Tugas English Daily Activities Class D

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Timestamp Nama NIM

11/8/2022 14:49 Trial Trial

11/8/2022 15:17 fatur bagas pratama C2C022136

11/8/2022 17:38 Nurul fadhilah C2C022129

11/8/2022 17:40 C2C022112

11/8/2022 18:24 Edwar Pradika Pratama C2C022143

11/8/2022 18:48 JOVALDI ALFIN MALIK C2C022119

11/8/2022 18:53 Khoirul Amin C2C022120

11/8/2022 20:23 NADA NUR NAJIHAH C2C022115

11/9/2022 7:18 Dimas Ariawan C2C022098

11/9/2022 10:19 Elsa nadiyah C2C022131

11/9/2022 10:39 Zhendy Ayu Octasari C2C022147

11/9/2022 11:00 NURJANAH C2C022134

11/9/2022 11:19 C2C022151

11/9/2022 12:20 ALHAMDI FIKRI C2C022127

11/9/2022 18:03 NUR ANIFAH C2C022125

11/9/2022 18:06 Alfian Bayu Sutisna c2c022126

11/9/2022 19:03 Aulia Putri Andini C2C022110

11/9/2022 19:04 M Sururun Amin C2C022142

11/9/2022 19:14 Aura Amylia. AR C2C022130

11/9/2022 19:22 Alpian Maulana C2C022149

Indayu Fitria Ema

11/9/2022 20:19 C2C022141

11/9/2022 20:51 fadly fajar fathudin C2C022152

11/9/2022 21:19 Hayyudha Galih Ananta C2C022128

11/9/2022 21:23 C2C022117

Pramono agung
11/9/2022 22:14 C2C022138

11/9/2022 22:15 Mahfud Trya Hidayat C2C022150

11/9/2022 22:48 Firmanzah Tupen Baho C2C022144

11/9/2022 22:57 Haidar Asmar Nurwahid C2C022135

11/9/2022 23:02 C2C022148
11/10/2022 2:26 Dhewi April Liana C2C022145

Fadilla Wahyu
11/10/2022 5:53 C2C022109
11/10/2022 7:09 Umi ilya Safitri C2C022139

Muhammad Subhan
11/10/2022 8:57 C2C022118

11/10/2022 12:57 Teguh firmansyah c2c022124

11/10/2022 12:12 Bagus Dwi C2C022137

11/10/2022 13:01 Kiska Ayu Puspita C2C022123

11/10/2022 13:08 Rita Amalina C2C022111

11/10/2022 13:12 C2C022122
11/10/2022 13:25 Dhimas Luhur Pambudi C2C022114

11/10/2022 13:40 C2C022121
your daily activities

wake up in the morning, exercise in the morning, have breakfast, take a

shower and leave college, take a break, go back to school, go home,
take a shower and drink coffee until 10 o'clock go home and sleep

My daily activity stared at 04.15 (but it's can be changed) then I'm going
to bathroom for taking ritual to pray subuh and then cleaning up my
bedroom and i iron up my clothes for going to the university, and then i
prepared my self for going to the university for studying,when the
schedule for course has been finished I'm going back to my room then i
eat rice for being breakfast and lunch after that me and my friend are
doing the task from the lecturer then i'm going to bathroom for taking
buth and have a rest thank you,,,,

My daily activity stared at 04.00, then I'm going to bathroom for taking
ritual to pray subuh and then cleaning up my bedroom and i iron up my
clothes for going to the university, and then i prepared my self for going
to the university for studying,when the schedule for course has been
finished I'm going back to my room then i eat rice for being breakfast
and lunch after that me and my friend are doing the task from the
lecturer then i'm going to bathroom for taking buth and have a rest.

go to college in the morning then eat after that sleep and repeat

My daily activity stared at 05.00(but it's can be changed) then I'm going
to bathroom for taking ritual to pray subuh and then cleaning up my
bedroom and i iron up my clothes for going to the university, and then i
prepared my self for going to the university for studying,when the
schedule for course has been finished I'm going back to my room then i
eat rice for being breakfast and lunch after that me and my friend are
doing the task from the lecturer then i'm going to bathroom for taking
buth and have a rest thank you,,,,

My daily activity started at 05.00 WIB (but it's can be changed) then I'm
going to bathroom for taking ritual to pray subuh and then cleaning up
my bedroom and i iron up my clothes for going to the university, and
then i prepared my self for going to the university for studying, when the
schedule for course has been finished I'm going back to my room then i
eat rice for being breakfast and lunch after that me and my friend are
doing the task from the lecturer then i'm going to bathroom for taking
bath and have a rest.
thank you!!!!

My daily activity stared at 03.44 (but it's can be changed) then I'm going
to bathroom for taking ritual to pray subuh at mosque and then cleaning
up my bedroom and i iron up my clothes for going to the university, and
then i prepared my self for going to the university for studying, when the
schedule for course has been finished I'm going back to my room then i
eat rice for being breakfast and lunch after that me and my friend are
doing the task from the lecturer then i'm going to bathroom for taking
bath and have a rest thank you,,,,
after getting out of bed I immediately made my bed and took a shower,
then I had breakfast and went to college with my friends, after coming
home from college I usually washed clothes, and at night I spent
studying and playing Mobile Legends games

My daily activity stared at 05.00(but it's can be changed) then I'm going
to bathroom for taking ritual to pray subuh and then cleaning up my
bedroom and i iron up my clothes for going to the university, and then i
prepared my self for going to the university for studying,when the
schedule for course has been finished I'm going back to my room then i
eat rice for being breakfast and lunch after that me and my friend are
doing the task from the lecturer then i'm going to bathroom for taking
buth and have a rest thank you,,,,

My name is Zhendy. I always wake up at 5 in the morning then pray at

dawn after that set the alarm at 6.30 then go to sleep. After the alarm
went off I took a shower and brushed my teeth. After that, I wore clothes
for college and breakfast. At 8 I went to college on foot to start the first
class then the second. After finishing class I went to the canteen for
lunch and chatted with my friends. Around 1 pm my friend and I
returned to class until the end of the course. Around 3 pm I went home
and rested. Then I usually play with my cellphone and lie down and do
my homework and clean the room. At 10 I read a novel then go to bed.

Introducing my name is Nurjanah, an informatics student at

Muhammadiyah University of Semarang. Here I want to tell about my
daily activities. I woke up at 03.30 in the morning, after that I made my
bed, then I took a shower. At 03.51 in the morning I prayed the dawn
qobliyah, after that I did the dawn prayer. Then I read the Koran. At
05.00 in the morning I cook rice, then play on my cellphone. At 6:30 am
I have breakfast. After breakfast playing cellphone again. Then at 07.30
in the morning I ironed clothes to go to campus. After that I got ready. At
08.20 am I ordered an online motorcycle taxi to go to campus. The first
course at 08.40-10.20 am continued with the second course at 13.00-
14.40. After all the courses were finished I ordered an online motorcycle
taxi, then went home.
hello my name is indawati latif djolafo i will tell you my daily activities i
usually wake up at four in the morning to do fajr prayer then i make my
bed as soon as i wake up because i don't like messy things, so i always
make sure my environment neat and clean

after that I will take a shower then take the phone and call my girlfriend
after that I will have breakfast, so I will be ready to go to campus at
eight in the morning, my campus is ten minutes from my boarding house
and I can go there on foot or order a gojek online depends on my mood

i go to campus early because the air in the morning is very fresh i arrive
at campus and open my book to study before class starts, class will
start at ten past twenty and eight to ten twenty on thursday my campus
will end at three o'clock in the afternoon but I didn't go home right away
because I had to gather with my friends for a task discussion, after
discussing I went home and cleaned my body and then I would call my
girlfriend after that I would prepare lessons for the next day.

eight to ten o'clock at night I will do my college assignments and

prepare books for tomorrow's schedule, after that I will watch my laptop
while on the phone with my girlfriend if I am not sleepy I will discuss with
my girlfriend about subjects that I can't understand, last I brush my teeth
at twelve at night and go straight to bed

3.55a.m. wake up and pray shubuh

7.30a.m. take a bath
8.00a.m. go to campus
8.30a.m.-10.00a.m. study in class
10.00a.m.-12.00p.m. lunch break and pray zuhur
1.00p.m.-3.00p.m. study again
3.30p.m. go back home
4.00p.m. take a break while playing online games
5.00p.m. take a bath
5.30p.m. go to the mosque to pray maghrib dan isya
7.30p.m. do coursework
9.00p.m. watching youtube
10.00p.m. rest and sleep
1. I wake up at 5 in the morning then pray the dawn
2. After praying, I usually play with my headphone for a while to make
calls to my parents, And also don't forget to clean the boarding room
3. around 6 am I take a shower and get ready to go to college
4. Before leaving for college I have breakfast
5. I usually study at 8.50am
6. During class breaks, I usually pray and have lunch
7. After that I went back to campus for the next course
8. during the break for the 2nd class I pray , then move on to the next
9. I come home from university at 5 pm
10. After coming home I usually take a short break, and at 6 pm I take a
shower for the next prayfor
11. After prayer I usually call my parents
12. 7.30 pm I immediately pray again
13. Before going to bed, I usually study and do homework
14. After I finished doing my homework, I went straight to bed

I wake up at 5 am every day. wake up to worship, it's been my habit

since childhood, don't forget my bed after I cook for myself, usually at 7
it's cooked, while waiting for the rice to cook I take a shower, and wash
clothes. if there is a morning class schedule on campus, I'm ready. The
distance between the boarding house and campus is about 10 minutes,
usually I finish studying on campus around 5, go home and rest. If there
is extra I don't rest. After that, I made my college assignments until the
evening, finished making my assignments, I went straight to bed.

My daily activity stared at 05.00 then I'm going to bathroom for taking
ritual to pray subuh and then cleaning up my bedroom and i iron up my
clothes for going to the university, and then i prepared my self for going
to the university for studying. When the schedule for course has been
finished I'm going back to my room then i eat rice for being lunch after
that me and my friend are doing the task from the lecturer then i'm going
to bathroom for taking buth and have a rest thank you.

waking up, cleaning the bed, taking a shower, breakfast, college

preparation, leaving for college, coming home from college, bathing,
dinner, sleeping
I always wake up at 5 o’clock in the morning since I set my phone alarm
at that hour. then I pray (sholat), after that I continue to sleep again.
Around 6  o'clock I wake up cleaning my room, scrubbing clothes, taking
a shower, and i get rady for go to campus.
Around 8 o'clock I was on campus and following the scheduled courses,
if there were more than 1 courses, I would have lunch in the campus
cafeteria, after lunch I and my friends prayed in the FT building, and
continued the course.
In the evening before returning to the boarding house, I will buy food
around campus to eat tonight.
When I arrived at the boarding house I immediately took a shower, ate,
and rested, if I had a task maybe I would do my assignment first before
taking a rest, when I started to feel sleepy, I would immediately go to

I get up at 5 a.m
I take a shower and pray at 6 a.m
I'm going to college at 8 a.m
I have breakfast at 7 a.m
I have lunch and pray at 12 p.m
I pray at 3 p.m
I'm home from college at 4 p.m
I have dinner and pray at 6 p.m
I pray at 7 p.m
I sleep at 10 p.m

In the morning I usually wake up at 5 am. If there is a morning lecture

then I usually take a shower at 6:30 am and I go to campus around 7:40
am. after the class finished while waiting for the next class I went home
first to my boarding house. On the way home I bought food first for
lunch. If it's time for the next class then I will go back to campus again to
take the next class. after all the classes finished around 4 pm then I
went back to the boarding house but before that on the road I bought
food for dinner. After arriving at the boarding house I took a shower.
Around 7:30 pm I had dinner. After dinner I do my homework. when the
task is finished, I play on my cellphone until 12 at night and sleep.

my activity every day is to help budhe clean, clean the boarding house
because I also have a side job here, namely taking care of the boarding
house so I clean it every day
on Monday morning the sound of the alarm on my cellphone woke me
from sleep after that, I washed my face for ablution and did not forget to
do light exercise in the morning so that our bodies were always fit to do
activities every day, I didn't feel the clock was at 08.00 because I had a
lecture at 08.40 so I take a shower, have breakfast and get ready to go
to campus, on campus I always follow every learning program in class,
the clock shows 12.00 I take a prayer break and have lunch with
friends, at 13.00 I go to class again because there are still courses I
don't feel the clock shows at 14.40 it was time for me to go home, when
I arrived at the boarding house I took a break while playing with my
cellphone and then took a shower, at 19.00 I did the assignments given
by the lecturer, at 00.00 it was time for me to sleep and rest from all

I woke up at 5. after that I went outside to buy breakfast, then got ready
to go to campus. After coming home from campus, I went to buy lunch
and then went back to the boarding house. Arriving at the boarding
house I took a shower and rested. After resting a moment later I get
ready to buy dinner. After that I prepare lessons for tomorrow and study
for a while. Then get ready to sleep.

My daily activity when i wake up in the morning at 04.00 am,i always

pray subuh,and doing exercise,and then prepare to study until
afternoon,well go back home,take a shower praying Maghrib,and learn
the Qur'an together with kids at around the myhome.and learning or
sometimes do homework and the last sleep tightly.

Clean the room in the morning, take a shower, go to campus in the

morning, go to campus, come home for lunch, take a rest and sit
around, at night if you have work to do, if you don't go out, discuss with
My daily activities are just busy studying, eating, sleeping, and walking,
that's just my daily activity

Hi, my name is Haidar

My daily activities are in college in the morning, if there is a schedule
after class, if there is no class, I will work if there is work, and so on until
the evening after that I sleep, don't forget to pray 5 times a day, eat if
there is food.
on my day off like a normal day, the only difference is the lecture.

My daily activity stared at 07.25 (but it's can be changed) then I'm going
to bathroom for taking ritual to pray subuh and then cleaning up my
bedroom and i iron up my clothes for going to the university, and then i
prepared my self for going to the university for studying,when the
schedule for course has been finished I'm going back to my room then i
eat rice for being breakfast and lunch after that me and my friend are
doing the task from the lecturer then i'm going to bathroom for taking
buth and have a rest thank you,,,,
1. At 04.00 I wake up.
2. At 04:15 am I go to the bathroom and do my ablution.
3. Then at 04:30 I did the morning prayer.
4. At 4:50 am I play on my cellphone to open social media.
5. Then at 05:30 I went to the kitchen to make breakfast.
6. At 05:50 I have breakfast after that wash the dishes.
7. At 06:15 I take a shower to go to campus.
8. Then at 06:45 I got ready starting from choosing clothes to go to
college, then ironing, and wearing clothes, etc.
9. At 07.30 I went to campus.
10. Then at 07.45 go to class and start studying.
11. At 12.00 I perform the dhuhur prayer and continue to have lunch
during class breaks.
12. At 13.00 the class starts again.
13. At 17.00 return to the boarding house.
14. At 17.30 arrived at the boarding house then immediately took a
15. Then at 18:00 I did the maghrib prayer and everyone waited for the
Isha prayer.
16. At 19:15 I have dinner.
17. At 19:40 after eating, I study the course material for the next day.
18. Then at 20:30 I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my
19. Then at 20:45 I get ready for bed.
20. done

Every time there is a class schedule, I always wake up at 04.30 to pray,

continue to shower if there is a morning class, continue to sleep if there
is an afternoon class. After taking a shower I cleaned the bed, made
breakfast, prepared my college supplies, then went on a motorbike,
Unimus's distance from my boarding house was relatively close,
approximately 5 minutes. Until class I always try to understand the
material presented, even though sometimes I don't understand, I attend
and go home from class according to the scheduled time. During break
time I usually gather with my classmates to buy snacks or eat together,
sometimes I also go home to the boarding house. After college I usually
buy side dishes for lunch, afternoon, or evening, until the boarding
house I take a shower, after maghib prayers I check and sometimes
review the material I get, and do assignments if there are any. After that
I have dinner, and continue to do other things like playing Twitter,
Instagram, watching YouTube or reading novels. On the weekend, I
spend time sleeping, washing clothes, sometimes taking a walk.
on this tuesday i started my activity by getting up at 12 o'clock at night
to help my father sell in the traditional market, in the market i sell catfish.
I met a lot of people in the market and most of them were old people.
from the market I came home at half past 5 in the morning after arriving
home I immediately went to sleep. I woke up at 10 pm I immediately
rushed to take a shower, after taking a shower I cooked and ate. after
that at 11 am I was ready to go to college. I go to college at 12 noon
and before leaving I pray first. when he arrived on campus at exactly 1
pm and there was already a lecturer in the class. Today's subject is
English. at the time of learning our classmates were formed in groups of
3 groups. Each group member must introduce himself/herself in English.
class finished at half past 3 after that I went straight home. arrived home
at half past 4.

my name is Muhammad subhan nafiyanda, my origin is Semarang, I am

a student at Muhammadiyah University of Semarang, my daily activities
are I wake up in the morning at 6 and play on my cellphone for a while
until 07:30 in the morning after that take a shower and eat until 08:30
after Then I went to college, then took a break from lectures at 10:00 to
13:00 when I was in college I used to pray and correct unfinished
assignments and then left for college again until 16:00 then went home,
showered, prayed, ate, after that I played with friends at 19:00-22:00
after that go home and sleep...

I wake up at 4 am and pray at dawn, then prepare to go to campus but

have breakfast first at the boarding house, then study activities on
campus, take a short break, return to the rest area, play with friends for
a while, then go home to rest for a better tomorrow

1. at 05.00 I wake up and pray at dawn

2. at 08.00 I have breakfast then go to campus
3. At 15.00 I come home from campus and when I get home I rest and
take a shower
4. At 19.00 I study and do my assignments
5. At 21.00 I rest and sleep

I usually wake up at five in the morning, don't forget to get up then

stretch my legs and drink water, then I make my bed and I don't forget
to feed my beloved cat. After everything is done I rush to take a shower
and get ready, then I go to campus, after arriving on campus then
learning according to their respective matkul hours, after all the courses
are finished I go home to sleep because there is no further matkul,
wake up at 3 pm then I take a shower don't forget to feed the cat then
relax on the front porch until before sunset then go into the house for
dinner, why immediately eat dinner because I am unable to thank you

I go to campus and go home so give room.

I wake up at 04.00, I prepare for prayer, after praying I clean up the

boarding room, and cook rice for breakfast, then buy side dishes at a
restaurant near the boarding house, then I have breakfast, after
breakfast I take a shower, after taking a shower I iron my clothes and
prepare to go to camp. at 07.30, and classes from morning to evening,
after going back to campus, going back to the boarding house, and
doing assignments, then playing games for a while and then sleeping
My daily activity started at 05.00 WIB (but it's can be changed) then I'm
going to bathroom for taking ritual to pray subuh and then cleaning up
my bedroom and i iron up my clothes for going to the university, and
then i prepared my self for going to the university for studying, when the
schedule for course has been finished I'm going back to my room then i
eat rice for being breakfast and lunch after that me and my friend are
doing the task from the lecturer then i'm going to bathroom for taking
bath and have a rest.

watch movies and play

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