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Report on

“Distance Learning”

Submitted To
Md. Rokonuzzaman
Associate Professor
Management Studies

Submitted By
Group of Cash Cow

Members of Cash Cow


Abdur Rahman …………………………………………………………………... 17MGT006

Md. Juel Rana ……………………………………………………………………. 17MGT014

Md Shariful Islam ……………………………………………………………….. 17MGT017

Aklasur Rahman……………………………………………………………......... 17MGT018

Ausafur Rahman ………………………………………………………………… 17MGT019

Md Tasnim Hasan Sumon ……………………………………………………….. 17MGT020

Ajijoon Nahar Anni ……………………………………………………………… 17MGT023

Abullah Al Ashik ………………………………………………………………... 17MGT030

Rukaya Sarmin …………………………………………………………………... 17MGT034

Prosanto Acharjo………………………………………………………………… 17MGT048

Sharmin Akter …………………………………………………………………… 17MGT054

Jannatul Ferdaus Aney…………………………………………………………… 17MGT078

Table of Content

Abstract 04
Introduction 04
Distance learning 05
Stakeholders of distance learning 05
Types of distance learning 08
Background 08
Key IT Hardware & Software 20
Accumulation of Solution & IT needs 22
Significance 23
Attachment & Results 23
Conclusion 25

In the era of technology, every time the world confronts any kind of crisis or challenge, we use
technology as a weapon. Like other emergencies, as COVID-19 is announced as a pandemic, all
countries have started trying to control the situation with technological advancement in the medical
sector, educational progress, and in the continuity of productions. As most of the educational
institutions have been closed since March and the learning process in higher education has moved
online, therefore, developing countries like Bangladesh are also trying to continue classes through
the online platform with a lack of technological resources, readiness, and inclusiveness from the
perspective of the students. This quantitative study surveyed over 100 students of different
Departments of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman science and Technology University,
Gopalganj-8100 to analyze the status of preparedness, participation, and classroom activities
online during the pandemic. The findings revealed a lack of preparedness, participation, and less
scope of classroom activities through online learning. Problems of infeasible consistency of the
internet and electricity, paying attention, understanding lessons through the online platform are the
main constraints of online learning in the developing country. Finding ways of mitigating these
problems can be the next subject for further researchers.

The novel coronavirus pandemic is one of the burning issues in the world. This Pandemic has
already engulfed every aspect of our life including education, one of the basic needs of the human
being. While online schooling was largely treated as an optional means of education during the
prior pandemic, the pandemic period forced it to secure the position of being the central mode of
learning. Therefore, online platforms are currently used by educational institutions to support the
learning process of students. According to the World Economic Forum, April 2020, globally, over
1.2 billion children are unable to attend their classes as a result of COVID-19. As a result of this
pandemic, schools have been shut down all over the world, and with the advent of distance
learning, educational practices have shifted rapidly. Furthermore, several distance learning
platforms offer free access to their pandemic resources. But lack of sufficient resources and
adequate teacher training, insufficient access to technology, faculty preparedness, late adoption of
learners' online learning, lack of technical facilities in rural areas are the most frequently faced
obstacles in online education.

Almost all the countries are continuing their educational activities online in the pandemic. In the
wake of the coronavirus pandemic, online schooling has opened a new frontier in the Bangladesh
education system, recently used as an alternative solution to cover losses in the education field.
Online education was familiar before the COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh but now it is used
intensively to diminish the study gap. As of The Business Standard June 2020, to control the rapid
growth of the noxious virus, the Government of Bangladesh had to shut down all the educational
and learning institutions from March 17, 2020, after confirming the first COVID-19 patient on
March 8, 2020.
After shutting down all the educational institutions, the Minister of Education instructed all
universities to introduce online education. Many public and private universities, colleges, and
schools of Bangladesh have moved their classes online. A recent survey has found that although

40% of the students are attending online classes while almost 50% of the students cannot attend
the online classes due to a lack of device availability. However, most of them (70%) are from
private universities. Students also feel the online courses are somewhat doubtful in terms of
viability and efficacy (Islam et al., 2020). Nevertheless, educational institutions are using different
mediums of teaching-learning including television, radio, and social media platforms to cover
students of different areas yet the household income and expenditure survey 2020 has reported that
around 12.70% of the poor families do not have a mobile phone where students need at least a
Smartphone and a stable internet connection for attending online education (Tariq and Fami,
2020). The Daily Campus June 2020, has reported that a student and his mother attempted suicide
for the student's unwillingness in participating in the online examination (Mamun et al., 2020).

After switching to online classes during the pandemic, students may face new difficulties related
to online class preparedness, participation, and activities. Therefore the purpose of this research is
to discover the current state of online classes for higher education students.

Distance learning:
Distance learning is a way of educating students online. Lectures and learning materials are sent
over the internet. Students work from home, not in a classroom.
Distance learning, also called distance education, e-learning, and online learning, is a form of
education in which the main elements include physical separation of teachers and students during
instruction and the use of various technologies to facilitate student-teacher and student-student

Stakeholders of distance learning

These stakeholders identified for distance learning are the faculty, the students, Trainers & subject
matter experts, Learning Design Expert, Authoring Tool Experts, Technology Experts Translators,
Narrators, the academic institutions, and the industry. Each of these stakeholders will have
different needs.
1. Student
Students are motivated to use e-learning to gain access to higher education. For some, it may be
a component of a traditional course, while for others entire courses may be entirely
online. Particularly for this second group, e-learning may create access to higher education that
they would not have otherwise.
2. Instructors
Instructors may be motivated to use e-learning in their courses for a variety of reasons. For
example, they may be encouraged or pressured by their institutions; they may wish to reach a
broader audience of students; or they may have an interest in the benefits of technology mediated
3. Stakeholders

Stakeholders are the initiators of the e-Learning project; they work at the company and would hold
a position of authority – a training manager, the manager of a department, or even the CEO can be
a stakeholder. They may also be the e-Learning champions within the organization. Stakeholders
are involved at every stage of the creation and development of an e-Learning course. Their
approval/disapproval is important during the course of the creation of the course and makes sure
the project stays on track at all times.

Stakeholders must have a clear vision of the training program and requirements, and the ability to
direct the team toward fulfilling those requirements.

4. Trainers and Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)

Subject Matter Experts and trainers are the content experts. With authority over the subject, they
guide the Instructional Designer, explain and clear doubts regarding the content, check the flow of
content, and help Instructional Designers with ideas on how the content can be presented.

Quite often, trainers and Subject Matter Experts fear that eLearning will make their jobs redundant.
This is far from the truth. Trainers and Subject Matter Experts are very crucial in the creation of
eLearning. So, these people must value eLearning and understand the importance of their role in
the creation of a course.

1. Learning Design Experts

Also known as Instructional Design experts or Instructional Designers, these are trained experts
who have the ability to work on a variety of assets and have a multifaceted role. They work in
tandem with Subject Matter Experts to design the storyboards and courses.

Learning design experts must have a thorough understanding of Instructional Design principles
and adult learning principles. They must also have a thorough understanding of the learners the
course is created for – without understanding the learners’ needs and course requirements for these
learners, it would be impossible to create a course that will successfully deliver what is really

6. Authoring Tool Experts

The courses are created using authoring tools, by the authoring tool experts. These are tools that
are specially used to create eLearning courses. Audio and video editing for courses is done by
these experts, as well.

Authoring tool experts must possess expertise in eLearning authoring tools and audio/video editing
software tools.

7. Technology Experts
Once designed and created, courses must be hosted onto the learning platform. Technology experts
host the courses on the platform, in the required format. But that’s not all – once created, the
courses must be made accessible to learners across geographies, locations, and on the required
devices (the devices that the learners will access these courses) – this requires the expertise of
these technicians.

Technology experts are Learning Management System experts and have the ability to convert
existing courses to SCORM, AICC, and XAPI compliance.

8. Translators
Translators translate existing courses into a variety of languages and take immense care to make
the translated courses meet the translation standards of the client. Having good knowledge of a
particular language or languages is not enough for these people. When it comes to eLearning, a lot
more is required from them. They must know the subject that they are translating, very well.

Translators must have domain-specific knowledge, as well as command over the language the
course is to be translated into.

9. Narrators
Narrators provide the audio narration to a course.
Good pronunciation, language expertise, and experience in recording are a must.
Without any doubt, each of these members plays a very critical role in the creation and
development of eLearning courses. Often, one person may don more than one hat –which is
absolutely fine, provided they can carry out all the duties– of all the roles they take on, judiciously.
When any one or more of these roles is not carried out impeccably, the course suffers and learning
is affected.

These are the heroes of eLearning, and it is because of these key players in eLearning development
that we have an industry that flourishes and makes for better learning.

Types of distance learning
In general, distance education is collected under two main headings:

i. Synchronous
ii. Asynchronous
Synchronous learning requires all students to participate in the classes at the same time. The
method of delivery is usually interactive and includes Internet chat sessions, teleconferences,
telecourses, and web conferencing. Synchronous distance education is less flexible than
asynchronous distance education because synchronous distance education requires all enrolled
students and the teacher to be online at a specific time. Asynchronous instructions do not require
simultaneous participation of all students in the class, so it is more flexible.
Asynchronous instruction gives students the freedom to interact with the material and instructor at
a time that is convenient for them.
Internet‐based distance education has become a specific focus for at least three reasons according
to the Institute for Higher Education Policy First, the Internet is quickly becoming the predominant
technology in distance education, because of its increasing telecommunications bandwidth
capabilities. Second, Internet‐based distance education, especially asynchronous instruction mode,
allows the teaching and the learning processes to occur “at any time and any place.” Provision of
interactive learning activities at any time and any place has become the most important
characteristic of this technology. Third, Internet‐based distance education is, in many ways,
fundamentally different from traditional classroom‐based education.

Internet‐based distance education must have the following features:

 The identification and management of users
 Preparation of online course contents
 Managing courses
 Monitoring and analyzing student behaviors
 Assessment of students’ achievement status
 The creation and management of interactive communication media

During the coronavirus pandemic, online education has certainly been one of the strongest ways
of teaching and learning to resolve the academic crisis. In Bangladesh, it has been largely based
on the tertiary level of education. It has some advantages, such as keeping students on the right
track of learning during crises, allowing students to complete the courses on time, making them
confident to undergo online tests, and establishing strong communication between students and
teachers. On the contrary, the difficulties of online classes are grappling with the correct
adaptability to virtual classrooms, unreliable signals with a high internet price, lack of digital
literacy, and maintaining contact with individuals (Alam, 2020). Further, as conventional classes

have moved online, most students in developing countries have encountered different problems
(Ahmed, 2013). The key obstacles to online education in Bangladesh are the lack of technical
resources, high cost, and internet connectivity consistency, the family financial crisis, and the
psychological burden on students. The majority of students were also resistant to the proposal to
take online classes because of the government's weak technical support (Ramij and Sultana., 2020).
A similar finding was perceived to suggest that there was a significant lack of contact between
students and teachers in online classes due to two reasons. Firstly, students do not respond during
the classroom because of the slow connectivity and high cost of the internet connection. Secondly,
most students have forgotten what they learned before leaving their campus. In addition, students
suffer from tiredness and loss of attention when taking online courses for a long time (Panday,
2020). Research by Shama and Ikbal. (2020) showed that students were concerned about the study
gap and eager to enroll in online classes, but they lack appropriate technical tools, including access
to affordable knowledge required for online classes. Faculty members are willing to teach in online
classes but universities do not provide faculty members with sufficient technical resources and
assistance to conduct successful online classes. Biswas et al. (2020) reported that all developing
countries deemed mobile learning to be an effective educational tool, but in Bangladesh, it was not
used properly. However, Bangladeshi university students have the willingness to learn online. In
addition, they utilize several network protocols and social media for their studies. Students think
it is very helpful to recover the study gap during this COVID-19 pandemic time. 40.0% of
university students show preference on Facebook for learning, 18.1% on Google, 19.4% on
YouTube, 20.0% on Zoom. AlHajri et al. (2017) revealed that the availability of mobile phones
among the students is the main reason for shifting their focus to mobile learning to continue their
study. Smartphone users now have an increased desire for convenient access to multiple social
networking sites. Dutta (2020) concluded that students have used numerous social media apps for
the acquisition of academic information. Such as Whatsapp as a messaging application for sharing
documents, information & presentations, YouTube for self-learning and Zoom, Skype, Google
Meet as video conferencing software is used to accelerate the learning. Apart from the text
messengers, video conferencing tools have been widely used for interactions between the teachers
and students. Students are now comfortable using technology which helps them to learn, access,
share, and create useful information and gain knowledge of a subject.

Rony et al. (2019) noted online teaching-learning has been the way out of a pandemic situation.
Yet this new dimension requires instruction for faculty members. In this pandemic case, online
teacher training is feasible and can deliver a significant outcome on the change of attitude of faculty
members, but there are still some obstacles such as technical hurdles, weak internet access, and an
inadequate number of quality trainers. The poor internet connectivity in the marginal areas creates
a huge problem, even in the middle classes due to network problems, system errors, software
updates, etc. It's useful for nearly 80% of the student participants in the study. Cimermanová
(2009) found that e-courses are widely used in the world. The extroverts did not prefer e-learning
courses over face-to-face interaction with teachers. In comparison to independent learners with
interpersonal enthusiasm who choose e-learning courses because they obtain similar outcomes in
conventional physical courses and online courses. Resistant, reliant, and active students often
prefer face-to-face courses. Thus, the form of education does not influence the quality of education.
Reeves (2000) claimed that online learning environments have become more prevalent in higher
education. Formative and summative assessment, retaining results, and portfolios inside
immersive learning settings relative to physical class are the major challenges. In online learning

settings, there are three key directions for incorporating alternate appraisal approaches: cognitive,
efficiency, portfolio-based evaluations. This required special preparation for university academics,
as well as professional support to enhance and incorporate various online activities and assessment
programs. Another research, however, has shown that online learning often provides students with
many meaningful interactions. Flexibility, cost-effectiveness, resource accessibility, and a well-
built class interface, for instance. In addition to the good aspects, the negative perceptions of online
learning are time-consuming feedback from instructors, unavailable technical and pedagogical
assistance from professors, lack of self-motivation, lack of engagement, unattractive teaching
techniques, and course material (Yang & Cornelius, 2004). Although Jagger’s et al. (2010) stated
that in many cases, students' performance and learning outcomes in online courses are better than
those in traditional courses. 70% of online students face technical problems, computer-based
learning issues, or other factors related to the online nature of the course. Online courses do not
harm prepared and motivated students, and online education offers the benefit of convenience and
flexibility in the location and scheduling of their studies. It was seen to be convenient allowing
students to study at their own pace and time. Students said that online learning is capable of
maintaining a higher level of responsibility and independent learning for their studying. The
experiences were not all positive. The inadequate opportunity for human interaction, which was
considered necessary to establish peer support and to develop in-depth group discussion on the
subject, was a major obstacle to online learning. In this research, students' overall satisfaction with
online learning was found to be slightly positive. The focus must be given to teaching and learning
to improve the online education system, not merely the technological problem (Sit et al., 2005). A
researcher has concluded that online classes offer a comparably effective learning alternative.
Although student performance is independent of the mode of instruction, certain courses (such as
Research Methods) are more challenging to students who persist in the virtual environment than
in the classroom. Besides, participation may be less threatening and the quality and quantity of
interaction may be increased in online classes. Online communication can be used to improve
learning, particularly for students who tend to be introverted in the classroom environment (Ni,
2013). Cherry et al. (2017) observed that distance learning efficacy is not greatly influenced by the
classification of teachers, age, years of teaching experience, or the type of organization. Moreover,
the number of years of teaching online courses was not associated with faculty satisfaction with
teaching online courses or faculty satisfaction with institutional support. Besides, there is a clear
beneficial association with technical self-ability in the use of technology-enhanced learning
approaches. Obaidullah and Zubayer (2020) revealed that learners are getting used to various
online practices, especially the growth of soft skills, though they face multiple obstacles to
participation in e-learning, such as higher prices, broadband latency, network unavailability, and
access to computers.
As the fields of distance learning is broader, so we find out some problems which is faced by the
graduate students and their faculty:

Here the problems and their solutions are being provided regarding distance learning

1. Communication problem
Communication barriers exist in any communication process. They are greater in distance
education due to physical distance between members, insufficient technology skills, difficulties
using media, need for more human interaction, time constraints and restrictions, and lack of
experience with distance education.

This problem arises because students do not have proper information about their instructors that's why
they fail to communicate with their instructor. This problem can be solved if they have all updated
information about the course instructor in a system then the student can find the necessary information

Serial Name Designation Contract No Email

01 Dr. Sheikh Associate 0181xxxxxxx
Ashiqurrahman Professor
02 Md. Associate 0192xxxxxxx
Rokonuzzaman Professor
03 Ishita Roy Associate 0171xxxxxxx
04 Dr. Md. Shamsul Associate 0171xxxxxxx
Arefin Professor
05 Dr. Md. Bashir Associate 0171xxxxxxx
Uddin Professor
06 Md. Rakibul Islam Assistant 0175xxxxxxx
07 Taslim Ahammad Assistant 0190xxxxxxx
08 Md. Uzzal Hossain Assistant 0191xxxxxxx
09 Mostafizur Assistant 0179xxxxxxx
Rahman Professor
10 Omar Faraque Assistant 0167xxxxxxx
11 Munmun Assistant 0173xxxxxxx
Rahaman Professor

2. Insufficient Resources for curriculum
Learners always face this problem. In distance learning students experience the shortage of
information in their study purpose. They don’t have a physical library to collect all the information
they need.

In distance learning students are facing difficulties in finding their course materials & also research
materials. This problem can harm their continuous process of learning. This problem can be solved
if we have a proper system where all course related materials according to their subject & the
research materials are given properly so that students can easily find their needed materials.






Tax & Audit

Cost Accounting

Database Management

3. Difficulties in understanding Payment methods:
Understanding payment systems at a distance is difficult for students. There are a lot of ways of
payment which are not introduced by all. Also they feel insecure that their payment has been
completed successfully or not.

If the payment methods make clear & give the proper assurances of confirmation and also have
a proper system of payment then it will be easier to understand the payment methods.
Following are the Table Shows of Online Fee or Payment system of Distance Learning:

Fee/payment Method Process of Distance Learning

Payment Amount Confirmation form /

system notification

1.Debit card Depending on the basis of course or subject

2.Credit card matter. For example, 6000 for digital marketing Email or massage or a
3.Money course confirmation form
Rocket, Nagod
5. E-cheque

4. Research
Students those are interest in research do not find how to work on research paper. That create
difficulties for those students who are interested in research.

We develop a database that holds all the information of publishing research paper done by
specialist. That opens a door for those student who are interested.

Serial Name Designation Research Papers Email

01 MR. X Associate Fish seed market
Professor in Bangladesh
02 MR.Y Associate Distance Learning
Professor in Bangladesh
03 Dr. Z Associate Agro Firm in
Professor Bangladesh

5. Problem regarding submitting Assignment:

Students face difficulties while submitting their assignment. Most of them feel insecure about the
insurity of their assignment being submitted or not. So this problem arises because they don't have
a permanent way of submitting their report or assignment. For example, many instructors tell the
students to submit the assignment or report through mail. But after sending the mail it’s not
possible for instructors to confirm each of them & that raises the problem of insecurity of students.

This problem can be solved if there is a system where in a particular Department have the list of
years with related course name along with the options of sending assignments & the confirmation
notification will also be sent at a time.




CSR Assignment

MIS Assignment

Tax & Audit Assignment

Cost Accounting Assignment

Database Management Assignment

6. Finding out the suitable platform:
Finding out the passionate courses is the most satisfying thing for students. But due to academic
obligations students have to study the courses which are provided by their particular subject. But
besides the academic boundary students can be able to study in their passionate subjects. But the
problem arises because they fail to find out the platform of learning. Because there are a lot of
learning platforms online but which one will be suitable for me is difficult to identify.

Solution: This problem can be solved easily if students have the information in an organized way
in a system where the name of the best platform, their services, payment policy &
recommendations of those platforms are provided. Then the students can choose their learning
platform according to their expectations & can study their passionate subjects besides their
academic study.

Platform Services or Supplement Recommendations Payment

Udemy Academic or soft skills base Highly recommended Paid or free trial

Coursera Academic or soft skills base Highly recommended Paid or free trial

Skillshare Academic or soft skills base Recommend Paid or free trial


Udacity Academic or soft skills base Recommend Paid or free trial


Wiziq Academic or soft skills base Highly recommended Paid or free trial

Ruzuku.Inc Academic or soft skills base Recommend Paid or free trial


1. Evaluation of student
In a distance learning program it’s difficult for instructors to evaluate the students properly. That's
the problem of failing to recognize the real talents of an individual. It also makes a difference in

This problem can be solved if the instructors have all data of students including their previous
results, their individual assignments, presentation & attendance marking, and all information
related to an individual. Moreover

First Semester Second Semester
ID NO Name Mid Presentation Attendance Mid Presentation Attendance
term term
17MGT006 Abdur 09 08 07 09 10 09
17MGT014 MD Juel 08 09 07 08 07 09
17MGT017 MD 08 10 08 09 10 08
17MGT018 Aklasur 08 09 07 08 09 09
17MGT019 Ausafur 07 10 09 08 10 08
17MGT020 Md. 05 07 06 10 08
17MGT023 Ajijoon 07 08 10 05 10 09
17MGT030 Abdullah 09 10 10 06 09 08
Al Ashik
17MGT034 Rukaya 10 09 06 08 08 10
17MGT048 Prosanto 10 09 06 09 09 09
17MGT078 Jannatul 90 10 06 10 09 05

2.Communication problem
Instructor having problem of not able to communicate to their students properly. As a result the
gap between the instructor & the students become higher. That causes the student do not attend
the class on a regular basis.

We develop a database that holds all the information of students, so that instructors can connect to
the students.

ID NO Name Address Department Age Contract Email

Name Number Address
17MGT006 Abdur Gopalgonj Management 22 01862090638
Rahman Studies
17MGT014 MD Juel Maherpur Management 23 01757708761
Rana Studies
17MGT017 MD Chuadanga Management 22 01799485753
Shariful Studies
17MGT018 Aklasur Maherpur Management 22 01775812303
Rahman Studies
17MGT019 Ausafur Satkhira Management 22 01571036263
Rahman Studies
17MGT020 Md. Gopalgonj Management 23 01790842591
Tasnim Studies
17MGT023 Ajijoon Jashore Management 22 01533006076
Nahar Studies
17MGT030 Abdullah Pabna Management 23 01754552627
Al Ashik Studies
17MGT034 Rukaya Jashore Management 22 01736610071
Sarmin Studies
17MGT048 Prosanto Gopalgonj Management 23 01911281046
Achrjee Studies
17MGT078 Jannatul Gopalgonj Management 22 01799827307
Ferdaus Studies

3. Insufficient resources for research
Instructors always face this problem. In distance learning students experience the shortage of
information in their study purpose. They don’t have a physical library to collect all the information
they need.

In distance learning instructor are facing difficulties in finding their course materials & also
research materials. This problem can harm their continuous process of providing education. This
problem can be solved if we have a proper system where all course related materials according to
their subject & the research materials are given properly so that instructors can easily find their
needed materials.






Tax & Audit

Cost Accounting

Database Management

4. Not getting feedback

ID Communication Recommend to a friend Services described

17MGT20 4/5 4.5/5 5/5

17MGT23 5/5 4/5 4.5/5

17MGT48 3.5/5 5/5 5/5

17MGT78 4.5/5 4/5 4/5

Key IT Hardware & Software

We are the group of Cash Cow, we have created the entire table of database for implement distance
learning in an organization.

We have created the entire research table of Group cash cow through MS Word. Data and
information have been fully disclosed throughout the research.

The implement of distance learning is the collaboration effort between the users & instructors also
department & central institutions. We have analyzed the concept of distance learning by
considering various influence factors including the distributed & dedicated learning scheme also
the available technologies. To implement or improve distances learning outcome technologies play
significant role.

Hardware & Software is require for implement distance learning programmer.

Basic hardware need for distance learning:

1. Computer

2. Laptop

3. Mobile device (Smartphone, iTouch, iPad)

4. Microphone

6. Headphone

7. Webcam

Basic Software need for distance learning:

1. Google Classroom

2. Zoom/ Meet

3. Remind

4. Seesaw

5. Google chrome etc.

Note: Distance learning required device connected to the internet in order to access the system.

Additional software requirements

Some courses contain audio files, animation tools etc. that require additional software or plug-ins
such as Real Player or Windows Media Player to be installed on the users’ computers.

So if we implement the data in oracle database & using necessary hardware and software this will
be helpful for the users & instructors.

We develop a model that can help the students and the faculties to overcome all the problems
regarding distance learning

Accumulation of Solution & IT needs
We develop a model that can help the students and the faculties to overcome all the problems
regarding distance learning

Step-1 Define Step-2 Align Step-3 Identify

program learning Curriculum with Instrument & course
goal learning goal embedded measure

Step-4 Collate MIS

student data &
analyses results

Step-5 Generate
ideas for continuous

Step-6 Execute
intervention and
measure result

So if we implement the data in the oracle database & using necessary hardware and software this
will be helpful for the users & instructors to make an effective distance learning.

By implementing the developing system on distance learning it will provide a user-friendly
platform of learning. This developing system has improved the quality of distance learning. Both
instructors, Students and institutes benefit from this system. All relevant information is arranged
in a disciplined manner & users can easily access the information when needed. It saves time &
money. It is also flexible because teachers and students can adapt learning to their personal
schedules. It will remove the communication barriers. It offers more networking opportunities. It
allows students to hone their time-management skills. It also accommodates students and
instructors with special needs.
Distance learning is an already existing program. But there are some drawbacks of distance
learning. To improve those drawbacks we develop a system by using the MIS concept which helps
in improving the quality of distance learning in an effective way.

Attachment & Results

We have developed a system by using MIS through which we can be able to solve the problem
arising in distance learning. This developing MIS system can build an effective distance learning
platform. The results of this system by using this structure are also included.
Here are the results of the distance learning format by using MIS structure.
Study Format Process of Distance Learning

Program Acces Progr Level of Instruc Progra Assess Time Paym Feed
type s am / users & tor m ment sche ent back
& info syste Cours their inform phases proces me meth syste
m e details ation s ods m
Module User Undergr Name of Watch Quiz 1 Free summ
basis name This aduate instructo process, mont ary
(self- progra r & their Think h or Specia basis
learning) Email m has Graduate details Case more l basis on
total also Do study, paid learnin
The Passwo 10 Non- expertise 3 syste g,
overall rd modul degree . Collabo Fill in mont m
module e& ration the h throug Rating
will each Job gaps, h basis
provide modul holder Explore differe
Employab e have Along True- 4 nt Fill
ility skills indefin their False mont payme the
needed for ite informati h nt survey
job sectors numbe on feild form

or soft r of Certific
skills units. ate
developm The provide
ent details d
program of
e name
& unit
of each
e) will
e here
Course User This Student Course . Seme summ
Basis(Aca name, progra of teachers Lecture, Assign ster ary
demic/ m Honors & their ment, basis basis
organized Email, consist level details & Home- (6 on
study) of (batch expertise Task , Present mont Paid learnin
Student course wise) ation, h) syste g,
Curriculu ID, s Discussi m
m, Depart BBA/BA on Quiz Yearl Rating
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This is the overall result of installing a system in the distance learning Program. So if we implement
this information in an oracle database we could get these results.

In conclusion, Distance learning is a great technology evaluation to our generation and has added
a new level of higher education. It seems cheaper than a traditional class, and students are open to
working over their flexible schedule. Distance learning provides a bright future to our education
with its positive probability. Though almost all universities and colleges start to focus on online
education, some people find difficulty in distance learning for its lack of guidance and technical
support & many problems. Those problems can be solved by using MIS. By developing a system
using mis a great platform of distance learning can build. Use of technology in a productive way
is a blessing for developing an effective learning platform. However, it can be a great blessing to
bring success to the whole society with some proper development.


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