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NĂM HỌC: 2020 – 2021

Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút; không kể thời gian phát đề

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1. A. expand B. stagnant C. vacancy D. applicant
Question 2. A. examine B. employ C. exact D. species
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in
the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3. A. attention B. financial C. guarantee D. courageous
Question 4. A. profit B. modern C. typhoon D. feature
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 5. Some encyclopedias provide___________on specific fields such as music or philosophy.
A. information B. informations C. informing D. informativation
Question 6. This time last Friday, we___________to Moscow.
A. flew B. had flown C. were being flown D. were flying
Question 7. My boss expects the report___________on time.
A. to be completed B. to complete C. completing D. being completed
Question 8. The language centre offers courses of various levels, such as elementary, intermediate
A. advance B. advancement C. advanced D. advancing
Question 9. ___________5 months for the fridge to be delivered, I decide to cancel the order.
A. Waiting B. Waited C. Having waited D. Had waited
Question 10. The clothes of my sister are more expensive___________of my mother.
A. than this B. than that C. than those D. than these
Question 11. In a formal interview, it is essential to maintain good eye___________with the
A. link B. connection C. touch D. contact
Question 12. It is___________of businessmen to shake hands in formal meetings.
A. familiar B. typical C. ordinary D. common
Question 13. Yesterday, John told me that he wished he___________harder in high school then
university might not be so difficult for him.

Trang 1
A. studied B. would study C. had studied D. studies
Question 14. Peter was the last applicant___________by that interviewer.
A. to interview B. interviewing C. to be interviewing D. to be interviewed
Question 15. He fixed a metal ladder to the wall below his window___________escape if there was a
A. to B. not to C. so as not D. so that
Question 16. He came___________a lot of criticism for the remarks he made in a television interview.
A. in for B. over C. out of D. off
Question 17. Jane has never enjoyed going to the ballet or the opera. They are not really
A. piece of cake B. cup of tea C. biscuit D. chip off the old block
Question 18. I always get in my stomach before visiting the dentist. ___________
A. worms B. butterflies C. crabs D. mosquitoes
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Question 19. The keynote speaker started with some complementary remarks about the organizers of
the conference, and then proceeded with her speech.
A. The keynote speaker B. complementary remarks
C. organizers D. proceeded
Question 20. when I got home, Irene lay in bed watching a blockbuster movie.
A. got home B. lay C. watching D. blockbuster
Question 21. The graduated assistant informed us that the first exam was the most difficult of the two.
A. graduated B. informed C. the first D. most difficult
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
Question 22. In Vietnam, football is more popular than basketball.
A. In Vietnam, basketball is not as popular as football.
B. In Vietnam, basketball is more popular than football.
C. In Vietnam, football is not as popular as basketball.
D. In Vietnam, football is as popular as basketball.
Question 23. It usually takes her an hour to drive to work.
A. She never spends an hour driving to work.
B. She used to drive to work in an hour.
C. She doesn’t usually drive to work in an hour.

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D. She usually spends an hour driving to work.
Question 24. It is believed that modern farming methods have greatly improved farmers’ lives.
A. People believe that there is little improvement in farmers’ lives thanks to modern farming
B. Modern farming methods were believed to have greatly improved farmers’ lives.
C. Modern farming methods are believed to have had negative effects on farmers’ lives.
D. Farmers are believed to have enjoyed a much better life thanks to modern farming methods.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 25. We gain more knowledge about how to stay safe online. We worry about the threats
of cybercrime less.
A. The more knowledge about how to stay safe online we gain, the less we worry about the threats of
B. The more we stay online to gain safety knowledge, the less we worry about the threats of
C. The more knowledge about how to stay safe online we gain, the more we worry about the threats
of cybercrime.
D. The more we know about how to stay safe online, we worry about the threats of cybercrime less.
Question 26. The new contract sounds good. However, it seems to have some problems.
A. In spite of the fact that the new contract sounds good, it appears to have some problems.
B. In spite of its sound, the new contract appears to have some problems.
C. In order to get less problem, the new contract should improve its sound.
D. If it had much less problems, the new contract would sound better.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
Question 27. Liz and Jenifer are talking about the gift Jenifer brought.
- Liz: “Thanks for the nice gift you brought to us!”
- Jenifer: “__________ ”
A. Not at all, don’t mention it.
B. Welcome! It’s very nice of you.
C. Alright! Do you know how much it costs?
D. Actually speaking, I myself don’t like it.
Question 28. Ben has done something by accident.
- Ben: “___________”

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- Jane: “Never mind”
A. Sorry for staining your carpet. Let me have it cleaned
B. Would you mind going to dinner next Sunday?
C. Thank you for being honest with me.
D. Congratulations! How wonderful!
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is
CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Question 29. The football final has been postponed until next Sunday due to the heavy snowstorm.
A. cancelled B. changed C. delayed D. continued
Question 30. The discovery of the new planet was regarded as a major breakthrough in astronomy.
A. promised B. doubted C. considered D. refused
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is
OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Question 31. People nationwide have acted without hesitation to provide aids for the victims in the
disaster-stricken areas.
A. awareness B. uncertainty C. reluctance D. willingness
Question 32. Any student who neglects his or her homework is unlikely to do well at school.
A. puts off B. looks for C. attends to D. approves of
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word for each of the blanks from 33 to 37.
Back in the 1960s and 1970s, the world was becoming more aware of the destructive effects of industry
(33) ___________. the environment and people were starting to think seriously about ways of
protecting the environment. One man who was particularly affected by this subject was Gerard Morgan-
Grenville. As Morgan-Grenville travelled round earning his living as a gardener, he noticed signs of
damage that was being done to the countryside around him. It wasn’t long before Morgan-Grenville
decided that he had to do something about this situation. He felt that if people could be shown a better
way of living then maybe they would be interested enough to try to protect their (34)
Mr. Morgan-Grenville decided to set up a project (35) ___________would prove what was happening
to our surroundings and what could be done about it. So, in 1975, Morgan-Grenville created the Centre
for Alternative Technology (CAT) in a village in Wales.
The main aim of CAT is to search for an ecologically better way of living by using technology which
(36) ___________no harm to the environment. One of the most important things CAT did initially was
to explore and demonstrate a wide range of techniques and to point out which ones had the least

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destructive results on the world around us. (37) ___________, CAT provides information and advice to
people all over Britain and all over the world. If more and more individuals are informed about how
much damage our modern lifestyle is causing to the planet, maybe more of them would be prepared to
look for practical solutions to environmental problems.
Question 33. A. for B. to C. with D. on
Question 34. A. worthless B. valueless C. precious D. priceless
Question 35. A. that B. whose C. who D. this
Question 36. A. gets B. makes C. plays D. does
Question 37. A. Therefore B. However C. Moreover D. Although
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 38 to 42.
The custom of paying a bride price before marriage is still a well-established part of many African
cultures. In paying a bride price, the family of the groom must provide payment to the family of the
bride before the marriage is allowed. The bride price can vary greatly from culture to culture in Africa.
In the Zulu and Swazi tribes of southern Africa, the bride price often takes the form of cattle. In
Western African, kola nuts, shells, and other goods are often used for the payment of the bride price.
The actual payment of money sometimes takes place, but the payment of goods is more frequent. The
amount of paid in a bride price can also vary. In modern times, the bride price is occasionally quite
small and its value is mainly symbolic. However, the bride price can still be quite high, especially
among prominent or highly traditional families.
There are a number of justifications used to explain the payment of bride price. The first is that the
bride price represents an acknowledgement of the expense the bride’s family has gone in order to raise
her and bring her up as a suitable bride for the groom. It also represents payment for the loss of a
family member, since the bride will officially become a member of her husbands family and will leave
her own. On a deeper level the bride price represents payment for the fact that the bride will bring
children into the family of the groom, thereby increasing the wealth of the family. This concept is
reinforced by the fact that the bride price must often be returned if the bride fails to bear children.
The payment of the bride price has quite a number of effects on African society. First, the payment of
bride price acts to increase the stability of African family structures. Sons are dependent on their fathers
and older relatives to help them pay the bride price of their wives, and this generally leads to greater
levels of obedience and respect. The negotiations between the two families concerning the bride price
allow the parents and other family members to meet and get to know one another before the marriage.
Finally, since the bride price must often be repaid in case of divorce, the bride’s family often works to
make sure that any marital problems are solved quickly. Bride prices also work as a system of wealth

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distribution in African cultures. Wealthier families can afford to support the marriage of their son, and
thus their wealth is transferred to other families.
Question 38. What is the topic of the passage?
A. The most common payments of the bride price in African cultures.
B. The effects of the practice of bride price on African society.
C. The practice of bride price in many African cultures.
D. The financial problems arising after marriage.
Question 39. The word “prominent” in paragraph 1 is closet in meaning to____________.
A. famous B. impoverished C. two-parent D. affluent
Question 40. The word “It” in paragraph 2 refers to____________.
A. Justification B. The expense of raising the bride
C. An acknowledgement D. The bride price
Question 41. It can be inferred from the paragraph 2 that____________.
A. After marriage, married women never see their parents again.
B. The family of the groom pays the bride price on the wedding day.
C. African society puts more value on men than women.
D. African families attach great importance to children.
Question 42. Which of the following statement is NOT true, according to the passage?
A. With the practice of paying the bride price, African men would not respect their family members.
B. The initial negotiations over the bride price provide opportunities for the two families to get to
know each other.
C. Animals are an acceptable form of payment when it comes to paying the bride price.
D. The bride’s family has to return the bride price to the groom’s in case the couple are unable to
have children or get divorced.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
Contrary to popular belief, one does not have to be trained programmer to work online. Of course, there
are plenty of jobs available for people with high-tech computer skills, but the growth of new media has
opened up a wide range of Internet career opportunities requiring only a minimal level of technical
expertise. Probably one of the most well-known online job opportunities is the job of webmaster.
However, it is hard to define one basic job description for this position. The qualifications and
responsibilities depend on what tasks a particular organization needs a webmaster to perform.
To specify the job description of a webmaster, one needs to identify the hardware and software that the
website the webmaster will manage is running on. Different types of hardware and software require

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different skill sets to manage them. Another key factor is whether the website will be running internally
(at the firm itself) or externally (renting shared space on the company servers). Finally, the
responsibilities of a webmaster also depend on whether he or she will be working independently, or
whether the firm will provide people to help. All of these factors need to be considered before one can
create an accurate webmaster job description.
Webmaster is one type of Internet career requiring in-depth knowledge of the latest computer
applications. However, there are also online jobs available for which traditional skills remain in high
demand. Content jobs require excellent writing skills and a good sense of the web as a “new media”.
The term “new media” is difficult to define because it encompasses a constantly growing set of new
technologies and skills, specifically, it includes websites, email, Internet technology, CD-ROM, DVD,
streaming audio and video, interactive multimedia presentations, e-books, digital music, computer
illustration, video games, virtually reality, and computer artistry.
Additionally, many of today’s Internet careers are becoming paid-by-the-job professions. With many
companies having to downsize in tough economic items, the outsourcing and contracting of freelance
workers online has become common business practice. The Internet provides an infinite pool of buyers
from around the world with whom freelancers can contract their services. An added benefit to such
online jobs is that freelancers are able to work on projects with companies outside their own country of
How much can a person make in these kinds of career? As with many questions related to todays
evolving technology, there is no simple answer. There are many companies willing to pay people with
technical Internet skills salaries well above $70,000 a year. Generally, webmasters start at about
$30,000 per year, but salaries can vary greatly. Freelance writers working online have been known to
make between $40,000 and $70,000 per year.
Question 43. What is the best title for this passage?
A. The definition of “new media” B. Internet jobs
C. The job of Webmasters D. People with Internet skills
Question 44. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE of webmasters?
A. They work either independently or collaboratively.
B. The duties they perform stay almost unchanged.
C. Their jobs require a minimal level of expertise
D. They hardly support hardware and software products.
Question 45. The word “identity” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to____________
A. find out B. pick up on C. come across D. look into
Question 46. The word “them” in paragraph 2 refers to____________.

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A. websites B. tasks C. hardware and software D. skill sets
Question 47. Which of the followings is NOT true about the job of the freelance writers?
A. It may involve working with foreign companies.
B. It is considered a “content” job.
C. There is a high demand for traditional skills.
D. It requires deep knowledge of computer applications.
Question 48. The word “downsize” in paragraph 5 most likely means____________.
A. dismiss workers B. decrease salary C. go bankrupt D. win new contracts
Question 49. According to the passage, all of the followings are true EXCEPT____________.
A. A basic job description for a webmaster is not easy to define.
B. A webmaster does not have to get himself updated with computer science.
C. “New media” does not encompass writing skills.
D. Online jobs for workers with basic computer skills are available.
Question 50. It can be inferred from the passage that____________.
A. only well-trained workers are advised to work online.
B. online workers can work full-time online.
C. becoming a webmaster is really easy.
D. workers with limited computer skills cannot make good money.

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NĂM HỌC: 2020 – 2021
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút; không kể thời gian phát đề

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the -word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1. A. comb B. come C. dome D. home
Question 2. A. volunteer B. trust C. fuss D. judge
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3. A. sleepy B. trophy C. facial D. exact
Question 4. A. authority B. necessity C. academic D. commercially
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 5. He was not offered the job because he knew____________about Information Technology.
A. a little B. little C. many D. a few
Question 6. Graham was disappointed because he____________for the bus for an hour.
A. was waiting B. waited C. has been waiting D. had been waiting
Question 7. Sally hoped____________to join the private club. She could make important business
contacts there.
A. inviting B. being invited C. to invite D. to be invited
Question 8. ____________the homework, he was allowed to go out with his friends.
A. finishing B. finish C. to finish D. having finished
Question 9. The country is rapidly losing its workers as____________people are emigrating.
A. the most and the most B. the more and the more
C. more and more D. most and most
Question 10. It is absolutely essential that she____________ head office in advance.
A. arrive B. arrives C. will arrive D. must arrive
Question 11. We have just visited disadvantaged children in an orphanage____________in Bac Ninh
A. located B. locating C. which locates D. to locate
Question 12. Peter works hard at everything he does. His brother, ____________, seldom puts out

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much effort.
A. on the other hand B. otherwise C. furthermore D. consequently
Question 13. John's____________and efficiency at the company led to his promotion to Sales
A. punctuality B. punctual C. punctuate D. punctually
Question 14. We truly respected our father and always____________by his rule.
A. submitted B. obeyed C. complied D. abode
Question 15. We were quite impressed by the____________students who came up with the answer to
our question almost instantly.
A. absent-minded B. big-headed C. quick-witted D. bad-tempered
Question 16. I am sure your sister will lend you a sympathetic____________when you explain the
situation to her.
A. eye B. ear C. arm D. finger
Question 17. My cousin was nervous about being interviewed on television, but he____________to the
occasion wonderfully.
A. raised B. rose C. fell D. faced
Question 18. You looked exhausted. I think you’ve____________more than you can handle.
A. turned on B. taken up C. turned up D. taken on

Mark A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in
each of the following questions.
Question 19. The more tired you are, the more hard you can concentrate .
A. more tired B. you are C. more hard D. concentrate
Question 20. The ocean probably distinguishes the earth from other planets of the solar system, for
scientists believe that large bodies of water are not existing on the other planets.
A. probably B. for C. are not existing D. from
Question 21. There were considerate amounts of money wasted on large building projects.
A. considerate B. amounts C. wasted D. building
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following sentences.
Question 22. I thought I should not have stayed at home yesterday.
A. I regretted staying at home yesterday. B. I regretted for staying at home yesterday.
C. I regret for staying at home yesterday. D. I regret to stay at home yesterday.
Question 23. They don’t let the workers use the office telephone for personal calls.

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A. They don’t allow using the office telephone to call personal secretaries.
B. They don’t allow workers to use the office telephone.
C. The office telephone is used by workers personally.
D. They don’t let the office telephone be used for personal purpose by workers
Question 24. “ You should have finished the report by now.” John told his secretary.
A. John reproached his secretary for not having finished the report.
B. John said that his secretary had not finished the report.
C. John reminded his secretary of finishing the report.
D. John scolded his secretary for not having finished the report.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or Don your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions
Question 25. He hadn’t eaten anything since morning. He took the food eagerly.
A. He took the food eagerly although he had eaten a lot since dawn.
B. He took the food eagerly for he had eaten nothing since dawn.
C. He had eaten nothing since dawn so that he took the food eagerly.
D. He took the food so eagerly that he had eaten nothing since dawn.
Question 26. Julie had a training course in alternative medicine. She was able to help the man out
of danger.
A. Much as Julie had a training course in alternative medicine, she was able to help the man out of
B. Having trained in alternative medicine, Julie was able to help the man out of danger.
C. But for a training course in alternative medicine, Julie could have helped the man out of danger.
D. Despite training in alternative medicine, Julie was able to help the man out of danger.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
Question 27. Maria and Diana are talking about the evening.
Maria: “ Thanks for the lovely evening”
Diana: “____________”
A. I’m glad you enjoyed it B. Oh, That’s right
C. No, it’s not good D. Yes, it’s really great
Question 28. Tom came late for the meeting with Barbara.
Tom: “ Sorry, I’m late. The traffic was terrible”
Barbara: “____________”
A. My pleasure B. Don’t worry.

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C. I wish I could but I’m sorry D. Well, let me see.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 29. Since the death of Laura's father, her mother has become a breadwinner to support the
A. a person who bakes bread every morning
B. a bakery-owner
C. a person who delivers bread to make money
D. a person who goes out to work to earn money
Question 30. Peter is the black sheep of the family, so he is never welcomed there.
A. a beloved member B. a bad and embarrassing member
C. the only child D. the eldest child
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is OPPOSITE in
meaning to each of the following questions.
Question 31. The loss of his journals had caused him even more sorrow than his retirement from the
military six years earlier.
A. grief B. joy C. comfort D. sympathy
Question 32. As a newspaper reporter, she always wanted to get information at first hand
A. indirectly B. directly C. easily D. slowly
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrases that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
The position of sport in today's society has changed out of all recognition. People no longer seem to
think of sports as ‘just a game’ - to be watched or played for the (33) ____________of enjoyment.
Instead, it has become big business worldwide. It has become accepted practice for leading companies
to provide sponsorship. TV companies pay large sums of money to screen important matches or
competitions. The result has been huge rewards for athletes, some of (34) ____________are now very
wealthy, particularly top footballers, golfers and tennis players. (35) ____________, it is not unusual
for some athletes to receive large fees on top of their salary, for advertising products or making
personal appearances.
A trend towards shorter working hours means that people generally tend to have more free time, both to
watch and to take in sporting activity; sport has become a significant part of the recreation industry that
we now rely (36) ____________to fill our leisure hours. Professional sport is a vital part of that
industry, providing for millions of (37) ____________people all over the world.

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Question 33. A. advantage B. good C. benefit D. sake
Question 34. A. whose B. whom C. who D. that
Question 35. A. In addition B. However C. In contrast D. Therefore
Question 36. A. for B. with C. on D. in
Question 37. A. ordinary B. mighty C. extremist D. abnormal
Read the following passage and choose A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
In many ways, the increasingly rapid pace of climate change is a direct result of the growth of the
human population. In the last 100 years, the world population has more than tripled, from just under 2
billion at the beginning of the century to nearly 7 billion today. In addition, the average person uses
more energy and natural resources than the average person one hundred years ago, meaning that the
rates of consumption are actually much higher than just the increase in population would imply. For
example, it took the world 125 years to use the first one trillion barrels of oil. The next trillion barrels
will be used in less than 30 years, which is almost 5 times as fast, not three.
All of these activities: food production, energy usage, and the use of natural resources, contribute to
climate change in some way. The greater amounts of oil and other fuels burned to create energy release
chemicals which add to global warming. In order to produce more food, farmers cut down trees to gain
more land for their fields. In addition, we cut down trees to build the houses needed for a larger
population. Those trees are an essential part of controlling global warming; others are too numerous to
In addition to a growing population, the world also has a population that desires a higher standard of
living than in the past, and a higher standard of living requires the use of even more natural resources.
A look at one country will provide a clear example of this fact. China is the worlds most populous
nation, with 1.3 billion people. Currently, the standard of living for most of those people is far below
that of people in first world nations. Therefore, the average Chinese citizen uses far fewer natural
resources and less energy than the average citizen of the US or Japan. But China is growing in power,
and more of its citizens are beginning to expect a first world lifestyle. If every Chinese person attains a
first world lifestyle, the amount of energy and natural resources needed in the world will double, even if
the standard of living in every other nation on Earth remains the same as it is today.
Question 38. How many years did it take the world years to use the first one trillion barrels of oil?
A. 100 years B. 125 years C. 30 years D. 7 years
Question 39. The word “consumption” in the passage is closest in meaning to___________.
A. development B. usage C. population D. increase

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Question 40. According to the passage, which of these activities does NOT contribute to climate
change in some way?
A. food production B. energy usage
C. wild animals hunting D. natural resources consumption
Question 41. According to the passage, how does food production contribute to global warming?
A. Producing more food leads to growth in the world population.
B. Food production uses many chemicals which add to global warming.
C. Food production requires that the forests be cleared to create farmland.
D. Food production decreases the ability of the air to release heat..
Question 42. According to the passage, how does the standard of living affect global warming?
A. Higher standards of living are better for the environment.
B. First world nations create less population than developing nations.
C. The use of natural resources is directly related to the standard of living.
D. High standards of living lead to increases in world population.
Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the answer to each of the
following questions.
Carnegie Hall, the famous concert hall in New York City, has again undergone a restoration. While this is
not the first, it is certainly the most extensive in the building’s history. As a result of this new restoration,
Carnegie Hall once again has the quality of sound that it had when it was first built.
Carnegie Hall owes its existence to Andrew Carnegie, the wealthy owner of a steel company in the late
1800s. The hall was finished in 1891 and quickly gained a reputation as an excellent performing arts hall
where accomplished musicians gained fame. Despite its reputation, however, the concert hall suffered
from several detrimental renovations over the years. During the Great Depression, when fewer people
could afford to attend performances, the directors sold part of the building to commercial businesses. As a
result, a coffee shop was opened in one corner of the building, for which the builders replaced the brick
and terra cotta walls with windowpanes. A renovation in 1946 seriously damaged the acoustical quality of
the hall when the makers of the film Carnegie Hall cut a gaping hole in the dome of the ceiling to allow
for lights and air vents. The hole was later covered with short curtains and a fake ceiling
but the hall never sounded the same afterwards.
In 1960, the violinist Isaac Stern became involved in restoring the hall after a group of real estate
developers unveiled plans to demolish Carnegie Hall and build a high-rise office building on the site.
This threat spurred Stern to rally public support for Carnegie Hall and encourage the City of New York
to buy the property. The movement was successful, and the concert hall is now owned by the city. In
the current restoration, builders tested each new material for its sound qualities, and they replaced the

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hole in the ceiling with a dome. The builders also restored the outer walls to their original appearance
and closed the coffee shop. Carnegie has never sounded better, and its prospects for the future have
never looked more promising.
Question 43. This passage is mainly about___________.
A. changes to Carnegie Hall
B. the appearance of Carnegie Hall
C. Carnegie Hall’s history during the Great Depression
D. damage to the ceiling in Carnegie Hall
Question 44. The word “it” in the first paragraph refers to___________.
A. Carnegie Hall B. New York City C. a restoration D. a plan
Question 45. what major change happened to the hall in 1946?
A. The acoustic dome was damaged.
B. Space in the building was sold to commercial businesses.
C. The walls were damaged in an earthquake.
D. The stage was renovated.
Question 46. Who was Andrew Carnegie?
A. A violinist B. An architect
C. A steel mill owner D. Mayor of New York City
Question 47. What was Isaac Stern’s relationship to Carnegie Hall?
A. He made the movie “Carnegie Hall” in 1946.
B. He performed on opening night in 1891.
C. He tried to save the hall, beginning in 1960.
D. He opened a coffee shop in Carnegie Hall during the Depression
Question 48. which of the following is closest in meaning to the word detrimental in paragraph 2?
A. dangerous B. trivial C. impressive D. damaging
Question 49. which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “unveiled” in paragraph 3?
A. announced B. restricted C. overshadowed D. located
Question 50. How does the author seem to feel about the future of Carnegie Hall?
A. ambiguous B. guarded C. optimistic D. negative

Trang 15
NĂM HỌC: 2020 – 2021
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút; không kể thời gian phát đề

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1. A. laugh B. cough C. enough D. though
Question 2. A. breath B. breathe C. with D. soothe
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3. A. nuclear B. consist C. hello D. prepare
Question 4. A. economic B. solution C. convention D. specific
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 5. A complete_____________of terms and conditions should be made before the agreement
is signed.
A. examine B. examining C. examination D. examined
Question 6. I_____________one item early last week, but I am certain that I did not get the receipt at
that time
A. purchase B. purchases C. purchased D. have purchased
Question 7. American_____________to have been discovered by Colombus.
A. is said B. was said C. being said D. says
Question 8. _____________to set the alarm clock, Jenny left for work late this morning.
A. Forget B. To forget C. Having forgotten D. Forgotten
Question 9. Since he was unable to attend the annual meeting, Mr. Yokomate requested that the
minutes_____________to his office.
A. be sent B. were sent C. sent D. send
Question 10. Volunteers should keep in mind values of the charity event in_____________they
participate actively.
A. when B. whose C. that D. which
Question 11. _____________to the airline strikes, Mr. Jones had to postpone his business trip to Rome.
A. Owed B. Because C. Due D. As

Trang 16
Question 12. If she had experience in medical research, she_____________for one of the positions
at the hospital.
A. apply B. could apply C. could have apply D. can apply
Question 13. Those in research positions are responsible for compiling and_____________research
A. store B. storage C. storing D. to store
Question 14. _____________a year, Tarrin Industrial Supply audits the accounts of all of its factories.
A. Once B. Immediately C. Directly D. Yet
Question 15. The timeline for the pathway lighting project was extended to_____________input from
the Environmental Commission.
A. use up B. believe in C. make into D. allow for
Question 16. If you don’t want your business to_____________bankrupt, avoid consulting those
willing to step out on a limb.
A. come B. take C. go D. pay
Question 17. _____________the BPT39 wireless speaker is widely popular, production will be
increased fivefold starting next month.
A. On behalf of B. Whether C. Moreover D. As
Question 18. Jack is very independent, he always paddle his own_____________
A. boat B. canoe C. ship D. yatch
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions
Question 19. If you came to the party tomorrow, don’t forget to bring your parents.
A. If B. came C. don’t D. to bring
Question 20. Even the CEO had to admit that Prasma Designs’ win was part the result of fortunate
A. Even B. Prasma Designs’ C. part D. timing
Question 21. To prepare for marathon, I run 15 kilometers three and four times a week.
A. To prepare B. run C. three and four D. times
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
Question 22. “Where were you last night, Mr. Jenkins?” he said.
A. He wanted to know where Mr. Jenkins was the night before.
B. He asked Mr. Jenkins where was he last night.
C. He wanted to know where Mr. Jenkins had been the following night.

Trang 17
D. He asked Mr. Jenkins where he had been the previous night.
Question 23. The burglar was caught red- handed by the police when he was breaking into the
A. The police caught the burglar to break into the flat.
B. The police caught the burglar when breaking into the flat,
C. When the burglar had broken into the flat, the police caught him at once.
D. The police caught the burglar breaking into the flat.
Question 24. “We’ll go camping as long as the weather is good.”
A. If the weather is fine, we will go camping.
B. The weather is good when we will go camping.
C. If the weather is better, we will go camping.
D. We’ll go camping immediately the weather is good.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 25. We are not going to select the ruling party. We are not going to select the opposition
party either.
A. We are going to select neither the ruling party nor the opposition party in the upcoming election.
B. We are not going to select neither the ruling party nor the opposition party in the upcoming
C. We are going to select either the ruling party or the opposition party in the upcoming election.
D. We are not going to select either the ruling party or the opposition party in the upcoming election.
Question 26. The lighthouse was built in the 1600s. It remains standing through hundreds of
A. Having been built in the 1600s, the lighthouse remains standing through hundreds of years.
B. Building in the 1600s, the lighthouse remains standing through hundreds of years.
C. Built in the 1600s, the lighthouse remains standing through hundreds of years.
D. Having built in the 1600s, the lighthouse remains standing through hundreds of years.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes
each of the following exchanges.
Question 27. Laura is warning Bob about the house.
- Laura: “Mind your head. The ceiling is low”.
- Bob: “_____________”
A. Don’t mention it. B. Thanks, I’ll remember it.

Trang 18
C. I couldn’t agree more with you. D. I don’t think you’re right.
Question 28. David is talking to Linda after a party.
- David: “Would you like me to give you a ride home?”
- Linda: “_____________”
A. That’s be great, thanks. B. Sorry, you’re not my type.
C. Yes, I’m riding home now D. No, thanks. I don’t like riding.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 29. The Boy Scouts organisation is dedicated to helping boys become moral and productive
A. committed B. used C. focused D. interested
Question 30. Father has lost his job,so we’ll have to tighten our belt to avoid getting into debt.
A. earn money B. save money C. sit still D. economize
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 31. Henry has found temporary job in a factory.
A. eternal B. genuine C. permanent D. satisfactory
Question 32. We had a whale of time as everything was quite fantastic.
A. had little time to play B. had a lot of time to play
C. felt happy D. felt disappointed
Read the following passage and mark the letter A,B, C,or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Not everybody recognises the benefits of new developments in communications technology. Indeed,
some people fear that text messaging may actually be having a negative (33) _____________on young
people’s communication and language skills, especially when we hear that primary school children may
be at risk of becoming addicted to the habit. So widespread has texting become, however, that even
pigeons have started doing it. (34) _____________, in this case, it’s difficult to view the results as
anything but positive. Twenty of the birds are about to take to the skies with the task of measuring air
pollution, each (35) _____________with sensor equipment and a mobile phone. The readings made by
the sensors will be automatically converted into text messages and beamed to the Internet - (36)
_____________they will appear on a dedicated ‘pigeon blog’. The birds will also each have a GPS
receiver and a camera to capture aerial photos, and researchers are building a tiny ‘pigeon kit’
containing all these gadgets. Each bird will carry these in a miniature backpack, (37) ____________ ,
that is, from the camera, which will hang around its neck. The data the pigeons text will be displayed in

Trang 19
the form of an interactive map, which will provide local residents with up-to-the-minute information on
their local air quality.
Question 33. A. result B. outcome C. effect D. conclusion
Question 34. A. Therefore B. What’s more C.whereas D. That is
Question 35. A. armed B.loaded C. granted D. stocked
Question 36. A. when B. which C. where D. what
Question 37. A. instead B. except C. apart D. besides
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
The Art World
One of the maj or problems in the art world is how to distinguish and promote an artist. In effect, a
market must be created for an artist to be successful.The practice of signing and numbering individual
prints was introduced by James Abbott McNeill whistler, the nineteenth - century artist best known for
the painting of his mother, called “Arrangement in Grey and Black”, but known to most of us as“
whistler’s Mother”. Whistler’s brother - in - law, Sir Francis Seymour Haden, a less well - known artist,
had speculated that collectors might find prints more attractive if they knew that they were only a
limited number of copies produced. By signing the work in pencil, an artist could guarantee and
personalize each print. As soon as Whistler and Haden began the practice of signing and numbering
their prints, their work began to increase in value, when other artists noticed that the signed prints
commanded higher prices, they began copying the procedure. Although most prints are signed on the
right - hand side in the margin below the image, the placement of the signature is a matter of personal
choice. Indeed, prints have been signed within the image, in any of the margins, or even on the
reverseside of the print, wherever the artist elects to sign it, a signed print is still valued
above an unsigned one, even in the same edition.
above an unsigned one, even in the same edition.
Question 38. Which of the following would be a better title for the passage?
A. Whistlers Mother B.Whistler’s Greatest Works
C. Ihe Practice of Signing Prints D. Coping Limited Edition Prints
Question 39. The word “speculated” in the paragraph 1 could best be replaced by_____________
A. guessed B. noticed C. denied D. announced
Question 40. What was true about the painting of Whistler’s mother?
A. It was painted by Sir Francis Haden
B. Its title was “Arrangement in Grey and Black”
C. It was not one of whistler’s best paintings
D. It was a completely new method of painting
Trang 20
Question 41. The author mentions all of the following as reasons why a collector prefer a signed
print EXCEPT_____________
A. it guarantees the prints authenticity
B. it makes the print more personal
C. it encourages higher prices for the print
D. it limits the number of copies of the print
Question 42. It can be inferred from the passage that artists number their prints_____________
A. as an accounting procedure B. to guarantee a limited edition
C. when the buyer requests it D. at the same place on each of the prints
Read the following passage and mark the letter A,B, C or Don your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
Butterflies are among the most extensively studied insectsan estimated 90 percent of the world’s
species have scientific names. As a consequence, they are perhaps the best group of insects for
examining patterns of terrestrial biotic diversity and distribution. Butterflies also have a favorable
image with the general public.
Hence, they are an excellent group for communicating information on science and conservation issues
such as diversity. Perhaps the aspect of butterfly diversity that has received the most attention over the
past century is the striking difference in species richness between tropical and temperate regions. For
example, in 1875 one biologist pointed out the diversity of butterflies in the Amazon when he
mentioned that about 700 species were found within an hour’s walk, whereas the total number found on
the British islands did not exceed 66, and the whole of Europe supported only 321. This early
comparison of tropical and temperate butterfly richness has been well confirmed. A general theory of
diversity would have to predict not only this difference between temperate and tropical zones, but also
patterns within each region, and how these patterns vary among different animal and plant groups.
However, for butterflies, variation of species richness within temperate or tropical regions, rather man
between them, is poorly understood. Indeed, comparisons of numbers of species among the Amazon
basin, tropical Asia, and Africa are still mostly “personal communication” citations, even for
vertebrates, In other words, unlike comparison between temperate and
tropical areas, these patterns are still in the documentation phase. In documenting geographical
variation in butterfly diversity, some arbitrary, practical decisions are made. Diversity, number of
species, and species richness are used synonymously; little is known about the evenness of butterfly
distribution. The New World butterflies make up the preponderance of examples because they are the
most familiar species. It is hoped that by focusing on them, the errors generated by imperfect and
incomplete taxonomy will be minimized.

Trang 21
Question 43.The word “striking” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to_____________
A. physical B. confusing C. noticeable D. successful
Question 44. Butterflies are a good example for communicating information about conservation
issues because they_____________
A. are simple in structure
B. have been given scientific names
C. are viewed positively by people
D. are found mainly in temperate climates
Question 45. The word “exceed” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to_____________
A. locate B. allow C. go beyond D. come close to
Question 46.Which of the following is NOT well understood by biologists?
A. European butterfly habitats
B. Differences in species richness between temperate and tropical regions
C. Differences in species richness within a temperate or a tropical region
D. Comparisons of behavior patterns of butterflies and certain animal groups
Question 47. All of the followings are mentioned as being important parts of a general theory of
diversity EXCEPT_____________
A. differences between temperate and tropical zones
B. patterns of distribution of species in each region
C. migration among temperate and tropical zones
D. variation of patterns of distribution of species among different animals and plants
Question 48. Which aspect of butterflies does the passage mainly discuss_____________
A. their physical characteristics B. their adaption to different habitats
C. their names D. their variety
Question 49. The word “they” in paragraph 1 refer to_____________
A. insects B. butterflies C. patterns D. issues
Question 50. The idea “little is known about the eveness of butterfly distribution” in paragraph 5
means that_____________
A. there are many things that we know about butterfly eveness distribution
B. we don’t know anything about butterfly evenness distribution
C. we know much about butterfly evenness distribution
D. we know about butterfly evenness distribution to some extent

Trang 22
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