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SERTIFIKAT KOMPETENSI Contificate Of Competence Nomer ; 1330231490120190224 Number of Certificate > 1330331490120190224 Diberikan Kepada : This ts to Certify that Nama Lengkap PUTRI ZAHARA TUL JANNAH Full Name ‘Tempat, Tanggel Lahir BLANG PASEH, 10 Oktober 1996 Place, Dato of Birth Nomor Induk Mahusiswa 13303314901 18000067 Student ID Nuriber Nama Perguruan Tings STIKES Media Nurul tslam Name of Institution Jenis dan No, Keputusan Pendirian Pergaruan Tinggi - STIKes Medika Nurul Istam dan 85/D/0/2008 Under the law of Vocational Schoot in Higher Eluication 85/D/0/2008 Program Studi Program Profesi Ners Major Professional Nursing Program Dinyataian telah LULUS UJI KOMPETENSI PROGRAM PROFES! NERS Has possed the Competency Test of Professional Nursing Program Berdascrkan Keputusan Bersama Panitie Uji Korpetenal Nasional Khusus Retoker Lujusan Dil Keperawatan dan Profest Ners Nomor DPP PPN|: 030) DPP.PPNI/SK/K.S/V/2021, AIPKI (001 /REP/AIPNI/2021, AIPUIKI: 05/1/V/2021, HPtRes: 40 7/Ukum/HPTKES/2021 dan APKES!: (03411 /APKES'/V/2021 Basecl en Decrve of he National Competency Exarination Joint Conumittee Speci for Retaker of Dpploma It Nursing Program Graduates and Nursing Profession Program Graduates, Number DPP PPNI: 930/ DP. PPNY/ Sk/ .S/ Vj 2021, AIPNI: 001/ KEP/ AIPNY/ 2021, AIPUIKI: 09/1/V/ 2021, HP Tes: 40.7/Ukom/HPTHBS/ 2021 dart APES! 934.1; AIKESI/V/2021 Ai Sigh, 77 ei fess Pt Peart Nana Taine npn Pee Tees Hii Fodhitlsh

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