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Criteria-based assessment

as a tool of measuring students’ achievements

at the English lessons

The deepest principle of human nature is

a craving to be appreciated.

William James

▪ learn the assessment techniques of criteria-based
assessment in the classroom;
▪ define the concepts of criteria, rubrics and
▪ create a rubric for the task;
▪ define different types of feedback and practice
giving feedback on the student’s work;
▪ discuss the principles of moderation and conduct
this process with the students’ works.
The Zone of Proximal Development is defined as the space between what
a learner can do without assistance and what a learner can do with adult
guidance or in collaboration with more capable peers.
Criteria-based assessment means the comparison of
students’ academic achievements with clear criteria
previously known to all participants of educational
process and corresponding to the objectives and
content of education.

With the help of criteria-based

assessment, the students, parents and
teachers will understand:
• At what learning level the student is;
• What his learning objective is;
• What needs to be done to help student
achieve the expected learning outcomes.
Критериальное оценивание – это процесс,
основанный на сравнении учебных достижений
учащихся с чётко определёнными, коллективно
выработанными, заранее известными всем
участникам процесса критериями,
соответствующими целям и содержанию
образования, способствующими формированию
учебно-познавательной компетентности
Performance Tests
Assessment • Objective tests: matching, fill-in-
• role playing, the-blank, true/false, multiple
simulation games, choice, key-list questions.
panel discussions; • Free response tests: sentence
• oral presentations, answers, paragraphs, essays
interviews and
• demonstrating
• participation skills in group
activities, such as
activities and projects;
artwork, charts, graphs
• skills in critical thinking,
and maps;
revising, and giving and
• writing paragraphs,
receiving feedback.
reports and essays
To perform an effective assessment teacher needs
to establish clear criteria for assessing student
learning according to LOs and provide students
with the criteria and opportunities to reflect on,
self-evaluate and improve their performance.
(a set of aspects to
be measured)

Levels of
Descriptors Rubric performance
(descriptions of the (a set of criteria
performance and show used for (adjectives which describe
how the score is derived assessing a the performance levels:
and what is expected of particular type Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor;
the students) of work) Exemplary, Accomplished,
Developing, Beginning,

(system of
numbers or values
used to rate each
Criteria Levels of
Scores performance
Speaking Assessment Rubric
Criteria Excellent Good Poor
3 2 1
TASK The response is The response is The response is slow
ACHIEVEMENT fluent and relevant limited. Some ideas with noticeable
with examples. are not clear. repetition, self-
Ideas are clear. correction. Ideas are
VOCABULARY Uses a wide range Uses a limited range Uses simple
of precise and of vocabulary. Makes vocabulary. Makes a
varied vocabulary. some errors in word lot of errors in word
choice. choice.
PRONUNCIATION Uses a wide range Some Errors (mostly Speech contains Very
of pronunciation minor) in Little Correct
Descriptorspronunciation. pronunciation.
Holistic Analytic

describe the characteristics judge each individual

of a performance to give an characteristic of a
overall judgement of its performance separately
CRITERIA Excellent Good Poor
3 2 1
TASK The response is fluent The response is fluent Speaks slowly with
ACHIEVEMENT and relevant. Full but with some pauses. noticeable repetition,
explanations of ideas Slightly limited self-correction. Very
with examples. Ideas explanation of ideas limited explanation of
are clear. with examples. Some basic ideas with
ideas are not clear. examples. Ideas may
be unclear.
VOCABULARY Uses a wide range of Uses a limited variety Uses simple
precise and varied of vocabulary and vocabulary to convey
vocabulary. May use expressions. Makes the topic. Makes a lot
figurative language. some errors in word of errors in word
choice. choice.
PRONUNCIA Uses a wide range of Some Errors (mostly Speech contains Very
TION pronunciation minor) in Little Correct
features without any pronunciation. pronunciation.
Write a campaign letter to raise a financial support in
organizing a fund for protection of your local
Include the following information:
- Introduce yourself;
- Give information about the environmental problem;
- What you are your suggestions for solving this
- Explain what you are going to do with the received
Write about 120-150 words.
Types of Feedback

Great main idea and details!

Feedback 16
the process of discussing students’ works on summative assessment
for a term in order to standardize the scoring to ensure the assessment
was done objectivity.

• Identify cases when the correct answer is not counted, the answers are
formulated in other words, an error in the Mark scheme, the total score
is incorrectly calculated, etc.

• To see how the assessment was carried out by colleagues.

• Share your own experience in assessment.

• Discuss and understand whether the summative assessment was

correct, whether all the answers of students were taken into account,
whether there are differences in the assessment between teachers.

• Decide whether to make changes or additions to the Mark scheme, and

revise students ' scores.
Teacher's actions in the organization of the moderation process
Before moderation: During moderation : After moderation:

❖ assesses students’ ❖ discusses with ❖ according to

summative works in colleagues the moderation
accordance with the results of work and reviews students’
Mark scheme; makes sure that all works and may
points are set in either increase or
❖ selects samples of accordance with the decrease the
summative works Mark scheme; number of points
(with the maximum, for the summative
minimum points; ❖ if necessary, makes work;
works, the changes to the
assessment of which results or to the ❖ puts the final
is difficult); Mark scheme; points in the online
❖ encodes students’ ❖ signs the minutes
personal data of (protocol) of the
selected samples of meeting.
summative works.
Assessment is one of the most precise tools
of education. Let there be less assessments,
but let each of them be more influential,
more significant.

V. А. Sukhomlinskiy

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