Narative Report

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Shannon Millizette B. de Leon




Cindy Liper as Wilma ; Jerie Sanchez as Juday; Patricia Lopez as Norma; Ken
Sadsad as Edward; Junelyn Villareal as Jolene; Jolens Jem Encinas as Boyet


Wilma and Juday are two prominent names in showbiz and they are bitter rivals
in the profession. They are not only professional rivals but their dispute was also
carried out personally. The root of their indifference to each other was that they fell in
love with the same guy before. Their ire to each other was also carried down even
on their domestic helpers and they even have the same mindset.When their sons
came home from America, they coaxed their sons to hate each other and they were
trying to say that their son is better than the other. But when they were quarrelling
again, their sons told them that they are friends and that they do not have to fight.
Their sons told them that they are going back abroad and live there permanently.
Because of this unexpected news, they felt guilty and they realized and awakened
that there were no good things to offer by fighting against each other.

Lastly, they reconciled and became friends to each other again.


This play is a very funny play. The acting of the major actors are nice and
energetic. The interaction and conversations are spontaneous and they use mostly
everyday language. Thus, the audience can easily comprehend the flow of the plot.

Psychologically, this also brings light to the common Filipino trait of being
envious of their neighbors and we usually makes some sort of indifference to them.
The play especially the later part brings forth a sort of positive reaction to this
common trait by neglecting them and instead.

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