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Nama : Restri Ayu Safarina

NIM : 25422014

Multicriteria and Analytical Hierarchy Process

 Multicriteria Evaluation
A method by considering the observation criteria, weighting the importance of the
criteria, to make selections with various conditions
1. Must Flexible
Planning is the process of formulating a series of policies
in the future to achieve the goals to be achieved
2. Match with Political Condition
Planning must have something to do with politics Up to the stage of problem
analysis, analytical methods, the parties involved must not
be separated from political decisions Therefore planning must be responsive to politics like
3. Research Integrating in Phases
Integrating research based decision while planning steps run, to ease the evaluation process
Simplify the research result in planning recommendations.
 Evaluation Method
A method and technique that helps planners objectively to a group and formulate various
information needed to make decisions, so that policymakers can make decisions with high
1. Ex-Post Evaluation
2. Ex Ante Evalation
3. A Priori (Ex Ante)
4. A Pasterori (Ex Ante)
 The Type of Evaluation Method
- Cost benefit analysis
- Cost effectiveness analysis
- Threshold analysis
- Planning balance sheet
- Participation
- Multi attribute utility theory
- Multicriteria evaluation
 Basic Principles in Multicriteria Evaluation
An evaluation matrix is constructed where the elements in the matrix reflect the
characteristics of several possible sets of options
 Components of A Multicriteria Evaluation
 Criteria Principle
A measurable aspect of assessment in which the dimensions of
various possible options can be characterized
 Criteria Score
The criteria score reflect s the extent to which an alternative meets certain criteria
 Criteria Priorities
Priority can be indicated by quantitative numbers (weights) or orders (ratings)
 Arithmetic Techniques for Multicriteria Evaluation
 Cardinal Multicriteria Evaluation
Cardinal multicriteria evaluation technique uses quantitative data with an interval/ratio
measurement scale . For example we want to evaluate the possibility of limited alternative
options i i = 1,2, .. , ..,I) using limited alternative options j (j = 1,2, .. , ..,J). There is an
effectiveness matrix (E) containing assessment scores that have been
 Qualitative Multicriteria Evaluation: Frequency Approach
The frequency evaluation technique does not use an explicit approach but is characterized by
the transformation of the given data into nominal scale information. This technique is used
to evaluate qualitative data
 Qualitative Multicriteria Evaluation
This method offers an interesting way to process qualitative information in a more
theoretically consistent way.
 Mixed Data Multicriteria Evaluation
Because Ordinal and Cardinal functions are different because there are differences in ordinal
and cardinal functions. Then standardization is carried out.
 Analytical Hierarchy Process
AHP is a decision making system in stages ( by describing complex multi factor or multi criteria
problems and arranging them in a hierarchical form AHP can solve multi object and multi criteria
problems based on comparing the preferences of each element in the hierarchy, so the AHP
model is called a comprehensive model
- Key Characteristics of AHP’s Calculation:
1. Decision makers trade off the importance of elements, one to another, in a pairwise
2. The judgments are entered into a pairwise comparison matrix (table of rows and
3. Each position in the matrix contains a number that is a ratio of how important the
row element is to the column element.
4. The calculations (described hereafter) are used to derive the priorities for all of the
5. Some inconsistency is inevitable in making comparisons, and is allowed to some
degree by AHP (generally less than 10% inconsistency)
- Model Development Stage
1. Formulating goals, namely determining/defining the main objectives to be carried
out Objectives are generally based on the background and formulation of the
2. Build or develop a decision making structure or hierarchy In a hierarchy/structure,
there are at least three levels goal (goal/ criteria level, and alternative level
3. Conduct an assessment by compiling a pairwise comparison matrix that describes
each element's relative contribution or influence on the criteria at its upper level
4. Ensure that all levels in the structure/hierarchy have made their assessment matrix in
the form of a questionnaire, making it easier for experts to provide answers ( The list
of questions ( that are compiled are sought to be easy to understand and easy to
implement so that more accurate ( data can be obtained.

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