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354 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B / Vol. 27, No. 2 / February 2010 Granot et al.

Efficient impulse response reconstruction from the

amplitude spectrum

Er’el Granot,* Shmuel Sternklar, and Yossi Ben-Aderet

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Ariel University Center of Samaria, Ariel, Israel
*Corresponding author:

Received October 7, 2009; accepted November 19, 2009;

posted December 16, 2009 (Doc. ID 118313); published January 29, 2010
We suggest adopting an efficient digital signal processing algorithm, which includes several fast Fourier trans-
forms, to efficiently reconstruct the impulse response of a diffusive medium from its amplitude spectrum. It is
also demonstrated that the singularities, which appear in the phase spectrum reconstruction, can be easily
eliminated through the implementation of at least two types of data padding. © 2010 Optical Society of
OCIS codes: 300.6300, 290.4210, 070.4790.

1. INTRODUCTION nique [6–8]); some are totally theoretical, where the phase
spectrum is reconstructed from the amplitude response
It is well established that, for any causal system, there is
[e.g., the KK technique [3,4] or the maximum entropy
a simple linear relation between the imaginary and real
method (MEM) [3]], and some are semi-theoretical, where
parts of the spectral response function of the system.
again the phase spectrum (or, more accurately, the im-
These Kramers–Kronig (KK) relations [1–3] are useful,
pulse response itself) is reconstructed from the amplitude
for example, for evaluating the refractive index of a me-
spectrum, but an additional reference is needed [as in
dium given its absorption coefficient. However, they can
spectral optical coherence tomography (SOCT); see, for
relate the amplitude spectrum to the phase spectrum of
example, Ref. [9] and references therein] to extract the
any transfer function. The phase spectrum reconstruction
is essential, for example, for the reconstruction of the im-
There are two main drawbacks to the KK method:
pulse response of the medium, which can be a very pow-
erful tool for the analysis of the medium such as ballistic 1. For perfect reconstruction, the KK method requires
imaging. an infinite amplitude spectrum. If the spectrum is finite
Recently, the KK relations have been applied to diffu- the reconstruction will be distorted. This disadvantage is
sive media [4,5]. These materials are especially interest- avoided in SOCT with the additional reference arm.
ing, since they are ubiquitous in nature. Furthermore, the 2. The phase reconstruction requires time-consuming
impulse response of a diffusive medium is characterized integrals. Moreover, the integrals are singular and there-
by a rapidly varying signal within a slowly varying enve- fore complicated for numerical analysis.
lope. While the rapid temporal variations are related to
The first point is definitely a shortcoming of the tech-
the microscopic nature of the medium and are very sensi- nique; however, as was mentioned above and was demon-
tive to the exact location of every scatterer in the medium, strated elsewhere [4] in the case of a diffusive medium,
the envelope depends only on the macroscopic parameters the impulse response can be reconstructed from a rela-
of the medium (e.g., the diffusion coefficient), which in tively narrow spectral width. The reference arm, which is
many applications is the main parameter of interest. an essential element in SOCT can also be of use in the KK
Since the envelope varies slowly in time, its characteris- method, since it emphasizes the interferences (i.e., the
tics can be determined in relatively narrow spectral relative phases). The comparison to SOCT is an impor-
bands. Moreover, it can be located in almost any narrow tant subject and will be discussed in more detail else-
spectral band, i.e., the data on the envelope in some re- where.
spects repeats itself, and therefore there is no need for a The main issue of this paper is to address the second
very broad spectrum to reconstruct the envelope of the point: that the numerical analysis is more time consum-
impulse response. The fast signal component of the im- ing than, for example, MEM. We will first briefly review
pulse response (which requires wide spectral range for re- the KK derivation to emphasize this point.
construction) is irrelevant to the envelope reconstruction
and therefore is not necessary for the diffusion coefficient
calculations. 2. KRAMERS–KRONIG METHOD
Many applications were developed to reconstruct the The impulse response h共t兲 of any causal system must obey
phase spectrum of a diffusive medium (e.g., for its im- h共t兲 = h共t兲u共t兲,
pulse response reconstruction). Some of them are purely
experimental (such as the spectral ballistic imaging tech- where

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Granot et al. Vol. 27, No. 2 / February 2010 / J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 355

u共t兲 = 再 冎 1 t艌0
0 t⬍0
The impulse response can be derived in an easier manner
is the Heaviside function. than the KK technique described above. In fact, there is
In the spectral domain the statement of causality is no need to calculate the phase spectrum and only then to
use it to calculate the impulse response from the spectral
H共␻兲 = H共␻兲 ⴱ U共␻兲, 共1兲 response. The medium’s response can be evaluated di-
rectly [10].
where H共␻兲 is the Fourier transform of h共t兲, i.e., it is the In general, the impulse response is a real and semi-
spectral response of the medium, U共␻兲 is the Fourier infinite function. Moreover, it can be written as a sum of
transform of u共t兲, and the asterisk stands for a convolu- even and odd functions:
Since U共␻兲 = −Pi / ␻ + ␲␦共␻兲 is the Fourier transform of h共t兲 = he共t兲 + ho共t兲, 共7兲
the Heaviside function (P stands for the Cauchy’s prin-
since he共t兲 = 1 / 2关h共t兲 + h共−t兲兴 and ho共t兲 = 1 / 2关h共t兲 − h共−t兲兴.
ciple value), then by substituting H共␻兲 = RH共␻兲 + iIH共␻兲
Moreover, if F兵h共t兲其 = H共␻兲 then F兵he共t兲其 = RH共␻兲 and
(R and I stand for the real and imaginary parts.) into Eq.
F兵ho共t兲其 = IH共␻兲, where F兵其 stands for the Fourier trans-
(1) and comparing the real and imaginary parts of the
equation, two KK relations emerge:
Since, due to causality,

1 IH共⍀兲 h共t兲 = 2he共t兲u共t兲, 共8兲
RH共␻兲 = P d⍀ , 共2兲
␲ −⬁

冕 h共t兲 = 2F−1兵RH共␻兲其u共t兲. 共9兲

1 RH共⍀兲
IH共␻兲 = − P d⍀ . 共3兲
␲ −⬁
␻−⍀ Therefore, if we have the real part of the transfer function
(the spectral response function), we simply apply the in-
These two relations are also known as the Hilbert trans- verse Fourier transform and multiply it by the Heaviside
form. function. We do not need to first calculate the imaginary
Usually, in this form, the KK relations do not help part and then apply the Fourier transform. This means
much, since we know neither the real nor the imaginary that we have one less integral to calculate. SOCT is par-
parts of the spectral response. tially based on this logic.
We can, however, take the logarithm of H共␻兲: However, except for SOCT, the real part of the transfer
function is usually not measured. It is much more conve-
ln H共␻兲 = ln兩H共␻兲兩 + i␪共␻兲, 共4兲 nient to measure its absolute value. Therefore,

and if we notice (we will not prove it here) that if H共␻兲 is F−1兵ln H共␻兲其 = 2F−1兵ln兩H共␻兲兩其u共t兲. 共10兲
the spectral response of a causal system, then ln H共␻兲
= ln兩H共␻兲兩 + i␪共␻兲 is the spectral response of a different sys- By applying the Fourier transform to both sides and cal-
tem, which is causal as well. Then we can apply the KK culating their exponent we obtain
relation to Eq. (4) to obtain the phase spectrum, i.e.,
H共␻兲 = exp2F兵F−1兵ln兩H共␻兲兩其u共t兲其. 共11兲

1 ln兩H共⍀兲兩
␪共␻兲 = − P d⍀ . 共5兲 Finally, an additional transform operation gives the im-
␲ −⬁
␻−⍀ pulse response (see also Ref. [11]):

After the phase spectrum is reconstructed then the im- h共t兲 = F−1兵exp2F兵F−1兵ln兩H共␻兲兩其u共t兲其其. 共12兲
pulse response can be evaluated by a simple inverse Fou- Evidently, this is a more complicated expression then
rier transform 共F−1兵 其兲: Eq. (6)—it requires three Fourier transforms, i.e., three
infinite integrals, instead of a Hilbert transform and a
h共t兲 = F−1兵兩H共␻兲兩exp关i␪共␻兲兴其. 共6兲 Fourier transform, i.e., two integrals. However, for dis-
crete signals, the Fourier transform can be replaced with
From this algorithm, it seems that for any frequency ␻ we the FFT technique, which is much faster. Since the mea-
have to integrate over the entire amplitude spectrum, sured spectrum is always discrete and always finite, it is
carefully avoiding the singularity. This indeed seems to be suitable for DSP analysis.
a time-consuming process. We now derive the discrete form for Eq. (12). For dis-
However, there is no reason to struggle with the singu- crete signals, time is a dimensionless integer n, and the
larities and improper integrals, since in practice, the in- system response to a discrete delta function is [10]
put data is always discrete and finite. This fact alone can
substantially reduce the calculation time. This well- h共n兲 = he共n兲u共n兲, 共13兲
known feature forms the basis of digital signal processing
(DSP) techniques, and we adopt it for our application. where
356 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B / Vol. 27, No. 2 / February 2010 Granot et al.

冦 冧
1 n = 0,N/2
u共n兲 = 2 n = 1,2, . . . 共N/2兲 − 1 . 共14兲 0.8
共N/2兲 + 1, . . . N − 1

0 0.6
If h共n兲 is a real finite sequence it can be written as a 0.2
sum of even he共n兲 and odd ho共n兲 sequences (in the positive 0
n side they must be almost equal since they must elimi- 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
t [ps]
nate each other on the negative side. I stress that they are
almost the same, since this claim is not valid for n = 0 and
1 1
n = N / 2); moreover, the FFT of the even function is equal
to the real part of the transfer function: 0.8 0.8


0.6 0.6
1 N−1
0.4 0.4
he共n兲 = RH共k兲exp共2␲ikn/N兲 = IFFT兵RH共k兲其.
0.2 0.2
0 0
共15兲 14 16 18 20
t [ps]
22 24 35 40
t [ps]

Therefore, taking the inverse FFT of the real part of Fig. 1. A comparison between the reconstructed impulse re-
the transfer function and then setting the entire negative sponse (solid curve) and the exact impulse response (dashed
curve) of a simulation of a diffusive medium. The lower two fig-
part to zero will result in the impulse response.
ures are a zoom-in of the upper one.
关IFFT兵ln兩H共␻k兲兩其u共n兲兴 = IFFT兵ln H共␻k兲其, 共16兲
cent scatterers is a = 2.5 ␮m, and their mean strength is
therefore ␣ = 0.015 ␮m−1. The spectral bandwidth for this medium
is 1 ␮m ± 3 nm 共 ⬃ 900 GHz兲.
H共␻k兲 = exp共FFT关IFFT兵ln兩H共␻k兲兩其u共n兲兴兲 共17兲
In Fig. 1 the comparison between the reconstructed
and [Eq. (18)] impulse response (or, more accurately, the
square of its absolute value) I共t兲 = 兩h共t兲兩2 and the exact so-
h共tn兲 = IFFT兵H共␻k兲其 lution is presented. As can be seen, except for small dis-
= IFFT兵exp共FFT关IFFT兵ln兩H共␻k兲兩其u共n兲兴兲其. 共18兲 crepancies, the two are very similar. As we pointed out
above, the envelope of the signal is significant (e.g., imag-
Since each FFT (or IFFT) takes N log2 N multiplications, ing applications [12,13]), the rapid variations are super-
the total number of multiplications is approximately fluous information.
3N log2 N, with an additional N calculations of a loga- Another advantage of this method is the cyclic nature
rithm and exponent. of the discrete Fourier transform. In many cases this cy-
One of the powerful features of this formula is that it clic nature is problematic; however, in this case it can be
does not require dimensional analysis. It is totally inde- used to eliminate the divergences at the spectral range
pendent of the units in which the spectrum was mea- boundaries. These divergences do not have a considerable
sured. The only thing that has to be scaled is the final influence on the impulse response reconstruction, but
time. they do influence the phase spectrum at the vicinity of the
boundaries. If the new spectrum is tailored by a linear
padding so that the two boundaries are linearly connected
4. SIMULATION (due to the cyclic nature of the FFT) the singularity and
To complete the picture we present a simulation, which the divergences are avoided. That is, the original
follows [4]. The simulation consists of 2000 delta function amplitude-spectrum 兩H共␻k兲兩, which consists of N measure-
scatterers, where the mean distance between two adja- ments, is extended by a linear padding of M values to

冦 冧
兩H共␻k兲兩 0艋k艋N−1
兩H̃共␻k兲兩 = 共k − N兲 共k − N − M + 1兲 . 共19兲
兩H共␻0兲兩 − 兩H共␻N−1兲兩 N 艋 k 艋 N + M − 1
M−1 M−1

We will call this method linear padding. To illustrate the impact of these padding methods, we
Another option for smoothing the divergences is to glue implement the same simulation on a bandwidth of

再 冎
the amplitude spectrum to its mirror image, i.e., 180 GHz. The results are presented in Fig. 2. Instead of
兩H共␻k兲兩 0艋k艋N−1 comparing the phase, whose linear change is considerably
兩H̃共␻k兲兩 = . 共20兲 larger than the effects that we are seeking here, we will
兩H共␻2N−1−k兲兩 N 艋 k 艋 2N − 1 compare its spectral derivatives, i.e., the time delay ␶
We will call this method mirror padding. = d␪ / d␻.
Granot et al. Vol. 27, No. 2 / February 2010 / J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 357

no padding
pulse response was reconstructed. The main benefit of
100 exact
linear padding this method is that it is based on Fourier transforms, and
mirror padding
50 since the amplitude spectrum is a (finite) discrete set of

0 measurements, then the fast FFT and IFFT algorithms

−50 can be used to accelerate the process. Moreover, this
−100 method can be incorporated with several padding tech-
300 300.02 300.04 300.06 300.08 300.1 300.12 300.14 300.16 300.18 niques, which can reduce the singularities and diver-
f(THz) gences, which appear at the spectrum boundaries recon-
100 struction.
0 80

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