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HS Developers Slide


Force and Motion-1

Ch 5-1 Physics

Physics: Study of cause of acceleration

of an object
Cause: Force
Force is said to act on the object to
change its velocity
Ch 5-3 Newton’s First Law

 If no force acts on a body,

then the body’s velocity cannot change
i.e. the body cannot accelerate.

 If body is at rest, it stays at rest, if it

is in motion, it continues to move with
the same velocity
Ch 5-4 Force
 A force F is measured by
the acceleration a it
 Principal of superposition of
When two or more forces
are acting on a body
resultant force or net force
Fnet can be obtained by
adding the forces individually
Fnet = F
 If no net force acts on a
body (Fnet =0), the body
velocity cannot change.
Checkpoint 5-1
 Which of the figure’s six  Ans: c, d and e
arrangements correctly show the
vector addition of forces F1 and
F2 to yield the third vector,
which is meant to represent net
force Fnet?
Ch 5-5 Mass

 Mass is an intrinsic characteristic of a body

 Mass of a body relates a force acting on a
body to the resulting acceleration
 The ratio of the masses of two bodies m0 and
mx is equal to inverse of their acceleration a0
and ax when same force is applied to both
 mx/m0 = a0/ax
Ch 5-6 Newton’s Second Law
 The net force Fnet acting on a body is equal to
the product of the body mass m and its
acceleration a
Fnet = ma; a= Fnet / m

 Acceleration component along a given axis is

caused only by sum of forces component along
that axis
ax = Fnet,x /m ; ay = Fnet,y /m ; az = Fnet,z /m

 SI unit of force Newton (N)

1N= 1kg.m/s2
Checkpoint 5-2
The figure here shows two F= F3 +5-3=0
horizontal forces acting on Then F3 =-5+3= -2 N
a block on a frictionless in both cases (a) and (b)
floor. If a third horizontal
force F3 also acts on the
block, what are the
magnitude and direction of
F3 when the block is:
(a) stationary
(b) moving to the left with a
constant speed 5 m/s?
Checkpoint 5-3
The figure shows overhead views of Calculate Fnet= F1 + F2
four situations in which two forces (a) (1) Fnet=5+3=8
accelerate the same block across a (2) Fnet=5-3=2
frictionless floor. Rank the situation
according to the magnitudes of (3) Fnet= (52+32)=34~6
(a) the net force on the block and (4) Fnet=[(5+3cos)2+(3sin)2]
(b) The acceleration of the block, > 6
greatest first Ans: (1),(4), (3), (2)
(b) Acceleration of block a
a = Fnet/ constant block mass
The order of acceleration is
same as that of Fnet
Ans: (1),(4), (3), (2)
Ch 5-7: Some Particular Forces
Gravitational Force Fg:

The force with which a body is

pulled towards earth. Downward
force –Fg= m(-|g|)

Equals the magnitude of a net
force required to prevent the body
from falling freely, as measured on
the ground.
weight |W| = |Fg|
Ch 5-7: Some Particular Forces (FN and T)

 Normal Force FN :
When a body presses against a
surface, the surface pushes
the body with a normal force
FN, that is  to the surface
For a block resting on a table
FN = mg

 Tension Force T:
It is the force applied to a
body through a cord, pulled
taut opposite to object. For a
mass less cord , the pulls at
both ends of the cord has
same magnitude T
Checkpoint 5-3
 In figure shown below, is the (a) For constant speed
magnitude of the normal force FN Fnet=0= FN – mg=0
greater than, less than, or equal to
FN = mg
mg if the block and table are in an
elevator moving upward
(a) at constant speed (b) For increasing speed
(b) at increasing speed Fnet=ma= FN – mg
FN = ma + mg
FN > mg
Checkpoint 5-4

 The suspended body in the figure (c) weighs (a) For constant speed
75 N. Is T equal to greater than, less than Fnet=0= T – mg=0
75 N when body is moving upward at T = mg = 75 N
(a) constant speed
(b) For increasing speed
(b) at increasing speed
Fnet=ma = T – mg
(c) at decreasing speed
T = ma + mg
T > mg
(c) For decreasing speed
Fnet=-ma = T – mg
T = mg - ma
T < mg
Ch 5-8 Newton’s Third Law

 Newton’s Third Law:

When two bodies interact, the
forces on the bodies from each
other are always equal in
magnitude and opposite in
 For the book and crate
 FBC and FCB are called third-law
force pair
FBC and FCB are also called
action and reaction forces pair
Ch 5-9 Applying Newton’s Laws
Problem-solving strategy:
 Draw a simple and neat diagram
of the system
 Isolate the object whose motion
is being analyzed. Draw free-
body diagram for this object for
the external forces acting on
the object
 Establish convenient coordinate
axes for each object. Find
component of forces along these
axes. Apply Newton’s Second
Law F=ma in component form.
 Solve the component equations
for the unknowns
Ch 5-9 Applying Newton’s Laws

 For (a)
Fy=FN-Fgs=May=0; FN= Fgs
Fx=Max=T=Ma; T=Ma

 For (b)
T=m(g-a) and T=Ma
Solve for a
a =mg/(m+M)
Ch 5-9 Applying Newton’s Laws
Sample Problem 5-6

 Find T1, T2 and T3 ?; For (a)

Fy=T3-Fg=0; T3= Fg=mg and
 For (b)
Fx=T2cos 47-T1cos 28=0
T2cos 47=T1cos 28 ……(1)
Fy= T2 sin 47+T1 sin 28-T3=0
T2 sin 47+T1 sin 28=T3

Solve eq. (1) and (2) to get T1

and T2
Sample Problem 5-7
 Find T and FN if  = 27º
 Resolving force Fg=mg along and
the plane and perpendicular to
the plane
 T-mg sin = 0; T= mg sin 

 Also FN-mg cos  =0

Then FN= mg cos 
Checkpoint 5-7

 In the figure , horizontal force F is

 Ans:
appled to a block on a ramp.
(a) Fsin  to ramp
(a) Is the component of F that is (b) F  to ramp=
perpendicular to the ramp Fcos or
N-mgcos- Fsin =0
Then N= mgcos+ Fsin
(b) Does the presence of F increases or
Fsin increases the
decreases the magnitude of the normal magnitude of the
force on the block from the ramp? normal force on the
block from the ramp
Checkpoint 5-8

In the figure , what does the scale read Answer

if the elevator cable breaks sp that In free fall
the cab falls freely ; that is what is F = N-Fg=-Fg
the apparent weight of the passenger
in free fall?
Apparent weight N
N= -Fg+Fg = 0
Sample Problem 5-9

Find a?
 Introduce action and
reaction par forces FAB
and FBA
 Fapp=(mA+mB)a
a= Fapp/(mA+mB)
 Then FBA =mBa

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