English Project 12 Fi

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Reg. No:

This is to certify that the project work on


Based on the curriculum of CBSE has been completed by


Reg.No------------------ of grade 12 TVS Academy, Hosur.

The above mentioned project work has been completed and under the

guidance of ------------------------------- during the academic year 2022-2023

Signature of Teacher
Internal Examiner External Examiner


I would like to extend my sincere and heartfelt obligation towards all those who
have helped me in making this project. Without their active guidance, help,
cooperation and encouragement, I would not have been able to present the project
on time.

I am extremely thankful and pay my sincere gratitude to my teacher Ms.Savitha

for her valuable guidance and support for the completion of this project.I extend my
sincere gratitude to my Principal Ms. Hamsalatha. R. for the moral support extended
during the tenure of this project.

I also acknowledge with a deep sense of reverence, my gratitude towards my

parents, other faculty members of the school and friends for their valuable
suggestions given to me in completing the project.
Draw conclusions to the similarities and the importance of childhood In all peoples' lives, regardless of the
journey of their early lives.

THEME: Going places, Memories of Childhood

Action Plan

1. Brainstorm about the different lessons we could work with and conclude with childhood.
2. Have a discussion amongst ourselves about what childhood means to us. think about what
questions we can ask others so that we understand others’ childhood experiences.
3. Send a google form to people of different age groups.
4. Collate information about the childhoods of major generations; in our case, we found 3: 70’s,
90’s, and 2000’s.
5. Reminiscing on one of each one’s impactful memory of childhood.
6. Write the poetry.
7. Make the spoken word poetry

Mode of Presentation: spoken word poetry

Interview Questions (Google forms)

1. Name
2. Your year of birth
3. Do you have any siblings?
4. If yes, how many siblings do you have?
5. What are the top five words that you might use to describe childhood?
6. What was your single best memory of your childhood?
7. What is your single worst memory of your childhood?
8. Who took care of you as a child? You can choose up to 5 (This is multiple-choice)
9. What was the role your parents played in your life as a child?
10. What were the ways in which you spent your time as a child?
11. Who was the most influential adult in your life?
12. What is one unique thing about your childhood that is different from other generations?
13. What were the difficulties that you faced in your childhood?


1. First predominant memory

2. Do memories have to always be about good times
3. One incident that changed your view on something as a child
4. Do bad memories affect us in good or bad ways?
5. Childhood traumas, do they control your present life.


(Spoken word poetry on Spotify)


The Child back to life :

When we look back

Everyone had
A beautiful period of time
Where one believed in almost everything
And loved almost anything
Enjoying the little things
With Friends who were as close as siblings.

How we enjoyed cricket all day long

Till our mothers pulled our ears dragging us home
Where our paati’s mumble of their good old times
And complain about our dirty gowns
As we forget to wait for the maid
Despairing in the responsibilities we had to wade

Afraid of the wooden scales and our appa's deadly glares

Forgetting the strong smile he wears
Not letting us trip on our laces
We pretend to study in the street light upstairs
And at night, we lulled to the radio songs
But not without scratches on our faces
From the day's warfare.
Though we all know it's not the end

Kabaddi games were heaven

We played twenty-four-seven
Technology hit like a hurricane
Like the uncalled-for rain

Gen Z, they call us

Go for the A+
that's what they say
But we don’t care anyway
Big online persona
That’s called superiority
Hiding the deep inferiority
We are the controllers
Of our lives
Though at times we doubt it
Traversing through our childhood
We act in our plays to which the script
is yet to be written

We try to leave behind the hurtful memories

The best we can
As we can’t keep carrying the pain
So, we frequently discard our baggage
And don’t let them hold us, hostage

Filled with emotion

The scars and flaws that cover us
Make us strong
A testament to who we are
We dare to look at the mirror
And accept what we are

As time passes by
We grow old
Yet we still hold countless feelings
And as many thoughts
And memories
As we did before.
Time may change us
But each and everyone of us
Still, look at the little toys on the
Dusty shelves and think
Where did our childhood go
Or should we ask why we lock
The child in us
like some old toy.

When we all clearly

Miss being a little kid
Miss the smile that used to be stuck on our faces
Miss how we used to climb trees
Just to see the sun sailing from the east.
Miss how our thoughts were naive
With a touch of innocent mischief
Miss how we wore our big dreams
In the tiny world, we lived
Oh how we miss being small
Miss how we didn’t worry about catching up with the trend
Miss living a life with no regrets
Ultimately it is we missing ourselves
So why do we put the inner child to sleep
When our hearts are brimming with
The feeling of missing our authentic selves

We can even now

Give ourselves the time to smile
And unleash the child in us all

Collation of the generations

The persons that were born in the 1970s mainly described their childhoods in these three words:
Playful, happy and lovely. Their best memories were of playing games outside, going to school, spending time
with their grandparents and going on trips. Most of them stated that losing someone significant was one of their
worst memories, fights with siblings and receiving punishments. They considered their parents to be their
guides and protectors. They considered that the limited or no gadget time and socialising with neighbours and
others around as well as being surrounded by nature made them unique when compared with other

The people who were born in the 1990s described their childhood as carefree, a period where they had made
lasting memories and enjoyed themselves with their friends. When expressing their memories of childhood.
They spoke about spending time with school friends, playing cricket and feeling proud they were the 90s kids.
Most of them stated that they had fewer technological interventions and had tiny insecurities and that they took
time for themselves. They considered their parents as gods and felt grateful towards them. They also had
stated that they were mostly taken care of by their parents, grandparents and siblings while they were growing

The people born in the 2000s described their childhood as being carefree, ‘learning’ and playful. They
stated that their best childhood memories were on school trips, vacations and playing with friends.
Consecutively, their worst memories were the embarrassment of being shunned by their friends and lying on
their tests. They lived in mostly nuclear families; they were, however, sometimes raised by their grandparents.
Similar to the previous two generations, they found the role of their parents in their lives was to shape, guide,
and take care of them. When asked about how they spent their free time, they stated it to be watching tv,
phone, or reading. Most of them considered their father to be the most influential adult in their life with a few
exceptions. They expressed that the difference between them and other generations was that they have more
career options, have an addiction to gadgets and suffer from more mental health issues. The difficulties they
faced in their childhood were that they had a lot of complexes, were introverts and had problems with
Establishing Connections With Lesson :

1. Going Places
Going Places is a story primarily about idol worship but we can also understand a lot about familial relations.
Sophie’s brother Geoff was a pivotal part of the story. Sophie often wants to get closer to him but he was very
reticent in talking to her. Her father and her younger brother were fans of baseball causing her to start showing
interest in Danny Casey. She wanted the attention of her father and brothers, so she started to daydream
about him.

From our surveys, we can confidently say that family is one of the most integral parts of our personality and
childhood in general. They have played a large role in taking care of us as well as disciplining us. They shape
our morals and our world.

2. Memories of Childhood

In the story memories of childhood, we have our two protagonists Zitkala-Sa and Bama share their childhood
trauma and the discriminations they faced. In our lives we have also faced trauma and experiences that have
shaped us to think as we do today and essentially, create who we are. It was very interesting to note how
difficult experiences, though not much appreciated then, shape us to be powerful human beings. When we
conducted the survey, we heard from many people with different walks of life. Some were older than us by
multiple generations but they had many similar bad incidents.

Group Reflection

We faced the difficulty of not receiving enough responses from a certain age group, namely the 90’s
group. We didn’t know enough people from this age group that would respond. Scheduling meetings was
another pitfall. We all had different classes as well as having sick teammates, we had to set our meetings at
unorthodox times. This made our productivity decrease as most of us used to sleep at those times.

However, as a group, we were able to understand each other's thoughts during the writing of the poem. We
were able to clearly communicate about our difficulties and thus made our group work very smoothly.
Furthermore, we supported each other and each of us contributed equally. We motivated each other when we
were in a bottle-neck. This was probably why it was a very enjoyable experience to work in this group.
Confronting our memories of our childhood and its impact on each of us ,helped us to understand and create
our main idea and message we wanted to share. The discussions also furthered this.

To conclude this project involved a lot of intense philosophical realisations within ourselves and the people
around us. Despite the hurdles,we were able to delve deeper into the aspects of understanding our own
childhoods and their impact like Zitkala-sa, and Bama. The collaboration led us to the insightful revelations of
the different ways people cope with reality through fantasies and make-believes.

Individual reflection:
Took inspiration from this
● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfrlYx0-B7E
Some resources we used
● https://www.rhymezone.com/


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