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Subjective: The patient was diagnosed STO: Dx: STO:

with lack of sleep when
"it was difficult to nap vital signs was taken. Within 30 minutes-1 hour  Identified presence of  To assess the specific cause (Goal Met)
or take rest because of Because she wasn’t able to of effective nursing physiological and psychological of lack of sleep this is
interventions, the patient stressors mostly due to environmental Within 30 minu
the people passing by". sleep properly due to
will be able to: and mental aspect. 1 hour of effec
people passing by and she
As verbalized by the nursing
was easily disturbed by
patient. a) identify and do  Sleep patterns are different to interventions, t
neighbor’s patient.  Assessed past sleep patterns in
appropriate interventions to each individual. patient identifie
promote sleep. normal environment. (e.g and did approp
interfering agents, bed rituals, interventions to
Sleep is required to provide b) perform quiet activities etc. ) sleep, perform
Nursing Diagnosis: to improve sleep (e.g  This can provide findings
energy for physical and activities and
listening to soothing music) why the patient is unable to
SLEEP mental activities. The  Measured physiological participated in
DISTURBANCES amount of sleep that response to activity .e.g. changes recommended
c) participate in
related to people passing individuals requires varies recommended treatment in respiratory rate. treatment
by as evidenced by with age and personal program. accordingly.
difficulty to nap or to characteristic.  To determine whether the
 Monitored vital signs patient has lack of sleep.
take rest.
Sleep disturbance’s
characteristics are the ff; LTO:
change in normal sleep
Tx:  Report of sleep disturbance (Goal Met)
pattern, reports of having
woken up, dissatisfaction LTO:  Assisted with activities of daily is subjective and only the Within 24-48 h
with sleep and complaining living and promoted comfort patient can explain it. of effective nur
lack of rest. These are the Within 24-48 hours of and rest. interventions, t
related factors are lack of effective nursing patient reported
interventions, the patient  Promoted safety by constant  To help conserve energy and
privacy/ sleep control, improved sleep
will: monitoring, keeping bed in assist in coping with sleep
noises, humidity and pattern and
comfort. disturbance.
interruptions ( e.g verbalized the
a) report improved sleep
therapies, monitoring,  Because of inability to get feeling of reste
laboratory tests) optimal amount of sleep, Also, achieved
b) verbalize the feeling of  Ensured the patient took the safety may be compromised. optimal amoun
rested prescribed medication of sleep by provid
sleeping medicine with water. comfort and
C) achieves optimal amount  To increase quality of sleep interventions fo
https:// of sleep as evidenced by and provide relaxation to the the said proble normal vital signs client.
 Provide quiet environment and
comfort measures.
 This will help the patient to
https:// sleep easily.
om/2009/01/ncp-nursing-  Educated on sleeping techniques
diagnosis-disturbed- such as warm bath, avoid any
sleep.html caffeine foods and physical
activities (e.g walking )  All these measures can help
the patient conserve energy
 Encouraged to increase the and increase sleep quality.
consumption of foods high in
vitamins and nutrients such as
banana, cherries, oats and
vegetables ( e.g edamame, garlic
) these are the foods that may
help the patient to sleep.

 Advised to report promptly any  To ensure timely intervention

untoward feelings and concerns. and prevent complications.



Subjective: The patient was STO: Dx: STO:

hospitalized due to
N/A uncontrollable vaginal Within 30 minutes-1 hour  Monitored vital signs (e.g  To monitor the baseline (Goal Met)
bleeding which leads to of effective nursing blood pressure, pulse and data and identify
interventions, the patient respiration rate) during and Within 30
Objective: blood transfusion. The will be able to: after activity. complications minutes-1 hou
patient had a history of effective nursi
* Uncontrollable anemia as evidenced by a) verbalize the  Discuss with patient and interventions,
bleeding. low blood circulation. understanding of risk family the cause and signs of patient verbali
factors of anemia and anemia and the consequences  To provide information
the understand
* history of anemia Anemia is one of the most therapy regimen that may occur. about causes, signs and
of risk factors
common health condition symptoms of the condition.
* Patient looks weak anemia and
throughout the world and b) have adequate
and has pale pinkish  Measured physiological therapy regime
the most affected people knowledge about proper
conjunctiva. response to activity .e.g. had an adequa
are women and children. nutrition that will help
changes in respiratory rate.  This can provide findings knowledge abo
In this condition the reduce anemia.
* tachycardia why the patient is unable to proper nutritio
patient’s red blood cell sleep. that will help
c) participate in
count is much lower than recommended treatment reduce anemia
is required for proper program. participated in
supply of oxygen to the treatment
whole body Tx: program.

 Assisted with activities of

daily living and promoted  Report of anemia is
comfort and rest. objective and observed by LTO:
Nursing Diagnosis: LTO:
SOURCE/S: the nurse
 Provide energy saving (Goal Met)
RISK OF ANEMIA Within 24-48 hours of
https://nanda- effective nursing techniques and monitor for
related to excessive  To enhanced rest to lower Within 24-48 interventions, the patient dizziness
blood loss as evidenced body’s oxygen hours of effect
by her history of anemia-nursing-diagnosis- will: nursing
care-plan requirements and tp prevent
anemia. increased risk of injury. interventions,
a) report improved red
patient reporte
/ blood cell count
 To enhance venous return. improved red
 Ensured the patient early b) be free from weakness ambulation once tolerated blood cell cou
nursing-care-plan/nursing- and risk for complications  To provide information on and patient is f
care-plan-anemia/ has been prevented. how to properly manage the from weaknes
condition. and prevented
 Explore with family the ways
the risk for
of implementing measures for
the proper management of

 To prevent blood loss and
 Educated on avoiding sharp conserve oxygen.
objects and avoid doing
strenous activities during

 Encouraged to increase the  To increase hemoglobin and

consumption of foods rich in RBC levels in the blood.
iron and vitamins ( e.g beef,
chicken, spinach. Broccoli,
whole wheat bread )

 To ensure timely
 Advised to report promptly
intervention and prevent
any untoward feelings and

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