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Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Izzadin Nur Muhammad Zamzami_MTs Al Karimi 1 Gresik_Kabupaten

Gresik_Pidato Bahasa Inggris (Putra)_PORSENI MTs JATIM 2021
Honorable all adjudicators!
Honorable teachers!
Happy audience!

Alhamdulillah. All praises and glory to Allah for the gift and beauty of creation, He will always be there to help and
give us peace and comfort.

Sholluu ‘alaa rosulillah. Peace be upon the chosen one, our prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his companion,
and his followers. Surely Allah and His angels bless the Prophet.

Ladies and Gentlemen!

Drugs abuse is becoming a horrible issue lately. Drug and cigarette are getting popular among students. Schools
across the country take a strong stance on drug and cigarette use, however even with all of their efforts, addiction
issues still seem to arise.

We probably think, why is drugs popular among students? Do the teachers do not control the students?

The result of police investigation says that children who abuse drugs because their parents and their school do not
pay attention on the students development. Students are always curious about new experience. At first, they are just
curious about drugs, then they try and enjoy it. Gradually, they are addicted by drugs.

Do you know!!! Drugs abuse has a major impact on school performance in children and teens. Grades will often
suffer because lack of energy and focus, poor concentration, and loss of drive. Students using drugs also often lose
interest in extra curricular activities and other healthy social interactions. Ultimately drug abuse can lead to not only
truancy, but to the addicted student dropping out of school all together. How horrible it is!!!!!

Ladies and gentlemen!

From the cases above, we have to agree that drugs become a serious issue in this country. The school as the
institution of education has important role to prevent the drugs abuse. Therefore, by this speech I am going to share
the important thing on how to overcome drugs abuse to produce good school environment that free from drugs. I
hope, it will be useful for us!

The first solution is that, parents should have open dialogue with their children. While education starts at home,
teachers have to teach the students to have strong faith and believe in Allah. If the students remember Allah, they
might be afraid of doing forbidden activity. It is also needed to explain the dangers of drugs and its influence. This
treatment is not only the responsibility of Aqidah Akhlak teacher but also the responsibility of all schoolteachers to
prevent drugs abuse at school. Nurturing the students is an art. Students need attention and love. If the teacher and
parents give good example for the students, they will respect and appreciate it for their good example. Love our
children or students so they will not do something bad.

The second way is that, the school should provide some interesting activity that can encourage the students to be
more active, creative, and innovative. For example, joining some extracurricular such as Marching Band, students’
scout, futsal club, volley ball club and etc. The purpose of those activities is to explore and to improve student’s
ability. So, it will automatically prevent students to see the crime. If the students are active on doing something
positive, they will avoid and forget negative thing.

Happy audiences!
The third way to prevent drugs is making a good cooperation between the parents and the school in order to control
the students’ character development and performance for seeking some information that deals with students’
behavior, activity,

The last way to prevent drugs is that by making a good cooperation between school and police officers. Do you
know Why? It will strengthen the power of the school over the students. It will help the school to handle some hard
criminal case and as a tool to abundant them as well.
Happy audiences!
Those steps above are steps that should apply by school. This thing is a key to prevent abusing drugs. I am sure, after
applying those ways, there should be an excellent school that is free from drugs. As students, we have to be care of
our future. Do not choose a bad friend but we have to choose a good friend.
Happy audiences!
That’s all my speech that I can deliver. May Allah always save us from drugs! I also hope this speech will be use full
as a reference for every school to prevent drugs. Thank you very much for paying attention at me.
Say no to drugs!
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

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