Homeland Security - Edited

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Homeland Security


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Homeland Security

After the September 11 terrorist attacks, the FBI reorganized its undertakings to

distinguish better, dismantle, and penetrate terrorist establishments that are part of the greater

cultural shift to a threat-grounded, intelligence-driven, nationwide security association. The law

enforcement agencies realigned the resources, moving several agents from the criminal programs

to the counterterrorism undertakings and forming the threat-grounded fusion cells to address the

FBI’s highest counterterrorism primacies and guarantee the gathering of intellect is concentrated

against the precedence dangers (Burruss et al., 2010). The agencies established several units that

have fostered counterterrorism abilities, including a 24/7 Counterterrorism Lookout that serves

as the government's main point of notification for all possible terrorist threats. Likewise, the FBI

formed and implemented a novel operating manual for the local operations grounded on the

novel Attorney General Guidelines, which cut across all the areas of the program. They

established 2005 the National Security Branch which centralized the FBI's national safety


The roles of local police during homeland security incidents are vital. First, community

policing concerning extremism and terrorism is focused on community protection. This would

cover examining suspicious behavior and packages during homeland incidents, and this works to

maintain the location secure. Also, they play the part of patrolling and securing possible attacks

targets and developing the emergency reaction plans to bound casualties, and this work well

since during such incidents, they are seen busy undertaking rescue of the people and scanning the

people coming in or out of the location (Burruss et al., 2010). Community policing engages the

people in homeland security, ensuring that correct data is shared and that people are well-

equipped with the knowledge and tools they require to aid keep the communities safe. Local

police concentrate on founding police-public conglomerates amid them, other authorities, and

societies for the proactive problem-solving that makes them a durable and concrete contribution

to broader tactical determinations to avert terrorism. Intelligence-led policing is the

corresponding but distinct method. Intelligence might emerge as the by-product of effectual

policing, whereby the people develop confidence and trust in the police. In conclusion, local

police genuinely are the cornerstone of homeland security undertakings.



Burruss, G. W., Giblin, M. J., & Schafer, J. A. (2010). Threatened globally, acting locally:

Modeling law enforcement homeland security practices. Justice Quarterly, 27(1), 77-101.


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