Script MC Guest Lecture

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Ladies and gentlemen, may we have your attention please.

The opening ceremony is going to

start in 5 minutes. Please be prepared

Om swastyastu,
Assalamualaikum wr. wb.
Shalom, namo buddhaya, Salam kebajikan.

Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen

First of all let us pray and praise to Almighty God because of his bless and mercy, we can
come together without any obstacle here with healthy condition.
Let me introduce my self, my name is ….. as Master of Ceremony on this day.

The Honorable Prof. Dr. dr. ….. as a Speaker

The Honorable Prof. Dr. dr. A.A. Wiradewi Lestari, Sp.PK(K) as Head of Clinical Pathology
Residency Education Program, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Udayana …. as chairman as
association of Clinical Pathology Specialist, Denpasar Branch

Ladies and gentlemen on this nice occasion, let me deliver the structure of the event today, as
1. The First Agenda is Opening
2. The Second is Sing The National Anthem of Indonesia
3. The Third is Pray
4. The Fourth Agenda is greetings :The greeting will be delivered by Prof. Dr. dr. A.A.
Wiradewi Lestari, specialist of clinical pathology as Chairperson Organizing Committee
5. The Fifth agenda is Lecture
6. The Sixth agenda is question-and-answer session

Ladies and Gentlemen,

For a brief moment, we would like to invite you to rise and sing The National Anthem Of
May all we rise,

(Lagu Indonesia Raya)

Ladies and Gentlement please be seated.

Before we come to the main session, let us start this by praying first, so the event that we will
hold on this day will run well without any obstacle at all. I want to (nama) to lead the prayer.

(baca Doa)

Thank you very much, (nama)

Ladies and Gentlemen, The Fourth Agenda is Greetings

The greeting is from by Prof. Dr. dr. A.A. Wiradewi Lestari, Sp.PK(K), time and place are
Thanks to by Prof. Dr. dr. A.A. Wiradewi Lestari, Sp.PK(K)for her greetings.

Ladies and Gentlemen

Now we come into the main agenda, that is lecture ( theme of lecture) which will be delivered
by (nama pembicara), To (nama pembicara) time and place are yours.


Thanks to (nama pembicara) for the information and knowledge which have been given to
us, may it be useful for us.

While the next one is a question and answer session. For the audience who want to ask a
question are invited, just rising your hand and mentioning your name.

(Question and answer session)

This is the end of question and answer session. Thanks to the audience that had participated
Ladies and gentlemen,
That’s all for today. Thank you and apologize profusely if any words that less pleasing to the
audience here. Let us close this day, and see you on the next Lecture.

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