Worksheet No. 4

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Instructions: Discuss briefly each.

1. What are the challenges faced by the United Nations in maintaining global security?

Answer: Despite laws and respect for sovereignty that all nations, especially
Security Council members, should manifest, the challenges become enormous when one
or more Security Council members start acting outside the bounds of international law to
pursue what they consider to be in their international interest. All members of the
Security Council are expected to support the resolutions because they have legal
standing. However, when rogue nations like the US disobey both international and
domestic laws without consequence, the entire system suffers and eventually collapses.
Additionally, the system fails when Security Council resolutions are not upheld.
2. Discuss briefly the functions of the five organs of the United Nations.

Answer: The General Assembly is the main deliberative organ of the United
Nations. It is composed of representatives from all Member States, each of which has one
vote. The Security Council holds primary accountability for preserving world peace and
security. Each of its fifteen members has one vote. All Member States are required by the
Charter to abide by Council decisions. The Economic and Social Council is the location
where the economic, social, and environmental concerns facing the world are discussed,
debated, and where suggestions for policy are made. The Trusteeship Council was created
to provide 11 Trust Territories with international supervision and to ensure that the necessary
steps were taken to prepare the Territories for independence or self-government. The
Secretariat services the other principal organs of the United Nations and administers the
programs and policies established by them. 
3. What makes the United Nation ineffectual when it comes to military conflict / military

Answer: Through diplomacy, goodwill, and mediation, the UN plays a significant part
in conflict prevention. Special envoys and political missions on the ground are a couple of
the methods the Organization uses to promote peace.
4. What is global governance?

Answer: Global governance is based on rights and regulations that are upheld through
a mix of financial and ethical incentives. It includes actions that cross national boundaries at
the international, transnational, and regional levels. Global governance is so broad to
understand since international and global politics play an important role.

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