58th Anniversar

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Name : Dea Rifana

Number : 10
Class : XII SIJA A

58th Anniversary of SMK N 2 KLATEN

The 58th Anniversary of SMK N 2 KLATEN was held for 3 days. This event was filled
with lots of exciting and fun activities, especially the concert which was held on the third
day. After 2 years since the pandemic, my school has never held such a big and lively event
like this again. The first day was opened with a morning assembly after which the whole
school community took part in a healthy walk. The weather that day was a bit unfavorable
because of the drizzle. Even though it was drizzling the event continued. After the healthy
walk was finished, it was followed by a mural competition. In my opinion, the competition is
very interesting because there we can see various kinds of creativity from very unique
Then on the second day begins with a makeup contest. This make-up contest is
different from other competitions in general, at first I thought it would just be normal
makeup, after I saw it turned out that the participants who took part in the competition had
to cover their eyes a little, it didn't make sense, but you can also try and the time given is
only short. Time flies quickly. after looking around it turns out that all participants can pass
it. Even though the results were not as good as I wanted, I am very proud of my friends
because they were very enthusiastic about participating in the competition. After the make-
up contest there was another chant competition and the sarong and crank relay,
unfortunately my class did not take part in the two competitions and the end of the event
on the second day was closed with a fashion show competition and my class took part in the
Arrived on the last day of celebration. Where the third day is the highlight of the
long-awaited event. The event opened with the striking of the gong and the release of doves
by the principal and other teachers as a symbol of the start of the event. The last day was
also with musical performances from students of SMK Negeri 2 Klaten. After that it was
followed by a music show from the band Stemsend. Then continued with performances
from L band, Lavora DJ-X, and Derradru. When the singers started the show, all gathered in
front of the stage to have fun together by dancing. At that time we also lit the smoke bomb
to add to the excitement of the event. Time continued until the afternoon but it didn't make
us tired with the cool water spray from the fire department which made the event even
more exciting and became an unforgettable moment.
Dies Natalis SMK N 2 KLATEN ke-58 dilaksanakan selama 3 hari. Acara ini diisi dengan
berbagai kegiatan seru dan menyenangkan, terutama konser yang digelar di hari ketiga.
Setelah 2 tahun sejak pandemi, sekolahku tidak pernah lagi mengadakan acara sebesar dan
semeriah ini. Hari pertama dibuka dengan apel pagi yang dilanjutkan dengan jalan sehat
bersama seluruh warga sekolah. Cuaca hari itu agak kurang mendukung karena gerimis.
Meski gerimis acara tetap berlangsung. Setelah jalan sehat selesai dilanjutkan dengan lomba
mural. Lombanya menurut saya sangat menarik karena disana kita bisa melihat berbagai
macam kreatifitas dari teman-teman yang sangat unik.
Selanjutnya dihari kedua diawali dengan lomba merias wajah. Lomba merias wajah
ini berbeda dengan lomba-lomba pada umunya awalnya aku berpikir hanya merias wajah
biasa, setelah aku lihat ternyata peserta yang ikut lomba tersebut harus ditutupi matanya
sedikit tidak masuk akal, tetapi boleh juga dicoba dan waktu yang diberikan hanya
sebentar.Waktupun cepat berlalu setelah dilihat-lihat ternyata semua peserta bisa
melaluinya. Walapun hasilnya tidak semaksimal yang diinginkan, tetapi aku sangat bangga
dengan teman-temanku karena sudah sangat antusias mengikuti lomba tersebut. Setelah
lomba merias wajah ada lagi lomba chant dan estafet sarung serta engklek sayangnya
kelasku tidak mengikuti dua lomba tersebut dan akhir dari acara dihari kedua tersebut
ditutup dengan lomba fashion show dan kelasku mengikuti lomba tersebut.
Tiba di hari perayaan yang terakhir. Dimana hari ketiga adalah puncak acara yang
ditunggu-tunggu. Acara dibuka dengan pukulan gong dan pelepasan burung merpati yang
dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah dan guru lainnya sebagai simbol dimulainya acara. Hari
terakhir juga dengan adanya persembahan karawitan dari siswa-siswi SMK Negeri 2 Klaten.
Setelah itu dilanjut dengan acara musik dari band Stemsend. Kemudian dilanjut
persembahan dari L band, Lavora DJ-X, dan Derradru. Saat penyanyi-penyanyi tersebut
memulai pertunjukannya semua berkumpul didepan panggung untuk bersenang-senang
bersama dengan berjoget. Pada waktu itu juga kita menghidupkan smoke bom untuk
menambah kemeriahan acara itu. Waktu terus berjalan hingga sore hari tetapi tidak
membuat kami Lelah dengan disejukkan semprotan air dari pemadam kebakaran yang
membuat acara tersebut semakin seru dan menjadi momen yang tidak bisa dilupakan.

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