CSC408 - Part B and C - Sharul Iqmal Bin Sajarudin - 2021846748

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Q1 (A): data isolation, difficulties in accessing data, security problems and data redundancy.

(B): the process is called tunnelling which is this procedure makes it impossible for
anyone to see what you are doing online by sending all your traffic through an encrypted
tunnel. Since our VPN protects all personal data, not even your ISP will be able to monitor or
snoop on any online activities. The other primary protocol used in VPNs is authentication,
also known as "proof of identity “, in some circles. By ensuring that both parties involved in
the connection can be confirmed, this procedure functions.

Q2 (A)(i): Public key

(B)(ii): sender encrypts and recipient decrypts.

(C)(iii): sender encrypt with public key scramble message

decrypt with private key recipient.

Q2(B)(i): administrative controls and implementation controls.

(B)(ii): implementation controls are audit the system development process at various
points to ensure that the process is properly controlled and managed and the administrative
controls is formalized standards, rules, procedures, and control discipline to ensure that the
organization general application controls are properly executed and enforced.

Q3(A): They are two which is personal administration and payroll. Personnel administration
is the first instance of a human resources-related business process that is supported by an
enterprise system. An employee self-service portal is a feature of the HR modules offered by
most ERP systems on the market. Employees can check benefits, confirm tax withholding,
download income tax forms, update their own profile information, such as address or the
number of dependents they have, and more using these portals. If HR professionals could
just make this information available to every employee through a self-service portal, they
might spend less time each week on administrative activities. After that, people can use
comprehensive HR data for a variety of other purposes. For example, information on each
employee's education and training can be saved in the ERP system and used for internal
recruitment before looking for candidates outside the business, aiding in career planning and
development, and keeping credentials, among other benefits. The second is pay roll, in
which individuals inside the corporation are overseen, and where efforts are made to
maximise employee potential to further organisational objectives The primary responsibility
of the human resources department is to hire new employees, which involves selecting the
top candidates for open positions. After new personnel are employed, HR professionals
need to validate that they are living up to expectations.

Q3(B): I. A company can quickly inform customers who are interested in the business or its

ii. A company or even a customer can create a Facebook fan page for a company or
its goods. Fans are people who support your brand and the way you do business, and they
provide a platform for marketing, networking, and communication.

Q4 (A): Ecommerce marketing involves using advertising strategies to attract visitors to your
online store, turn those visitors into buyers, and keep those buyers coming back for more.

Q4 (B): Ecommerce marketing involves using advertising strategies to attract visitors to your
online store, turn those visitors into buyers, and keep those buyers coming back for more.  A
comprehensive e-commerce marketing plan includes both on- and offline marketing
techniques. An effective marketing plan can increase your online sales by promoting your
brand and encouraging customer loyalty. E-commerce marketing is a long tail marketing. For
example, is advertising which is this this show that the e-commerce marketing is a long tail

Q4 (C)(i): Sales

(ii): The most popular e-commerce revenue model involves selling goods or offering
services online instead of, or in addition to, brick-and-mortar stores. Regardless of its
business model, any company that conducts online sales uses the sales revenue model.
Although they might have another source of income, this is usually their main source.

Part C

Question 1

A relational database binds data from several tables together with the help of "keys," or
database management systems (DBMS). A key is a unique identifying number that can be
assigned to a table's row of data. This unique identifier, often known as a "primary key," can
be added to a record in another table when it is connected to the primary record in the main
table. When a record from another table is inserted, the related table refers to this distinct
primary key as a "foreign key" in the associated table. The association between the primary
and foreign keys then creates the "relationship" between the records dispersed across many
tables. After that, the example is, MySQL where One of the most well-liked relational
database systems is this one. Originally an open-source solution, Oracle Corporation now
owns MySQL. A key component of LAMP application software today is MySQL. It is
therefore a component of the Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl/PHP/Python stack. Gains of
MySQL is included free installation and free download of the MySQL community edition. The
community edition of MySQL is a solid place to start because it comes with a fundamental
set of tools for personal use. Of course, there are additional, more feature-rich prepaid
options available for Enterprise or Cluster applications. However, the free download model is
best for brand-new start-ups if your business is too small to pay for one of them. The second
benefits is mild complexity and simple syntax. The design and organisation of MySQL are
very simple. MySQL is even regarded by developers as a database with a human-like
language. PHP and MySQL are two programming languages that are frequently used
together. The formation of a team to manage your database is much simpler because they
have similar, easy learning curves. MySQL is also simple to use. For instance, by performing
many of the tasks directly from the command line, development steps are reduced.

Next is, most databases can be divided into relational and non-relational categories. It's
common to refer to non-relational databases as "NoSQL," which stands for Not Only SQL.
The key distinction between both is how information is stored. A non-relational database
stores data in a format other than tabularly and tends to be more adaptable than
conventional relational database systems built on SQL. The relational model offered by
conventional relational database management systems is not followed by this system. Since
they store their data in a format other than tabular form, non-relational databases, often
known as NoSQL databases, differ from conventional relational databases. Non-relational
databases, on the other hand, might be built using data structures like documents. Despite
carrying a variety of different sorts of information in various formats, a document can be
extremely thorough. This ability to digest and organize various types of information side-by-
side makes non-relational databases much more flexible than relational databases.

For Example, MongoDB Document for a Patient in Healthcare. Non-relational databases are
often used when large quantities of complex and diverse data need to be organized. For
example, a large store might have a database in which each customer has their own
document containing all their information, from name and address to order history and credit
card information. Despite their differing formats, each of these pieces of information can be
stored in the same document. Non-relational databases often perform faster because a
query doesn’t have to view several tables to deliver an answer, as relational datasets often
do. Non-relational databases are therefore ideal for storing data that may be changed
frequently or for applications that handle many kinds of data. They can support rapidly
developing applications requiring a dynamic database able to change quickly and to
accommodate large amounts of complex, unstructured data. When starting a project, it is
worth considering relational vs non-relational databases, in terms of their differences, to get
a better understanding of the right solution for the project. You can also consider different
examples of the uses for both, and when you might want to choose one over the other

Question 2

M-commerce is a form of e-commerce that enables users to access online shopping

platforms without the use of a desktop computer which is the buying and selling of goods
and services through wireless handheld devices such as smartphones and tablets. The first
is banking which is banking in m-commerce we called It mobile banking which is mobile
technology geared for internet banking. Customers can use it to conduct financial activities,
pay bills, trade stocks, and access their accounts and brokerage services. Usually, a
banking institution's secure, specialised app is used for this. SMS, chatbots, and other
conversational app platforms may be used by mobile banking services to send alerts and
monitor account activity. Customers can monitor their account balance, transfer money,
examine loans, and do other transactions in real time through banking applications. Next is
mobile marketing, Mobile marketing can be used to extend your online reach so that
customers can interact with your brand whilst on the move. M-commerce brings new
opportunities for selling online. For example, we can use the mobile marketing on the
applications such as Instagram and TikTok which is this can easier access to all the people
around the world because majority people have smartphones. Next is mobile ticketing,
mobile ticketing is we can call it service and retail which is mobile ticketing is often use by
the service company for example buying a bus ticket, after the pandemic most of the
company use the mobile ticketing or mobile book and reservation on smartphones to reduce
the contact to the people. Furthermore, are reservations, on m-commerce reservations is a
system of book a reservation such an dine in reservation of hall reservation for an event. We
can see that the m-commerce has widely become more efficient through time to time. for
example, we go to a restaurant which is now days the workers will ask the customer did you
have a reservation on the website through the restaurant website. Finally, is entertainment
which is we can see that the entertainment of m-commerce has become viral among the
people in the world. For example, Games like Pokémon Go and Harry Potter games have
changed the nature of mobile entertainment. With an augmented-reality landscape, more
people are interested in gaming. These games help meet an unmet pop culture need that
enables users to participate in a universe that they are fans of and game socially with others.
Game developers have opportunities to monetize their apps with in-app purchases or by
selling advertiser space and time

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