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Activity 1C

Are there other projects that have occurred previously that would help you better understand
the strategic objectives?

If so, what are they?

Yes, there are some previous project that help me understand the strategic objective such as New
Administrative Project.

Are you able to access them?

Yes, I’m able to access

How do they compare with the current proposed project?

The previous administrative project was lack of guidance regarding to the step of conducting the
project and the budget assign was over the actual expenses.

How can you relate such key items as cost, feasibility, and so forth?
I refer to the project finance which related to cost in budget and the feasibility is tested.

Activity 1D

Using your workplace as the source of a project, complete the initial details in this suggested ex -

The Broad Scope Definition template is a tool that can be used with key stakeholders to clearly define the logical
boundaries of the project. Be sure to note any requirements that are out of scope to achieve absolute clarity about
what is and is not covered by this project and to avoid the potential for problems later

Name of project

In Scope Out of Scope (Exclusions) Assumptions Constraints

These are items that you These are items that you are Knowledge about the Known restrictions. These
are definitely going to de- not responsible for – the as- project that is taken as be- could include any restric-
liver / manage sumption is that someone ing true or correct for the tions in start/finish date,
else will do them. Exclu- purposes of project plan- time, deliverable or mile-
sions are things that don’t ning. Assumptions are cir- stone dates, budget limita-
form part of your project, cumstances and events that tions, resourcing limits,
but influence on whether or need to occur for the vendor restraints, etc.
not you can successfully project to be successful, but
achieve your objective are outside the total control
of the project team

Your project details

For a New administrative

New Software in adminis- Suppliers Budget is restrained by
system, staff training is im-
trative system The cost of resources $10000

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