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He was American Innovator and entrepreneur who co-

TAHUN PELAJARAN 2021/2022 founded Apple Inc. Who was he?
a. Marconi c. Steve Paul Jobs.
b. Albert Einstein d. Mark Zucherberg
Tanda Tangan Bidang Study : Bahasa Inggris Nilai :
Orang Tua Kelas : VI (Enam)
Hari/ Tanggal : …………………… Paraf Guru:
8. Pattimura or Thomas Matulessy was a hero from ....
Waktu : 60 Menit
Nama/ Nomor : ……………………. a. Maluku c. Bali
b. Java d. Aceh
9. The founder of Facebook is ….
a.Albert Einstein c. Mark Zuckerberg
b.Galileo d.Marconi
10. The inventor of telephone is ….
I. CChoose the best answer by crossing (x) a, b, c or d! a. Galileo c. The wright brothers
Text for number 1-4 b. Babbage d. Alexander Graham Bell
Ir. Soekarno (born in Blitar, East Java, June 6, 1901 – died in Jakarta, June 21, 1970 Text for no. 11 until 13
at age 69 years) is Indonesia’s first president who served two terms from 1945 to Good morning Ladies and Gentlements,
1966. He played an important role for the liberation of Indonesia from Dutch I am Titania
colonialism. He was proclaimed Indonesian independence (along with Mohammad I am from Excelent Elementary School
I am in the sixth grade.
Hatta) which occurred on August 17, 1945.
I am going speak about the use of internet.
1. When was Ir. Soekarno born?
a. June 6, 1901 c. June 21, 1970 Ladies and Gentlemen,
b. June 1. 1906 d. June 21, 1960 Nowadays, internet is one of our daily needs. Everybody has
2. Where was he died? smartphone with the internet. A coffee shop with free wi-fi is more
a. Kediri b. Jakarta c. Blitar d. Surabaya crowded that without wi-fi.
3. Was he Indonesia’s First president? Internet technology has advanced rapidly. Many companies use
internet as their business. Everybody can access online shop,
a. Yes, He is c.Yes, He was
videos, social medias, e-book, e-money, online games and many
b. Yes, she is d. Yes, it was more.
4. With whom he proclaimed Indonesian Independence?
a. Mohammad Hatta c. Sukarni 11. Who is the writer?
b. Pancasila d. Dutch a. Titania b. Internet c. Technology d. Ladies
5. The inventor of formula E=MC was ….
12. What is the speech about?
a. Albert Einstein b. Nadeem Makarim c. Mark Zuckerberg d.Marconi a. Titania b. Internet c. Technology d. Ladies
6. The inventor of radio is …. 13. Choose the correct statement from the text!
a. Albert Einstein b. Nadeem Makarim c. Mark Zuckerberg d.Marconi a. Titania is a teacher
b. Titania is Fifth grade student a. next month b. August c. Surabaya d. 10th 2020
c. internet is one of our daily needs 18. Where does the camp take place?
d. Titania wants to speak about music a. next month b. August c. School yard d. 1Oth 2020
19. ... will the camp be last? The camp will be last for two days
a. How many b. Hom much c. How far d. How long
14. What he has found? 20. How can we get the information?
He was found …. a. We can contact to Kak Mustofa
a. Facebook c. E = M. formula b. The camp will be two days
c. All Scouts must join the camp
b. Plane d. Telephone d. The best team will be selected ad school team
15. He is an Indonesian entrepreneur, who founded Go-Jek. II. Fills the blank with suitable words!
Now, He is Minister of Education. Who is he? 21. Chelsea : Who is your favorite … ?
a. NadiemMakarim c. AnisBaswedan Gilang : My Favorite inventor is Albert Einstein
b. Affandi d. Habibi 22. Sheila : Who is your favorite … ?
Aurel : My Favorite hero is Mohammad Hatta
16. Who is he? he is …. He was the father of Medicians.
a.IbnuSina c. Pele 23. He was third president of Indonesia. Who is he? he is ….
b.M. Gandhi d. Einsten

The text is for number 17-20 24. Cut NyakDien was a hero from ….

There will be a PERSAMI camp next month.
The poster is for number 25-26
All Scouts must join the camp.
The activity will take place at school yard.
The best team will be selected ad school team. 25. Tree can reduce ....
The camp will be last for two days
For further information, please contact Kak Mustofa. 26. Tree can remove ....
Surabaya, August, 10th 2020
The Chief of Scout Organization

17. When will the PERSAMI camp be held?

The text is for number 27-28

Thomas Alva Edison was born in February 11 1847. Answer the questions !
He was American Inventor and businessman. To All students,
He was one of the greatest inventors.
We inform that story club will be held on:
Some of his famous invention were
the light bulb and Phonograph. Saturday, 12 February 2020, at 10 am.
It is the first machine that could record and play back. The place will be at school library.
Don’t forget to bring your books and pencils.
27. Thomas Alva Edison was from ....
For more information, please contact to Mrs. Putri
28. His famous inventions were ....
Please come on time.

Head teacher

29. When will the story club be held?

30. How can we get the information?

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