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State at least five (5) impressions about the content of the Resource guide (your impressions
might be selected and be posted to my "resource guide").
1. My first impression with the Resource guide was admiration to the author. It had me
thinking that our professor really cared about the welfare of her students.
2. The content was pretty inspiring especially in the first few pages as I’ve seen the
messages of the previous students who are now licensed teachers. They have expressed
their gratitude for the guidance that they have received.
3. It’s motivational and driven. It serves like a driving force that will show me the way by
giving me a path that I could follow, so I won’t lose my way.
4. The strategies and steps provided in the Resource guide was great. It will keep me
organized if I follow the steps in the future once I study for the exam.
5. Lastly, the book cover and design are something that I like because I love any shades of

2. State at least five (5) reflections and realizations upon reading the content. (Your
reflections/realizations might be selected and be posted to my "resource guide").
I’ve read the content of the Resource Guide and it made me realize that it will never be easy to
get the license. It will take a lot of time in preparing and studying for the licensure exam. I’ll
probably need to pull an all-nighter from time to time in the future to be ready of what awaits for
me, but I also want to be kind to myself and let me breathe in between of my preparations. I
don’t want my efforts and sacrifices to go in vain, so I have to give my best. I want all the
hardships to pay off in the end. So, I’ll most like utilized this resource guide in the future as the
strategies would really work for me especially the breakdowns of learning styles. It made me
realize what I prefer in terms of studying and how to better acquire knowledge. Lastly, it made
me feel inspired and driven to pursue this further. I know that it will be difficult, but it is not

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