation of

selectivity, sensitivity, linearity, system suitability, stability,
Preparation of Standards and Working Solutions accuracy, intra- and inter-day precision. The system suitability
tests were performed by replicate injections of the standard
Stock standard solutions of dl-α-tocopherol (T), concentration solutions. The examination of the system suitability parame-
of 1.0 mg/mL, and dl-α-tocopheryl acetate (TA), concentra- ters was conducted in terms of retention time, peak area, the
tion of 1.0 mg/mL, were prepared by dissolving standard sub- number of theoretical plates, capacity factor (k′), peak sym-
stances in absolute ethanol. For the calibration curves, work- metry, resolution and selectivity. Mean values and standard
ing standard solutions were prepared by appropriate dilution deviations of retention time and peak area were also calculat-
of the stocks aliquots. The solutions were stored at 4 °C in ed. Variation of the chromatographic method was assessed by
light-resistant glass bottles and were stable for 1 week. For the intra- and inter-day precision of retention times and peak
sample preparation, 0.5% (m/m) ascorbic acid solution (AA) areas. Intra-day precision was evaluated by triplicate analysis
was used. of the mixed standard solutions of T (0.5 or 0.17 μg/mL) and
TA (1.0 or 0.33 μg/mL) on the same day and calculated as
RSD. Inter-day variation was checked by injecting the same
Sample Preparation standard mixtures on three different days. The number of the-
oretical plates, peak symmetry, capacity factor, resolution and
For the liquid food samples preparation the procedure was as selectivity were obtained from chromatograms by using
follows: a volume of 1 mL of the sample was measured in a Agilent ChemStation software.
50-ml centrifuge tube and mixed by vortex with 0.5 mL of Linearity was determined by constructing the calibration
0.5% (m/m) ascorbic acid and 5 mL of ethanol. The sample curves in two concentration ranges (0.02–0.40 μg/mL and
was then centrifuged at 4000 rpm and 20 °C for 10 min. The 0.50–5.00 μg/mL for T; 0.20–2.00 μg/mL and 1.00–
obtained ethanolic supernatant was purified by solid-phase 10.0 μg/mL for TA). The curves were constructed by using
extraction. For the powdered food and pharmaceutical sam- peak area and the external standard method at eight calibration
ples (infant formulas, pharmaceutical colostrum, whey pow- points of each compound. Calibration standards were ana-
der and a substitute for powdered milk), a quantity of 5 g of lyzed in triplicate. Linear regression analysis was conducted
the homogenized sample was dissolved in 50 mL of warm to calculate the intercept, slope and linear regression coeffi-
deionized water (50 °C). After complete dissolving, 1 mL of cient (R 2 ) with OriginPro 6.1. Software (OriginLab
the sample was treated in the same way as the liquid foods. Northampton, Massachusetts, USA).
To estimate the chromatographic method sensitivity LOD
Solid-Phase Extraction and LOQ were calculated based on the analytical parameters
of the calibration curves. The limits of detection (LOD), limits
Cartridges Oasis HLB (1 cm3, Waters Corporation, Milford, of quantification (LOQ) and lower limits of quantification
Mass., USA), Bond Elut C18 (1 mL/100 mg, Agilent (LLOQ) for α-tocopherol and α-tocopheryl acetate were cal-
Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA), Chromabond C18ec culated by using the equations: LOD = 3.3 SEa/b, LOQ = 10
(1 mL/100 mg, Macherey-Nagel GmbH, Düren, Germany) SEa/b and LLOQ = 5 SEa/b, where SEa is the standard devi-
and Chromabond HR-X (1 mL/100 mg, Macherey-Nagel ation of the intercept, and b is the slope. In addition, real LOD,
GmbH, Düren, Germany) were initially tested for the solid- LOQ and LLOQ were experimentally estimated by injecting
phase extraction of both compounds of interest. Cartridges different volumes of the post-extracted spiked fruit yogurt
conditioning was done with 1 mL of water followed by sample until the signal-to-noise ratio reached ten for LOQ,
1 mL of methanol and 1 mL of acetonitrile. five for LLOQ and three for LOD.
Food Anal. Methods

The selectivity of the method was evaluated for different and the system suitability data were analyzed for three differ-
food samples by checking the peak purity and peak resolution ent columns: Restek Ultra IBD (150 × 3 mm, 3 μm), Zorbax
onto the chromatograms. Eclipse Plus C8 (150 × 3 mm, 3.5 μm) and Zorbax Eclipse
Stabilities of T and TA working standard solutions, as well Plus C18 (150 × 3 mm, 3.5 μm). The best resolution, peaks
as of the extracted food samples were tested at +4 °C for 24 h, shapes, sensitivity and peaks areas, limits of detection and
48 h and 1 week. Triplicate measurements of the standard quantification for both α-tocopherol and α-tocopheryl acetate
solutions (low and high concentrations) and extracted samples were obtained on Restek Ultra IBD column. Figure 1 shows
(milk, almond milk and infant formula) were performed im- the chromatograms corresponding to T and TA standards.
mediately after preparation. The analysis was repeated after Also, the retention times were optimal on this column for both
24 h, 48 h and 1 week. The stability of the analytes in the analytes (under 7 min), while on the Zorbax Eclipse Plus C18
samples was estimated by comparing the peak area after stor- the retention times were higher than 17 min. Simultaneous
age with that of freshly prepared solutions. detection with fluorescence (ex 295 nm, em 330 nm) and
The recovery of the extraction procedure was evaluated in UV (220 and 295 nm) detectors was employed in order to find
two ways: by applying SPE method to standard mixture of T an optimal detection mode. On all of the three chromatograph-
and TA, and by the standard addition method. In the first ic columns α-tocopherol had a higher peak area with fluores-
procedure aliquots of T and TA standards at three concentra- cence than UV detection, while acetate ester showed very
tion levels (0.17, 0.33, 4.0 μg/mL T and 0.33, 0.67, 4.0 μg/mL weak fluorescence. Although literature data give tocopheryl
TA) were mixed with 0.5 ml 0.5% (m/m) ascorbic acid and acetate absorption maximum at 286 nm and α-tocopherol ab-
5 ml of ethanol (in order to simulate the full extractive proce- sorption maximum between 292 and 298 nm, both substances
dure), followed by centrifugation and solid-phase extraction. had minor signals when detection at 295 nm was used (Fig. 1).
Recoveries were calculated as the ratio of the found and nom- As a result of these observations, and in order to achieve lower
inal values. In the second procedure, milk samples (1.5% fat) limits of detection, fluorescence detection for T and UV de-
were spiked with 0.3 or 2.2 μg/mL T and 0.6 or 2.2 μg/mL TA tection at 220 nm for TA were chosen. Any interference from
before and after SPE procedure. The samples spiked after and the solvent at wavelength of 220 nm was avoided by using
before extraction were compared for the recovery test. 100% acetonitrile as the mobile phase. The purity of the chro-
The accuracy of the developed method was evaluated by matographic peaks of both analytes at 220 and 295 nm were
comparing the results obtained by the proposed SPE method proved by PDA detector.
and results obtained by applying the saponification method.
Two samples were used in the recovery experiments and each Validation of the Chromatographic Method
assay was performed in five replicates.
α-Tocopherol and α-tocopheryl acetate peaks in the extracted
Statistical Analysis food samples were confirmed by spiking milk with T and TA
standards before SPE procedure (Fig. 2). Peaks at 220 and
The data obtained from the saponification method and the 295 nm were monitored by a photodiode array detector and
developed solid-phase extraction method were subjected to were identified by retention times and their UV spectra. Under
statistical analysis. All the samples were analyzed in five rep- the conditions adopted, T and TA were fully separated for less
licates. The results are presented as the mean value ± standard than 8 min with symmetrical and good shaped peaks. α-
deviation. The statistical analysis was performed using F test Tocopheryl acetate elutes at about 4.42 ± 0.04 min, followed
and Student’s t test at 95% confidence level. by α-tocopherol at about 6.92 ± 0.03 min. For the α-
tocopherol peak, no interferences were observed. The resolu-
tion of the tocopheryl acetate peak depended on the sample
Results and Discussion matrix. Thus, in spiked milk sample given in Fig. 2, the peak
of TA (Rt 4.38 min) was not completely separated from close-
Method Development ly eluting substance, while for the other extracted food sam-
ples (Figs. 3, 4, and 5) no interferences were found.
Optimization of the Chromatographic Conditions The chromatographic system suitability parameters, as well
as repeatability of the retention time and peak areas are sum-
The chromatographic conditions regarding composition of the marized in Table 1. Intra- and inter-day repeatability was
mobile phase, working temperature and flow rate, which were expressed as a relative standard deviation (RSD). Retention
optimized in our previous work for the α-tocopherol determi- time of both analytes showed good repeatability and
nation in milk (Sunarić et al. 2012), were initially tried for the reproductivity with RSDs being <1%, while for the peak area
simultaneous determination of α-tocopherol and α-tocopheryl RSDs values were higher (1.7–6.8%). As expected, peak area
acetate standard solutions. Recording of the chromatograms RSDs were lower for higher T and TA concentrations.
Food Anal. Methods

Fig. 1 Chromatograms of the standard mixture of α-tocopherol (T) and (ex 295 nm, em 330 nm) and UV (220 and 295 nm) detection. Rt (T)
α-tocopheryl acetate (TA), concentrations of 1 and 2 μg/mL, respectively, 6.8 min; Rt (TA) 4.4 min
obtained on Restek Ultra IBD analytical column by using fluorescence
Food Anal. Methods

Fig. 2 Chromatograms of milk spiked with mixture of α-tocopherol (T) and α-tocopheryl acetate (TA) standards before solid-phase extraction. Spiked
concentrations of T and TA in milk were 4.0 μg/mL. Rt (T) 6.89 min; Rt (TA) 4.38 min

The capacity factor (k′) of both analytes had optimal values symmetries of both analytes were between 0.98 and 1.17, and
between 2 and 4. The values of k′ larger than 5 lead to longer for the vitamin E acetate these values were better than 1.456
retention and analysis time, while values less than 1 are unre- obtained on monolithic HPLC column (Brabcova et al. 2013).
liable and cause low resolution. In our work, good separation The theoretical plate number (N) was higher than 3000 which
was obtained with the resolutions in the range of 6.2–9.8. Peak was similar to the value found by Brabcova on monolithic
Food Anal. Methods

Fig. 3 Chromatograms of the almond milk 1.1% fat. Rt (T) 6.86 min; Rt (TA) 4.42 min

column (N = 3986). It can be concluded that a good peak the post-extracted spiked fruit yogurt which met the criteria for
symmetry, resolution and selectivity were achieved with N the reliable identification of analyte and for the analyte response
between 3080 and 3500 which indicates satisfactory overall at least 3, 5 and 10 times the response of the blank. The results of
column efficiency. S/N in μg/mL are given in Table 2. Based on S/N values, it can
The calibration curves in two concentration ranges for α- be concluded that no matrix interferences were observed for α-
tocopherol and α-tocopheryl acetate were constructed by mea- tocopherol (S/N values were lower than theoretical LOD, LOQ
suring peak area of the T and TA working standard solutions. and LLOQ), but they were found for α-tocopheryl acetate (S/N
Under the chromatographic conditions tested, linear relationships values were two to three times higher than theoretical LOD,
of the standard solutions were obtained in the selected concen- LOQ and LLOQ). This finding confirmed higher sensitivity of
tration ranges with the linear regression coefficients (R2) higher the fluorescence compared to UV detection. Both theoretical and
than 0.99. Analytical parameters of the calibration curves are real detection and quantification limits of vitamin E acetate were
given in Table 2. The results of LOD and LOQ are expressed significantly lower (three to six times) than those found by
as μg/mL of the analytical standards in the chromatographed Brabcova et al. (2013) on monolithic HPLC column (LOD
solution. The method showed good sensitivity with the low 0.58 μg/mL, LOQ 1.94 μg/mL), which additionally confirmed
LOD, LLOQ and LOQ values. column and chromatographic efficiency.
The real limits of detection and quantification depended on a LOD, LLOQ and LOQ of the method were sufficiently low to
sample matrix. Matrix interferences were examined by spiking determine Tcontent which was expected in most of the processed
extracted yogurt which had minor T and no TA content. The fruit foods and dairy products. Regarding TA determination, sensitiv-
yogurt with strawberries served as a blank, because it had T ity of the method was acceptable for higher TA concentrations
concentration about LOD. Signal-to-noise ratios (S/N) were ex- which is expected to be found in plant milks, milk substitute,
perimentally obtained as the lowest T and TA concentrations in infant formulas and pharmaceutical colostrum.
Food Anal. Methods

Fig. 4 Chromatograms of the hazelnut milk 1.6% fat. Rt (T) 6.86 min; Rt (TA) 4.42 min

Stability of the Samples Sample Preparation Optimization

As it is expected that the samples will be analyzed on the same When avoiding the saponification step, Ruperez et al. (2001)
or next day, the short-term stability of α-tocopherol and α- recommended sample treatment with ethanol or methanol pri-
tocopheryl acetate in the stock solutions and extracted samples or to the extraction, in order to disrupt the lipoproteins and fat
was studied. The stock solutions were stored in a glass vial, droplets structures where vitamin E is associated. As many of
while the extracted samples were in plastic containers or our examined samples have high protein and fat content, the
Eppendorf tubes. All solution were refrigerated at +4 °C. release of vitamin E from lipids and elimination of interfer-
The stability study showed that α-tocopherol and α- ences from large-scale protein molecules must be done before
tocopheryl acetate concentrations were not significantly SPE treatment. Therefore, optimization of the sample prepa-
changed in stock solutions stored at +4 °C for 24 h, 48 h ration prior to the solid-phase extraction was a very important
and 1 week (deviation is within ±7%). On the other hand, step determining an overall accuracy of the developed meth-
the concentration of T and TA in the extracted samples stored od. The optimization of the sample preparation included se-
at +4 °C for 24 h was decreased (deviation of 15% for T and lection of the low-toxicity organic solvent capable of protein
10% for TA). After 1 week of being refrigerated at +4 °C the precipitation and vitamin E release from the sample matrix
concentrations of T and TA in processed samples were signif- with high recovery. For that purpose, different volumes of
icantly changed (deviation higher than 30% for T and 15% for methanol and ethanol were tested. The solutions of strong
TA). The results demonstrated that α-tocopherol and α- acids (such as perchloric acid) were not tried because of an
tocopheryl acetate had a good short-term stability in stock undesirable aqueous medium in which vitamin E is not solu-
solutions refrigerated at +4 °C for 1 week, while extracted ble and low pH which may affect the stability of the vitamin.
samples were stable for 24 h under the same conditions. Ethanol, as less polar solvent, was finally selected for the
Food Anal. Methods

Fig. 5 Chromatograms of the infant formula. Rt (T) 6.86 min; Rt (TA) 4.43 min

protein precipitation giving higher recoveries (over 80%) for Chromabond HR-X (Macherey-Nagel) was also tested. All
T compared to the recoveries obtained when using methanol. cartridges were conditioned with water, methanol and aceto-
An optimal sample to ethanol volume ratio was found to be nitrile. In the next step, evaluation of the optimal elution sol-
1:5 (v/v). To prevent tocopherol oxidation during the sample vents (ethanol, methanol and acetonitrile), their volume
preparation, it is recommended to add some of the antioxi- (1 mL, 2 mL and 3 mL) and the washing step with water
dants (Ruperez et al. 2001). Higher concentrations of AA was conducted.
solution would significantly change pH of the sample and Solid-phase extraction protocol was firstly evaluated on
decrease the recovery; therefore, 0.5 mL of 0.5% (m/m) ascor- mixture of T and TA standards treated in the same way as
bic acid was added in the sample solution. the real food samples. The verification, that α-tocopherol
and α-tocopheryl acetate were retained by the selected sorbent
SPE Procedure Optimization and Validation and then eluted by the appropriate solvent, was obtained by
analyzing retention parameters and UV spectra of the chro-
A comparative analysis was conducted on four commercially matographic peaks, as well as by calculating the extraction
available SPE sorbents in order to select a proper sorbent for recoveries. The best chromatographic peak areas for both
isolation and retention of both T and TA. Tocopherol and compounds of interest were obtained on Chromabond C18ec
tocopheryl acetate are slightly polar compounds, therefore, cartridges by using methanol as an elution solvent and by
only less polar sorbents were taken into account. The avoiding the washing step. Extraction recoveries ranged 73–
octadecyl bonded phases of choice were Chromabond 94% for the mixture of T and TA standards subjected to the
C18ec (Macherey-Nagel), Bond Elut C18 (Agilent full SPE procedure are given in Table 3.
Technologies) and Oasis HLB (Waters). Additionally, a hy- A solid-phase extraction of commercial milk sample (1.5%
drophobic polystyrene-divinylbenzene copolymer phase of milk fat) at the selected cartridges was also carried out.
Food Anal. Methods

Table 1 HPLC system suitability parameters made in three replicates at two concentration levels of T and TA

Mean Rt precision Mean area Area precision Number of Peak k′ Resolution Selectivity
Rt (min) (arbitrary theoretical symmetry
Intra-day Inter-day units) Intra-day Inter-day plates
RSD (%) RSD (%) RSD (%) RSD (%)

T 6.92 0.43 0.31 152.14 3.58 3.11 3079 0.98 3.92 7.72 7.42
0.5 μg/mL
T 7.08 0.55 0.32 35.49 5.20 3.50 3572 1.00 4.00 9.82 7.79
0.17 μg/mL
TA 4.42 0.91 0.62 26.56 1.78 3.36 3116 1.17 2.24 6.17 3.06
1.0 μg/mL
TA 4.49 0.45 0.30 9.64 6.80 5.40 3323 0.98 2.18 7.67 2.94
0.33 μg/mL

After the extraction on the C18 and HLB cartridges, tocoph- three repeated extractions of the same spiked milk sample.
erol chromatographic peak was clearly separated. On the other The mean precisions were satisfactory (all RSDs were <10%
hand, the extract obtained after aspiration on HR-X sorbent at two spiked concentration levels) having in mind that for the
did not show any chromatographic peak after the 3rd minute. complex matrices RSDs up to 15% are considered acceptable.
The best chromatographic peak area was obtained on The recoveries of the proposed solid-phase extraction
Chromabond C18ec; therefore, this cartridge was selected method applied to milk sample ranged between 76 and 87%
for the extraction of real samples. In order to estimate matrix depending on the spiked concentrations, which is similar to
interferences in the real sample, UHT milk (1.5% of milk fat) the recoveries of 74–116% in fresh milk and 80–104% in
was spiked with T and TA standards before and after the SPE fortified milk on C18 cartridges reported by Blanco et al.
procedure. Then, the extraction recovery was evaluated ac- (2000) and recoveries of 57.1–88.3% for the fatty foods (pea-
cording to Matuszewski et al. (2003). The results of accuracy nut butter and margarine) on C18 cartridges found by Terada
and precision of the extraction method applied to standards and Tamura (2004). Compared to the procedure given by
and spiked milk samples are summarized in Table 3. The intra- Terada and Tamura (mixed solvent of acetonitrile-2-propanol
day precision of the extraction procedure was assessed for and post-column photochemical reaction for UV and fluores-
cence detection), our SPE method used less toxic and cheaper
Table 2 Analytical characteristics of the HPLC method solvent ethanol for the sample preparation and there was no
additional reaction for analytes detection. Some of the authors
Parameters α-Tocopherol α-Tocopheryl acetate
found higher recoveries, but the sample matrices and
Number of points 8 8 extraction procedures were quite different from those which
Linearity range (μg/mL) 0.02–0.40a 0.20–2.00a we analyzed. Thus, Irakli et al. (2016) obtained recoveries of
0.50–5.00b 1.00–10.0b 93 to 102% for α-, β-, γ- and δ-tocopherols in tomato fruits
Slope ± S.E. 223.7 ± 12.2a 30.0 ± 0.6a on hydrophilic-lipophilic balance cartridges, and Brabcova
219.6 ± 10.9b 31.6 ± 0.8b et al. (2013) found recoveries in the range 96.4–103.6% for
Intercept ± S.E. 8.1 ± 2.4a −2.7 ± 0.8a vitamin E acetate in tablets and powdered dietary supplements
−6.3 ± 18.1b −5.2 ± 1.2b extracted with methanol and ultrasound bath.
Linear regression coefficient (R ) 0.991a
0.997a The comparison of the results obtained by SPE-HPLC
0.992b 0.997b
method with the classical saponification followed by HPLC
LOD (μg/mL) 0.04 0.09
method was carried out only for dairy products (UHT milk
LOQ (μg/mL) 0.11 0.26
and soured milk). As stated above, the saponification proce-
LLOQ (μg/mL) 0.06 0.13
dure destroys all of the tocopheryl acetate. Therefore, in the
S/N (1:3) (μg/mL) 0.01 0.2 plant milks, infant formulas and health products only total α-
S/N (1:10) (μg/mL) 0.04 0.6 tocopherol content could be determined. For that reason, com-
S/N (1:5) (μg/mL) 0.02 0.4 parison with the saponification method could not be made for
S.E. standard error the examined samples in Table 6. For UHT milk and soured
Calibration graph used for the analysis of the samples with low analyte
milk samples, the results of α-tocopherol determination ob-
concentration tained by using solid-phase extraction were 15–25% lower
Calibration graph used for the analysis of the samples with high analyte compared to those found by using the saponification method
concentration (Table 4). Although the SPE method gave lower values than
Food Anal. Methods

Table 3 Accuracy and precision

of the extraction method Mixture of standards Spiked milk

Concentration T (μg/mL)a TA (μg/mL)a T (μg/mL)b TA (μg/mL)b

(μg/mL) 0.17 0.33 4.0 0.33 0.67 4.0 0.3 2.2 0.6 2.2
Recovery (%) 73.2 85.6 94.0 75.4 84.1 92.5 76.5 85.0 82.1 87.0
RSD (%) (n = 3) 8.3 7.5 5.5 9.5 8.2 8.0 9.2 7.1 10.1 8.5
Concentrations of T and TA in the standard mixture
Spiked concentrations of T and TA standards in milk

saponification, the advantage of SPE is in simultaneous ex- also given. Representative chromatograms of the samples
traction both α-tocopherol and tocopheryl acetate. By using with T and TA content, purified by the solid-phase extraction,
the saponification method, tocopheryl acetate is converted to are shown in Figs. 3, 4, and 5. Although it is likely that many
tocopherol; therefore, this method does not allow tocopheryl organic compounds from the complex matrices are being co-
acetate determination. eluted with vitamin E forms during the solid-phase extraction
A statistical analysis by using F test and t test was carried on C18 cartridges, interferences from other co-eluted com-
out in order to compare precision and accuracy of the two pounds were additionally eliminated by selecting the appro-
extraction methods. For both UHT milk and soured milk F priate detection wavelength. As can be seen in Figs. 3, 4, and
(observed) < F (table), therefore, there is no significant differ- 5, very Bclean^ chromatograms containing a few peaks were
ences between the precision of these two methods. On the obtained for the plant milks and one of the infant formulas.
other hand, t (observed) > t (table) which indicates significant These peaks were well separated and were not interfered with
differences in results of the analysis obtained by the two the analytes. Also, in these samples, tocopheryl acetate peak
methods. area was higher for UV than for FL detection. On the other
hand, in chromatograms of sour cream, substitute for pow-
Commercial Food and Health Product Analysis dered milk and one of the infant formulas a strong fluores-
cence signal was obtained at retention time very closely to Rt
α-Tocopherol and its acetate ester were determined in tripli- of tocopheryl acetate. This chromatographic peak had signif-
cate by the proposed SPE-HPLC method in different dairy icantly higher peak area than that one obtained by UV detec-
foods, plant milks and health supplements. The retention tion at 220 nm, which indicated co-elution of some fluorescent
times of TA and T in real samples were 4.33 ± 0.097 min compound or fluorescent complex of tocopheryl acetate. The
(RSD 2.2%) and 6.87 ± 0.04 min (RSD 0.6%), respectively. occurrence of this interference at excitation 295 nm and emis-
The corresponding peaks were analyzed regarding their UV sion 330 nm justified the selection of UV detection at 220 nm
spectra and peak purity. The quantitation was done by using instead of fluorescence detection for TA.
calibration curves constructed for external standards. Samples Dairy products should contain α-tocopherol, the content of
with high quantity of the tocopheryl acetate were assayed by which is in positive correlation with milk fat and small
single point calibration comparing the chromatographic peak amounts of tocopheryl acetate which is added as antioxidant
area with that of the corresponding standard. The intra-day (Fox and McSweeney 1998). The obtained results for UHT
precision, expressed as RSD was in the range of 3–11% for milk, raw sheep milk, plain yogurt and fruit yogurt are in the
all of the tested food samples. expected ranges for the same products given by Fox and
In Tables 5 and 6, the results of the analysis of dairy and McSweeney (1998). In sour creams with 20% milk fat and
health products, plant milks, infant formulas and pharmaceu- cream cheese with 19% milk fat a high concentration of α-
tical colostrum are given. In Table 6, the ratio of tocopheryl tocopherol was found, which was expected due to the high fat
acetate to tocopherol for the products with the detected TA is content. Regarding tocopheryl acetate, we found that most of

Table 4 Comparison of the

developed SPE method with SPE method Saponification Recoverya (%) F valueb t valuec
saponification method Found T (μg/mL) ± SD Found T (μg/mL) ± SD

UHT milk 0.31 ± 0.04 0.40 ± 0.03 77.5 1.78 - 4.02

Soured milk 0.36 ± 0.03 0.43 ± 0.02 83.7 2.25 - 4.34
Recovery of the developed method calculated as ratio of the value found by SPE and that found by saponification
Theoretic F value was 6.39 for the 95% confidence level
Theoretic t value was 2.78 for the 95% confidence level
Food Anal. Methods

Table 5 α-Tocopherol and α-

tocopheryl acetate determination Dairy product, Pa Milk fat (%) Declared Found content and forms of RSD (%)
in dairy products content and vitamin E (n = 3)
forms of
vitamin E

Tb TAb Tb ± SD TAb ± SD

UHT milk P1 1.5% / / 0.031 ± 0.003 <LLOQ 9.7

P1 2.8% / / 0.055 ± 0.004 <LLOQ 7.3
A + D3 P1 3.2% / / 0.050 ± 0.002 <LLOQ 4.0
P2 2.8% / / 0.021 ± 0.002 ND 9.5
P3 2.8% / / 0.038 ± 0.003 <LLOQ 7.9
Plain yogurt P1 1.0% / / <LLOQ ND /
P1 2.8% / / 0.009 ± 0.001 ND 11.1
Fruit yogurt P1 0.0% / / <LLOQ ND /
P5 3.2% / / 0.028 ± 0.003 <LLOQ 10.7
Chocolate milk P1 1.0% / / 0.010 ± 0.001 ND 10.0
Kefir P3 2.8% / / 0.031 ± 0.003 <LLOQ 9.7
P4 0.9% / / 0.012 ± 0.001 ND 8.3
Soured milk P1 2.8% / / 0.030 ± 0.002 ND 6.7
P2 2.8% / / 0.032 ± 0.002 ND 6.3
P3 2.8% / / 0.036 ± 0.003 ND 8.3
Sour cream P2 20% / / 0.510 ± 0.015 1.55 ± 0.03 2.9 (1.9c)
P12 20% / / 0.084 ± 0.003 ND 3.6
P3 20% / / 0.085 ± 0.004 ND 4.7
P1 20% / / 0.077 ± 0.004 ND 5.2
Cream cheese P6 19% / / 0.150 ± 0.005 <LLOQ 3.3
Goat UHT milk P4 2.8% / / 0.044 ± 0.002 ND 4.6
Goat yogurt P11 3.2% / / 0.058 ± 0.004 <LLOQ 6.9
Goat sour cream P11 3.2% / / 0.076 ± 0.005 <LLOQ 6.6
Raw sheep milk / / / / 0.092 ± 0.004 / 4.3

ND not detected, SD standard deviation, n number of determination

Mean value expressed as mg/100 g
RSD for TA determination

our analyzed dairy products either contained TA lower than only one paper dealing with α-tocopherol concentration in
LLOQ, or TA was not detected. Only one of the dairy prod- commercial almond milk (Toro-Funes et al. 2014) and not a
ucts, sour cream with 20% milk fat from producer 2, contained single paper regarding hazelnut milk. Although almond milk
high amount of tocopheryl acetate. was produced according to the authors’ own production tech-
Modern food industry promotes plant milks as healty prod- nology, we considered that comparing the results for α-
ucts with high content of vitamin E. At best, the plant milks tocopherol content could be made. The concentration of α-
should have only natural form of vitamin E. However, because tocopherol in our sample is in the range also specified in the
these products contain high quantities of vegetal oils, the ad- work by Toro-Funes et al. (2014) (3.15–7.92 mg/L). On the
dition of small amounts of tocopheryl acetate as a food anti- other hand, our examined processed almond milk also
oxidant is required. As our results showed, the tocopheryl contained a high concentration of added tocopheryl acetate.
acetate concentrations in these products were almost four Similar results for α-tocopherol and α-tocopheryl acetate
times higher than α-tocopherol. There is a great interest in were obtained for the hazelnut milk from the same producer.
tocopherol and tocopheryl acetate determination in commer- As can be seen in Table 6, the producer has only claimed
cial plant milks; however, rapid and simple analytical 1.80 mg of d-α-tocopherol per 100 g in both products.
methods, as well as data about their concentrations in these Regarding soya milk, it is interesting that milk with calcium
products were not found in the literature. Moreover, we found had three times higher α-tocopherol concentration than the
Food Anal. Methods

Table 6 α-Tocopherol and α-tocopheryl acetate in plant milks, health products, infant formulas, and pharmaceutical colostrum

Product, milk fat % P Declared content and forms of vitamin E Found content and forms of vitamin E (n = 3) TA/T RSD (%)

Ta TAa Ta ± SD TAa ± SD

Almond milk 1.1% P7 1.8 of d-α-T / 0.58 ± 0.02 2.25 ± 0.06 3.9 3.5 (2.7b)
Hazelnut milk 1.6% P7 1.8 of d-α-T / 0.59 ± 0.02 2.16 ± 0.08 3.7 3.4 (3.7b)
Soy milk 1.9% P14 / / 0.04 ± 0.004 ND / 10.0
Soy milk 1.9% with Ca P14 / / 0.12 ± 0.006 ND / 5.0
Substitute for powdered milk P8 / / 2.1 ± 0.1 3.37 ± 0.15 1.6 4.7 (4.5b)
Whey powder P8 / / < LLOQ ND / /
Infant formula P9 7.1 of vitamin E / 5.72 ± 0.2 6.67 ± 0.18 1.2 3.5 (2.7b)
Infant formula P10 5.7 of vitamin E / 1.29 ± 0.07 2.14 ± 0.09 1.7 5.4 (4.2b)
Pharmaceutical colostrum P16 / / 0.25 ± 0.018 7.64 ± 0.27 30.6 7.2 (3.5b)
Coconut water P13 / / ND ND / /
Coconut water P15 / / ND ND / /

ND not detected, P producer, SD standard deviation, n number of determination

Mean value expressed as mg/100 g
RSD for TA determination

product without Ca, although both products have the same fat acetate in manufactured formulations in the range 4.5–8.7 mg/
content. Tocopheryl acetate was not detected in processed 100 g, which is higher than in our examined samples. α-
soya milks. Tocopherol levels in the examined infant formulas concur
In powdered food products and substitutes, an expect- with the values found by Rodas Mendoza et al. (2003) and
edly large content of the tocopheryl acetate was found. It is Chavez-Servin et al. (2006), while tocopheryl acetate was in a
known that in these products high amount of the synthetic significantly lower concentration. For the infant formula P9,
vitamin E is usually added according to the Regulation TA/T ratio was found to be 1.2 indicating closely the same
(EC) No 1925/2006. Pharmaceutical colostrum contained amounts of T and TA. For the infant formula P10 this ratio was
a very high quantity of the synthetic form of vitamin E, 1.7, since this product contained TA almost twice as high as T.
although the producer declared that a capsule contains Recent research by Loughrill et al. (2016) also indicated that
100% natural bovine colostrum powder with no additives in infant’s nutrition the majority of vitamin E provided by the
and flavors. infant formulas is in the form of α-tocopheryl acetate. The
Although tocopheryl acetate in both products of soy concentrations of tocopheryl acetate in manufactured infant
milk was not detected, another chromatographic peak at milks are high and considerably exceed natural tocopherol
7.97 min with significant area and UV spectra correspond- content in breast milk. On the other hand, infants have low
ing to tocopherol was observed in these samples. Similarly, vitamin K levels and intake of excess vitamin E can lead to
in a substitute for powdered milk and sour cream 20% from blood clotting problems (Diplock et al. 1998; Loughrill et al.
the producer 2, unidentified peaks with UV spectra of to- 2016). For that reason, it is important to control the vitamin E
copherol were registered at 3.8 min. The peaks at 3.8 and content in infant foods.
7.97 min were probably other forms of natural or synthetic
vitamin E which we could not reliably identify without
analytical standards. Considering their large peak area, Conclusions
we believe that there were other allowed synthetic tocoph-
erol esters. There is a major interest to develop simple analytical methods
Infant milk formulas had also high content of α-tocopheryl for simultaneous α-tocopherol and α-tocopheryl acetate de-
acetate, since this is the form used for formulation. In many termination, because comon saponification methods could not
cases, supplemented all-rac-α-tocopheryl acetate provided detect and quantify tocopheryl acetate. Considering that, now-
higher than 80% of the vitamin E in these products adays, addition of TA to processed foods is common, it is
(Eitenmiller and Lee 2004). In the last 15 years, there have important to control and to distinguish these two forms of
been only few papers describing tocopheryl acetate determi- vitamin E.
nation in infant milks, so we compared the results with those A solid phase extraction method for α-tocopherol and α-
of these authors. Thus, Woollard et al. (2016) found vitamin E tocopheryl acetate simultaneous and selective HPLC
Food Anal. Methods

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