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Compiled By :
Group 6
Chintya Valensia / 06131382227078
Tresya Dian Natasya / 06131382227079

Course Lecturer :
Dr. Machdalena Viyanti, M.Ed.
Najlatul Fathia, M.Pd



Praise to the Lord Almighty because of His blessings and grace that the author is able to
complete this paper entitled Progressive and Perfect Past Present Tense. The purpose of writing
this paper is to fulfill the task from the lecturers, Dr. Machdalena Viyanti, M.Ed. and Najlatul
Fathia, M.Pd. in the English course. Furthermore, this paper also aims to increase knowledge
about the topic of Present Tense and Past Tense for readers and the author.

The author acknowledges that this paper is still far from perfect. Therefore, constructive
criticism and suggestions are welcome for the improvement of this paper in future writings.
Finally, the author hopes that this paper will be useful and beneficial.

This assighment is the one of English task that composed of Practical English Usage
English As Second Language I realized this assighment is not perfect. But I hope it can be useful
for us. Critics and suggestion is needed here to make this assighment be better.

Hopefully we as a student in “PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHER EDUCATION

SRIWIJAYA UNIVERSITY” can work more professional by using English as the second
language whatever we done. Thank you.

Palembang, 13th of February 2023

Group 6,

PREFACE .................................................................................................................................. 1

TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................... 2

CHAPTER 1 .............................................................................................................................. 3

INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................... 3

1.1 Background Of The Paper ............................................................................................ 3

1.2 Problem Formulation .................................................................................................... 3

1.3 Purpose ........................................................................................................................ 3

CHAPTER II.............................................................................................................................. 4

CONTENTS............................................................................................................................... 4

2.1 Types Of Reading ....................................................................................................... 4

2.2 Silent Reading ............................................................................................................. 7

2.3 Speed Reading ............................................................................................................ 8

CHAPTER III .......................................................................................................................... 16

CLOSING ................................................................................................................................ 16

3.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 16

3.2 Suggestion.................................................................................................................. 16


1.1.Background Of The Paper

There is no doubt that the teaching and learning English processes in our secondary
schools have not achieved the targets as it is hoped. One of the indicators is the big number
of the problems faced by many new non-English Department students in many universities to
read many textbooks written in English, whereas this ability is very needed to help them
study in their campus. Almost all of their books are written in English, and they have to deal
with them for years. Without having this skill, the students will not be able to grasp and
understand the information stated in the books. If they are reluctant to read the books and
prefer to use the internet, they will still find difficulties to obtain the information.
The main factors that cause these problems are their limited knowledge of English
vocabulary, and their lack understanding of reading skills such as: skimming, making
inferences, finding topic sentence and finding main idea. This is quite disappointing since
these skills are actually taught in their Junior and Senior High School.
Reading is one way to get information from what it is written dan the best way to
command a world. Actually, reading does not always wasting our time, if we know the
technique to solve the problem. People unconsicous with the problem of their reading. Most
of people have satisfied with the condition of their ability of reading. In level speed or
comprehension. Whereas, in theoretician the speed and comprehension in reading can be
increased 2 or 3 times from the first speed and comprehension1. In speed reading we need to
understand fast. The comprehension is the base point of problem not the speed. A good
reader will organize their speed and choose the best way to get the purpose. Speed of reading
will depend on the material and purpose what you read and speed of comprehension one

1.2.Problem Formulation
Based on the background above, the formulation of the problem that can be taken is about
how the use of Reading Comprehention by :
1. What is Types Of Reading?
2. What is Silent Reading?
3. What is Speed Reading?
Based on the problem formulation above, this paper's purpose is to explain the use of
“Progressive and Perfect Past Present Tense” to improve the readers' understanding of the
written text and ultimately enhance language proficiency and communication skills.
1. To know what is Types Of Reading.
2. To find out what is Silent Reading.
3. To find out what is Speed Reading.


1.1. Types of reading

Types of reading greatly affect the speed of reading. Each of us is wired
differently from environmental influences. Many have learned to read word by word
from grade school, and have never been taught or informed the need to improve upon that
method. When reading word by word, our eyes often skip back to a previous word or
line; we might also fixate on a single word even after it has been read. These mechanical
issues slow us down while reading and comprehending.
There are 3 types of reading:
 Mental reading(Subvocalization): sounding out each word
internally, as reading to yourself. This is the slowest form of reading.
 Auditory reading: hearing out the read words. This is a faster process.
 Visual reading: understanding the meaning of the word, rather than sounding or
hearing. This is the fastest process.
Mental readers generally read at approximately 250 words per minute. Auditory
readers read at approximately 450 words per minute. Visual readers read at
approximately 700 words per minute. Visual reading is a skill that can be developed
through continuous training and practice.

1.2. Silent Reading

Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) is a form of recreational reading activity in
classroom, or in another definition, it is a form of voluntary reading activity where a
student reads something by his or her heart in a duration of time without being burdened
by questions that might come after the reading activities.3 This independent method is
not only interesting and challenging but also: can improve students’ reading skills, can
provide peaceful reading activity and can give a chance for teachers to give individual
a. Silent Reading Benefit
SSR as the method implemented in reading class because of several
1. This method is practical and economical. It does not need much effort to prepare
or to conduct the research. For example, students were given reading materials
that had to be read and finished during the course. The students chose a book as
they like and they had to read it in 15 minutes before the lecture started. The book
could not be passed to other students since they had to be responsible for the book
in one semester. They were also given a reading card that had to be filled after
reading the book. The card contained information about the starting reading time,
how many pages they had read, were there any difficult words they had
encountered during their reading. The card was not used as an assessment tool. It
just became a reminder for them about their progress.
2. This method does not disturb students’ activities in the reading classes. During the
method, not only the method was peaceful, this method could be used as a way to
wait the students that might probably come late. It was hoped that when the SSR
activity ended, all students had already been present and sat on their own chair.
3. This method can be used as the Building Knowledge of the Lesson that is a way
to brainstorm students’ ideas or mind before they come to the real material.
Beside that if there is interesting questions resulted from their reading activities,
their questions can be used to enrich the quality of the Reading Comprehension

1.3. Speed Reading

Speed reading is any of several techniques used to improve one's ability to read
quickly. Speed reading methods include chunking and minimizing subvocalization. The
many available speed reading training programs include books, videos, software, and
seminars. It can be called as a speed reader if we can control rhythm with the goal,
necessary, and the material of reading also can answer at least 60% from the question.
Psychologists and educational specialists working on visual acuity used a tachistoscope
to conclude that, with training, an average person could identify minute images flashed
on the screen for only one five-hundredth of a second. Though the images used were of
airplanes, the results had implications for reading.
Speed reading is a skill honed through practice. Reading a text involves
comprehension of the material. In speed reading practice this is done through multiple
reading processes: preview, overview, read, review and recite; and by read and recall
(recording through writing a short summary or a mental outline) exercises. These
processes help an individual to retain most of the presented ideas from a reading material.
A better focus in comprehension is through a better reading process with good
understanding of the topic.
It was not until the late 1950s that a portable, reliable and convenient device
would be developed as a tool for increasing reading speed. Evelyn Wood, a researcher
and schoolteacher, was committed to understanding why some people were naturally
faster at reading and tried to force herself to read very quickly. In 5.
1958, while brushing off the pages of a book she had thrown down in despair, she
discovered that the sweeping motion of her hand across the page caught the attention of
her eyes, and helped them move more smoothly across the page. She then used the hand
as a pacer. Wood first taught the method at the University of Utah, before launching it to
the public as Evelyn Wood's Reading Dynamics in Washington, D.C. in 1959.
a. The objectives speed reading
There are objectives by speed reading. They are:
a. Knowing the topic
b. Knowing the opinion from the other person.
c. Getting the important imformation
d. Knowing the organization of writing.
Albert dalam Harras (1997) states the main purposes of speed reading:
a. Getting the summary of the book, article or short story.
b. Getting special information from what we read.
c. Finding the detail information.
b. The benefits of speed reading
Apart from saving time, here are some other advantages of speed reading:
1. Improved Memory and Focus
The brain is a muscle and needs to work out. Speed reading provides the
ideal exercise for your brain enabling you to improve your memory. Also, when
reading dense bodies of text quickly, your focus will improve considerably.
2. Release Your Stress
Reading is a relaxing activity. If you read even a few pages of a good
book after a long day’s work, you will feel relaxed, and your stress will be
released. Also, your emotional well being will improve.
3. Enhanced Logic
Your logic is enhanced when your brain starts retaining and storing more
information. You can link the information you acquire now to what you have
learned before.
4. Better at Problem Solving
Your problem-solving skills will get better as you employ speed reading.
Problem-solving is all about concentration and logic, two things you will acquire
through speed reading techniques.
c. Some behaviors as barrier when we read
a. Reading with voice.
b. Reading with moving lips.
c. Reading wih moving head.
d. Pointing the line of content with fingers.
d. Some important points are
a. Difficult to concentrate.
When you are not concentrate , the information is received by eyes and
continued to brain does not get enough attention so you will get lost
comprehension and you have to read over and over. This repeatation is called
regression and of the habit that need to destroy if you want upgrade your speed
b. Low of motivation
Many people reads but they does not have a strong motivation for what
they read. Low of motivation mentally will make you as a reader read slowly and
our mind is stimulating to not work and apprehend what you read.
c. Worrying about understanding the material
Have you remebered when you would in test and you had to read
everything literature? You will get apprehensive that too much material to read.
Feeling worried must have deleted from yourself so you can read without forcing.
e. Principal in Speed reading
a. Relax
While reading, keep the body in a relaxed state. Find a comfortable chair,
sit well, and ensure adequate lighting and keep the things that interfere with
concentration as: TV turns on, the music is too loud, or noisy place and a lot of
people walking around so distracting.Reading while you are lying down will
quickly make your neck stiff and eyes become tired. Avoid like the way reading
and other unhealthy ways because it will damage the body in the long run.
b. Determining your goal
Many people immediately opened the first page and start reading.
Before you do it, set in the heart of what you want to get out of reading it. Are
you read to obtain general information on a particular issue, or you want to know
and understand in depth the topics covered. Both had different goals require
different way of reading too.
Suppose you read a biography of a character. Ask yourself if you want to
know the story of his life when a little help these leaders become a great man, or
you want to understand the perspective of the character on an issue, and other
purposes. Setting goals will help you have a strong interest in reading.
c. Understand the reading material
Before you start reading a book, you need to find out and know the
material that will be read: the difficulty level, the structure of the chapter, the
style of the discussion, as well as how the book is organized through via text or
d. Get the main ideas
In reading, master the fundamental ideas presented. Do not let these
details confuse you. By mastering the main idea, it is the detailed aspects of
reading material will be more easily understood.
e. Eliminating bad habits
Some people read while voicing what is read. This will cause your reading
speed equal to the speed of speech. Though the speed of speech people who nag
though still much lower than your brain's ability to master reading and
understanding it.
f. Train speed of eye movements and capture more words in one view
This last part is the essence of speed reading. That is how you read a few
words at a time and moving your eyes to catch those words quickly. Do not worry
that you ever lose understanding, trust your brain created by God it is great to be
able to assemble a collection of words had to be an understanding. Imagine the
analogy of a computer that has a super fast processor, that's your brain. And the
speed of your eyes in view verbatim likened sender channel data to determine
whether the speed of the processor is fully utilized or left in a state of idle because
there are no data that must be processed. I hope you got the idea.
f. Ten Tips to Improve Reading Speed & Reading Comprehension
1. Enroll in a Speed Reading Class
Avoid on-line speed reading courses and do-it-yourself speed reading
software. They don’t work. Speed reading is best learned in a speed reading class
taught by a knowledgeable, experienced, speed reading expert.
2. Use a Flexible Reading Speed
Some reading material must be read slowly and carefully: legal contracts,
mathematical equations, and poetry are a few examples. Other reading material
can be read at much faster speeds: newspapers, magazines, and novels. Adjust
your reading speed to the type of reading material and your reading purpose.
3. Preview Before Reading
Look through material first to get a sense of what’s interesting and
important to you, and what you might be able to skip. Then focus on the sections
that you need to understand and remember, and skim or skip the rest.
4. Avoid Highlighting
Although readers believe that highlighting in yellow (or any other color,
for that matter) improves their reading speed and comprehension, the reverse is
actually true. Highlighting simply means they don’t want to bother learning the
material right now. The result: They end up reading the material twice, and
possibly not understanding or remembering it either time!
5. Write a Course of Action on Correspondence
Improve your reading speed and avoid re-reading correspondence by
jotting brief notes immediately after reading each piece of correspondence.
Simply refer to your notes on each piece when you’re reading to respond some
time later.
6. Read in the Proper Environment
Prop your book or magazine using a bookstand – angling your reading
material at 45 degrees improves your reading speed and reduces eyestrain. Avoid
reading difficult or important material in bed, where your mind and body tend to
relax. You’ll stay alert if you sit at a desk instead.
7. Form a Question
Improve your reading comprehension, reading speed, and concentration
by turning headings and subheadings in textbooks and other nonfiction books into
questions. Then scan the text for the answers. Your reading speed improves by
doing this, and you become focused on your material.
8. Skim Material First for Main Ideas
Speed read for main ideas in nonfiction works like how-to books and
educational texts. Scan the table of contents and first and last sentences of each
paragraph. You’ll improve your reading speed and comprehension if you
understand a book’s structure first. This will help you know which parts of the
book to skim and which parts to read more carefully.
9. Prioritize Your Reading
Create three piles for your reading materials – important, moderately
important, and least important. Then read the material in their order of
importance. You’ll improve your reading speed by doing this, and improve your
reading comprehension by getting to the important material first, when your mind
is clear and sharp.
10. Read Early in the Day
Many people can double their reading speed and improve their
concentration by reading the material that’s important to them early in the day.


Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) is a form of recreational reading activity in classroom, or

in another definition, it is a form of voluntary reading activity where a student reads something
by his or her heart in a duration of time without being burdened by questions that might come
after the reading activities. Speed reading is any of several techniques used to improve one's
ability to read quickly. Speed reading methods include chunking and minimizing

Some behaviors as barrier when we read:

• Reading with voice.

• Reading with moving lips.

• Reading wih moving head.

• Pointing the line of content with fingers.


Chow, Ping-Ha& Chow, Chi-Ting200. Evaluating Sustained Silent Reading in Reading Classes.

H. Hiebert, Elfrieda.2010. Revisiting Silent Reading: New Directions for Teachers and

I Gusti Ngurah Oka. 2005. Membaca Itu Menyenangkan. Surabaya

Gardner, Steve.2005. Building Student Literacy Through Sustained Silent Reading

Meier, Dave.1999. The leraning Revolution. Bandung: Kaifa Muchlisnoh. 2004. The Purpose of
Reading. Malang:Tiga Serangkai

Nurhadi. 2006. Speed Reading and Effective. Bandung: Sinar baru Algensindo Rose, Collin.
2002. Accelerated Learning. Bandung: Kaifa

Soedarso.2006. Speed Reading. Jakarta:PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama

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