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great master of war is admitted by most of those who judge

K.P. Knight of St Patrick.

caesia, Rumex nivalis, Alsine aretioides, Aquilegia alpina,

Tyndall-Bruce scholarship, the Hamilton fellowship (1872),

kingdom of Granada. Pop. (1900) 359,013; area, 3360 sq.

1895 81,749,955 18,368,410 100,118,365

post in which the Beni-Mzab took refuge when the Turks

treaties. Thus the Triple Alliance of 1688 between Great

worships. In these worships, social organization, religious

chlorine as long as vapours of the double chloride were given

thoroughly sated, that Christ gave them of his own body to

baffling an attempt of the French to carry reinforcements

that even in very narrow spaces the aether is not entrained

of the Eastern Alps (8 sheets) include the whole chain,

professed treatise on the subject appeared till after the

are richly wooded, and often, from their multitude of fruit

allowed himself to become the instrument of any particular

ABSOLUTISM, in aesthetics, a term applied to the theory

antikeitai. Having reached this conclusion, he was able to

it. Abreast as he was of the best thought of his time--the

greatly inferior in numbers, attacked with much vigour.

(preserved in Muratori's Rerum Italicarum Scriptores, vol.

whose son and heir William was killed at Hastings, and whose

place has been occupied by the Scottish pine and spruce, which

and W. de W. Abney, Pioneers of the Alps (2nd ed., 1888).


reserved five of the Eton fellowships for members of King's

conditions of the pleasurable effects of colours and their

plant published in Europe. The genus Alpinia, belonging

the Board of Agriculture to appoint local estimators, who report

equator, whereby the northern one lies mostly in the temperate

vizir. He had met her paddling in the Guadalquivir, purchased

monument, now in the Louvre, is not later than the 5th century

black-ash, whereupon it becomes the last of the series. In

100 Volumes of Volumes of Acetylene.

occasion of Herod's public appearance. Hence the parallel,

railway. Among the city's manufactures are cotton-seed oil,

not despair of reaching large agreement as to the nature

and a disagreeable smell. On exposure to the air it

ACOLYTE (Gr.akolouthos, follower), the last of the four

which at his death was bought by the French government.

incorporated the Farmers' High School, now the State College, in

Winchcombe, St Mary's York. Of these the precedence was

the bow-strings were made of foxes' entrails. In battle

of negro descent); (1910) 8190. It is served by the Central

Kurdistan. Nevertheless, there is as yet no monumental

ivory, found in the stone chamber of the temple, gives

Savoie and Haute-Savoie and the Swiss cantons Geneva and

Three years later (in 568), on the alleged invitation of Narses

Naturalization, which means conferring the character of a subject,

Whittier-land, A Handbook of North Essex (Boston, New York, 1904).

Byron. The approach of winter made a naval campaign on the coast

occurrence. These contractions, however, may prove too great

not be renounced except in the case of one who had begotten

in 472 and a democracy established. In the struggle between

In some of the hottest parts of South America Europeans are

to establish Akbar's power on a secure basis than all his

centuries has proved demoralizing to the natives, without

Sthenelus. He fled with Alcmene, Electryon's daughter, to

entitled Silvae Philologicae, and they have been edited

presumption that the process of conduction is one in which

in the Choephoroe (313-478), and the gradual rousing of the

edited by M. Ewert (1900), and essays by Julian Schmidt (Neue

W. C. Farabee, ``Notes on Negro Albinism,'' Science, N.S.

Roskilde. Henceforth Absalon was the chief counsellor of

monarchs still survive in the centre of the town. During the

come into contact with sulphuric acid that is not at times

A collection of scholia on Horace, originally anonymous in

tells us that if anything is done to ``a woman quick or great

the public mind to the development, which is continually

from Wales to Saghalien island, and from Caithness to the north

has never since witnessed, which resulted in the upheaval

north. The construction of the Grand Trunk Pacific railway

it is sufficient to mix the alcohol with a reagent necessary

An action is said to ``lie'' when the law provides a remedy for

and value of excitation due to this being controlled by

for all the depredations of the ``Alabama'' and ``Florida''

state has erected, at a cost of $1,200,000, thirty-two college

of the Roman State towards the Christians, the writer has

under a principal clerk, the civil branch and the record

svenska radets historia under. medeltiden (Upsala, 1872);

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