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SAP Enterprise Project Connection 3.

Installation Modes and Solution Management

SAP Enterprise Project Connection (EPC) 3.0 and up requires you to install it in one of two installation modes –
either Development or Production.
Understanding these modes is crucial to ensuring your ability to configure and modify the EPC solution to meet
your business needs. Understanding how to deal with solutions in each mode is crucial to ensuring your ability
to deal with your solutions in the correct environment.

Development Mode
The Development installation mode places a set of files that are collectively referred to as the “sample solution”
and comprise the sample EPC Oracle Primavera solution and its default configuration onto your server’s file
system. Some minor configuration must be performed in order to transfer data between SAP ERP and Oracle
This sample solution and its configuration can then be modified to meet your specific business requirements.
Through EPC’s configuration wizard – the CTC – you can easily switch between different solutions as you work
with their customization. Once you are satisfied with the solution, you can then export it from the Development
system and import it into an instance of EPC running in Production mode.

Production Mode
The Production installation mode does not place the sample solution and it’s configuration onto the file system.
Instead, the sample solution is run from the database, which provides optimized performance. Out of the box, it
cannot transfer data between SAP ERP and Oracle Primavera as it does not contain the minimum configuration
needed for Oracle Primavera.
Therefore, in order to use the sample solution in Production mode, you must have first installed EPC in
Development mode, performed the minimal configuration, export that solution, and import it into the Production
Customized solutions can be imported to the Production system. CTC allows you to import solutions onto the
Production system and switch between them.

Install Mode Usage Capabilities

Development · Develop · Expose solution on local file system, allowing for

· Configure modification and customizing.
· Test · Manage solutions, including export and packaging for
importing into production systems.

Production · Quality · Import tested, configured and customized

· Pre-Production solutions for production systems.
· Production · Manage customized solutions in the database.
· No file system access.
The two different installation modes create a specific workflow when it comes to managing the solutions.

Activity Install Mode Required

Perform initial required configurations on new installation Development

Develop a customized solution for SAP Enterprise Project Connection 2.0. Development

Upgrade an existing customized solution from SAP Enterprise Project Connection 1.0 Development
to 2.0.

Test a customized solution against a QA system. Production

Run a solution in your production environment Production

Development Mode
An instance of EPC running in Development mode allows you to do the following, using the CTC:
· Perform the minor configuration required to transfer data between SAP ERP and Oracle Primavera
· Copy the sample solution to a new location on the file system to save the original sample solution before
modification (always recommended) via the Export function in the CTC
· Copy the sample solution to a new location on the file system in order to modify it via the Export function
in the CTC
· Easily switch between different solutions in order to test or analyze them via the Change HomePath
function in the CTC. This solution then becomes the currently running solution.
· Produce an archived solution (in zip format) for import onto a system running EPC in Production mode
(only solution archives can be imported into a Production system)

An example workflow might be,

1. Install in Development mode
2. Perform initial configurations to the sample solution
3. Export the solution for safekeeping in case you need to revert back to the original working sample
4. Perform desired modification to the behavior of the solution itself, creating and working between more
than one copy if necessary
5. Test the solution
6. Create a solution archive once you feel it is ready for Production

In a Development environment, these capabilities are exposed via the CTC on the CTC Home Page by selecting
the option, “Integration Solution Content Management” under Configuration Setup.

Manage Solution Option Purpose

Change HomePath Switch between different solutions on the file system.

Changing the HomePath to a new solution makes that the currently running

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Export Solution Export the currently running solution onto the file system as a set of files

Create Solution Archive Create a zipped archive for import into a Production environment

Production Mode
An instance of EPC running in Production mode allows you to do the following, using the CTC:
· Import an archived solution that was created on a Development system. More than one solution can be
imported via the Import function in the CTC
· Activate an imported solution for use. An imported solution must be activated in the CTC before it can
be used, thereby making it the currently running solution, via the Activate Solution function in the CTC
· Export the currently running solution, via the Export Solution function in the CTC. This is useful for

An example workflow might be,

1. Import a solution that was customized on a Development system
2. Test as necessary
3. Import more solutions if desired
4. Activate the desired solution if more than one was imported
5. Run as the Production solution
6. Export the solution if issues are found, in order to import them to the Development system for

In a Production environment, these capabilities are exposed via the CTC on the CTC Home Page by selecting
the option, “Integration Solution Content Management” under Configuration Setup.

Manage Solution Option Purpose

Import Solution Import an archived solution that was configured and customized on a Development

Activate Solution Activate an archived solution, making it the currently running solution

Export Solution Export the currently running solution


On a Development system, once the initial minimum configuration is done and data can be transferred, export
the currently running solution to a safe location in case you need to revert back to it. This may be necessary for
EPC Support to be able to distinguish whether a problem is with EPC or the customized solution itself.

On a Production system, if problems in the currently running solution occur, export that solution back to a
Development system for troubleshooting.

© Copyright 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company.
All rights reserved.

Term Meaning

A set of configurable files that determines basic configuration and how EPC transfers data
Solution between SAP ERP and a third party system, such as Oracle Primavera or Microsoft Project.

The out-of-the-box sample solution that is shipped with EPC, and manages data transfer
between SAP ERP and Oracle Primavera. Some minor configuration is required on the server
before data can be transferred. Therefore, EPC must always first be installed on a system in
Sample Solution Development mode.

Currently Running Solution The solution that is currently running on EPC

An EPC solution that has been tailored to meet specific business requirements for data transfer
Customized Solution between SAP ERP and a third party system, such as Oracle Primavera or Microsoft Project.

The type of mode EPC was installed in, and is running in. This is either Development or
Production. Once this option has been selected in the CTC, it cannot be changed to the other
Installation Mode type without completely removing and reinstalling EPC.

The installation mode that places the sample solution onto the file system for configuration and
Development Mode customization. This is the mode in which a solution is configured and customized.

The installation mode that runs strictly from the database, and does not place the solution on
the file system. In this mode, you import a configured solution from a system running EPC in
Production Mode Development mode.

This function exports the currently running solution to the file system. On a Development
system, the solution is exported not as an archive but as a set of files. On a Production system,
Export Solution the solution is exported as an archive - a zipped set of solution files.

Activate Solution This function activates an imported solution, making it the “currently running solution”.

Solution Archive An archived (zipped) solution.

HomePage The initial configuration page of the CTC

The path on the file system which contains the currently running solution on a Development
HomePath system

Development System A system on which EPC has been installed in Development mode

Production System A system on which EPC has been installed in Production mode

Solution Content The different functions with which EPC allows you to manage your solution between the two
Management installation modes

© Copyright 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company.
All rights reserved.

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