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Haris Jilani
CST300 Writing Lab
10 January 2023

Software Development: Vast Like The Amazon

Software is essential for the function of technological devices. Without software, a device

would simply be useless metal. Its development, therefore, is crucial. Software development cen-

ters around writing code for different types of software, which includes websites, applications,

and operating systems. There is no lack of need for software developers, as the field of software

development continues to grow rapidly. As the demand for technological devices rises, so does

the demand for software developers. In addition, the courses in the CSUMB online program fo-

cus on software related concepts. These reasons combined make software development an ap-

pealing job prospect.

Major corporations such as Amazon, IBM, Oracle, Microsoft, and Google all hire soft-

ware developers in great numbers. IBM and Oracle both create softwares, primarily focusing on

software solutions. These software solutions are used by several different industries: energy, wa-

ter, government, financial services, consumer goods, retail, among others. Contrary to IBM and

Oracle, Microsoft creates software for software based products. Their operating system, Win-

dows, is one of the most used operating systems on the globe. Yet Microsoft is not limited to

Windows; softwares such as Microsoft Word enables users to read and write text documents. Mi-

crosoft Word is used by students, teachers, and professionals from a variety of industries. Google

is responsible for one of the most popular softwares in modern history: a search engine. Google’s

search engine is the most popular search engine by a longshot, generating billions upon billions

of searches per day. They’ve made multiple software products and services, one of them being

Google Chrome. Google Chrome is a web browser used around the globe. It’s the go-to browser

for most people, including me.

Amazon is most popular for its retail website, selling a variety of products from millions

of different sellers. Yet when Amazon first began, it wasn’t a retail website, let alone Amazon.

Cadabra (a shortened version of the magical phrase “abracadabra”) was an online bookstore

founded by Jeff Bezos on July 5, 1994. The website was officially launched only 11 days later on

July 16, 1994. Their headquarters at that time was in Bezos’ garage, where operations first start-

ed. The company name, Cadabra, didn’t stick for long, as Bezos’ lawyer claimed that people

wouldn’t link Cadabra to “abracadabra”, in addition to people mishearing Cadabra as

“Cadaver” (Lebowitz, 2019). The search began for a new name; Lebowitz (2019) states that Be-

zos decided to open the “A” section of the dictionary, and found Amazon. The name struck him

due to the parallels of the Amazon river being the largest in the world and Bezos’ hopes of Ama-

zon being the largest bookstore.

Over the years, Amazon has transformed from an online bookstore to a retail giant. Their

headquarters have also transformed from a measly garage to illustrious offices in Seattle, Wash-

ington. Just in the US, Amazon has a total of 111 branch offices. Overseas, this number rises, as

branch offices are scattered across vast regions such as North America and Asia. As of 2021,

Amazon employed 950,000 in the US and 650,000 globally. The corporation is vast, and so are

its products and services. Amazon’s main service is ecommerce, which entails retail through the

selling of products online and at a physical store. Kindle, Alexa, and Fire are all smart home de-

vices that Amazon has produced and manufactured. Their services extend to streaming services

such as Amazon Prime Video, Music, Audible, and Twitch, as well as their extremely popular

cloud service, Amazon Web Service (AWS).

Out of all the products and services mentioned, there are two that stand out: retail and

AWS. Despite the introduction of new products and services, Johnston (2022) states that the re-

tail sector for Amazon provides most of their revenue. Retail involves online stores, physical

stores, and third-party seller services. Online stores are where Amazon is making most of its

money. As of the third quarter of 2022, Amazon made a little over $53 billion just from their on-

line store, $25 billion more than the sector generating the second most revenue (Coppola, 2022).

It's no surprise that Amazon’s retail services are the leading source of revenue, as millions of

people use Amazon to sell and buy a range of products. What also doesn’t come as a surprise is

the rise of AWS. As technology has advanced, several businesses adapted and began integrating

technology into their business. With that comes the need for faster service and expansive compu-

tational storage. Cloud services, such as those within AWS, are there to fulfill those needs. AWS

grants an array of cloud computing products and services: servers, storage, networking, security,

and more. All are available at the business’ disposal, enabling businesses to be more effective,

efficient, and profitable. Then the COVID-19 pandemic struck. Businesses shutdown, and so did

their usage of AWS. After the pandemic cooled off, businesses rose back along with their com-

mitment to AWS, in addition to more businesses going virtual and taking on AWS. Revenue

rocketed by 37% from 2020 to 2021, generating an astounding $62 billion (Pope, 2022). As the

number of businesses and companies using AWS surges, so will the revenue Amazon creates.

Even before the surge of AWS, Amazon’s revenue had been trending upward exponential-

ly over the past decades. As Amazon has grown in its products, services, and individuals em-

ployed, so has its revenue. This trend is especially evident in Amazon’s recent quarterly report.

In the 3rd quarter of 2022 (which ended September 30), net sales ballooned 9 percent from a year

ago to $127.1 billion (“ announces,” 2022). Net sales are calculated by subtracting

any discounts, returns, and allowances, which ends up as the company’s total revenue. Revenue

shooting up indicates that Amazon continues to grow financially at a significant rate. Another

key value used to measure financial success is profit. Profit simply compares the money earned

to the money spent for supply and production. Amazon’s profit, unlike its revenue, shot down by

nearly 50 percent from a year ago to $2.5 billion (“ announces,” 2022). Conversely,

net income fell by nearly 10 percent from a year ago to $2.9 billion (“ announces,”

2022). Net income is the company’s income without accounting for the amount of general costs,

taxes, interest, and goods sold. Profit and net income plummeting may be due to significantly

higher profit and income post-pandemic.

In July 2021, Jeff Bezos decided to step down as CEO, elevating Andy Jassy as the new

President and CEO of Amazon. Jassy was someone with decades of experience working at Ama-

zon. Years after graduating from Harvard University with a Bachelors of Arts (BA) and Harvard

Business School with a Master of Business Administration (MBA), he joined Amazon in 1997

with leadership roles throughout the organization (“Officers,” n.d). With Bezos, he served as the

founder of AWS in 2006, officially taking hold as the CEO ten years later in April 2016. Jassy is

a huge voice for Amazon; he serves on the Board of Trustees for Rainier Scholars, Trust of the

American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and as the Chair of Rainier Prep’s Board of Directors

(“Officers,” n.d.). Behind his leadership, Amazon seeks to successfully overcome the challenges

that come its way.

Amazon has a great overall reputation over the years, holding strong in a number of cate-

gories. Customer relations is one of them, historically holding a high percentage in customer sat-

isfaction. Yet, over the past decade, customer satisfaction has dipped. According to Breen

(2022), a survey done by Evercore ISI (an investment firm) found that 79% of customers were

“very” or “extremely” pleased with Amazon. A decade ago, this number was 88%. (Breen,

2022). The plunge may be due to a variety of reasons. The quality of products sold by third party

sellers possibly plays a part. Since products can’t always be 100% verified for quality due to the

astronomical number of sellers, a customer may receive a product of poor quality, significantly

decreasing their customer satisfaction. One negative experience can completely change a cus-

tomer’s viewpoint. Here, customer service comes into play. Former employees as well as experts

attribute the fall in satisfaction due to problems with search-results and customer service (Breen,

2022). A negative experience, in addition to poor customer service, is a disaster in the making.

Along with satisfactory customer service, people want to find the product they want immediate-

ly. If a customer can’t find a certain product despite using the correct search term, they get irri-

tated and dissatisfied. As an employer, Amazon provides multiple benefits that exceed the norm.

According to Amazon Staff (2022), the average minimum wage at Amazon is $18, nearly triple

the federal minimum wage. At Amazon, employees are given several health resources, 401(k),

health insurance, and parental leaves (Amazon Staff, 2022). But it doesn’t stop there. If you

aren’t able to find the exact job you want at Amazon, you’ll have a great opportunity to land a

similar role. Since the beginning of the pandemic, Amazon has produced more than 600,000 jobs

(Amazon Staff, 2022). This allows for a greater variety of job roles as well as more vacancies in

existing roles.

One of the existing roles on the rise is a software developer. As AWS and other products

and services continue to grow, so does Amazon’s desire for software developers. In general, the

field of software development has been taking off and aims to continue upward as the years

progress. Bureau Labor of Statistics (2022) predicts a 26 percent increase in software developers

in the next decade. Job opportunities will increase as companies begin to create a greater number

of software-based products. Hence, this rise will empower the field of software development to

grow (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2022).

To be a software developer, you need to have several qualifications. A software developer

should attain extensive knowledge of programming languages, especially ones commonly used

in the industry (“Software developer,” 2022). An easy language to start with is Python, a lan-

guage used in multiple industries due to its simplicity and flexibility. From there, learning other

programming languages becomes easier as programming concepts remain the same regardless of

language. An essential qualification is receiving a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in computer

science or any related field (“Software developer,” 2022). Employers at the minimum require a

Bachelor’s degree. In addition to programming skills and a degree, maintaining a career in soft-

ware development requires soft skills. These soft skills include communication, learning, and

problem-solving skills (“Software developer,” 2022). A software developer has to explain code

and its function to managers, experts, and laymen, adapting verbiage to the situation at hand.

Programming languages evolve as time advances, making learning a vital skill to sustain a career

in software development. To be a successful software developer, you need to solve different

types of complex problems. Often, you’ll have to navigate problems such as finding an optimal

method to program a certain application, or correcting a specific bug in an existing software.

Within the vast field of software development, application and systems development are

two interesting areas to work in. Application developers are responsible for developing and

maintaining applications. Mobile, web, and desktop applications are all in high use and demand,

making this field of software development extremely appealing. System developers are known to

develop or maintain operating systems or other computer systems. Operating systems are the

foundations of applications and other types of software, so an in-depth understanding is neces-

sary. Developing an operating system would be an exciting adventure for me. My desire to create

applications and systems pushes me to prepare for a career in software development.

CSUMB establishes a solid core for software development, including my aspirations of

application and systems development. Four core classes of the computer science (CS) online

program are especially crucial. One of these classes is Software Design (CST338), perfect for an

application developer. The class goes over Java, a language key in object oriented programming

and application development at Amazon. Software development life cycles are another concept

covered, giving a strategic approach to developing and designing software. Operating Systems

(CST334) examines the fundamentals of operating systems. As an application developer, knowl-

edge of those fundamentals is an integral part of the success of an application. For a systems de-

veloper, those are basic concepts required to complete the job. A class related to web application

development is Internet Programming (CST336), teaching the language JavaScript and integral

web application concepts. Software Engineering (CST438) is exactly what a software developer

needs. The course prepares the student for large scale software development along with different

software engineering concepts. Other courses in the program will grant technical knowledge and

skills catered to another field of computer science. Introduction to Data Science (CST383), an

elective course, is one of those courses. It covers concepts such as machine learning and data

analysis, both prominent topics in CS. Knowledge and skills gained from the class could be used

for software development, and may possibly overlap.

The classes mentioned aren’t enough to fully prepare for employment. Outside of class,

it’s essential to learn and master commonly used programming languages such as Python, C++,

and Java through videos, courses, or other means. Most software development jobs will involve

at least one of these languages, making them necessary to know. For app development specifical-

ly, I can learn Swift, React, and JavaScript, among other languages used for app development.

Deepening my understanding of operating systems, and possibly developing one, would assist

me in landing a job as a systems developer. A key task to do is building a vast portfolio using

projects done in CS classes, as well as individual or team projects. These projects could be cen-

tered around applications and operating systems, sprinkling in different skill sets to demonstrate

flexibility. Team projects could be done collaboratively on GitHub, giving me the chance to prac-

tice teamwork and project management. I also plan to take courses outside of CSUMB in ma-

chine learning, AI, and other CS concepts to bolster my technical knowledge. Due to its immense

popularity and usage, learning cloud concepts and receiving an AWS certification would signifi-

cantly increase available job opportunities. For any job, creating connections is crucial. This can

be done through LinkedIn, friends and classmates, or by attending conferences. Through those

connections, some internship opportunities in software development or related fields may spring

open. I can jump on these opportunities, applying the knowledge and skills I’ve gained from my

classes at CSUMB and on my own to set myself apart from the competition.

Software development is a bright job prospect, a field vast like the Amazon river. Major

corporations such as Google and Microsoft all require software developers. Among these corpo-

rations is Amazon. To have a chance at working at Amazon, I’ll need key knowledge and skills.

The courses at CSUMB, online videos, and online courses all will aid me in this journey, in addi-

tion to having a portfolio, creating connections, and taking advantage of internships. Using all

these tools at my disposal, I’ll be able to jumpstart my career as a software developer.



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Breen, A. (2022, November 22). Amazon customers are less happy than they were a decade ago.

What happened? Entrepreneur. Retrieved from


Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2022). Occupational Outlook Handbook. Retrieved from https://

Coppola, D. (2022, November 22). Global net revenue of from 4th quarter 2017 to

3rd quarter 2022, by product group. Statista. Retrieved from


Johnston, M. (2022, November 24). How Amazon makes money. Investopedia. Retrieved from

Lebowitz, S. (2019, July 5). Amazon is celebrating its 25th birthday. Here's how the e-commerce

giant got its name. Insider. Retrieved from


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Pope, J. (2022, July 7). AWS chief says Amazon's most profitable segment is just getting started.

The Motley Fool. Retrieved from


Software developer job description: Top duties and qualifications. (2022, December 20). Indeed.

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