B1 L11 句型練習

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L11 Patterns in Action

句型I. a number of 可數Ns + 複數動詞「一些;許多」

the number of 可數Ns +單數動詞「……的數目」
1. The number of nearsighted students (is, are) gradually increasing.
2. Only a small number of doctors (approves, approve) of the project.
3. A great number of high school students (is, are) addicted to online games.
4. A large number of people (has, have) expressed their opinions about the speech he gave last night.
5. The number of robberies (has, have) decreased these days.
◎ 中翻英
1. 許多人現在正在找工作。
2. 偏好單身的人的數量正在增加。
3. 有許多工作正等著我去完成。
4. 通過考試的學生數量很少。
5. 很多人湧進(flock)這個小鎮觀光。
句型II. S+V, Ving (主動)
Vpp (被動)
(1) 刪去引導連接詞”and”(若刪去會造成語意不清,則可以保留)。
(2) 當前後句的主詞相同時,刪去連接詞後的主詞。
(3) 主動則改為現在分詞(Ving),被動則改為過去分詞(Vpp)。
• They join doctors from around the world to help the blind and give them the chance to see the blue sky.
They join doctors from around the world to help the blind ,___________ them the chance to see the blue sky.
• We listened to her speech and was amazed by her intelligence and confidence.
We listened to her speech, ______________by her intelligence and confidence.
(4) 若有否定字時,將not置於分詞前:
• Karen kept crying and didn’t know how to do it.
Karen kept crying, ________________ how to do it.
◎ 中翻英
6. Brad走出飯店,(然後)被外面美麗的景色吸引。
7. Michelle坐在考試的大廳,感到很緊張。
8. 我站在阿里山上,被眼前的雲海感動。
9. 小孩困惑地(in confusion)看著他媽媽,不知道該回答什麼。

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