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Julierose Christy H.

Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering I-C

Technology is seen as an integral aspect of human life. It greatly simplifies and improves
our life. Artificial Intelligence is one technology that has piqued my curiosity (AI). AI is a
subfield of computer science concerned with the development of machines capable of
performing tasks that normally require the simulation of human intelligence, such as
understanding natural language, recognizing images, making decisions, the ability to improve
performance based on experience, using rules to reach approximate or definite conclusions, and

I'm interested in artificial intelligence because it has the potential to disrupt numerous
sectors and transform the way we live and work. AI has the ability to enhance operations,
improve decision making, and even generate new goods and services in fields ranging from
healthcare to finance to transportation. AI-powered personal assistants, for example, may make
our lives easier, while AI-powered medical diagnostic tools can enhance healthcare results.
Furthermore, as a student of computer engineering, I am interested by the intricate algorithms
and structures that go into creating an intelligent machine, as well as the techniques used to train
and run AI systems, such as machine learning, neural networks, and natural language processing.

AI has a huge influence on my field of study as a computer engineering student. AI

algorithms and approaches are employed in a variety of computer systems, including self-driving
cars and recommendation systems. Understanding and utilizing these technologies will be critical
for any computer engineer seeking a career in the technology business. Furthermore, the fast
advancement of AI creates new possibilities and problems in the subject, making it a fascinating
and dynamic topic to research.

I feel that learning about and working with AI will be critical on my path to become a
computer engineer. It will not only be a useful talent in the job market, but it will also enable me
to contribute to the creation and deployment of cutting-edge technology with the potential to
positively influence society.

In conclusion, I am interested in Artificial Intelligence (AI) because of its potential to

transform how we live and work, as well as the influence it will have on my field of study as a
computer engineering student. It also introduces new chances and challenges that will be critical
in my path to become a computer engineer.

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