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Employee Engagement


Cyrus Fernandes (X-BBA-2010)
Priya D'Silva (X-BBA-2023)
Vedant Ghatwal (X-BBA-2033)
Sakshi Barve (X-BBA-2025)
Prerna Sakhri (X-BBA-2022)
Bricelia D'Souza (X-BBA-2007)

Definition of employee engagement changes for individual to individual.. similarly,

Employees working in different NHS occupations report different levels of engagement. For
instance, among employees in social care, admin and general management levels of
engagement tend to be lower on average. In contrast, employees in medical and dental
occupations, and nursing and healthcare assistants tend to report higher levels of engagement.
Staff health and wellbeing is an important area for employers. Leading a healthy life, both
physically and mentally, helps the individual health of employees, but also benefits
employers through boosting productivity in the workplace. So for the staff at NHS an
emphasis on rewarding all them with worthwhile jobs, where they are to be trusted, actively
listened to and provided with meaningful feedback, have the tools, training and support to
develop and be supported to maximise the time they spend contributing directly to patient
care is the definition of the “employee engagement”
Key drivers for them are the communication, trust, support, respect and being valued culture
of engagement, positivity, caring, compassion and respect for all. They believe that if we take
care of our staff, then only we can serve positive and compassionate environment to our
patients. Furthermore, there is a High Quality Care for All concepts which means that
frontline staff should have empowerment and greater freedom to develop locally led patient
centred care. These actions inculcate respect and fond to complete their job and drive towards

Q2. What are some of the challenges faced by the NHS?

Although there have been various attempts to endorse the vital role of employee engagement
as a strategic goal, and numerous policy reviews have sought to promote the benefits and
build the case for action, there have been a range of challenges that practically risk inhibiting
what can be delivered on the ground. For instance, there are pressures on advancing service
effectiveness and efficiency which can significantly challenge employee engagement goals:
 Service Pressures: the NHS Five Year Forward View highlights that the core NHS
value of providing high quality care for all has not changed, there are growing
demands being placed on the sector, and in turn workforce, which will need to be
met. For instance, there are the challenges that society is now experiencing people
with more complex health issues which raises the potential demands on the sector. At
the same time service users also have higher expectations of the level of care that
should be provided.
 Efficiency Challenges: The NHS is an intensively people focused sector. This
challenge of managing the dual objectives of efficiency savings and continued quality
improvements, within the changing pressures of the society, therefore relies heavily
on the capability of the NHS workforce for success. Yet, the workforce has often
been a neglected area of policy and pursued as an afterthought.
 Brexit pressures: The UK has often recruited internationally educated health
professionals, and this has remained a continuous source of new recruits. In April
2017, it was reported that there were over 60,000 people from the EU countries
outside the UK are working in the NHS . Early indications have suggested that
Brexit has had a negative impact future retention of doctors and wider professionals
in the UK. Immigration rules have then inhibited the recruitment of wider talent from
abroad to replace them.
 Retention problems: However, recruitment is not the only concern. The Health
Foundation (2017) noted that official NHS projections indicate that the NHS will lose
84,000 nurses before retirement age over the next 5 years. This will contribute further
to the overall staff vacancies that are currently faced by the NHS. There is also wide
variation in turnover between NHS organisations in different locations (which could
be explained by skill mix, regional related differences, workforce profile etc.) around
the national figures and in some areas problems may be more intense.


1)Provide mental health and wellbeing resources
At the best of times, healthcare workers are often stressed because they work long hours, in
physically and emotionally demanding high-pressure circumstances. This has been
exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the ways to engage medical staff is to
provide mental health and wellbeing resources such as Employee Assistance Programs, free
counselling, and other resources to assist with stress can help reduce burnout..
2)Recognise & Reward
Healthcare workers go above and beyond constantly, but that doesn’t mean a bit of praise
wouldn’t give them a little boost. A ‘thank you’ post on your intranet social feed can help
them reflect the importance of their contribution.
Recognising staff through your intranet also highlights achievements to the rest of the
organisation. It can help to inspire and realign the rest of the workforce to create a better
culture. A simple act of kindness can make a world of difference. Having an intranet with
built in recognition tools makes it even simpler.

3) Make work more than just work.

You can create a positive work environment by valuing relationships amongst colleagues. As
an organization, find opportunities for employees to bond outside of work. For example, have
a day where employees can volunteer at a shelter together or have a holiday potluck. Bonding
outside of work strengthens collaboration and communication while at work.
4) Prioritize learning and development.
Offering learning and development opportunities for your healthcare staff has a measurable
impact on employee retention. In fact, 70% of employees would be at least somewhat likely
to leave their current organizations for a job that offers better opportunities for employee
development and learning. Additionally, organizations with a strong learning culture enjoy
30-50% higher employee engagement and retention rates than those that don’t.
Healthcare organizations that prioritize staff learning and development see improved turnover
rates and higher quality of care. Offering ongoing job training, as well as leadership training
for managers and supervisors, can have a measurable impact on team retention


At national health service (NHS) engagement was measured by undertaking a national staff
survey. it was held in the year 2009 288,435 questionnaires were sent out, with 156,951 NHS
staff responding: a response rate of 54 per cent.
Engagement was measured using three different dimensions: psychological engagement
(similar to motivation), advocacy, and involvement.
In terms psychological engagement they surveyed whether the employees look forward to
going to work on a regular basis, whether they are more enthusiastic about their job, and also
if they feel the Time passes quickly when they are working’.
Advocacy was measured using two questions: whether they would recommend their trust as a
place to work’, and ‘If a friend or relative needed treatment, they would be happy with the
standard of care provided by this trust’.
Involvement was measured using three questions: if they are able to make suggestions to
improve the work of their team/department’, if they are given enough opportunities for them
to show initiative in their role’, and if they are able to make improvements happen in their
area of work

Q5. From the case above, as a group you all have been appointed to re design an
employee engagement strategy for the Goa medical college Hospital, how best will
you do it. (Explain in detail).

 Recognize achievements
If you want to focus on how to improve employee morale in Goa medical college, you
cannot underestimate the value of reward and recognition.
Recognition, rewards and even feedback help employees to feel valued and show
them that their contribution to the organization is important. Public acknowledgment
of these achievements not only show the employee that they are appreciated, but it is
also a way to highlight the organization’s goals and values to the rest of the

 Provide mental health and wellbeing resources

At the best of times, Goa medical college workers are often stressed because they
work long hours, in physically and emotionally demanding high-pressure
circumstances. This has been exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic. One of
the ways to engage medical staff is to provide mental health and wellbeing resources
such as Employee Assistance Programs, free counselling, and other resources to assist
with stress can help reduce burnout.

 Provide learning and development opportunities

Another way to increase employee satisfaction in Goa medical college is by investing
in the employees’ learning and development. Creating educational opportunities
shows them that you value them and want to help them to gain new skills and succeed
in their careers. Not only does the organization benefit from keeping employees’
skills up-to-date, but this also has a direct link to engagement levels and morale. It is
an extremely worthwhile pursuit.

 Allow for Honest Feedback

Let employees know you care by allowing them to share continuous real-time

Ask questions designed and validated to the staff of Goa medical college to get to the
heart of employee engagement problems

This strategy is twofold. First, create a platform or system that enables employees to
share their thoughts and ask questions of the right people.
Second, use your team’s feedback. Nothing will frustrate and disengage your
employees faster than if they feel they’re wasting their time sharing matters that are
truly important to them. Listen to what your team members have to say and act on it.

 Flexible scheduling
Employees have a irregular working hours at Goa medical college. Most employees
do their job because they get paid money for it that’s it. If anything is goes wrong they
are held responsible for it in a given a harsh shouting by their heads.
flexible scheduling is an approach that allows supervisors to determine what the
work schedule needs based on demands and requirements, and then lets the
workers choose (or trade) shifts for themselves
If we implement flexible scheduling it Gives them the ability to schedule work
properly and sometimes even work more efficiently.

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