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International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC 1



Group: 2 Class: ITIT22WE41 Date: 13/01/2023

Group members:

Full name Student ID Declaration of Contribution Signature

1 Hoàng Duy Anh IELSIU22279 20%

2 Nguyễn Nhật Toàn IELSIU22284 20%

3 Nguyễn Quốc Kỳ IELSIU22278 20%

4 Phạm Ngọc Vĩnh IELSIU22273 20%

5 Phạm Mạnh Quỳnh IELSIU22268 20%

Total score: _______/100

International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC 2

Part 1. Introduction
Redox is an abbreviation for reduction-oxidation, which means that a redox process involves
both a reduction and an oxidation reaction. It is also an abbreviation for oxidation-reduction
reaction. An oxidation reaction strips an electron from an atom in a compound, and the
of this electron to another compound is a reduction reaction. One of the responding molecules
loses electrons and is said to be oxidized in a redox reaction, whereas another reacting
gets electrons (the ones lost by the first molecule) and is said to be reduced.
Moreover, in this experiment, we use a device called a burette. A burette is a volumetric
instrument used to deliver an indeterminate amount of liquid accurately. It is constructed of a
thin, uniform glass tube with a scale on the tube, a tip at the lower end, and a knot in the
to control the rate of titration. Therefore, by using an amount of KMnO4 with the normality of
0.048N (calculated in the 1st experiment), it can be determined the normality of the unknown
C2H2O4 and FeSO4 through the formula:
Voxidizing x Noxidizing = Vreducing x Nreducing
(V is the volume of oxidizing or reducing agents used in titrations and N is the normality of
oxidizing or reducing agents)
Part 2. Materials and Methods
Chemicals: KMnO4, H2C2O4, and FeSO4.
Equipment: Flasks, Burette, Cylinder, Baker, Thermometer, and Distilled water.
Preparing burette:
The burette was first washed three times with distilled water and then three times with
five milliliters of KMnO4. All the material was thrown away. The burette was then filled with
KMnO4. Until there are no air bubbles left, let it drain through the burette tip. The first point
was officially noted.
Experiment 1: Titration of KMnO4 solution with standard H2C2O4 solution.
First, two identical flasks were created by adding 10mL of 0.05N H2C2O4, 40mL of
distilled water, and 20mL of 6N H2SO4 in that order. The starting point Vi was then recorded
following he flask was heated to between 85 C and 90 C. Then, KMnO4 is gradually added to
0 0

the flask and continually swirled until the first indication of color change (light pink) was
detected. The titration was then finished, and the last point was noted. The amount of KMnO4
that was utilized was finally calculated. Calculating KMnO4's normality as well as the average
International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC 3

normality and standard deviation is the last step.

Experiment 2: Titration of unknown concentration H2C2O4 solution with standard
KMnO4 solution.
First, two identical flasks were created by adding 10mL of unknown H2C2O4, 40mL of
distilled water, and 20mL of 6N H2SO4 all at once. The starting point Vi was then recorded
after the flask was heated to between 85 C and 90 C. Then, KMnO4 is gradually added to the
0 0

flask and continually swirled until the first indication of color change (light pink) was
recognized. The titration was then completed, and the last point was noted. The amount of
KMnO4 that was evaluated was finally determined. The last step is to determine the average
normality and standard deviation as well as the normality of H2C2O4 at an unknown
Experiment 3: Titration of unknown concentration of FeSO4 solution with standard
KMnO4 solution.
First, two identical flasks were created by mixing 10 mL of unknown FeSO4, 40 mL of
distilled water, and 20 mL of 6N H2SO4 in that order. The starting point Vi was then recorded
after the flask was heated to between 85 C and 90 C. Then, KMnO4 is gradually added to the
0 0

flask and continually swirled until the first indication of color change (light pink) was noticed.
The titration was then terminated, and the last point was noted. The amount of KMnO4 that was
provided was finally calculated. Calculating the average normality and standard deviation as
well as the normality of the unknown concentration of FeSO4 is the last step.
Part 3. Results and Discussion
Normality of the standard H2C2O4 solution, N(H2C2O4) = 0.05

Volume of the standard H2C2O4 solution used, V(H2C2O4) = 25ml

Trial # Burette reading (mL) Volume of KMnO4 (mL) Normality of KMnO4 (N)

1 8.5 - 18.7 10.2 0.04902

2 24.1 -34.2 10.1 0.0495

Average Normality of KMnO4 = 0.04926 (N)

International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC 4

In this experiment, KMnO4 was the oxidizing agent while C2H2O4 was the reducing
agent. The redox reaction was: 2Mn + 10e -> 2Mn (reduction) and 10C – 10e -> 10C (oxidation).
+7 - +2 +3 - +4

Given the values of volume of used KMnO4, C2H2O4 and the normality of C2H2O4, the normality of

KMnO4 was calculated using the formula VKMnO x NKMnO = VC H O x NC H O .

4 4 2 2 4 2 2 4

(1) (2)


Normality of the standard KMnO4 solution, N(KMnO4) = 0.04926

Volume of the unknown H2C2O4 solution used, V(H2C2O4) = 25ml

Trial # Burette reading (mL) Volume of KMnO4 (mL) Normality of H2C2O4 (N)

1 34.2 - 39.3 5.1 0.0251

2 39.3 - 44.5 5.2 0.0256

Average Normality of H2C2O4 = 0.02537

In this experiment, KMnO4 was the oxidizing agent while C2H2O4 was the reducing
agent. The redox reaction was: 2Mn + 10e -> 2Mn (reduction) and 10C – 10e -> 10C (oxidation).
+7 - +2 +3 - +4

Given the values of volume of used KMnO4, C2H2O4 and the normality of C2H2O4, the normality of

KMnO4 was calculated using the formula VKMnO x NKMnO = VC H O x NC H O .

4 4 2 2 4 2 2 4
International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC 5

(1) (2)


Normality of the standard KMnO4 solution, N(KMnO4) = 0.04926
Volume of the unknown FeSO4 solution used, V(FeSO4) = 25ml

Trial # Burette reading (mL) Volume of KMnO4 (mL) Normality of FeSO4 (N)

1 17.4 - 18.6 1.2 5.9112x10-3

2 18.6 - 20.1 1.5 7.389x10-3

Average Normality of FeSO4 = 6.6501x10-3

In this experiment, KMnO4 was the oxidizing agent while FeSO4 was the reducing agent. The
redox reaction was: 2Mn + 10e -> 2Mn (reduction) and 5S – 10e -> 5S (oxidation). Given the
+7 - +2 -6 - -4

values of volume of used KMnO4, FeSO4 and the normality of KMnO4, the normality of FeSO4 was

calculated using the formula VKMnO x NKMnO = V FeSO x NFeSO

4 4 4 4
International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC 6

(1) (2)

Part 4. Conclusions
In conclusion, this experiment considerably increased the group's abilities. First, our team was
examined oxidation-reduction processes and armed with critical knowledge to standardize the
concentration of KMnO4 solution. Furthermore, the method for determining oxalic acid
normalcy was investigated. The color change of solutions was carefully observed and quantified
during the titration procedure. As a result, the concentration of the chemical solutions was clearly
identified. Otherwise, the additional information had been put to good use in the experiment. For
example, using a burette and a pipette pump. The preparation procedure of this test was taken
into account to assure the experiment's success. For instance, gradually elevating the burette with
purified water and KMnO4. Finally, everything should be thoroughly prepared before doing the

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