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BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION 59, 476–482 (1998)

M i n i r e v i ew

Hormonal Control of the Cell Cycle in Ovarian Cells: Proliferation

Versus Differentiation

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Rebecca L. Robker and JoAnne S. Richards1
Department of Cell Biology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030

INTRODUCTION This pattern of granulosa cell proliferation and differ-

The growth of ovarian follicles, ovulation, and the for- entiation that characterizes the natural growth of follicles
mation of the corpus luteum are complex processes that can be mimicked in hypophysectomized rats by a specific
involve dramatic changes in granulosa cell function. The hormonal regimen [4, 5, 11]. Injections of estradiol (1.5 mg
changes are sequential and are dictated by specific, tightly for 3 days) followed by FSH (1.0 mg for 2 days) stimulate
regulated responses to gonadotropins, steroids, and growth granulosa cell proliferation and follicle growth to the preo-
factors [1–3]. One of the most dramatic changes in granu- vulatory stage. A subsequent ovulatory dose of hCG (10
losa cell function is the rapid switch from the highly pro- IU) triggers ovulation and luteinization. In the hypophy-
liferative stage characterizing granulosa cells of preovula- sectomized rat [4, 11], as well as in mutant mice lacking
tory follicles to the nonproliferative, terminally differenti- either gonadotropins (hypogonadal [12, 13]) or FSH [14],
ated phase of luteal cells. Some of the cell cycle regulatory follicular development is arrested at the preantral stage
mechanisms mediating this switch, as well as their control (Fig. 2). Mice lacking estrogen receptor a (ERa) also ex-
by hormones, are the topics of this minireview. hibit impaired follicular growth and infertility [15], but the
In primordial follicles, the oocyte is surrounded by a follicles develop to the antral stage presumably due to the
single layer of nondividing granulosa cells arrested in Go presence of estrogen receptor b (ERb) in these cells [16].
phase of the cell cycle. Primordial follicles leave this qui- These models illustrate that although the early, slow stages
escent state and initiate a phase of slow growth in which of granulosa cell proliferation and preantral follicle growth
the granulosa cells have entered the cell cycle but prolif- occur in the absence of gonadotropins and estradiol, these
eration is exceedingly slow [1]. However, as these slowly hormones (and their receptors) are required for normal
dividing granulosa cells acquire enhanced responsiveness growth—especially the final rapid stages of development
to FSH and LH and begin producing estradiol [4, 5], ex- that form preovulatory follicles and permit these cells to
posure to these hormones triggers a rapid burst of prolif- luteinize.
eration that results in the formation of large preovulatory Cell cycle progression and proliferation are controlled
follicles [6]. This rapid phase of growth is characterized by by a balance of positive and negative regulators converging
a marked increase in the labeling of granulosa cells by tri- on cell cycle kinase cascades (reviewed in [17–23]; see
tiated thymidine [1, 6], as well as by 5-bromodeoxyuridine schematics, Figs. 3 and 7). Interestingly, specific roles for
(BrdU) [7]. Granulosa cells of these preovulatory follicles cell cycle regulatory molecules in the control of granulosa
not only are highly proliferative but are also differentiating cell proliferation and differentiation during follicular de-
and acquire LH receptors [8]. The LH surge then triggers velopment have been elucidated by the altered ovarian phe-
dramatic changes in both follicular structure and function. notypes described in mice null for cyclin D2 [24] and
LH terminates follicular growth by causing granulosa cells p27Kip1 [25–27]. Cyclin D2 [28, 29] acts as a positive reg-
of preovulatory follicles to exit the cell cycle [1, 6] and ulator of cell cycle progression by its ability to bind cyclin-
rapidly initiates a program of terminal differentiation (lu- dependent kinases (cdks) 4 or 6 and thereby activate a cas-
teinization) in which the cells cease to divide [9, 10]. As cade of events that permits progression through G1 phase
shown herein, the exit of preovulatory granulosa cells from of the cell cycle ([30]; Fig. 3). Cyclin E also acts as a
the cell cycle occurs within about 4 h after the LH surge positive regulator of cell cycle progression [31, 32]. By
(Fig. 1), and this related to dramatic changes in specific binding and activating cdk 2, it regulates the G1 to S phase
molecules regulating cell cycle progression (see Figs. 4 and transition. In contrast, p27Kip1 blocks cell cycle progression
5). In addition, follicular rupture (ovulation) occurs and by inactivating these same cdk cascades, and cells remain
granulosa cells luteinize to form mature corpora lutea. In- in G1 phase [33]. In mice null for cyclin D2, granulosa cell
terestingly, granulosa cells are completely reprogrammed to proliferation is impaired, the ovarian follicles remain small,
luteinize by 7 h after exposure to the LH surge [4, 10]. and ovulation fails to occur [24]. In mice null for p27Kip1,
follicular growth is not compromised but granulosa cells do
Accepted March 26, 1998. not luteinize properly in response to LH [25–27]. There-
Received January 22, 1998.
Correspondence: JoAnne S. Richards, Department of Cell Biology, fore, in order to better understand the control of cellular
Baylor College of Medicine, One Baylor Plaza, Houston, TX 77030. FAX: proliferation in the ovary, we analyzed the expression of
(713) 790–1275; e-mail: these cell cycle regulatory molecules and their regulation

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FIG. 1. Changes in granulosa cell proliferation in the ovary detected by BrdU labeling. Preovulatory follicles in mice 48 h after treatment with 4 IU
eCG have many proliferating granulosa cells, seen as cells with black nuclei. In response to the LH surge (5 IU hCG), these cells exit the cell cycle,
as seen by the absence of labeled granulosa cells in large preovulatory follicles. Methods as described previously [7]. 3200 (reproduced at 88%).

by hormones during follicular development, specifically (Fig. 4). The results were verified by Western analysis of
when granulosa cell proliferation is rapid and during lu- protein obtained from granulosa cells or luteal cells of these
teinization when cell division has terminated. The results same animals. Specifically, cyclin D2 mRNA and protein
presented highlight the ability of the LH surge to acutely are expressed at high levels in granulosa cells of preovu-
regulate cyclin D2 and p27Kip1 in an inverse manner. Meth- latory follicles of H rats treated with estradiol and FSH
ods for the analysis of cyclin E protein done in the studies (HEF). When HEF rats are injected with hCG, cyclin D2
presented herein were the same as previously described is down-regulated within 4 h and remains low throughout
[34]. luteinization. As shown by in situ localization, the down-
regulation of cyclin D2 mRNA occurs specifically in gran-
REGULATION OF CYCLIN D2, CYCLIN E, AND P27Kip1 ulosa cells of preovulatory follicles that are destined to ovu-
To characterize the hormonal regulation of cyclin D2, late and undergo terminal differentiation or luteinization.
cyclin E, and p27 in the ovary, we used the hypophysec- Cyclin D2 mRNA continues to be expressed in smaller
tomized rat, in which the effects of estradiol, FSH, and LH growing follicles that lack LH receptors [3, 4, 8].
on granulosa cell proliferation [4–6] and differentiation [4, The p27 cdk inhibitor is expressed in the preovulatory
5, 9, 11] have been well characterized. In situ hybridization granulosa cells of HEF rats, and like cyclin D2, is reduced
of ovarian sections from hormone-treated hypophysecto- to low levels after 4 h of hCG treatment (Fig. 4). However,
mized (H) rats showed that cyclin D2 and p27 exhibit dis- after this time its expression pattern differs dramatically
tinctly regulated patterns of expression in granulosa cells from that of cyclin D2. By 24 h after hCG, p27 mRNA and

FIG. 2. Schematic of ovarian follicular

development and models that disrupt this
process. Granulosa cell proliferation leads
to follicular growth and the formation of
large preovulatory follicles. LH triggers
ovulation and the formation of corpora lu-
tea. Hypophysectomized rats, as well as
mice null for GnRH (hypogonadal), FSHb
subunit, and cyclin D2, exhibit impaired
follicular growth with follicles arrested at
the preantral stage of growth. Mice null
for ERa, but not ERb, have antral follicles
that do not ovulate or luteinize. Mice
lacking p27Kip1 exhibit abnormal corpus lu-
teum formation.

FIG. 3. Cyclin D2/cyclin E and p27Kip1 exert opposing actions on cdk

activity and cell cycle progression. Increased synthesis and binding of

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cyclin D2 activate cdk4/6 activity. Subsequently, cyclin E binds and ac- FIG. 5. Regulation of cyclin E in granulosa cells. Western analysis of
tivates cdk2, enabling progression through G1 phase of the cell cycle. cyclin E expression in granulosa/luteal cells isolated from ovaries of hor-
Conversely, binding of p27KIP1 blocks cdk activity, and the cell cycle is mone-treated H rats.
arrested in G1.

the G1 checkpoint. Western analysis (Fig. 5) of whole cell

protein are expressed at very high levels and, as shown by extracts showed that levels of cyclin E were low in gran-
the in situ hybridization, are localized to the luteinizing ulosa cells isolated from ovaries of H rats. Treatment in
granulosa cells of the corpus luteum. vivo with FSH increased cyclin E levels within 2 h, after
On the basis of the observations that both FSH and es- which cyclin E remained elevated at this level. Interesting-
tradiol induce cyclin D2 mRNA and protein expression in ly, treatment with estradiol caused a greater increase in cy-
granulosa cells [34], we sought to determine whether these clin E within 2 h than did FSH. Cyclin E levels then con-
hormones also affect the expression of cyclin E, a down- tinued to increase progressively in the estradiol-treated rats
stream mediator critical for cell cycle progression through for 48 h. Additional experiments showed that cyclin E ex-

FIG. 4. Expression of cyclin D2 and p27Kip1 in the ovary. In situ hybridiza-

tion of rat ovarian sections shows that cy-
clin D2 mRNA is expressed at high levels
in the granulosa cells of preovulatory folli-
cles and subsequently down-regulated by
hCG treatment. Expression of p27 mRNA
is initially low following an hCG surge,
but then is elevated to high levels by 24 h.
Western analysis performed on protein
from granulosa cells and luteal cells isolat-
ed from ovaries of these same animals
shows similar results. Data are modified
from results presented in [34] with permis-
sion from The Endocrine Society. 3100
(reproduced at 92%).

pression is also regulated as cells luteinize in response to

an ovulatory stimulus of hCG. As in the previous experi-
ment, granulosa cells from untreated H rats contained low
levels of cyclin E that were increased in response to estra-
diol (HE) or estradiol followed by FSH (HEF). When HEF
rats were injected with an ovulatory dose of hCG, cyclin
E levels remained high at 4 h and 24 h; however, by 48 h
after hCG, cyclin E was low in the luteinized granulosa
Collectively, these data suggest that one putative mech-
anism by which the LH surge terminates granulosa cell pro-
liferation involves the rapid inhibition of cyclin D2 tran-
scription. As shown in Figure 1, granulosa cell exit from
the cell cycle occurs within 4 h of the LH surge, coinciding

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with the drastic down-regulation of cyclin D2, but prior to
the down-regulation of cyclin E and the induction of p27. FIG. 6. The LH surge inverts the balance of positive versus negative cell
Regulation of cyclin D2 is highly probable as the primary cycle regulators and triggers granulosa cell exit from the cell cycle con-
current with luteinization.
regulatory event controlling granulosa cell proliferation,
since 1) cyclin D2, but not cyclin D1 or cyclin D3 (which
have redundant functions [30]), is expressed in granulosa rized below (see reviews [17–23]), other regulatory mole-
cells [34] and 2) the absence of cyclin D2, but not the cules control progression through additional checkpoints of
absence of cyclin D1 [35], markedly impairs granulosa cell the cell cycle, and some of these are likely to be critical in
proliferation [24]. Additionally, cyclin E, a downstream the ovary as well (Fig. 7).
mediator of cell cycle progression, continues to be ex- Early in G1 phase, the presence of D-type cyclins acti-
pressed in luteinizing granulosa cells long after the rapid vates cdk4 or cdk6, while the accumulation of cyclin E later
disappearance of cyclin D2. Therefore, the down-regulation in G1 phase activates cdk2. Progression through S phase is
of cyclin D2 in response to LH would presumably prevent regulated by cyclin A complexes followed by the initiation
the first step in cell cycle progression, thereby initiating of M by cyclin B-cdc2 complexes. The binding of cyclin
granulosa cell exit from the cell cycle before reaching the D and cdk4/6 results in the formation of a complex that is
cyclin E-regulated checkpoint. The temporal expression then phosphorylated by cdk-activating kinase (CAK). The
pattern for p27 suggests that a second mechanism by which active cyclin-cdk complex in turn phosphorylates cellular
LH terminates granulosa cell proliferation is by increasing substrates that regulate DNA synthesis. The best-known ex-
the level of this cdk inhibitor. In addition, the increase in ample is the retinoblastoma protein, Rb, which in a hypo-
p27 may control some aspect of granulosa cell differenti- phosphorylated state acts as a suppressor of cell division
ation or maintenance of luteal cell differentiation [25–27]. by binding to DP/E2F transcription factors, thereby pre-
In summary, these data indicate that the LH surge termi- venting the transcription of genes necessary for replication
nates granulosa cell proliferation and initiates differentia- and cell division. The repression of transcription by Rb
tion by inverting the balance of these positive and negative appears to be mediated by its ability to recruit histone de-
regulators of cell cycle progression (Fig. 6). LH coordi- acetylase [38, 39]. However, hyperphosphorylation of Rb
nately down-regulates expression of cyclin D2, followed by by cyclin D-cdk4/6 and cyclin E-cdk2 relieves its suppres-
cyclin E, as it increases the levels of p27. The ovarian phe- sive abilities, and the cell cycle is able to progress past the
notypes of the mice lacking cyclin D2 or p27 support such restriction point (R), from G1 to S phase, at which time the
a model. The loss of cyclin D2 results in the absence of cell is irreversibly committed to divide.
FSH- and estradiol-stimulated granulosa cell proliferation The Cip/Kip family of cdk inhibitors, which includes
[24], which normally leads to large, preovulatory follicles. p27, acts to block cell cycle progression by binding and
The loss of p27 results in impaired differentiation as seen inhibiting the activity of cdks. The Cip/Kips (p21Cip1,
by the inability of granulosa cells to luteinize normally and p27Kip1, p57Kip2) have relatively broad specificity and are
produce sufficient progesterone to support pregnancy [25– able to bind not only cdk4/6, but also cdk2 and cdc2, en-
27]. abling them to inhibit the activity of several kinase cascades
and thereby block cell cycle progression at multiple points.
MECHANISMS OF CELL CYCLE CONTROL In contrast, the Ink4 family of cdk inhibitors bind only cdk4
Regulation of the cell cycle within any cell type is com- and cdk6, making them specific inhibitors of G1 phase.
plex, involves the balance of many regulatory molecules, Even in this basic scheme it is clear that regulation of
and can be altered by numerous external signals acting at the cell cycle is complex and occurs at many levels. Not
multiple steps in the cycle. In the ovary, estradiol, FSH, only are many different types of molecules involved, but
and LH are essential signals for the growth of preovulatory many are families of molecules that are expressed in over-
follicles and their subsequent terminal differentiation as lapping as well as tissue-specific patterns. In the ovary, cy-
corpora lutea. Each hormone acts via specific receptors and clin D2 is highly expressed specifically in granulosa cells,
intracellular signaling pathways. Additionally, FSH and LH as is cdk4 [40], while cyclin D1 and cyclin D3 are barely
act by controlling distinct levels of cAMP [36] and the detectable [34] and mice lacking cyclin D1 exhibit normal
activation of the A-kinase pathway [37]. The pivotal roles ovarian function [35]. In contrast, cyclin D1 and cyclin D3
of cyclin D2 and p27 in ovarian follicular growth and dif- are expressed in an overlapping pattern, with both ex-
ferentiation are indicated by their selective expression and pressed at the highest levels in theca cells [34]. Both p27
regulation in the ovary and their critical and opposing ef- and a related family member, p21Cip1, are highly expressed
fects on cdk activity that controls entry and progression in the corpus luteum with only slightly different patterns of
through G1 of the cell cycle. However, as briefly summa- induction [34]. However, they appear to play unique roles

FIG. 7. Schematic of known cell cycle

events and factors regulated in ovarian
cells by gonadotropins and estradiol. Solid
arrows depict events shown herein to be
regulated by FSH, LH, and estrogen during
follicular growth and luteinization. Dashed
arrows show events likely to be controlled
by FSH/cAMP and estrogen on the basis of
studies described in the text. Other arrows
indicate the sequence of regulatory steps
in the cell cycle as summarized from nu-
merous reviews cited in the text. T-shaped
lines indicate inhibitory actions.

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in this tissue, since mice lacking p27 exhibit an altered formed in breast cancer cell lines, in which the cell cycle
ovarian phenotype [25–27] while mice lacking p21 do not machinery and the signals impinging on the cell cycle may
[41]. Rb is also a member of a family of molecules (in- be abnormal. In these cell lines, estradiol is able to increase
cluding p107 and p130), and there are five mammalian iso- the activity of cdk4 and cdk2 [50, 51] by inducing expres-
forms of E2F. Mice lacking p107 [42], p130 [43], or E2F- sion of cyclin D1 [50] as well as by decreasing the levels
1 [44, 45] are fertile; thus there may exist overlapping ex- of cdk inhibitors [51]. Similar mechanisms have also been
pression and functional redundancy within members of observed in the uterus, where estradiol induces cyclins D1,
these families in granulosa cells. Precedence for this comes D3, E, and A [52]. We have shown that estradiol induces
from the observation that phosphatase cdc25, which acti- the expression of cyclin D2 and cyclin E in granulosa cells,
vates the cyclin B-cdc2 complex, is also expressed as three concurrent with a reduction in levels of p27 [34]. Simul-
isoforms that are differentially expressed within the ovary taneous down-regulation of a cdk inhibitor and induction
[46]. of cyclins may account for the greater mitogenicity of es-
Another layer of complexity is added to this scenario tradiol compared to FSH in these cells [5, 6]. Studies have
when one considers the fact that hormonal control of ex- also shown that cyclin D1 can directly bind the estrogen
pression and activity of cell cycle regulators not only is receptor and enhance transcription of specific genes [53].
achieved by different hormones, but also depends on the It would be interesting to determine whether such a mech-
dose of hormone. Our studies have shown that cAMP and anism occurs in granulosa cells, which selectively express
protein kinase A play a role in accelerating granulosa cell the beta subtype of the estrogen receptor (ERb; [16]) and
proliferation as well as in terminating follicle growth and in which estradiol induces cyclin D2 [34].
initiating terminal differentiation. Specifically, the low lev- Lastly, there are many additional hormones that act in
els of cAMP generated in response to FSH induce high the ovary to affect cellular proliferation and differentiation.
levels of cyclin D2 [34] and also increase cyclin E (Fig. 5). For instance, activin, which is produced at high levels in
In contrast, the LH surge and high levels of cAMP rapidly preovulatory granulosa cells, has been shown to stimulate
turn off expression of cyclin D2 followed by cyclin E. Con- granulosa cell DNA synthesis [54]. Therefore, it is possible
versely, the LH surge markedly increases levels of p27 as that activin along with estradiol and FSH regulates cyclin
well as p21 [34]. High levels of cAMP have been known D2. Paradoxically, activin has been shown to down-regulate
to terminate cell division in other cell types [47], and in cyclin D2 in plasmacytic cells [55], and targeted deletion
glial cells this is associated with the induction of p27 ex- of the activin bB subunit in mice did not result in an overt
pression [48]. Additionally, the cAMP/protein kinase A ovarian phenotype [56]. Conversely, mice null for the het-
cascade controls the exit from mitosis by regulating the erodimeric molecule inhibin (a/bA or a/bB) develop ovar-
degradation of cyclin B [49]. Thus, not only can the pres- ian tumors at the time of puberty [57] that are dependent
ence or level of hormone, i.e., FSH versus LH, alter the on gonadotropin support [58]. These observations indicate
amount of a regulatory molecule; it can also exert effects that the unopposed actions of activin in the presence of
at multiple points within the cell cycle machinery, at G1-S cAMP or steroid are tumorigenic. Insulin-like growth fac-
and M-G1 (Fig. 7). tor-1 (IGF-1) has also been implicated in granulosa cell
Estrogens are known to be potent mitogens and are often proliferation [59]. However, large antral follicles are present
associated with cancer. Indeed, most studies that have been in the ovaries of mice null for IGF-1, indicating that IGF-
designed to determine the mechanism by which estrogens, 1 may be more important for differentiation than for pro-
principally estradiol, regulate proliferation have been per- liferation [60].

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