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Name: Saturnino A. Padungao Jr.

Subject and Teacher: GE3, Ma’am Ruth Sapal

Date: March 29, 2022

Activity 1: Design Thinking Process

Brainstorm yourself with the working concept of globalization and come up with a design
using the different materials on hand such as pencil, bags or other things . Make a design
relating to the different working concepts. You can use those materials as your sign or
symbols for globalization.
Place your design inside the space provided and write your discussion below

Discussion: This is my design which contains the globalization around the world. It implies
and promotes the different working concepts which is cross-border trade in products and
services, technology, and flows of investment, people, and information have all
contributed to the growing interdependence of the world’s economies, cultures, and
Activity 2
Queries to Ponder

How can these people survive in the midst of globalization?

Answer: It depends to the leader in a state that seek to care his/her sovereignty that just
following the command of executive order and law.
Can globalization help improve their lives?
Answer: Most agree that globalization rests upon, or simply is, the growth in international
exchange of goods, services, and capital, and the increasing levels of integration that
characterize economic activity. In this sense, globalization, is only another word for
internationalization. Unfortunately globalization helps improve life through the advantages
of the certain state to step up in terms of production because of the business negotiation
in other country. Which people improve lives for the benefits that state has comes up.

Multiple Choice:
1. C
2. A
3. C
4. C
5. A
6. B
7. D
8. C
9. B
10. C
II. Matching Type :Connect pictures to the given words below . (2x2pts)

a. energy

b. economic

c. poverty

d. environmental

e. Military

f. Food production

III. Identification
Name the two words that explain what globalization is. 10pts.

Answer: World Trade

Identify at least 2 global issues and relate to your actual observation in your own
community 20pts

Answer: Puberty and Corruption. For me this is the two global issues that relates for my
observations in our community specifically here in Poblacion, Matalam North Cotabato.
Corruption is the biggest problem which lead for a puberty. As far as I had noticed, a
couple of years past there is no progress that happened in the administration of our mayor
particularly. I am very much sorry to say but this is just my personal comment. Outside
Investors couldn’t enter to take a large scale businesses for the people that be able to
apply jobs and turn the place to a city but the mayor doesn’t allow it. I couldn’t identify the
reason but as I had noticed people are stayed poor because it has no jobs to apply in our
particular area. Businessman couldn’t step up. To sum up everything that I have stated, I
dream that whoever candidate elect in our community I pray that he/she should think the
lives of his/her fellowmen for a better life and future.
Activity 3: (SELF TASK)
Essay Questions (Write At least 250 words per question)
1.How does Globalization encourage global awareness and community?

It isn’t the case. In one sense, commercial globalization brings awareness of other
countries and cultures, as well as the necessity of dealing with them. However, the vision
of a global society encompassing the entire world is unlikely to materialize very soon. Are
you willing to live in a world governed by sharia law? If you are a Muslim, yes; if you are
an atheist, no. Are you willing to live under the laws and regulations of another country?
Everyone talks about globalization as though their preferred laws will be the ones that
prevail. You may not agree with the laws enacted as a result of globalization. Do you have
any laws in your nation that you despise or believe should be in place? Good luck forcing
the entire world into your way of thinking. Globalization does not encourage global
awareness (except among a small number of people), and it does not encourage
community. Globalization is a method whereby large manufacturers and retailers can
maximize profit by moving production to the location where labor regulation are cheapest.
On the other hand the globalization of peaceful activities and people can promote
community and awareness. However, it will fail because there will always be one or a few
people who do not agree with peaceful remedies but only with violent ones. As a result,
there will be instability and, eventually, war. It’s humanity’s path, which has been marked
by disobedience and jealousy from the dawn of time. It encourages nothing but dereliction
of duty, because globalization is not a sensible or obvious concept, but rather the
abandonment of nationalism’s expectations, which include reverence for one’s culture,
race, traditions, and religion. To sum up everything that I have stated, Globalization takes
global awareness in a sense of being sensitive in every single actions that happened all
over the countries and world. Globalization is essentially a political cover story label, used
to explain to workers why their jobs are disappearing or their pay and benefits are
declining, and to explain why international leaders are doing little to change this. On the
part of the youth Globalization could be a process of increasing awareness of human
conditions around the world, but will not do anything to increase the awareness of youth
unless they pay attention to news and information other than what they get from social
media “friends”.
2.What are the chief Concerns about the impacts of Globalization?


Globalization's most evident effects are undoubtedly those on the business sphere.Globali
zation has resulted in a significant growth in trade and economic exchanges, as well as a
n increase in financial exchanges. In addition, Globalization refers to the acceleration of
global movements and exchanges (of people, commodities, and companies, capital,
innovations, and cultural mores). Globalization has the effect of promoting and increasing
interactions between different locations and populations around the world. People
nowadays are the beneficiary of globalization for the different factors that concerning with
it. In economy, According to the Committee for Development Policy (a subsidiary body of
the United Nations), from an economic point of view, globalization can be defined as:“(…)
the increasing interdependence of world economies as a result of the growing scale of
cross-border trade of commodities and services, the flow of international capital and the
wide and rapid spread of technologies. It is said that the word of the game is strategy.
You will be able to gain a maximum of benefits in negotiations by trading system if you’re
wise and enough products to consider. As we can see we are just in the third world
countries. Compare to the other countries that has belong to the first world with a higher
power of economy because of their various income with their products. In geography,
Globalization is defined as a series of forces (economic, social, cultural, technological, an
d institutional) that contribute to the link between societies and persons all over the world i
n geography. It is a gradual increase in the number of interactions and flows between diff
erent parts of the world. In conclusion, Globalization has a great impacts concern with
economy, technology and especially in people around the world.

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