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In a cafe in the corner near the window, sat several people including: Nopi, Jaisy, Putri, Faza, and Alwan.

J: Guys, where do you think this year's holiday (while stirring the drink using a straw).

N: Ouch, I'm also confused, is there any suggestion (asked Faza).

F: To the beach how about we go.

A: Ahh, don't go to the beach. Last year we went to the beach.

P: Yes, really, why do we go to the beach again, it's better to go up the mountain?

J, N, F, A: Great idea.

J: I totally agree, we never go up the mountain looking for new experiences.

F: Yes I agree too, so when will we go.

A: What if next week

N: I just participate, I don't have any activities: D.

P: What about the others agree or not? .

F: Come on, our week is already on the road.

A: Yes the deal next week goes up the mountain.

J: But which mountain we want to go to.

F: we are beginners so go up the low mountains first.

P: Yes what mountain.

A: What about Mount Pangrango?

N: Don't go to Mount Pangrango if you can, because it's too high above sea level, it's better to go to
Mount Kencana.

P: How high is Mount Kencana?

N: Around 1700s, how do you want it or not?

P: I want, the important thing is vacation.

F: Better, Mount Kencana

J: Yes, I also agree N: What do you want to go to Mount Kencana? (Asking alwan)

A: Yes I will come.

finally they decided to go to the "kencana" mountain.

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