Inheritance 1

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Constructors and Destructors

November 2, 2022

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1 Access Specifiers and Simple Inheritance

2 Types of Inheritance

3 Single Inheritance

4 Multilevel Inheritance

5 Multiple Inheritance

6 Hybrid Inheritance

7 Hierarchical Inheritance

8 Multipath Inheritance

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Access Specifiers and Simple Inheritance

Access Specifiers and Simple Inheritance

The procedure of creating a new class from one or more existing

classes is termed inheritance.
Access Specifiers
protected:Protected access modifier is similar to that of private
access modifiers, the difference is that the class member declared as
Protected are inaccessible outside the class but they can be accessed
by any subclass(derived class) of that class.

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Access Specifiers and Simple Inheritance


derived class name: access specifiers baseclass name

// member variables of new class (derived class)
class B: public A
// Members of class B

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Access Specifiers and Simple Inheritance


class B: private A // private derivation

// members of class B
class B: A // by default private derivation
// members of class B
class B: protected A // same as private
// members of class B

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Access Specifiers and Simple Inheritance

Important Points

1 When a public access specifier is used (example 1), the public

members of the base class are public members of the derived class.
Similarly, the protected members of the base class are protected
members of the derived class.
2 When a private access specifier is used, the public and protected
members of the base class are the private members of the derived
3 The use of protected access specifier is the same as private access.

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Access Specifiers and Simple Inheritance


Write a program to derive a class publicly from base class. Declare

the base class with its member under public section.
Write a program to derive a class publicly from base class. Declare
the base class member under private section.
Write a program to derive a class privately. Declare the member of
base class under public section.
Write a program to declare protected data in base class. Access data
of base class declared under Protected section using member
functions of derived class.

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Types of Inheritance

Types of Inheritance

The process of inheritance can be either simple or complex.

This depends on the following points:
Number of base classes: The program can use one or more base classes
to derive a single class.
Nested derivation: The derived class can be used as a base class, and a
new class can be derived from it.
Single Inheritance
Multiple Inheritance
Hierarchical Inheritance
Multilevel Inheritance
Hybrid Inheritance
Multi-path Inheritance

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Single Inheritance

Single Inheritance

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Multilevel Inheritance

Multilevel Inheritance

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Multiple Inheritance

Multiple Inheritance

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Hybrid Inheritance

Hybrid Inheritance

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Hierarchical Inheritance

Hierarchical Inheritance

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Multipath Inheritance

Multipath Inheritance(Virtual Base class)

Virtual base classes in C++ are used to prevent multiple instances of a
given class from appearing in an inheritance hierarchy when using multiple

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Multipath Inheritance

Problem without virtual

class A {
void display() {
cout << "Hello form Class A \n";
class B: public A { };
class C: public A { };
class D: public B, public C { };
int main() {
D object;
If a virtual base class is not used, all the derived classes will get duplicated
data members. In this case, the compiler cannot decide which one to
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Multipath Inheritance

How to Declare Virtual Base Class in C++?

The word “virtual” can be written before or after the word “public”.
class B: virtual public A {
// statement 1
class C: public virtual A {
// statement 2

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