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IER UNAM Posgrado Semestre 2023-2

Título del curso: Introducción a materiales y dispositivos fotovoltaicos (nivel posgrado)

Introduction to photovoltaic materials and devices (Graduate level)
6 creditos-2h T y 2h P por semana 16 semanas Semestre 2023-2 Impartido en inglés y español
P. K. Nair,

Objetivo: Cultivar conocimientos sobre ciencia e ingeniería de semiconductores y celdas solares

para tecnologías solar-fotovoltaicas a través de ensayos teóricos y experimentos en laboratorios
Perfil: Alumnos ingresan de diferentes carreras de Licenciatura/Maestría en Ciencia o Ingeniería
Egresados: Poseen conocimientos adecuados en semiconductores para iniciar investigación
Evaluación: Exámenes parciales 3 mensual Marzo, Abril, Mayo (20x3 = 60 puntos), Examen Final
Mayo 2023 (20 puntos), Presentación oral experimentos y resumen del curso Mayo (20 puntos)
Clase teórica: 60 min dos veces, Clase práctica 120 min por semana 16 semanas

Reading: (2014) (2023) (2023)

Topic 1 Radiation and Matter; Solar radiation, atoms and semiconductors Jan- Feb. 2023
(Text books on Physics of Solar Cells – 1. P. Würfel, 2. J. Nelson)
Physical constants – general awareness
Electromagnetic radiation; Reflection and absorption in media; Optical absorption in thin
film semiconductors and optical bandgap; Determination of bandgap from optical transmittance.
Black body radiation and Planck’s distribution; Stefan-Boltzmann and Wien; Solar radiation
and spectral irradiance distribution in Air Mass 1.5 Global solar, spectral distribution of photons
Photo-generated current density in semiconductors and solar cells as a function of
bandgap and thin film thickness; Solar cells of novel absorber materials
Generalized Bohr Model, Energy levels in atoms and Periodic Table; Chemical composition
by EDS; Ionization energy, Electron affinity and Energy band diagram of semiconductors.
Workbook-1 completed: Friday 03 March 2023 18.00 h for 4 Extra credit points
Exam 1 Topic 1: Monday 06 March 2023 12.00-14.00 h (LIFYCS): 20 points toward final grade

Topic 2: Crystalline structure of Metals and Semiconductors March-April. 2023

(Introduction to Solid State Phys-C. Kittel; Physics of Semiconductor Devices: S. M. Sze)
Crystalline structure of materials – Mass density, crystalline planes; Crystal structure
analysis by x-ray diffraction; structure factor in x-ray diffraction;
Reciprocal lattice and Brillouin zones
Lattice vibration and phonons
Minerals, semiconductors and metals;
Formation of semiconductors by chemical solid-solid and solid-vapor reactions
Variation of bandgap with crystalline diameter – nanostructured semiconductors
Workbook-2 completed: Friday 31 March 2023 18.00 h for 4 Extra credit points
Exam 2 Topic 2: Monday 10 April 2023 12.00-14.00 h (LIFYCS): 20 points toward final grade

Topic 3: Theory of Metals and Semiconductors April-May 2023

(Introduction to Solid State Phys-C. Kittel; Physics of Semiconductor Devices: S. M. Sze)
Free electron theory: Density of energy states, Fermi energy, Fermi-Dirac statistics and
applications; Electrical and thermal conductivity
Theory of semiconductors: Density of states and F-D statistics; Effective mass; intrinsic
carrier concentration in semiconductor and its variation with temperature and bandgap
Extrinsic semiconductors; Variation in Fermi level with doping concentration and
temperature; Electrical conductivity, Hall Effect
Energy band diagram of semiconductors: Built-in potential of homo and hetero-junctions
Workbook-3 completed: Monday 01 May 2023 18.00 h for 4 Extra credit points
Exam 3 Topic 3: Wednesday 03 May 2023 12.00-14.00 h (LIFYCS): 20 points toward final grade

Topic 4: Semiconductor p-n junctions and Solar cells, April-May 2023

(Physics of Semiconductor Devices –S. M. Sze)
Formation of p-n junction: Built-in potential of junctions and dielectric breakdown; Distribution of
electric field in the junction; Depletion layer width;
Energy level diagram of p-n junctions drawn to scale; junction capacitance and determination of
semiconductor parameters
Shockley’s equation; Reverse saturation current density and variation with Eg, doping and
Solar cells: Semiconductor heterojunction; Depletion layer width and optical absorption; J-V
characteristics in the dark and under illumination; V oc and short-circuit current density Jsc;
Equivalent circuit, solar cell parameters and conversion efficiency

Final Exam: Mon. 29 May 2023 10-12.00 h LIFYCS: 20 points toward final grade

Experiments in semiconductors and solar cells Feb – May 2023

(Physics of Semiconductor Devices –S. M. Sze, Physics of Solar cells, P. Würfel, J. Nelson)
Instructors: José Diego, Enue Barrios, José Campos, María Luisa

Experiments in semiconductors and solar cells – Part 1 Materials Feb-March 2023

Chemical deposition of semiconductor thin films
Evaluation of chemical composition by SEM-EDS
Crystalline structure by XRD
Evaluation of bandgap and JL of semiconductors
Photoconductivity of thin films
Semiconductors of p and n- type and energy level diagrams
Report 1 for correction: Monday 27 March 2023
Experiments in semiconductors and solar cells – Part 2 Devices April-May 2023
Functional PV modules by series and parallel connections – silicon
Functional PV modules by series and parallel connections – thin films
J-V characteristics and p-n junction and parameters
Solar cell parameters; External quantum efficiency and Evaluation J L
I-V characteristics of PV modules
Report 2 for correction: Monday 22 May 2023

Oral presentation 30 min of Practical and Course summary (LIFYCS): 20 points toward final grade
Wed. 31 May 2023 12.00-14.00 h LIFYCS 20 points toward final grade. Course concludes at 14.00 h

P. K. Nair, – IER-UNAM, 05 Feb 2023

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