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Name : ……………………………………………………………
Roll No. : ………………………………………………………..
Invigilator's Signature : ………………………………………..

Time Allotted : 3 Hours Full Marks : 70

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as
far as practicable.

( Multiple Choice Type Questions )

1. Choose the correct alternatives for any ten of the following :

10 × 1 = 10

i) What is the difference between the term 'market

research' and 'marketing research' ?

a) Market research concerns strategic decisions,

marketing research does not

b) Market research concerns operational decisions,

marketing research does not

c) Marketing research looks at academic matters,

market research does not

d) None of these.

30395 (MMA) [ Turn over


ii) Which of the following is not a defined use of marketing

research ?

a) To identify and define marketing opportunities and


b) To justify pervious marketing decisions

c) To monitor marketing performance

d) To improve understanding of the marketing


iii) There are various types of research designed to obtain

different types of information. What type of research is
used to define problems and suggest hypotheses ?

a) Primary Research b) Secondary Research

c) Causal Research d) None of these.

iv) Longitudinal Research is carried on

a) single time period b) twice time period

c) several time period d) none of these.

v) Sample,

a) it is a small selection of the population of the


b) it is a group of people who are selected for not

wanting to buy the product

c) it is the population of the respondents

d) all of these.

30395 (MMA) 2

vi) Which one of these sampling methods is a probability

method ?

a) Convenience b) Simple random

c) Quota d) Judgement.

vii) The chi-square test is

a) a statistical significance test

b) a mean

c) a multi question test

d) none of these.

viii) Population normal, population infinite, sample size small

and variance of the population unknown, in this case

the test statistic is

a) Z-test b) Chi-square test

c) t-test d) ANOVA.

ix) In hypothesis testing, the hypothesis which is

tentatively assumed to be true is called the

a) corect hypothesis

b) null hypothesis

c) alternative hypothesis

d) level of significance.

30395 (MMA) 3 [ Turn over


x) When the null hypothesis has been true, but the

sample information has resulted in the rejection of the

null, a ............. has been made.

a) Level of significance b) Type II error

c) Critical value d) Type I error.

xi) When testing the following hypotheses at an α level of


Ho : p < 0.7

Ha : p > 0.7

The null hypothesis will be rejected if the test statistic Z


a) z > zα b) z < zα

c) z < – zα d) none of these.

xii) You are conducting an ANOVA. You have a mean square

of 759.39, 2df and an error team of 15·67. What would

the F value be ?

a) 24.23 b) 31.34

c) 48.46 d) 379.7.

30395 (MMA) 4

( Short Answer Type Questions )
Answer any three of the following. 3 × 5 = 15

2. Explain the term 'research' and state its significance in

modern times.

3. What is factor analysis ? Point out its merits and demerits.

4. Why is sampling needed ? Distinguish between sampling

error and non-sampling error with examples.

5. What is a research problem ? Illustrate your answer with an


6. Write a note on Probability sampling methods.

( Long Answer Type Questions )
Answer any three of the following. 3 × 15 = 45

7. a) In a big city 325 men out of 600 were found to be

smokers. Does this information support the conclusion

that the majority of men in this city are smokers ?

( State the hypothesis clearly ) 8

b) Discuss power of a test. 4

c) Define statistical hypothesis. Distinguish between

simple hypothesis and composite hypothesis. 1+2

30395 (MMA) 5 [ Turn over


8. a) Distinguish between Statistic and Parameter giving

examples. 3

b) It has been found that 2% of the tools produced by a

certain machine are defective. What is the probability

that in a shipment of 400 such tools, 3% or more will

be defective ? ( Probability that the normal deviate lies

between 0 and 1.43 is 0.4236 ). 7

c) Distinguish between standard error and standard

deviation. 3

d) State the formulae for SE of sample mean and

proportion. 2

9. a) State the properties of correlation coefficient. 2

b) Calculate the coefficient of correlation from the following

data & interpret the result :

X : 2.52 2.49 2.49 2.45 2.43 2.42 2.41 2.40

Y: 730 710 770 890 970 1020 970 1040

c) Discuss the uses and limitations of correlation

coefficient. 5

30395 (MMA) 6

10. a) What is meant by 'measurement' in research ? 5

b) Raju Restaurant near the railway station of Falna has

been having average sales of 500 tea cups per day.

Because of the development of but stand nearby, it

expects to increase its sales. During the first 12 days

after the start of the bus stand, the daily sales were as

under :

550, 570, 490, 615, 505, 580, 570, 460, 600, 580,

530, 526.

On the basis of this sample information, can one

conclude that Raju Restaurant's sales have increased ?

Use 5 per cent level of significance.

( t0.05 = 1.796 ). 10

11. What is the significance of using multiple discriminant

analysis ? Explain in brief the technical details involved in

such a technique. 5 + 10

30395 (MMA) 7 [ Turn over

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