Second Activity in Ed 103 Final

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Second Activity in Ed 103 (The Teacher and the Community, School Culture and

Organizational Leadership)

Good afternoon Teachers,

This is our second activity for this course. For this activity, form groups of five (5) and
develop a one-page essay on why our course, Ed 103 (The Teacher and the Community, School
Culture and Organizational Leadership) is important in the attainment or realization of c. You
can choose your own creative title for your essay. This is a 20-point activity. Criteria are as
follows: Content (10 points); Organization and grammar (5 points), Creativity (5 points).
Use a short bond paper for your essay, single-spaced document, Times New Roman Font
style, with font size 12. Submit this during our face-to-face class on Tuesday.

The Teacher - The foundation of everything that can be accomplished in life are knowledge and
education. Today's youth are given the opportunity for a better future because teachers give them
the power of education. Students can understand abstract concepts and teachers simplify the
complicated in order for the student to get gist of their discussion. Educating or cultivating
emotional and spiritual socio-cultural values as part of the educational process is a teacher's
responsibility in addition to imparting knowledge. A teacher's holistic values and ways of
thinking, which are essential to education, ought to be incorporated into them as the main agent
of students’ transformation. The Community - Teachers' lives are more transparent for students
whose families participate and get involved in the school community. Teachers learn about their
families' needs, how they are supported at home, and the opportunities they have. The term
"school culture" refers to the shared values, beliefs, and practices held by teachers and the
school as a whole. Students are better able to learn when there is a positive school climate and
culture. School culture has an impact on school quality and can even influence the level of the
school. In organizational leadership, a positive and motivating culture for staff members and a
high-quality learning environment for students are both aided by effective leadership in schools.
By developing the essential skills required by school leaders, wherein leaders at all levels can
contribute to this to make students have better learning outcomes. By that said, these things are
significant in fulfilling the CAPSU’s VMGO and CoEd’s Program Outcomes for the reason that
it plays important roles and how to the concept of teaching will occur in the said institution. This
subject will be like a guide to attain the desired result because it shows relativeness and
importance of the function of The Teacher and the Community, School Culture and
Organizational Leadership to both students and teachers success.

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