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Ryan R.

Dela Cruz

GE-E T-TH 1:00-2:30PM



Abortion is one the cases in the world that is legal. A couple who has no healthy

relationships can take this legal step to make each them free from their marriages. Although this

sounds not acceptable to religious groups and Christian believers because this is an act of

immorality. A person enters in marriage is tied to one another with a sacred vow that only death

can take them apart. Not all legal actions are immoral because people's law is different from

God's law. Even if it is not moral once it is a law, it is already legal. Just like the Muslims they

are allowed marry and have many wives. For some, it is not acceptable because it is not good to

see a man having many wives living in same roof. Marrying of same sex is another example of

immorality but it is legal to some other countries and even in our country it is already considered

to be legal. It is said that a man is for a woman and a woman is for a man. But this was rejected

because people continue to push a bill that making this to become a law to satisfy their fleshly

needs. Many condemn this act but still this is continue to exist because of our freedom of

expression. They say we are living in a democratic country where we are free to express our

thoughts and feelings as long as we do not violate our laws. Sad to say that we tolerate these

things to happen. It is not good to see people doing this. But we can't do nothing because a law is

always a law and " No one is above the law". So, sad to say that not all legal actions and deeds

are moral. Some of them are immoral. So legal actions may moral or immoral. It is not all legal

actions are moral.

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