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Short questions (for a)

1. What is classification?

2. Why is classification important for animal kingdom?

3. Write down five names of locomotory organ.

4. How many species have been discovered so far?

5. Who is the father of taxonomy?

6. What is taxon/taxa?

7. What are ICBN and ICZN?

8. What are seven major taxa?

9. What should taxonomists match to identify an animal?

10. What do you mean by scientific name?

11. Which is the largest phylum of the animal kingdom?

12. Why frog is called amphibious?

13. What was the former name of the phylum Cnidaria?

14. What is the lowest rank of the taxonomic unit?

15. What is Vertebrata?

16. What is Coelenteron?

17. What is taxonomy?

18. In which phylum tape worm belongs to?

19. What is the scientific name of man?

20. What is invertebrate?

21. What is Sponge?

Short questions (for b)

1. Explain the function of Cnidoblast.

2. What is Vertebrata? Explain.

3. What do you understand by binomial nomenclature?

4. Why frog is called Amphibious?

5. Explain the position of notochord in human body.

6. Write down the classification of kingdom Animalia.

7. Evaluate the significance of classification.

Lesson 2-5



a) Write down about habit and habitat of Phylum Porifera (with eg)
b) Explain the general/exclusive characteristics of the phylum Porifera (with eg)

Short question

a) What is Sponge?
b) Give 2 examples of the phylum Porifera.



a) Habit and habitat of the phylum Cnidaria (with eg).

b) Write down the general/exclusive characteristics of the phylum Cnidaria (with eg).

Short question

a) What was the former name of the phylum Cnidaria?

b) Why is phylum Cnidaria called ‘the beauty of sea’?
c) What is Coelenteron?
d) What is the function of Coelenteron?
e) What do you understand by ectoderm?
f) What do you understand by endoderm?
g) What is the function of Cnidoblast?
h) Give 2 examples of the phylum Cnidaria.
i) What is solitary and what is colony?
j) What is free swimming?



a) Habit and habitat of the phylum Platyhelminthes (with eg)

b) Write down the general/exclusive characteristics of the phylum Platyhelminthes (with eg).
c) What are the differences between Platyhelminthes and Nemathelminthes/Nematoda?

Short questions

a) What do you know about the parasitic phylum of the animal kingdom? Write down the names.
b) What is parasite?
c) Write about ectoparasite and endoparasite.
d) What is cuticle?
e) What is flame cell? What is its function?



a) Habit and habitat of the phylum Nematoda (with eg)

b) Write down the general/exclusive characteristics of the phylum Nematoda.
c) Write briefly about the harmfulness of the phylum Nematoda (round worm).

Short questions

a) The animals of which phylum live in the intestine and blood? /What is Nemathelminthes?
b) What is false Coelom and what is Coelom?
c) Eg of the phylum Nematoda.


a) Habit and habitat of the phylum Annelida.
b) Write down the general/exclusive characteristics of the phylum Annelida.

Short questions

a) What is Setae?
b) What is the function of Setae?
c) What are Nephridia?
d) What is the function of Nephridia?
e) Eg of the phylum Annelida.

a) Habit and habitat.
b) Write down the general/exclusive characteristics of the phylum Arthropoda.
c) Haemocoel is filled with blood and acts as a circulatory system – explain.

Short questions

a) Which is the largest phylum of the animal kingdom?

b) What do you mean by joint appendages?
c) What is exoskeleton and endoskeleton?
d) What is haemocoel? Function of haemocoel.
e) Some examples of this phylum.
f) What is the function of wings?
g) What is larva?
h) What is pest?



a) Habit and habitat of the phylum Mollusca.

b) Write down the general/exclusive characteristics of the phylum Mollusca (with eg).
c) Snail/mussel is a molluscan phylum – give your logic.
d) What do you know about snail?

Short questions

a) Which is the second largest phylum of the animal kingdom?

b) What is the function of muscular foot? Or What do you know about the muscular foot? Or What
is the locomotory organ of the phylum Mollusca?
c) What is the function of gills?
d) What is Mantle?
e) In which phylum you will get the hard shell?
f) Write down the chemical composition of mantle.
g) Eg of phylum Mollusca.


a) Habit and habitat of the phylum Echinodermata.
b) Write down the general/exclusive characteristics of the phylum Echinodermata
c) What are the differences between Jelly fish and star fish?
d) Why starfish is not called fish – explain.
e) What do you know about starfish?

Short questions

a) Which is the marine phylum of the animal kingdom?

b) Which is the phylum that bears spine?
c) In which phylum a unique water vascular system is present?
d) What do you understand by tube feet?
e) What is the function of tube feet?
f) What is pentamerous?
g) Eg of the phylum Echinodermata.



a) Habit and habitat of the phylum Chordata.

b) Write down the general/exclusive characteristics of the phylum Chordata.
c) What are the sub-phylum of the phylum Chordata and write the names.
d) Differences between Urochordata and Cephalochordata.
e) General/exclusive characteristics of the phylum Urochordata and Cephalochordata.
f) Write down about Branchiostoma.
g) What are the classes of sub-phylum Vertebrata?
h) What are the general characteristics of class Cyclostomata?
i) Differences between Chondricthyes and Osteichthyes.
j) Differences between hammer fish and hilsha fish.
k) Exclusive characteristics of class Chondricthyes.
l) Classification of scale.
m) What are the exclusive characteristics of marine fish and fresh water fish?
n) General characteristics of Osteichthyes, Or write down about class Osteichthyes.
o) “Rui fish is a fresh water fish” – explain it.
p) Prawn is not a fish – why?
q) What is the necessity of classification?
r) Exclusive characteristics of the class Amphibia.
s) Exclusive characteristics of the class Reptilia.
t) Exclusive characteristics of the class Aves.
u) What are the exceptional characteristics of Mammalia?
v) Differentiate between two main parasitic phyla of animal kingdom.
w) What do you mean by plough of nature?
x) Write down the classification of kingdom Animalia.
y) Write down the major phylum of animal kingdom.

Short questions
a) What is Notochord?
b) What is nerve chord?
c) What is Vertebrata and what is Vertebral column?
d) What are the classes of sub-phylum Vertebrata?
e) What do you mean by heterocercal tail and homocercal tail?
f) 2 examples of every class.
g) Function of operculum.
h) Types of scales and names.
i) What is the name of class of wall lizard?
j) What is Amphibia?
k) Function of skin of the class Amphibia.
l) What is tadpole?
m) How does the Reptilian move?
n) Eg of fresh water fish.
o) What is crawling?
p) In which phylum feather is found?
q) Function of air sack.
r) Characteristics of bones of the class Aves.
s) What do you know about heterodont teeth?
t) In which class mammary glands are found and what’s its function?
u) What do you know about unicellular and multicellular animals?
v) What is external and internal fertilization?
w) What is brain? Function of skull.
x) What is germ layer?
y) What is meant by radial symmetry? With Eg.

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