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SPEAR 2 Module
Prelim Coverage

Module No. 1
Physical Activities Towards Health and Fitness 2
Lesson No. 1- Fitness Assessment Test
Learning Performance of the fitness assessment to determine one’s current health and
Outcomes fitness level.
Time Frame 2 hrs per week/student availability of submission before the end of the 1st
Introduction Good day students!

This course provides training in different movement patterns and core

engagement in conjunction with the principles of healthy eating and
physically active life. Students will be able to adapt and transfer the
movement competency in different context (i.e. use of training equipment).
Fitness Assessment Test is a series of test that helps students to determine
physical fitness level and aids in developing the personalized program. The
result can identify the strengths and weaknesses in relation to physical
fitness and help setting attainable fitness goals. The students will perform at
least 6 physical fitness test in this lesson and filling up the health card to
determine their readiness. Health card is all about students medical and
health information for readiness and evaluation.

Activity No. 1

Procedure of the activity:

1. Please fill up the given blank (personal information) below.
2. To get height:
• if your height is in centimeters convert to meters using decimal.
Example, 160cm convert to 1.6meters, 155cm to 1.55cm
• if your height is in feet convert to meters using decimal.
Example, used converter application in the mobile device.

3. To get resting heart rate:

• Note! The normal resting heart rate is 60-100 beats per
• Count your pulse rate (beats) for 20 seconds x 3. Record the
beats for 20 seconds x 3. And that is your resting heart rate per
Example, 31 beats/20 seconds x 3= 93 beats/minute.

4. To get training heart rate:

• First get maximum heart rate, FORMULA: 220-AGE = MHR.
• To get your training heart rate, multiply your MHR to 50% -
• You can choose the level of your training (50% - 70%)
depending on the range you want to achieve.
SPEAR 2 Module
Prelim Coverage
MHR: 220-20 years old = 200 beats/minute
THR: 200 beats/minute x 50%= 100 beats/minute

5. To get actual heart rate:

• You may get your actual heart rate after the training using
resting heart rate formula.
• Note! Make sure that your actual heart rate is equal to your
training heart rate if not it’s all right as long as the result value is
near from your THR.

6. If you had medical record or past surgeries, fracture, injuries, heart

problems or any medications you may write in the medical record to
inform your instructor/professor. The health card will be answered on
an A4 paper together with the fitness tests results.

1x1 ID picture
Name: ____________________________________ Date:
Class Schedule: _________________________
Age: ______ Sex: _______ Height (m) _________meters Weight (kg):
Resting Pulse Rate: ______ (bpm) Training Heart Rate: _______ (bpm)
Actual THR: _______ (bpm)
Medical Record(s):

Activity No. 2

Sit and Reach Flexibility Testi s a common measure of flexibility, and

specifically measures the flexibility of the lower back and hamstring muscles.

Things to remember :
1. Kindly provide materials to be used:
a. Timer or stopwatch
b. Meter stick or tape measure
c. Phone camera/camera
d. Chalk or marker
e. Extra t shirt
f. Water
SPEAR 2 Module
Prelim Coverage
g. Mat

2. Take a video record for yourself performing each fitness assessment

test. Submit the video record in a file with complete name and compile
in the DVD for all class submission.
3. How to submit outputs/activities for whole semester:
• All activities will be submitted through DOSCST LMS or any
type of communication.
• For video recording, submit the video through DVD or usb flash
drive(whole class).


Procedure of 3-Minute Step Test:

3-Minute step test is a simple test designed to assess your

cardiovascular endurance.

• Equipment: a 12-inch-highstair/bench/box (or a similar sized stair or

sturdy box), a watch for timing minutes.
• Step on and off the box for three minutes.
• Step up with one foot and then the other.
• Step down with one foot followed by the other foot.
• Try to maintain a steady four beat cycle. It's easy to maintain if you say
"up, up, down, down".
• Go at a steady and consistent pace
• At the end of three minutes, remain standing while you immediately
check your heart rate.
• Take your pulse for one minute (e.g. count the total beats from 3 to 4
minutes after starting the test).
• Note! Don't worry too much about how you rate - just try and improve
your own score.
• Use the chart below to find out how you rate.

Table 1. 3-Minute Step Test (Men) - Heart Rate

SPEAR 2 Module
Prelim Coverage

Age 18- 26- 36- 46- 56- 65+

25 35 45 55 65
Excellen <79 <81 <83 <87 <86 <88
Good 79- 81- 83- 87- 86- 88-
89 89 96 97 97 96
Above 90- 90- 97- 98- 98- 97-
Average 99 99 103 105 103 103
Average 100- 100- 104- 106- 104- 104-
105 107 112 116 112 113
Below 106- 108- 113- 117- 113- 114-
Average 116 117 119 122 120 120
Poor 117- 118- 120- 123- 121- 121-
128 128 130 132 129 130
Very >12 >12 >13 >13 >12 >13
Poor 8 8 0 2 9 0

Table 2. 3-Minute Step Test (Women) - Heart Rate

Age 18- 26- 36- 46- 56- 65+
25 35 45 55 65
Excellent <85 <88 <90 <94 <95 <90
Good 85- 88- 90- 94- 95- 90-
98 99 102 104 104 102
Above 99- 100- 103- 105- 105- 103-
Average 108 111 110 115 112 115
Average 109- 112- 111- 116- 113- 116-
117 119 118 120 118 122
Below 118- 120- 119- 121- 119- 123-
Average 126 126 128 129 128 128
Poor 127- 127- 129- 130- 129- 129-
140 138 140 135 139 134
Very >14 >13 >14 >13 >13 >13
Poor 0 8 0 5 9 4

Rating Scale/Scoring in 3-minute Step

SPEAR 2 Module
Prelim Coverage
Description Score/10 points
Excellent 10
Good 9
Above Average 8
Average 7
Below average 6
Poor 5
Very Poor 4


Procedure of Sit and Reach Flexibility Test:

Sit and Reach Flexibility Test is a common measure of flexibility, and

specifically measures the flexibility of the lower back and hamstring muscles.
• This is the new way of performing the test.

• This test involves sitting on the floor with legs stretched out
straight ahead. Shoes should be removed.
• The soles of the feet are placed flat against the box.
• Both knees should be locked and pressed flat to the floor - the
tester may assist by holding them down.
• With the palms facing downwards, and the hands on top of each
other or side by side, the subject reaches forward along the
measuring line as far as possible.
• Ensure that the hands remain at the same level, not one reaching
further forward than the other.
• After some practice reaches, the subject reaches out and holds
that position for at one-two seconds while the distance is recorded.
• Make sure there are no jerky movements.
• The score is recorded to the nearest centimeter or half inch as the
distance reached by the hand.
• Use the chart below to find out how you rate.

Table 3. Sit and Reach Flexibility Test

SPEAR 2 Module
Prelim Coverage

men women

cm inches cm inches

super > +27 > +10.5 > +30 > +11.5

excell +17 to +6.5 to +21 to +8.0 to

ent +27 +10.5 +30 +11.5
good +6 to +2.5 to +11 to +4.5 to
+16 +6.0 +20 +7.5
avera 0 to 0 to +1 to +0.5 to
ge +5 +2.0 +10 +4.0
fair -8 to - -3.0 to - -7 to 0 -2.5 to
1 0.5 0
poor -20 to -7.5 to - -15 to -6.0 to -
-9 3.5 -8 3.0
very < -20 < -7.5 < -15 < -6.0
poor –reach/flexibility/test.htm

Rating Scale/Scoring in Sit and Reach Flexibility Test

Description Score/10 points

Super 10
Excellent 9
Good 8
Average 7
Fair 6
Poor 5
Very Poor 4


Procedure of 1 minute Sit Ups:

This sit-up test measures the strength and endurance of the

abdominals and hip-flexor muscles.
SPEAR 2 Module
Prelim Coverage

• Starting Position: Lie on a carpeted or cushioned floor with your

knees bent at approximately right angles, with feet flat on the ground.
• Your hands should be resting on your thighs. The feet are not
• Squeeze your stomach, push your back flat and raise high enough for
your hands to slide along your thighs to touch the tops of your knees.
• Don't pull with you neck or head and keep your lower back on the
floor. Then return to the starting position.
• Use the chart below to find out how you rate.

Table 4.1 Minute sit-up test (Men)

Age 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 65+
Excellent >49 >45 >41 >35 >31 >28
Good 44-49 40-45 35-41 29-35 25-31 22-28
Above average 39-43 35-39 30-34 25-28 21-24 19-21
Average 35-38 31-34 27-29 22-24 17-20 15-18
Below Average 31-34 29-30 23-26 18-21 13-16 11-14
Poor 25-30 22-28 17-22 13-17 9-12 7-10
Very Poor <25 <22 <17 <13 <9 <7

Table 5. 1 Minute sit-up test (Women)

Age 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 65+
Excellent >43 >39 >33 >27 >24 >23
Good 37-43 33-39 27-33 22-27 18-24 17-23
Above 33-36 29-32 23-26 18-21 13-17 14-16
Average 29-32 25-28 19-22 14-17 10-12 11-13
SPEAR 2 Module
Prelim Coverage
Below 25-28 21-24 15-18 10-13 7-9 5-10
Poor 18-24 13-20 7-14 5-9 3-6 2-4
Very Poor <18 <13 <7 <5 <3 <2

Rating Scale/Scoring in Sit Up Test

Description Score/10 points

Excellent 10
Good 9
Above Average 8
Average 7
Below Average 6
Poor 5
Very Poor 4


Procedure of Push Ups:

Push-ups are used to assess the strength and endurance of the upper body
muscle groups. To do this:

• Kneel on the floor, hands on either side of the chest and keep your
back straight.
• Lower the chest down towards the floor, always to the same level each
time, either till your elbows are at right angles or your chest touches
the ground.
SPEAR 2 Module
Prelim Coverage
• Do as many push-ups as possible until one minute.
• Count the total number of push-ups performed.
• Use the chart below to find out how you rate.

Table. Push-up test norms for Men

Age 17- 20- 30- 40- 50- 60-
19 29 39 49 59 65
Excellent > 56 > 47 > 41 > 34 > 31 > 30

Good 47- 39- 34- 28- 25- 24-

56 47 41 34 31 30
Above 35- 30- 25- 21- 18- 17-
average 46 39 33 28 24 23
Average 19- 17- 13- 11- 9-17 6-16
34 29 24 20
Below 11- 10- 8-12 6-10 5-8 3-5
average 18 16
Poor 4-10 4-9 2-7 1-5 1-4 1-2
Very Poor <4 <4 <2 0 0 0
SPEAR 2 Module
Prelim Coverage

Table 7.
Push-up test norms for Women (modified - from the knees)
Age 17- 20- 30- 40- 50- 60-
19 29 39 49 59 65
Excellent > 35 > 36 > 37 > 31 > 25 > 23
Good 27- 30- 30- 25- 21- 19-
35 36 37 31 25 23
Above 21- 23-2 22- 18- 15- 13-
Average 27 30 24 20 18
Average 11- 12- 10- 8-17 7-14 5-12
20 22 21
Below 6-10 7-11 5-9 4-7 3-6 2-4
Poor 2-5 2-6 1-4 1-3 1-2 1
Very Poor 0-1 0-1 0 0 0 0

Rating Scale/Scoring in Push Up Test

Description Score/10 points

Excellent 10
Good 9
Above Average 8
Average 7
Below Average 6
Poor 5
Very Poor 4


SPEAR 2 Module
Prelim Coverage

Procedure of Standing long jump

The Standing long jump, also called the Broad Jump, is a common
and easy to administer test of explosive leg power.

• The athlete stands behind a line marked on the ground with feet
slightly apart.
• A two foot take-off and landing is used, with swinging of the arms and
bending of the knees to provide forward drive.
• The subject attempts to jump as far as possible, landing on both feet
without falling backwards.
• Three attempts are allowed
• Scoring: The measurement is taken from take-off line to the nearest
point of contact on the landing (back of the heels).
• Record the longest distance jumped, the best of three attempts.
• The table below gives a rating scale for the standing long jump test for
adults, based on personal experiences.

Table 8. Standing long jump Test

males females

rating (cm) (feet) (cm) (feet)

excellent > 250 > 8' 2.5" > 200 > 6' 6.5'

very good 241-250 7' 11" — 8' 2.5" 191-200 6' 3" — 6' 6.5'

above average 231-240 7' 7" — 7' 10.5" 181-190 5' 11.5" — 6' 2.5"

average 221-230 7' 3" — 7' 6.5" 171-180 5' 7.5" — 5' 11"

below average 211-220 6' 11" — 7' 2.5" 161-170 5' 3.5" — 5' 7"

poor 191-210 6' 3" — 6' 10.5" 141-160 4' 7.5" — 5' 2.5"

very poor < 191 6' 3" < 141 < 4' 7.5"
SPEAR 2 Module
Prelim Coverage
Rating Scale/Scoring in Standing Long Jump Test

Description Score/10 points

Excellent 10
Very Good 9
Above Average 8
Average 7
Below Average 6
Poor 5
Very Poor 4


Procedure of Body Mass Index

BMI stands for Body Mass Index. It is a measure of body composition.

BMI is calculated by taking a person's weight and dividing by their height
squared. For instance, if your height is 1.82 meters, the divisor of the
calculation will be (1.82 * 1.82) = 3.3124. If your weight is 70.5 kilograms,
then your BMI is 21.3 (70.5 / 3.3124)

• BMI is calculated from body mass (M) and height (H). BMI = M / (H x
H), where M = body mass in kilograms and H = height in meters.
• The higher the score usually indicating higher levels of body fat.
• Scoring: Use the table below to determine your BMI rating.
• The table shows the World Health Organization BMI classification
• The rating scale is the same for males and females.
• Use the chart below to find out how you rate.
• Write in the in the rating scale your classification after computing your
SPEAR 2 Module
Prelim Coverage
Table 9. Body Mass Index(Male and Female)
classificatio BMI (kg/m2) sub-classification BMI (kg/m2)
Underweight < 18.50 Severe thinness < 16.00
Moderate thinness 16.00 - 16.99
Mild thinness 17.00 - 18.49
Normal range 18.5 - 24.99 normal 18.5 - 24.99
Overweight ≥ 25.00 pre-obese 25.00 - 29.99
Obese obese class I 30.00 - 34.99
(≥ 30.00)
obese class II 35.00 - 39.99

obese class II ≥ 40.00

Rating Scale/Scoring in BMI

CLASSIFICATION Sub-classification BMI (kg/m2)


Normal Range

Fitness Tests Pre-Test Score Adjectival Rating

3-Minute Step Test
Sit and Reach Flexibility
Sit Up Test
Push up Test
Standing long jump
Body Mass Index (BMI)
SPEAR 2 Module
Prelim Coverage

Note! The table below shows description of your scores. It tells you on how you are good
enough or fair enough in performing the tests. Write this table together with your health card
on an A4 bond paper.


Type of Test Scores(1-10) Adjectival Description

(Pre-test) Rating
This indicates that the
Excellent students can perform the test
effectively and efficiently. The
fitness of the students is
described Excellent (E).

This indicates that the

Good students can perform the test
well or to a high degree. The
fitness of the students is
described Good (G).

This indicates that the

Above students can perform the test
Average above fairly well. The fitness of
the students is described as
Above Average (AA).
SPEAR 2 Module
Prelim Coverage
This means that the students
Average perform moderately in
performing the test. The
students’ perform is revealed as
Average (A).

This means that the students

Below perform little or insignificant in
Average performing the test. The
students’ performance is
showed as Below Average (BA).

This means that the students

Poor perform very insignificant or
weakest. The students’
performance is showed as Poor

This means that the students

Very Poor perform very feebly in
performing the test. The
students’ performance is
showed as Very Poor (VP).
The 3-minute Step Test

The Harvard Step Test is used to measure a person’s aerobic fitness.

Specifically, it is a predictive test of their VO2max. The purpose of this
test is to predict a person’s aerobic fitness using a simple test with
minimal equipment.

Sit and Reach Flexibility Test

The sit and reach test is a common measure of flexibility, and
specifically measures the flexibility of the lower back and hamstring
muscles. This test is important as because tightness in this area is
implicated in lumbar lordosis, forward pelvic tilt and lower back pain.
This test was first described by Wells and Dillon (1952) and is now
widely used as a general test of flexibility.

Sit up Test
Abdominal muscle strength and endurance is important for core
stability and back support. This sit-up test measures the strength and
endurance of the abdominals and hip-flexor muscles.

Push up Test
The push-up fitness test (also called the press-up test) measures
upper body strength and endurance. There are many variations of the
push-up test, with differences in the placement of the hands, how far
to dip, the duration of the test and the method of counting the number
of completed push-ups. Here we discuss the general method for the
push-up test, and link to specific push-up fitness tests.
SPEAR 2 Module
Prelim Coverage
Standing Long Jump
The Standing long jump, also called the Broad Jump, is a common
and easy to administer test to measure the explosive power of the

Body Mass Index

Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on height and
weight that applies to adult men and women.

Instruction: Perform all the fitness test. Video record all fitness test
performed and edit to make it shot. Record all the gained scores and
evaluate based on the given rating scale (evaluation norms).
The 3 questions above in the analysis part will be included in the video just
state the questions and you answer right away during video recording.

You’ve done this activity successfully!

References: University of Richmond, 2020. FITNESS ASSESSMENT. Retrieved on

August 14,2020 retrieved from recreation. richmond. Edu

Lifespan, 2015. Resting Heart rate. Retrieved from July 13,2015 from

Wood, 2020. Sit and Reach.Retrieved on August 14, 2020


Wood, 2020. 3 MINUTE STEP TEST. Retrieved on August 14, 2020 from

Robert Wood, "sit-up test: Testing your fitness at home." Topend Sports
Website, 2008,,
Accessed 8/16/2020

Robert Wood, "push-up test: Home fitness tests." Topend Sports Website,
Accessed 8/16/2020

Robert Wood, "Standing Long Jump Test." Topend Sports Website, 2008,, Accessed
SPEAR 2 Module
Prelim Coverage
Robert Wood, "Body Mass Index (BMI)." Topend Sports Website, 2008,, Accessed 8/16/2020

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