Left Fascicular Blocks Right-Heart Catheterization Using The Swan-Ganz Catheter

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Left Fascicular Blocks During Right-heart

Catheterization Using the Swan-Ganz Catheter
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SUMMARY During insertion of Swan-Ganz catheters, mechanical right bundle branch block occurred in
association with left posterior fascicular block in two patients and with left anterior fascicular block in two.
None of the four patients had acute myocardial infarction or acute (spontaneous or iatrogenic) pulmonary dis.
ease. In two cases, electrophysiologic studies demonstrated the coexistence of intra- and infra-Hisian conduc-
tion delays and blocks. Although the right bundle branch block may have resulted from injury to the central or
peripheral right branch, the left fascicular blocks could not be explained by direct trauma to these left-sided
structures. Our findings support the recent clinical and experimental reports that show that, left fascicular
block (as well as right bundle branch block) may be due to lesions involving the His bundle; presumably
because of longitudinal dissociation of this structure affecting the transverse interconnections. In one patient,
2: 1 intra-Hisian block may have coexisted with bradycardia-dependent (phase 4) right bundle branch block.
More studies are required to determine the implications of catheter-induced conduction disturbances in other
clinical settings, such as acute myocardial infarction.

RARELY, complications result from the use of the ular block (LAFB) and left posterior fascicular block
Swan-Ganz catheters. Recent communications have (LPFB) would not be expected to develop coincident
reported distal migration of catheters with pulmo- with traumatic RBBB. However, these unusual asso-
nary artery injury or pulmonary infarction.1-8 Rhythm ciations can occur and are discussed in this report.
disorders and conduction disturbances, such as ven- We also examine possible electrophysiologic mecha-
tricular ectopic beats and traumatic right bundle nisms.
branch block (RBBB), have also been noted."-" Be-
cause the catheter is confined to the right-heart cavi- Materials and Methods
ties, axis shifts characteristic of left anterior fascic-
Table 1 lists clinical data for four patients who, dur-
From the Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, ing insertion of a Swan-Ganz catheter, developed
University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, Florida. RBBB with LPFB (cases 1 and 2) or with LAFB
Supported in part by grant 5 ROI HL 18769-06, NHLBI, NIH. (cases 3 and 4). Although one patient had old antero-
Address for correspondence: Agustin Castellanos, M.D., Division septal (and possibly inferior) myocardial infarctions,
of Cardiology (D-39), University of Miami School of Medicine, none had acute myocardial infarction by clinical,
P.O. Box 016960, Miami, Florida 33101.
Received October 6, 1980; revision accepted March 3, 1981. enzymatic or electrocardiographic findings, or acute
Circulation 64, No. 6, 1981. pulmonary disease by clinical or x-ray findings or lung

scans). One patient had congestive cardiomyopathy pearance of the RBBB was preceded by (or coexisted
and three had systemic arterial hypertension with car- with) right ventricular ectopic beats. The RBBB was
diomegaly and congestive heart failure (hypertensive initially bradycardia-dependent, and then became
cardiovascular disease). Hemodynamic monitoring rate-independent.
was performed to evaluate the treatment of congestive In patients 1 and 2, the amount of rightward shift of
heart failure, acute hypertensive crisis or volume de- the electrical axis from the control value was 1100 and
pletion. 1200, (table 1). The magnitude of this shift and the
Triple-lumen, #7F, balloon-tipped, flow-directed resulting right-axis deviation (which could not be at-
thermodilution catheters (Edwards Laboratories) tributed to acute lung disease) were in keeping with
were introduced through an antecubital or internal the diagnosis of LPFB.10
jugular vein. After entering the appropriate vein, the In case 2, the control ECG (fig. 1A) showed a left
distal lumen was connected to the pressure monitor- atrial abnormality and left ventricular hypertrophy
ing system. After balloon inflation,.the catheter was with an electrical axis of +30° and a QRS duration of
advanced to the pulmonary artery under fluoroscopic 85 msec. The RBBB pattern that appeared after inser-
control to obtain pulmonary artery pressures (table 1). tion (fig. 1B and fig. 2, top) was associated with right-
Although an electrocardiographic lead was visually axis deviation (+1400) and a QRS duration of 100
monitored on the oscilloscope screen during the entire msec. In this patient, the traumatically induced intra-
procedure, continuous tracings were obtained in only ventricular conduction disturbances had disappeared
two patients. However, in all cases, a complete 12-lead 11 hours after insertion of the catheter (fig. 2B).
ECG was recorded at the end of the procedure.
His bundle studies were performed.in two patients, RBBB with LAFB
using techniques previously reported."
Case 3 had a control ECG showing old antero-
septal (and probably inferior) myocardial infarctions
Results with an electrical axis of -15° (fig. 3A). The RBBB
pattern, which appeared while the Swan-Ganz cath-
Right Bundle Branch Block and Pulmonary Artery Pressures eter was introduced, occurred without significant
None of the patients had RBBB before insertion of changes in rate. It was associated with a shift of the
the Swan-Ganz catheter. This conduction disturbance electrical axis to approximately -100°, consistent
persisted for 6-l 1 hours (table 1). with the diagnosis of LAFB1' (fig. 3B). Total dis-
The initial hemodynamic measurements showed appearance (6 hours later) of the RBBB was followed
that cases 1-3 had elevated pulmonary artery end- by a gradual shift to the electrical axis toward control
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diastolic pressures. Measurements performed 4 hours values: -45° at 6 hours and - 150 (as in the control
after starting a drip infusion of nitroprusside revealed ECG) at 10 hours.
a decrease of the pulmonary artery end-diastolic In case 4 (figs. 4 and 5), traumatic RBBB coexisted
pressure to acceptable levels (table 1). This response not only with LAFB, but also with 2:1 atrioventric-
occurred when the RBBB was still present. Case 4 had ular (AV) block (fig. 4B). These conduction distur-
hypovolemia with an initial low pulmonary artery bances had disappeared 9 hours later (fig. 4C).
end-diastolic pressure.
His Bundle Recordings
RBBB with LPFB Intracardiac electrophysiologic studies, performed
In case 1, contin-uous electrocardiographic record- in cases 1 and 4, showed normal AH intervals.
ings were obtained throughout the procedure. Ap- However, both had infranodal conduction distur-
TABLE 1. Clinical, Electrocardiographic and Hemodynamic Information
EA (direc-
EAEAtion tion and
an Duration
Duration Pulmonary artery pressures
Age Clinical Previous EA (during magnitude of RBBB Pulmonary_artery_pressures
Pt (years) diagnosis MI (control) RBBB) of shift) (hours) Systolic End-diastolic Mean
1 47 HCVD No 00 +1200 R (1200) 6 0 hours* 28 22 25
CHF 4 hourst 22 13 17
2 57 HCVD No +300 +1400 R (1100) 11 0 hours* 26 20 23
CHF 4 hourst 23 12 17
3 52 AHD- ASW -150 -100° L (800) 10 0 hours* 30 24 27
HCVD IW 4 hourst 26 15 20
4 62 CM No +750 _400 L (1050) 9 0 hours* 16 5 10
HV 4 hourst 20 16 20
Abbreviations: MI = myocardial infarction; EA = electrical axis; RBBB = right bundle branch block; R = right; L = left;
HCVD= hypertensive cardiovascular disease; CHF = congestive heart disease; AHD = atherosclerotic heart disease; ASW =
anteroseptal wall; IW = inferior wall; CM = congestive cardiomyopathy; HV = hypovolemia.
*Initial measurements.
¶Measurements obtained 4 hours later.
FASCICULAR BLOCKS WITH SWAN-GANZ/Castellanos e't atl27 1273

FIGURE 1. Case 2. (A) Control 12-lead ECG. (B) The rhythm strip (lead I) recorded after introduction of
the Swan-Ganz catheter shows a significant change in QRS morphology.

bances. In case 1, the HV was prolonged (65 msec). In cardial structures are protected from significant irrita-
case 4 (fig. 5), the intracavitary recordings (corre- tion by the catheter tip by the inflated balloon. Yet, in-
sponding to the rhythm strip in fig. 4B) showed that duction of right ventricular ectopic beats and transient
the 2:1 AV block was due to 2:1 intra-Hisian block. RBBB indicates that some degree of trauma does oc-
Whereas the first, third and fifth atrial deflections cur. Luck and Engel,51 who observed transient RBBB
(after having traversed the AV node) were abnormally in three of 38 patients (7.9%), suggested that the cathe-
delayed within the His bundle (HH' of 60 msec), the ter tip is not always the cause of mechanical irritation;
second, fourth and sixth were blocked between the RBBB may also result from a rigid catheter loop fixed
proximal His bundle site and the distal site, because H at the site of venous introduction and at the site of
was not followed by H'. The conducted QRS complex- pulmonary artery occlusion. Other authors have also
es had a RBBB-LAFB pattern (figs. 4B and 5). described the development of a new RBBB during
bedside pulmonary artery catheterization using
Discussion balloon-tipped catheters.8, "'i1
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RBBB After Insertion of the Swan-Ganz Catheter Moreover, Aguilar et al.,'3 Rosen et al.'4 and Jacob-
son and Scheinman'8 reported that paroxysmal AV
It has been assumed that the right ventricular endo- (HV) block could occur during recording of His bun-
....... ........







V -p~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.
........ ............

....... ..... .. .... . . . . .

B .
.... ......

FIGURE 2. Case 2. Twelve-lead ECGs. (A) Left posterior fascicular block with right bundle branch block

after introduction of Swan-Ganz catheter. (B) Disappearance of the intraventricular conduction distur-
bances 11 hours later.

I I : $0. . . . ..: IIa*V, R 0i 1 5 6 aVFoV, A;..;. . . Vi *g..s

E~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~.
ii 41F%¶JIN..14.Jjji
.dV,;tj .ttvAs ....li,b-,,M
.sti S't|X-
i o S |
Li ;...

1. -S....
ll.. :.:.-. i...:
--- ---- 1--- - :. 1. ... |t < oL


FIGURE 3. Case 3. Twelve-lead ECGs before (A), immediately after (B), and 8 hours after (C) introduction
of Swan-Ganz catheter.

dle electrograms in patients with complete left bundle For example, case 1 of Jacobson and Scheinmanl6 and
branch block. This could have been due to traumatic our case 4 had periods of second-degree intra-Hisian
RBBB. block with RBBB in the conducted beats. Although
Catheter-induced RBBB mechanical injury to the corresponding structures can-
Coexisting with Intra-Hisian Block not be excluded, the RBBB could have been a pre-
existing (latent) nontraumatic bradycardia-related
When the association of RBBB and intra-Hisian (phase 4) conduction disturbance, exposed only when
block results from mechanical lesions affecting these the time of arrival of excitation at the right bundle
two separate structures, either both lesions are trau- branch was made late enough by the traumatic sec-
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matic, or one is traumatic and the other spontaneous. ond-degree intra-Hisian block.

l 11 111 aVR aVL aVF V1 Vs V6

_ ,.
,, ..
4+ -+ -l | f _
-- m 1
;l j5gltj;
. __ 4
* s

X - :-1:--2 --B _-jS S--' X

A1 ---. - -g;
w_ .
_ _ _

_ ..

_ _ _
X + + E 14 4 lE-F

A2 leade a 11

Ie a d I1 l

wggPf X ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lead
FIGURE 4. Case 4. Recordings before (Al and A2), immediately after (B), and 9 hours after (C) intro-
duction of Swan-Ganz catheter. Strip B shows 2:1 atrioventricular (AV) block and right bundle branch
block with left anterior fascicular block (fig. 5).

p p p p p p

v] .H II
m mi HI rIIi H1p9II1 II
HBE _yi
. ro.
I At
A H' A A H A A H' A
A H :100

H H: 60

H-V 50
FIGURE 5. Case 4. His bundle recordings corresponding to the strip shown in figure 4B. Whereas the first,
third and fifth P waves are conducted with an intra-Hisian delay (HH' interval) of 60 msec, the second,
fourth and sixth are blocked below the site from which the proximal His bundle deflection (H) was recorded.
Intervals between time markings equal 1000 msec. HBE = His bundle electrographic lead; A = atrial deflec-
tion recorded in the HBE lead.

Left Fascicular Blocks Related to existing left bundle branch block. Although we present
Right-sided Catheterization only four patients, there could be a subgroup of
Production of LAFB and LPFB by catheters patients, with or without latent disease of the ven-
located in the right-sided cavities cannot, of course, be tricular specialized conduction system, in whom me-
due to direct trauma to left-sided structures. Yet, chanical trauma can produce left fascicular blocks or
these unusual findings may be explained by assuming bundle branch blocks.
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that left fascicular blocks, as well as RBBB, can be However, prospective studies are needed. These re-
produced by lesions limited to the His bundle.'>28 quire continuous electrocardiographic monitoring
Longitudinal dissociation of conduction within the (ideally using at least two leads) during the proce-
His bundle must be present for this to occur, but there dure. Also needed is the establishment of a priori
is disagreement as to the mechanism, especially in assumptions regarding the number of consecutive
regard to the role played by the transverse intercon- beats showing a given conduction disturbance that are
nections between the longitudinal strands. required to consider that these have been mechanically
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preexisting (latent) bradycardia-dependent (phase 4)
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