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8/2/22, 11:39 AM Day 15: Saints at work — Salt&Light


Day 15: Saints at work

A LoveSingapore 40.Day prayer and fast devotional, following 2022's theme of To Live Is
Christ: A Journey Through the Book of Philippians.

// July 15, 2022, 12:01 am

Bible reading for 40.DAY 2022 |  Philippians 2:12

hey are not perfect yet. But they have an outstanding track record of obedience.

Paul commends them and encourages them to keep up the good work. Not only in his
presence, but even more so in his absence: Work out your own salvation.

Salvation is a work in progress and a work in community. 1/4
8/2/22, 11:39 AM Day 15: Saints at work — Salt&Light

Salvation is a work in progress and a work in community.

Paul has already assured them that God will complete the work He started in them (Philippians 1:6). But
now he adds a caveat: Work out your own salvation. This is not addressed to the individual but to the
community. They have work to do together as the colony of heaven in Philippi.

Salvation is not just something we receive. It’s also something we do and do together (Gordon Fee).

Paul won’t do it for us. And not even God Himself! He will do it with us, in us, and through us. But not for
us. We’ve got to work it out ourselves.

Now, mind your head. Paul didn’t say work “for” your salvation, but work “out” your salvation. This is not
about how we “get” saved. But how we “work out” our salvation together — ethically, practically, morally,
and spiritually — in the church and in the world (Gordon Fee).

The word “therefore” in verse 12 links this command to all the preceding imperatives in this letter. So
this is how we must work “out” our salvation together: Live as citizens of the Kingdom. Walk worthy of
the Gospel.

Strive together for the faith of the Gospel in your church and in your city.

Quit quarrelling. Rally as one in the face of opposition. Have the mind of Christ. Empty yourselves.
Humble yourselves. Strive together for the faith of the Gospel in your church and in your city.

Working “out” our salvation is the most important, the most difficult, the most exciting, and the most
rewarding work we will ever do. And the most terrifying too.

“Work out your own salvation,” says Paul. Not in self-assertion and rivalry. Nor in apathy and
complacency. Nor in hype and hubris. But in fear and trembling.

Therefore, mind your manners! Our God is a consuming fire (Hebrews 12:29).

Pray Now
1 No one should trifle with God. He is good, but He is not safe (CS Lewis). Many have dropped dead when
approaching holy things and the Holy One in an unholy and casual manner (Leviticus 10:1, Numbers 16, 1
Samuel 6:19, 2 Samuel 6:6-7, Acts 5:1-11, 1 Corinthians 11:28-30).

Let’s get serious about worship. Church is not a show. And God doesn’t need cheerleaders. Nor is He
impressed with hyped-up performances and stage presence. Worship is in spirit and truth, sacrifice
and surrender. Start now. Draw near to God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

2 No one expected the pandemic. For most churches, it has created a precarious distance between
pastor and members, member and member. Dear Believer, where are you? Have you allowed God to
shape you in the times of separation and isolation? Has your zeal for God’s house intensified? Have you
returned to in-person, onsite worship? Or are you still lost in transit? 2/4
8/2/22, 11:39 AM Day 15: Saints at work — Salt&Light

With fear and trembling, do what’s right: Run back to God. Come home to community. Do not absent
yourself from your own assemblies (Hebrews 10:25 NJB). For unto Him shall the gathering of the people
be (Genesis 49:10).

No man is an island. We are made for community.

3 No man is an island. Confess the truth: We are made for community. We are responsible to hold each
other accountable to God’s Word, God’s will, and God’s way. Will we set the tone and lead by example?
Will we work out our salvation together with others – spiritually, ethically, morally, and practically?

Come to God now in reverence and awe. Confront individualism and independence. Resist complacency
and casual Christianity. Contend for church-wide reformation. Confess the statements of intent below
as a collective manifesto to live for Christ and walk worthy of the Gospel:

○ Lord, today, in reverence and awe of who You are, we surrender our lives and our all to You as an act of true worship. Help
us to exalt You above all else and love You with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.
○ Open our hearts to hear Your Word. Give us strength and courage to keep the Great Commandment. And obey the Great
○ We resolve to seek You, Lord, in prayer and intercession. To listen for Your voice in all that we do. To follow Your leading
wherever we go. We will trust You with all our heart.
○ Help us to honour our parents in word and deed. And to honour the governing authority You have ordained in our nation.
○ We set our hearts to do what is right: To love Your Church as You loved us and gave Yourself for us. To love You by loving
our neighbour. To die to self and sin. To put the interest of others above our own. To make every effort to keep the unity of
the Spirit in the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:3). To show mercy to the weak among us. To work out our differences, forgive
and reconcile. To strive for the shalom and success of others.
○ Stir our will to live for You. To give the Holy Spirit His rightful place. To purge out every worthless idol and every form of
worldly vanity. To bear the fruit of the Spirit. To live the Beatitudes of Christ. To proclaim the Gospel at every opportunity. To
seek the welfare of our city. To open our ears to the cry of the poor. To open our hands to the needy.
○ Lord, help us to confront immorality in our lives, in our families, and in our churches. Give us zero tolerance for racism and
xenophobia. Give us courage and wisdom to always speak the truth in love on any issue that impacts the health of the
Church and the future of our nation. Amen.

Follow Salt&Light on Telegram, Facebook or Instagram for more of LoveSingapore’s daily devotions until

August 8, 2022.

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8/2/22, 11:39 AM Day 15: Saints at work — Salt&Light

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Founded in 1995, LoveSingapore is a unity movement

motivated by love, fuelled by prayer, and inspired by a
common vision: God's greatest glory seen through a life
changed, a church revived, a nation transformed, and a
world evangelised. 4/4

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