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i : ' i i EP RGEPECHSRS SES EI ESS ECHR ES CASTE @ ssescsescessssescses: BESEREIESEAES SESE ES EARS EI BSS SEER S EAI OT ESET ET PSE OS ESTE crrtificay, Naren Veshada Kanne seine Clase: XT-A Roll No: 1)A35 Exam No: Institution i) .0) ee This is certified to be the bonafide work of the student in the oe Physic Laboratory during the academic year 2019/2020. No. of practicals certified ay pen CASE out of as per CAGE in the subject of —Phyricy, Teacher In-charge Principal Examiner’ Signature Date: .. Institution Rubber Stamp (N.B: The candidate is expected to retain his/her journal till he/she passes in the subject.) eqeseseses 3 pBESESEIETE pESESESETES p S@RSOS ESS PSS ESS RIOR EIS LICHT OS TOTES ES ESAS ESO Index i 4 s. 5 Page Dateof _Dateof Remarks Name of the Experiment ‘No. Experiment Submission Exeeatments- A Meaawe the oliamedr. of the ulaha alals Gee 4 cplindatcal olyect ving veonien se 4 allipen. 4 Measure the dalemal climete | tklzba | rata nel cept o Hhe_fiven beaker oie aee 3. 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